The City of Terror

Chapter 1021: ,psychiatric patient

First send a chapter, then go to the poor road to lie down, the mat is carrying a heat wave, I really do not know how this summer has passed.


The small mountain range has been leveled and turned into a small plain, and on this small plain, there are various statues at this time.

To be precise, it is a pile of geometrically shaped statues.

For example, the first one from the left is a large ball with a diameter of more than one meter. The round is very round, the second one is an ellipse, the third is a cuboid, and the fourth is a cube. , sharp cones, triangles, hexagons, etc., hundreds of kinds of dense, this small plain is full.

Wei Weibei’s clothes were broken, and he was kneeling in front of a six-sided triangle. His eyes were dull and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Well, when you look at Wei Xiaobei’s current style, most people who don’t know him will think that he is a mental patient.

Zhu Xinyi carefully passed through the gap formed by several statues. As soon as he approached Wei Xiaobei, he was almost stunned.

Ok, I don’t know how long Wei Xiaobei didn’t take a shower.

To know the existence of Wei Xiaobei, because the body is too strong, the impurities in the body will be excreted under the action of powerful internal organs.

These impurities pile up and cover the surface of Wei Xiaobei's body. The taste will not be too good for a long time.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei is not a complete dementia. He feels that Zhu Xinyi has come over and even returned to God: "Xinyi, are you here?"

"Master, how long have you been taking a bath for the elderly?!?"

Although Zhu Xinyi is an apprentice of Wei Xiaobei, but in front of Wei Xiaobei, there is no restraint like other apprentices. When he closes his breath, he asks.


Wei Xiaobei’s nose swayed. Well, he had to admit that he was so absorbed that he completely ignored the smell from his body.

"You wait for a while."

Wei Xiaobei Trail jumped into the sea, and after a while, the original skin that changed color was restored to its original appearance.

"What's the matter?"

When Wei Xiaobei came ashore and looked at the statues, there was some distraction. Fortunately, Zhu Xinyi’s big beauty with a charm value of 70 points was there, even if Wei Xiaobei could not ignore the past.

"Business is on the door."

Zhu Xinyi’s words made Wei Xiaobei unable to see it.

However, he immediately understood it. Well, you have to know that it has been three weeks, and the sequela of multi-tasking is also a lot better, and it will not interfere too much with your own thoughts.

It should be that the transaction between Sam's country and Weijiadao has attracted the attention of other countries. At first, everyone was cautious about this. Now that the transaction is going well, Sam has also made the domestic security situation because of this transaction. Greatly improved, so that other countries will come to the door.

The next comment by Zhu Xinyi also confirmed some of Wei Xiaobei’s speculation, but to be precise, Wei Xiaobei guessed most of the mistakes.

This is not the decline of Wei Xiaobei's intelligence, but most of his attention is still on those statues.

There are several countries in the door, but it is hard to say whether it should be called a real country.

The Principality of the East, the Republic of Seth Saskatchewan, the Federation of Teufin.

Well, on these three countries.

For these three countries, Wei Xiaobei searched through his mind and did not receive any information.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei taking out the mobile phone, Zhu Xinyi couldn't help but smile: "Master, you don't have to search, I have information here." Zhu Xinyi handed a stack of information to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei took the information and looked at it, his face could not help but be amazed.

These three countries, which are states, are actually so-called private countries, that is, micro-states that are not recognized by the international community.

Looking at the names of these three countries, Wei Xiaobei’s impression in his mind is that it is a small country with a population of several hundred thousand.

After reading the information, Wei Xiaobei knew that the size of these three countries was beyond their imagination.

Take the Teutonic Federation, which is located on a small island in the northern Mediterranean Sea of ​​Europa.

The name of the island is called Teflon Island.

The island and the several nearby islands were founded by the merchants thirty-five years ago.

To be precise, there are three islands in total, with a land area of ​​three square kilometers and more than 600 residents. Well, they are basically employees in these merchant factories.

Of course, a country like this is naturally not recognized by other countries.

However, the Teutonic Federation still insists that it is a sovereign state, and has also announced the national flag. The national emblem has even established a parliament and formulated a constitution with a total number of no more than one thousand.

Well, another 30-strong IDF is actually a company security guard...

Well, anyway, people have established a country, and several bosses enjoy the glory of being a national leader.

But in any case, there are more than 600 nationals and military troops, and they are much stronger than the latter two private countries.

The Republic of Seth Saskatchewan, founded thirty-seven years ago, is simply a country founded by a group of fishermen. The total number of people is one hundred and one person has issued stamps and announced the territorial sea.

Well, it needs to be explained that the territory of the Republic of Seth Saskatchewan was formed by the fixing of hundreds of abandoned fishing reels with iron chains.

In other words, this is a piece of land floating around.

The most terrible thing is the last East Principality. Thirty years ago, a retired lieutenant colonel took a group of small partners to occupy a sea abandoned well, thus announcing the founding of the country, calling himself the Prince, the monarchy.

The total number of nationals was more than 20 when they were founded, but now, it is estimated that there are five or six people.

But then again, don't look at this Donglan Principality's smallest territory and the smallest population, but the history of the people can be described as magnificent and long-lasting.

In a foreign invasion, less than a year after the founding of the People's Republic of China, a naval logistics ship in the Eagle State invaded the territorial waters of the East Principality. After the prince's warning was invalidated, the Prince of Wales's Guards of the Eastland violently attacked the warship, eventually forcing the The invading warships withdrew from the sea.

There is a coup! Five years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Prince visited the country. Well, it was a micro-national forum held by a university. As a result, the Prince left less than three days. The Prime Minister of the country joined several ministers and the minister made a coup, forcibly controlling the wells and captives. The prince, His Royal Highness, announced the abolition of His Majesty's honour, and the Prime Minister took over.

After the prince learned the news, he was so angry that he immediately recruited and hired a group of mercenaries. He took a helicopter and made a successful raid on the Principality of Donglan. He calmed the coup and exiled the coup.

There is inheritance, there is Gongdou, five years ago, the first prince died in the world, and the prince will take over, but the prince will insist on listening to politics, making the harem of the Principality unstable, and the prince and the prince are fighting.

The economic development trend is good. The country sells a large number of stamps, souvenir covers, and even tens of thousands of passports of the Principality to philatelists every year, and even opened a super-large casino with 20% of the country's land area!

In short, these three private countries are more than one wonderful, this information can be seen in the mouth of Weibei.

Well, don't underestimate human desire for power or wealth.

Private countries like this are just a few extreme examples.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei remembered an explorer who had explored the African continent. He allegedly discovered a desert that had no smoke, and established his own country. Although there is only one person in this country, No country recognizes it, but the king has thrown out a investment investment plan with a total amount of more than several hundred million dollars in order to attract international companies to invest in his country.

It is said that his country has a land area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square kilometers!

Well, for such a country, Wei Xiaobei can only say that it is too strong.

The main reason for the representatives of the three private countries was that their homeland was occupied by monsters. However, during this time, the capture of the aircraft carrier formation of Sam’s country was leaked out. At one time, the world’s major online media wrote articles. Instead, the island of Weijia Island, which had not been exposed to the mountains, emerged from the water.

Wei Xiaobei knows about this matter. Although it is somewhat flaming, it is also known that such things are actually difficult to keep secret. Other than that, there are tens of thousands of officers and men in the captured aircraft carrier formation.

Several tabloid reporters hold the banknotes in the past, and how can they dig out some of the inside story.

Of course, this kind of thing is the law of the benevolent seeing the wise and seeing wisdom. Most people think it is a rumor, but the people in these three private countries believe, and even find the door.

Hearing this, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smile, and then handed the matter to Zhu Xinyi to deal with it.

Zhu Xinyi originally intended to refuse directly, but later it was said that several female apprentices of Tu Qingqing were interested in this matter, and Zhu Xinyi simply gave the matter to them.

After all, according to the descriptions of the representatives of the three private countries, the monsters appearing on their land are actually not very powerful. The leader inside is also a star elite, but these private countries are sparsely populated, so they have some sites. As soon as the monster appeared, it was caught and everyone escaped.

Now I want to go back, no daring, no strength.

Those monsters are very powerful for ordinary people, but they should not be a problem in front of Li Xiaoxing and Zhang Tiantian.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know much about these young female apprentices, but as their girlfriend, Zhu Xinyi had some understanding of their strength.

Regardless of how the representatives of the private countries were rejoicing, Wei Xiaobei had already left the matter aside and devoted himself to the study of the statues.

Well, to be precise, it should be a constant brain burning.

These more than one hundred geometric statues are the works that Wei Xiaobei imitated from those spatial knowledge.


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