The City of Terror

Chapter 1106: Storage magic

First send a chapter, the poor road looked at the weather forecast, almost sat down on the ground, the high temperature in the next week, this is the rhythm to hang! ! No way, the poor road decided to practice rain tonight! As a result, someone lost a word: "In the past few days, the countryside is busy drying the grain. Do you want to reduce the grain production?" Well, the poor road has to give up itself, for everyone, forbearance.


Now Master handed himself a ring, which made Tian Yuwen inexplicably a little tearful and excited.

Well, this is like a child who has never been praised. Suddenly, one day, after the teacher praised him at the class meeting, the excitement generated in his heart.

Wei Xiaobei naturally won't take a useless ring to deceive Tian Yuwen.

Tian Yuwen listened to the method used by Professor Wei Xiaobei, calmed down and focused on the blue ring of the day, and then felt an empty space.

Is this the storage space that can be loaded into the removal?

When Tian Yuwen was excited, it was like a child. The right hand with the ring touched the chair under the buttocks. Then the mind disappeared and the chair disappeared without a trace. Tian Yuwen was awkward and sat down directly. On the ground.

Sitting on the ground with his own ass, Tian Yuwen was not angry, but he smiled happily.

Well, although Wei Xiaobei understands the feelings of Tian Yuwen, he looks at a 40-year-old guy sitting on the ground and laughing. This scene is somewhat contradictory.

"Okay, you go ahead and call Zhao Guang."

Wei Xiaobei waved his hand and let Tian Yuwen leave.

Tian Yuwen heard Wei Xiaobei open and hurriedly got up and left. After Zhao Guang was informed, Tian Yuwen was smirking and returned to his room. As for how to toss in his room, outsiders did not know.

However, according to the waiter in the security base, when they went in and cleaned, they found that the room of the Tian Bangzhu was like being robbed. The bed, the desk and even the closet disappeared.

But the next day when I entered, the furniture that had disappeared suddenly disappeared, but the position seemed to be moved.

Ok, anyway, Tian Yuwen is extremely excited.

Wei Xiaobei gave him this sky blue ring, which has a space of 30 cubic meters!

What is the concept of thirty cubic meters? It is probably a little more than 3 meters by 3 meters by more than 3 meters.

Simply put, it is smaller than an ordinary room.

But for Tian Yuwen, who first came into contact with the magic of storage, this is already a considerable space.

It must be said that Wei Xiaobei's technology for making storage magic is now leaps and bounds.

The first batch of fist rings, which have only a thousand cubic centimeters of space inside, can only hold a few apples or something, which is pitiful.

But now, Wei Xiaobei can actually produce 30 cubic meters of storage magic!

This is not only an improvement in craftsmanship, but also an increase in efficiency.

This fist ring requires four pieces of debris, and the thirty cubic meters of Wei Baobei's storage magic weapon named Tianlan Ring is made of twenty-four pieces.

It can also be seen from these introductions that although the production cost of the sky blue ring is higher than the fist ring, the efficiency has actually increased a lot, and the cost has been reduced a lot.

If you make a fist ring, these twenty-four pieces can only be made into six fist rings, and the space is only six thousand cubic centimeters. Now, twenty-four pieces of space are made of thirty cubic meters. Meter!

One cubic meter is equal to one million cubic centimeters, which is not to mention.

This calculation is more than 5,000 times the gap!

To be honest, when Wei Xiaobei made the first blue ring for the first time, and measured the storage space inside, Wei Xiaobei himself was shocked.

However, after thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei suddenly became aware.

It is not surprising that the means of refining the treasures of storage have become skilled.

Just like creating a weapon, the same material is bound to be wasted in the hands of the craftsman. The weapons created can only be called inferior, but placed in the hands of skilled craftsmen or masters, but can be more sophisticated. The weapon of the gods came out.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not know much about the mysteries of space. If you can go further in the mystery of space, then the same amount of space debris can refine larger storage space.

Of course, this is not the most critical issue. The most critical issue is to create a space of your own with Greystone!

This is more valuable than refining a larger storage magic weapon.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, it is still somewhat difficult to do this.

There are more than 2,300 pieces separated from the gray stone. Among them, Wei Xiaobei practiced the blue sky ring, and the fist ring consumed about two thousand. This blue sky ring was made eight times, only three successes were won. Xiaobei gave Zhao Guang, Tian Yuwen and Wei Xingwu three.

Compared with those core disciples, the treatment of these three people must be much stronger.

Then, Wei Xiaobei began to prepare to expand the storage ring.

It is necessary to say that the seven divisions of the seven divisions and the small storage rings of Xiaobei refining the storage space are already a relatively rare space in the storage magic.

Every three thousand cubic meters!

However, with the increasing harvest of Wei Xiaobei, the storage ring of 3,000 cubic meters sometimes does not feel enough.

Now if you expand this storage ring, you can store more things and practice your hands.

For Wei Xiaobei, nowadays, if you want to practice your hand, you can either refine the storage magic weapon with a larger space or expand the ring of the seven-six female ring.

Of course, such a means of expanding the storage space to defend Xiaobei can not guarantee 100% success.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei has already taken back the fist ring of Wei Xingwu and Zhao Guang.

These two fist rings will be the initial test pieces.

A fist with a silver color was placed on the palm of the hand by Wei Xiaobei, and then four pieces of space were placed on the fist ring.

This is a must.

If you want to expand the storage space in the storage magic, you need to add enough four basic elements.

This naturally requires these space fragments to transform the basic elements.

Of course, the inferior storage magic weapon like fist ring uses four space debris to expand the storage space, which is undoubtedly a waste.

If it is not a preliminary test, Wei Xiaobei is really reluctant to waste.

After all, it’s not so easy to get this gray stone.

As Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the four space fragments, the space debris was transformed into four basic elements familiar to Wei Xiaobei.

Wind and water!

As these four basic elements quickly immersed in the fist ring, Wei Xiaobei rushed into the fist ring.

After a short while, Wei Xiaobei saw a small space with a diameter of only ten centimeters.

Like other storage magic weapons, the storage space of this fist ring is also very stable, but at this time, outside the storage space, it adheres to the four basic elements that have just been immersed.

The four basic elements of the wind, fire and soil are attached to the invisible outer wall of the storage space, but the storage space becomes somewhat unstable.

Wei Xiaobei knows that if you let go of your own hands, then these four basic elements will affect the storage space. Over time, the storage space will be re-disintegrated into four basic elements.

Of course, as for what will happen later, Wei Xiaobei has never seen it, nor has he heard the seven-seven jade girl said, naturally I don’t know.

Wei Xiaobei naturally does not let this happen, and then controls the four basic elements attached to the storage space, and then carefully puts it into the storage space.

With the slow integration of the four basic elements, this storage space quickly expanded as if it were blowing.

Sure enough!

Is this successful?

Wei Xiaobei’s heart couldn’t help but have a bit of joy.

But not long after, Wei Xiaobei's heart jumped, and the storage space expanded too fast, so that the four basic elements that make up the space are actually swaying.

This speed is so fast that Wei Xiaobei did not react. In a flash, the storage space collapsed and turned into four basic elements. At the same time, the mind that Wei Xiaobei explored was bounced out.


The mind was ejected, and Wei Xiaobei immediately slammed into the heart like a hammer, and Zhangkou was a small mouthful of blood.

The mind is slightly traumatized, Wei Xiaobei does not care too much. For him, as long as the degree of trauma is below a certain level, in terms of his soul's firmness, he will soon be able to recover.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed on the fist ring. The original fist with a few silver fists was dull, and a black crack appeared on it, and it spread quickly.

Finally, when the fist ring was covered with black cracks, a crisp sound came, and the fist ring suddenly burst open, turning into a pile of suspended in the air, and eventually disappeared.

The first test failed.

For the failure of the test, Wei Xiaobei is mentally prepared.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also learned a lot from this failure.

Undoubtedly, when the storage space is expanding rapidly, Wei Xiaobei's letting go of this is a key mistake that leads to the failure of the test.

After a little rest and calming down the damage caused by the collapse of the storage space before his heart, Wei Xiaobei took another fist ring and continued to experiment.

This time, when the storage space expanded rapidly, Wei Xiaobei began to control it and suppressed the speed of its expansion.

However, when suppressing its expansion speed, Wei Xiaobei is not very good. He feels that his heart is like riding on a wild horse that is smashing around. He will lose control when he is a little careless, thus repeating the previous scene.

This time, Wei Xiaobei felt that he performed well, but only slightly relaxed the storage space at the end, which led to the failure of the test.

Of course, this time the test failed, Wei Xiaobei did not feel discouraged. After these two failures, Wei Xiaobei had sufficient confidence that the third test would be successful.

Of course, there are four ways to check the whole process of the previous two trials. As long as there are no more accidents, then Wei Xiaobei can guarantee success.



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