The City of Terror

Chapter 1130: Horrible old man

Yes, remind everyone that one thing is that the evaluation ticket of the starting point should be stopped, and it is also the end of the month. So, if you look at the evaluation ticket, the monthly ticket, if you have any, vote for it, don't waste it.

Of course, the smell of **** smell in the mouth is not so good.

When Wei Xiaobei entered, he directly blocked the nose with real mercury, completely avoiding the invasion of odor.

A part of the cavity in the body of the eDonkey is where the people live. There are soft fleshy tissues everywhere. These fleshy tissues form dozens of more comfortable single rooms and a command room.

The command room is located at the head of the eDonkey, and the external 270-degree view can be seen through the embarrassing eyes.

"Create latitude and longitude coordinates!"

It is not that easy to get this eDonkey's short-range space folding jump capability.

First, you need coordinates, a three-dimensional three-dimensional coordinate system.

Although this eDonkey has no wisdom, it can emit electromagnetic waves to construct a set of three-dimensional coordinate system.

About five minutes later, a three-dimensional coordinate system centered on the electric raft and having a radius of 5,000 kilometers was constructed.

Later, with the order of Wei Xiaobei, a layer of blue light emerged on the electric raft on the bottom of the sea. The next moment, with a cry, the eDonkey disappeared without a trace, only in the sea. Leave a hole that is too late to fill.

As the sea water poured into the void from all directions, the last trace left by the eDonkey was also dissipated.

When the electric raft appeared again, it had already reached the strait somewhere three thousand kilometers away.

Even if the space folds and jumps, it has to go from the ocean, which will undoubtedly reduce the exposure of the eDonkey.

If the eDonkey jumps directly toward the land space, I am afraid that after waiting for a few minutes, it will be targeted by anti-aircraft missiles.

Because it is night, the sea is quiet, and the electric raft will not be found by the passing ships even if it is half floating on the sea.

After a few minutes, the electric raft was once again wrapped in blue light and disappeared instantly.

In this way, from the ocean area, Wei Xiaobei jumped over the space along the eDonkey and stopped until he jumped into the Norwegian waters.

Of course, even if the space jump is very convenient, this time comes, Wei Xiaobei's time is almost one hour.

After all, jumping from the space above the ocean is completely a circle, with a journey of more than 28,000 kilometers!

After arriving in the Norwegian waters, Wei Xiaobei left the eDonkey, and the next route did not need the space to jump.

Of course, the eDonkey will not wait for Wei Xiaobei's return here. After searching for some supplementary energy on the seabed, he will jump back to Weijia Island along the original route.

There is no doubt that there is some fragmented iceberg floating on the sea near the North Pole.

In fact, this ship sailing in the sea needs special care. Otherwise, once it hits the iceberg, it is the end of the ship.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, these are not obstacles.

Stepping on the cold waters, Wei Xiaobei slightly recognized the direction and quickly ran towards Scandinavia.

However, after going forward for hundreds of nautical miles, Wei Xiaobei sneaked into the sea.

This is also a helpless thing, a patrol boat with a Norwegian navy flag is slowly moving past the sea.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei runs on the sea, the patrol boat may not be able to find Wei Xiaobei.

In this high latitude, even the daytime sunshine is dim, and because it is in winter, the daytime is only about five hours.

However, even if it sneaked into the sea, Wei Xiaobei's speed did not slow down too much. About an hour later, Wei Xiaobei got ashore from a large frozen ice area.

It is not so good to swim in the sea in such weather.

Wei Xiaobei did not use real mercury to separate the sea water. So after landing, it was blown by the cold wind, and the sea water on the clothes suddenly became ice!

Simply put, at this time in Norway, the outdoor temperature has basically dropped below minus 37 degrees.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s incomparable physique is enough to withstand such coldness. If it is replaced by ordinary people, it’s so long in the sea, it’s estimated that it’s frozen into ice, even if it’s lucky to escape to the land, the body It is estimated that it can't move, and eventually it can only let the whole body heat go down and become a frozen body.

In fact, here, a ship sinking accident occurs, and if it is far from the coast, it is difficult for sailor passengers to survive.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei feels a bit chilly at this time, and the whole body muscles tremble quickly.

For a moment, the ice covered in clothes and skin was shattered and shattered.

With the disappearance of these ices, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had dried up a lot, and even the sea breeze that came on the face was not so cold.

Probably because of the cold weather, the vegetation here is well protected, and snow-covered shrubs and even large coniferous forests can be seen everywhere.

The blessing of ice and snow, this cold weather, as long as it is not close to the road, it is difficult to see human activities.

In order to prevent himself from being exposed, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate to circle a large circle along the coastline. After avoiding some of the posts, he finally entered the area he was familiar with.

However, what makes Wei Xiaobei feel a little uncomfortable is that there seems to be a lot of battle in this area.

The tire prints of vehicles in the snow, the track prints of the tanks, and even the numerous human footprints and some forests destroyed by artillery fires, etc., all show the situation here.


Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, and then rushed over to the town where he once lived.

In fact, not yet close to the town, Wei Xiaobei saw the army stationed in the town.

A large number of snow-colored military tents, patrol sentinels, tanks, military vehicles, armored vehicles, etc., which are being repaired on one side.

The town has become a big military camp.

Wei Xiaobei slightly calculated that the number of troops stationed here is about 1,300, which is a normal regiment and an armored battalion.

"Hey, man, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Wei Xiaobei, who was planning to sneak into the town to listen to the situation, was suddenly shocked by a voice.

However, after a blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei responded.

It is Gross Hansen!

The Norwegian old man who lives in a wild villa, likes to hunt, with a hunting dog!

That's right!

Wei Xiaobei turned his head and looked at it. Gross Hansen stood more than 30 meters away, his shoulders licking his double-barreled shotgun, and his foot was licking the hunting dog with his tongue.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

To know that in order to ensure privacy, to prevent the patrol sentinel, the military dog ​​found that not only opened the sense of heaven, but also opened the electromagnetic field.

This double exploration method did not even find Gross Hansen and the hunting dog!

Well, due to the friendship between the two, Wei Xiaobei is also not good at seeing each other's ability to use all things.

But from this point, Wei Xiaobei also knows that farewell for so long, this Grosson Hansen and his hunting dog may have entered the world tree ash world many times, so that he has obtained some special abilities, so that he can Avoid your own means of exploration.

"Hanson! I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Wei Xiaobei turned to the past, and Gross Hansen also ran over, and the two embraced passionately.

However, the hunting dog is still a little bit unaware of Wei Xiaobei. When Wei Xiaobei looked down at himself, his teeth threatened Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this hunting dog is here.

In fact, the hunting dog is sensitive to the dog, and can also feel the power of Wei Xiaobei. If it is not for the owner to make a good deal with the other party, the hunting dog may not dare to show his teeth to Wei Xiaobei.

"Don't be like this, baby, Wei is our friend, do you know?"

Gross Hansen patted the head of the hunting dog, and said with enthusiasm to Wei Xiaobei: "When I go to eat at home, Karina has been chanting you many times."

Wei Xiaobei also just needs to know the situation from Grosshansen's mouth, and naturally there is no delay.

Two dogs and one dog walked toward the villa.

After walking for a while, Wei Xiaobei almost confirmed the reason why Gross Hansen and the hunting dog could avoid their own means of exploration.

Accurately speaking, Grosshansen and the hunting dog are perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

If you use your eyes, you can directly see this person and a dog, but if you want to use your ears or even other abilities to explore, then you will directly ignore this person.

Even now, Wei Xiaobei already knows that this person is walking around with a dog, but still can't detect the existence of the other party.


To be honest, this ability is a bit perverted, almost the same as the weakness of the weak pig, and Gross Husson and the hunting dog can be much stronger than the weak pig.

"Right, Hansen, what about your fries?"

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei found something wrong.

Grosshansen can travel on the same horse. After all, in the wild, riding in the wild is much better than driving.

"Do you mean Carlos? It hangs and is killed by a flame giant!"

Gross Hanson’s face was calm, but the tone was a bit gnashing. There is no doubt that the pinto, called Carlos, is not too light in his heart.

With this sentence, Gross Hansen did not need to ask Xiao Bei to ask, but he told me about the changes here.

To put it simply, the monsters in the world tree ash community have invaded this zone.

Ok, it’s not just that it has been attacked by monsters.

In the small half of Norway, monsters appeared. Some places were few and the monsters were weak. The police who were urgently dispatched directly killed them.

There are many places where there are many monsters, and it is very troublesome.

Of course, compared to China, Sam and other powerful countries, the monsters here are actually not very bad. The monsters that appear in most places have been eliminated. Only a few monsters in the local area are still insisting. To be continued.


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