The City of Terror

Chapter 1137: Mine

Brothers and sisters, do you have a monthly ticket? How many?


However, after leaving the thunder and lightning ocean, the connection between space and Wei Xiaobei returned to normal.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei disappeared into the air, and when it reappeared, it was already in that small space.

Compared with Wei Xiaobei's last departure, the volume of this space has increased. This is in addition to Wei Xiaobei's complete control over space, but also from the edge of the land where there are not many grasses growing.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart-shaped fireball was hung in the air, slowly spreading some heat into the space. The rain cloud was slowly moving above the land, and many rabbits were chasing the rain clouds at this time. , licking the young grass that has just been poured by the rain.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei’s heart and God directly contacted the fireball and learned all about the current situation in the space.

It should be said that the bio-chain created by Wei Xiaobei in this space is still barely able to function, but it has also shown some declines over time.

This is also a helpless thing.

To put it bluntly, this space is the same as the simulated biosphere established by scientists in reality. It has a small area and few organisms. Although it seems to be able to last forever, in fact, its ability to resist risks is extremely poor, and any kind of organism has problems. It is possible to cause the biochain in the biosphere to collapse in a short time.

And Wei Xiaobei has this situation in this space.

Don't look at the grass on the ground, but because of the lack of various fertilizers needed in the soil, the color of the grass is slightly less normal.

The feces excreted by those animals are far from enough to make the land fertile.

Simply put, once the amount of grass is not enough to sustain the consumption of insects and other creatures, the bio-chain will collapse instantly.

Insects, in order to fill the stomach, the rabbit will light up the grass and eventually starve to death. The fox that feeds on the rabbit will not live too long. I am afraid that in the end, Wei Xiaobei will eventually survive in this space. Only trees, or some surviving grass species.

Fortunately, I came in at this time, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be a bit lucky.

That piece of fine quality mine was lost by Wei Xiaobei toward the slowly moving rain cloud.

In a flash, the thunder soil rushed into the rain cloud. Perhaps because of the existence of rainwater, the lightning contained in the thunderstorm was immediately stimulated by the rain.

It’s awkward!

The thunderous voice rang out loudly in the space for the first time, and the rabbits who had been chasing the rain clouds had turned around and fled. Even a rabbit accidentally crashed into a fox that followed. So sadly reminded to become the other party's dinner.

All of this, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention, his attention was placed on the thunder that is constantly flashing.

As these lightning flashes, Wei Xiaobei can feel that the falling rain has been incorporated into a lot of nitrogen compounds, and as the rain falls on the soil, the fertilizer in the soil will increase.

In fact, this is the gift of nature in the real world. Every year, the fertilizer produced in the world far exceeds the fertilizer produced by human beings.

However, the piece of thunder that Wei Xiaobei brought in was only the size of the palm, and the lightning contained in it flashed a few times and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei frowned.

Undoubtedly, the thunder and lightning in this mine is like a fuel, and it is a one-time consumable. Once it is consumed, it will be gone.

Of course, with Wei Xiaobei's current research on the mysteries of space, it is necessary to make some effort in the natural generation of lightning in the space, or it is impossible to achieve in a short time.

Wei Xiaobei left the space and once again entered the thunder and lightning ocean.

This time, Wei Xiaobei entered the thunder and ocean 50 meters prescription before stopping.

In this position, the thunder and lightning is no longer a small trouble, almost every second, there will be a lightning bolt of up to 30,000 volts on Wei Xiaobei.

To be honest, if it is not Wei Xiaobei's own ability to control the current is very strong, then replaced with an ordinary human, instantly zooming charcoal.

After all, being able to generate 100,000 volts of current does not mean that the 30,000 volts of lightning can be completely resisted.

The thunder in this position will be directly upgraded to the quality of the entry treasures.

Wei Xiaobei dug up five people's heads of thunder earth before exiting the thunder and lightning ocean.

This is quite a bit helpless for Wei Xiaobei.

As I said before, Wei Xiaobei’s connection with his own space has become blurred after entering the thunder and ocean.

The storage ring is completely unusable!

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei will not dig such a bit of mine.

After the thunder soil of these entry-quality treasures was put into the space, the lightning generated was quite different from the previous one.

Almost the entire rain cloud became a thunderstorm cloud after meeting the thunder!

Lightning seemed to fall to the ground when it rained, and it was smashing. When the thunder and lightning were released, a long pit of explosive form was blown up on the ground.

There were several rabbits that suffered accidental injuries during the period, several insects, numerous grasses, and one large tree.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not pay much attention to it. It was thundering and raining, and accidents were inevitable.

Of course, next, Wei Xiaobei digs the thunder soil and does not directly enter the space, but instead earns a storage ring.

If there is nothing to do, then the land in the space will probably be blown into ruins.

In the following time, Wei Xiaobei will only enter the lightning 100 meters at most!

Wei Xiaobei is not lazy, but in this position, the power of thunder and lightning has reached 150,000 volts!

This is already the limit of Wei Xiaobei's ability to keep his body moving. If he walks inside, although the body can still bear it, it can vomit blood or anything at most, but under the bombardment of lightning, Wei Xiaobei can't control the body. Walked.

Well, this position is only a hundred meters away from the short spear.

However, the quality of the mines dug out in this position has made Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

Superior fairy!


To be honest, when Wei Xiaobei saw his property sheet, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei has checked the thunder properties of the short spear here.

This superior quality of the mine is already the highest quality here.

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to use all things to see the broken spear directly, but he could also guess that the quality of the broken spear should belong to Lingbao quality.

This kind of thunder is what was formed after the thunder and lightning released by the broken spears. The quality of the thunder is not higher than the broken spear, and it must be much worse.

In any case, the best thing that Wei Xiaobei can get here is already available.

Broken spears are not what Wei Xiaobei can get now.

Then, before leaving, Wei Xiaobei will not be kind and soft!

In the following time, the ground between the lightning and the ocean between 100 meters and 50 meters was quickly dug by Wei Xiaobei to make a circular pit, until the quality of the soil below fell, Wei Xiaobei only stopped.

It should be known that although this mine appears to be mud, but after the quality reaches a certain level, it is undoubtedly an excellent refiner material.

Don't reserve a little more at this time, don't you wait for yourself to leave, and leave it to those metal spiders that come back?

What kind of joke?

Be aware that those metal spiders are obsessed with broken spears, and their dependence on lightning is the thunder.

And Wei Xiaobei’s move is undoubtedly the excavation of the metal spider’s attempt to get close to the broken spear!

Without the high-quality thunder, those metal spiders want to pass the thunder and lightning, close to the broken spear, I am afraid that only new high-quality mines will be formed.

Looking at the thunderous earth in the space ring, Wei Xiaobei smiled and then turned and quickly left in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

Wei Xiaobei has a lot of delays here, so next, Wei Xiaobei does not intend to waste too much time in the abandoned land of these gods, but is prepared to go to the world tree to get the biggest goal of this line. !

As the figure of Wei Xiaobei disappeared into the dense fog in the distance, a metal spider appeared quietly, and more metal spiders flocked to the thunder and lightning ocean.

It must be said that these metal spiders are indeed very sensitive to danger.

It is replaced by other slightly wise creatures. If you see Wei Xiaobei leaving, you may suspect that Wei Xiaobei’s strategy is that these metal spiders will not consider them at all. They will notice that the danger disappears and they will return immediately. Hesitant at a moment.

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei is really leaving.

It has been delayed for three days here, and it is not much time to calculate the time that Gross returned.

Before, Wei Xiaobei had already let the Pu people find the position of the Rainbow Bridge. In the past, it was naturally a light road. After a few turns in the thick fog, the thick fog slowly spread and appeared in Wei Xiaobei. In front of it is an unfathomable cliff, and on the edge of the cliff, half of the Rainbow Bridge stretches out, which is particularly broken.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei also thought about burying the remaining part of the Rainbow Bridge.

But obviously, this is an impossible thing.

Wei Xiaobei reached out and pressed it on the Rainbow Bridge. With a little effort, he knew that it was impossible to pull the Rainbow Bridge off the cliff with his current strength.

In fact, this colorful bridge is a very special existence, which can be seen from its characteristics.

The creature can walk on it and won't fall down, but if you just press your hands on the Rainbow Bridge, you will feel that the Rainbow Bridge is a virtual existence, and you can't actually touch it.

Of course, this is just an idea of ​​Wei Xiaobei. Since it is impossible to take this Rainbow Bridge away, Wei Xiaobei has not wasted time on it.

Want to pass this colorful bridge, it is not so simple to pass.


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