The City of Terror

Chapter 1146: Large storage battery

This result is different from Wei Xiaobei's previous calculations. Although this result is a benign difference, Wei Xiaobei also found some reasons.

The reason was quickly found by Wei Xiaobei. Simply put, because of the benefits of Wei Xiaobei's blood-irrigating seeds, the resistance of the mutated creeper that was born to the high temperature was enhanced.

The hollow spikes are inserted into the body of the six-winged angel, and the white blood is continuously withdrawn, transported to the roots along the vines, and poured into the soil.

Thirty seconds later, the vines used by the mutated ivy to extract blood will be burned, but the new vines have already spread and spurred into the body of the six-winged angel.

Well, to put it bluntly, this is a cyclical process. The mutated ivy will continuously extract the blood of the sera from the earth and integrate it into the soil, and the space of Wei Xiaobei will benefit from it.

After the blood of the six-winged angel cools down in the soil, it will continue to penetrate into the whole land. The fireball will be broken down into basic elements, and the space will begin to grow.

Well, the current six-winged angel is completely bound in space, providing blood with a lot of positive energy, promoting space growth.

Undoubtedly, if the Six-Winged Angels know that they are in the end of the space, I am afraid that when I first enter the space, I will desperately break through and leave this space instead of entangled with Wei Xiaobei, and eventually I will end up like this.

In this way, the blood of the Hexagon Angel will be continuously drawn until it is completely destroyed.

This kind of utilization can be much better than directly killing the six-winged angels, and the space will gain more growth.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei is a big earner.

However, even so, the look on Wei Xiaobei's face is not very good-looking.

Due to the need to bind the six-winged angels, the variant dock and the large ink guns were temporarily unable to bring out space.

This has made Wei Xiaobei's combat effectiveness a lot of influence.

But what really made Wei Xiaobei's face not so good was what he saw when he cut off the gold thread.

At that time, Wei Xiaobei felt a seemingly boundless light through the fireball, which is difficult to describe in words.

However, Wei Xiaobei can know how powerful the master of this power will be, and that kind of power will almost make Wei Xiaobei have an impulse to worship on his own!

The endless light should be the father of the six-winged angel.

From the feelings, Wei Xiaobei concluded that the strength of the other side may have exceeded the scope of the four-star biological level.

To be honest, when cutting off the gold thread, Wei Xiaobei’s spirit touched the other’s strength. For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt like a small sailboat in the stormy waves, which could be overwhelmed at any time. a feeling of.

The power is too strong. If the other party finds this space, Wei Xiaobei's only way is to abandon this space.

Fortunately, just before the other party concerned about themselves, Wei Xiaobei completely cut off the gold line, making the connection between the six-winged angel and the other party completely interrupted.

But even now, the Six-winged Angel has already shackled and acted as a growing battery for space. Wei Xiaobei thought about the situation at the time. The always tenacious will was a little shaken, and even the heartbeat was somewhat accelerated, and a mad jump!

Well, Wei Xiaobei set the gods and put the previous experience aside for a while, and began to observe the changes after the blood of the six-winged angels was integrated into the space.

It must be said that a large amount of positive energy is decomposed from the blood, and after it is integrated into the space, the positive energy in the space seems to be over-standard.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel that the temperature in the space has improved a lot compared with the previous temperature. Before the temperature in the space, Wei Xiaobei probably controlled between 24 and 30 degrees, and was directly exposed by the fireball. The temperature can rise to thirty degrees, and the temperature covered by the rain cloud is twenty-four degrees.

But now, no matter where it is, as long as it is above the land, the temperature has increased by more than five degrees, and in some places the temperature has even reached 50 degrees.

The animals that survived the previous battles have been soaked on the ground, and the plants have become paralyzed.

Need to adjust, Wei Xiaobei let the fireball speed up the absorption of positive energy.

As the fireball accelerates the absorption of positive energy, Wei Xiaobei can see countless positive energies converge toward the fireball above the high altitude, and the volume of the fireball begins to increase, and the color becomes brighter. .

This is a relatively normal thing. It is said that in reality, the sun with the most abundant energy is the sun.

Therefore, the positive energy in the fireball is increasing, and the light emitted by it will become stronger.

Although the temperature has decreased somewhat, as the fireball gets bigger, the light falls, causing the temperature to start slowly again.

However, in this cycle, the space is slowly getting bigger, the edge of the land grows out a little bit, and new soil appears.

Yes, after seeing this cycle become more stable, Wei Xiaobei nodded.

Even the temperature of slowly increasing is not too big a problem. Those mines piled up on one side are slowly releasing the power of thunder and lightning, and a piece of thunderstorm cloud is condensed in the space. The elevated temperature is also quickly dropped.

Of course, the power of thunderbolt released by these thunderstorms has actually accelerated the growth of space.

To put it simply, what keeps going, as long as it enters the space, is the space. As long as it is gradually consumed, it can help the growth of the space.

It was after this fierce battle that the creatures in the space suffered heavy losses. Almost all the plants were extinct, and rabbits, insects and other creatures were left. It seems that this space is desolate.

Need to add some plants and animals.

Wei Xiaobei touched the two long swords that were tied to his shoulders. Because the previous battles and even the subsequent things were too hasty, Wei Xiaobei almost forgot the two long swords inserted on his shoulders, making the meat and The long sword grows together.

Grabbing the long sword, Wei Xiaobei slightly used a force, and with a sigh, he pulled the sword from his shoulder.


The pain is a bit painful, but fortunately, for Wei Xiaobei, the long sword is inserted in the shoulder and pulled out again. This kind of pain is nothing.

Before Wei Xiaobei thought that the sword of the six-winged angel should probably be formed by flames, but now it seems that the six-winged angels are unconscious, and this sword still exists, it is a bit strange.

Wei Xiaobei then looked at the two long swords with all things.

Name: Sword of the Angels (Premium)

Introduction: The Sword of the Blazing Angel is a sacred sword that is condensed by the use of massive positive energy. It is extremely sharp and can absorb the positive energy around itself and supplement consumption. All evil will always be redeemed under the sword of the blazing angel. .......

Effect 1: Positive energy beam, the sword of the blazing angel can gather positive energy beams to attack the enemy.

Effect 2: Double swords, the sword of the blazing angel can be divided into two.

Effect 3: Absorb positive energy to supplement consumption.

Effect 4: Killing evil, when all evil attribute creatures are attacked by the sword of the blazing angel, the damage doubles.

Effect 5: Extremely sharp, it can cut off most objects.



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