The City of Terror

Chapter 1150: Wisdom spring? Digging away!

No nonsense eh?

Wei Xiaobei's face may seem a bit unsightly, but in fact his attention at this time is completely placed on the property panel.

After he drank the second wise spring water, the intellectual property beat again, and after the interest rate, he increased 005!


There is no doubt that the limitation of this smart spring seems to be of no use to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was able to determine that the Valkyrie did not deceive himself.

Obviously, the Valkyrie has tried several times.

As a result, why the female Valkyrie has a few mouthfuls has no effect, while Wei Xiaobei has an effect, which should be different.

As for the difference caused by what is the reason, Wei Xiaobei only slowly tested later.

Then, next, Wei Xiaobei took out a large kettle from the storage ring and prepared to take some spring water to take it away.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s move, the Valkyrie could not help but shake his head and persuaded again: “When the smart spring leaves here, it has no effect.”

The Valkyrie guessed that Wei Xiaobei wanted to bring some back to his loved ones, but did not know that Wei Xiaobei gave birth to a new idea. Of course, this idea needs to be tested after the spring water leaves here. Is it really useless?

Wei Xiaobei was not persuaded by the female Wushen, still loaded with a large kettle of spring water.

Before leaving, the Valkyrie asked if Wei Xiaobei had found a way to plant the world tree after drinking the smart spring water.

In fact, this Valkyrie probably wants to know this information.

However, after Wei Xiaobei drank the wisdom spring, he really did not get the information in this regard. As for the creation of words, not to mention.

The trip failed, and the two turned and left.

Compared to entering here, when leaving, the speed is much faster.

After all, when it comes down, there are so many roads along the way, even the Valkyrie who knows the path needs a little memory when crossing the road. As a result, this speed can't be too fast.

When you go back, you only need to go all the way up, speed up and you can never get lost.

After going on for more than two hours, it took only one and a half hours to go back.

Of course, inside, the mount of the Valkyrie is a great credit. Wei Xiaobei squats on the tail of the mount. The horse runs faster than the bullet. When Wei Xiaobei goes up to the ground, the skin is scratched. It hurts.

Just at the mouth of the passage, Wei Xiaobei bid farewell to the female goddess, and by the way, he left and left.

After Wei Xiaobei left, the female Valkyrie actually rested for a while in the passageway until a giant python with a body length of more than 300 meters slowly swam and blocked the passageway, and the female martial arts drove the horse. Take off and fly somewhere to the trunk.

Until the female Valkyrie disappeared into the leaves, Wei Xiaobei was relieved.

Well, one thing to note is that Wei Xiaobei didn’t intend to leave like this!

Therefore, after leaving the field of view of the Valkyrie, Wei Xiaobei converges and secretly lurks back.

I have to say that the female Valkyrie is very cautious, not only has she kept it for so long, but also called a giant to block the passage of the passage!

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, it is not too difficult to get around the giant raft.

But after the giant python blocked the passage, its body skin turned out to change rapidly. It didn't take long to integrate with the surrounding bark roots. Even if Wei Xiaobei looked at it, he couldn't see a little flaw!

Awesome means!

Just such a move, if Wei Xiaobei really left before, come back later and want to find the passage, it is more troublesome.

Now, what Wei Xiaobei needs to consider is just how to carefully circumvent the giant python, avoid the eyes and ears that the Valkyrie may exist, and enter the channel!

In fact, there are more than 30 eyes and ears that Wei Xiaobei has noticed at this time.

For example, the big tree five hundred meters away should be a tree man whose roots cover this area as much as possible. It is a problem to avoid the attention of the giant python.

Besides, the giant clam itself is also a trouble. As for the small animals as far as several kilometers, nearly hundreds of meters, even several insects like human heads, bushes of fifty meters, etc., may It is the eyes and ears of the Valkyrie!

Of course, as long as Wei Xiaobei is not close to the giant clam, these possible ear and eye are hard to find Wei Xiaobei, but if Wei Xiaobei wants to be close, he may be discovered.

Slightly thinking, Wei Xiaobei will focus on the giant python, after a slight observation, Wei Xiaobei even started the ability to copy the skin!

Wei Xiaobei was wrapped in a thick fog in the blink of an eye, and after the thick fog disappeared, a giant clam appeared in the same place!

Obviously, this giant is not someone else, that is, Wei Xiaobei changed after using the skin to copy.

Regardless of its appearance or breath, Wei Xiaobei at this time is no different from a giant python.

The only problem is that the giant python that Wei Xiaobei has changed does not have the ability to be a giant python. At the same time, its length is only ten meters long.

This is already the ultimate change of Wei Xiaobei.

It’s impossible to change the weight of Wei Xiaobei and want to change the giant python that is hundreds of meters long.

However, even if it is only ten meters long, it is enough for Wei Xiaobei.

In fact, when the change of Wei Xiaobei was completed, the tree branch of the tree was slightly moved. It seemed to be watching Wei Xiaobei, but there was no movement at all, which meant that the tree people did not look through the guards. The copy of Xiaobei's skin is just a small cub that has just emerged from the shell.

Of course, every time you start a skin phase copy, you can't run away by consuming 1000 evolution points.

However, after Wei Xiaobei participated in the battlefield, the number of winged angels killed was more than a thousand, and the four-winged angels were killed by him for ten.

After these angels were killed, the evolutionary point brought to Wei Xiaobei was more than three thousand, which made Wei Xiaobei's evolution point reach 100,000!

Consuming such 1000 evolution points, nothing at all.

The miniature version of the giant python swam past the giant python that blocked the passage.

For the arrival of Wei Xiaobei, the giant scorpion did not notice, and there is no way, the difference between the two is too big.

The giant python that Wei Xiaobei changed was probably equivalent to a small ant in front of this giant python.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to alarm this giant python. In that case, the female martial arts estimated that they would come immediately.

In the principle of rather killing mistakes and not letting go, Wei Xiaobei’s giant python is probably being slain to the end of the slag.

The giant scorpion blocked the passage, but this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei could not enter.

Sticking to the giant python, Wei Xiaobei wandered around. Not long after, a relatively spacious gap appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei.

In any case, the passage is not completely round, and the body of the giant python is blocked in the passage, and it is impossible to completely fit. Therefore, it is quite normal to have some gaps.

For Wei Xiaobei, such a gap is enough to get himself in.

After drilling into the gap, after a few hundred meters, I finally reached the end.

At the end of it is the head of the giant python. Fortunately, this giant python has fallen into a deep sleep. Wei Xiaobei did not alarm the other side, quietly swimming past his head and marching deep into the passage.

The next ramp was not able to live in Weibei.

Although there are many martyrdoms in this passage, but with the intellectual property of Wei Xiaobei, let alone these slogans, even if it is a library book, it only takes time, then Wei Xiaobei wants to count it down. It is not difficult.

The only problem is that after Wei Xiaobei changed to a giant, this speed could not keep up.

To say that this giant way of travel, Wei Xiaobei soon became familiar with it, but the speed of this giant can not be lifted.

From the passage to the smart spring, Wei Xiaobei spent ten hours!

Compared with the female Valkyrie, there is only about one-tenth of the speed. In the last hour, Wei Xiaobei has changed back to the human form, and the speed naturally rises.

So the last hour, it was half of the entire journey!

When Wei Xiaobei saw the mountain, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, before Wei Weibei was worried that this wisdom spring suddenly ran away or was exhausted.

After all, things like this happen to happen.

But now, Wisdom Spring still appears in Wei Xiaobei's field of vision.

For Wei Xiaobei, the next step is to be a big project!

Wei Xiaobei is ready to send Wisdom Spring into his own space! Have this amazing fountain completely!

Since there is no way to get the world tree, then you can get a spring of wisdom that can increase the intellectual property. Wei Xiaobei’s trip is not a loss!

Wei Xiaobei is not quite sure how deep this wisdom spring is, but it is not difficult to live in Xiaobei, throwing it into the wisdom spring with the stone line, and soon measuring the depth of the wisdom spring, about 60 meters.

Then Wei Xiaobei took a shovel from the storage ring and began to dig up ten meters away from the wisdom spring. He dug a ditch first, then dig down the ditch along this circle until one hundred At the time of the meter, I turned to the direction of the wisdom spring.

Digging into this depth is for insurance. Although the depth of the Wisdom Spring is only about 60 meters, it is hard to say that there will be no more springs under it.

In any case, when Wei Xiaobei narrowed the circle of ditch to the center, there was no spring surge, which would have separated the wisdom spring from the mountain.

After that, Wei Xiaobei put his hands on the stone wrapped in the wisdom spring, and his heart sank and began to send the wisdom spring into the space.

There is no need to say too much about this process.

Probably the whole piece of stone emits a faint blue light, then gradually blurs and eventually disappears.

After sending this spring of wisdom into the space, Wei Xiaobei’s first feeling is that the headache is splitting!

This is the result of excessive consumption of mental energy when sending wisdom springs into space.


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