The City of Terror

Chapter 1152: Sea snake

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To say that this does not govern Xiaobei's affairs, but I think that if the peninsula countries are trapped in the hands of ghosts, then the peninsula is not far away.

If the upper peninsula fell, then China will be attacked by those ghosts!

This is something that Wei Xiaobei can't tolerate!

In Wei Xiaobei's thinking, the big truck that Gross opened was parked somewhere on the coast.

Here is a chaotic reef area, which has a low value and is sparsely populated due to the many reefs.

"Everyone waits for a while."

After Wei Xiaobei got off the bus, let everyone go around.

Obviously, Gross's big son-in-law has little trust in Wei Xiaobei. His dissatisfied whisper screams at his wife. It probably means to go to this uninhabited place. Is it to be wild here?

Well, in fact, in addition to Gross, Gross's two daughters are full of doubts about coming here.

After all, it is a bit strange to switch to any normal person, obviously ready to go to more than 10,000 kilometers away, not to fly, come here.

Only Gross himself probably guessed something.

"Look! Europe, what is that?!!"

While a group of people were silent and silent, Karina, who was attached to a reef and observed the sea creatures, suddenly stood up and screamed at the distant sea.

With the scream of Karina, the Gross family was alarmed.

They clearly saw at this time that a white wave in the distant sea continued to extend toward the reef area.

"Europe, Kalina, come down! Let's hide!"

Gros is different from his daughter and son-in-law. He is a gray-level practitioner. He can naturally feel that the white wave is formed by a behemoth, so he hurriedly greeted his daughter to avoid it.

Instead, the dog roared excitedly. Probably it had already turned this reef area into its own territory. Suddenly it was a little excited and angry to see a monster invading its own site.

"No need to be nervous, that is our boat."

Seeing the panic of the Gros family, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile and shook his head, and quickly explained it.

"Boat? How is it possible?"

Gross's daughter-in-law is a very valuable Christmas tree merchant who owns a small yacht. He knows how fast the ship can reach the sea.

Just look at the speed of the white wave, at least more than 200 knots!

Can the boat run so fast? As a result, the granddaughter did not hesitate and raised questions.

Of course, there may not be some dissatisfaction with the old man.

Although the monsters are now rampant, but in the eyes of the big niece, the place where they live is still safe. Is it necessary to go to that genus?

Of course, if the wife is not insistent, the granddaughter is definitely not willing.

However, the granddaughter was satisfied or dissatisfied. The white wave quickly rushed to the reef area, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. Then in the eyes of the big girl, a huge submarine appeared in its own field of vision.


Whether it was Gross, or his daughter, the son-in-law and even a few grandchildren, they exclaimed.

In their view, this is almost impossible, and a dark submarine appears in the reef area.

It seems that this is called by Mr. Wei, which is incredible.

"Mr. Wei, is this a submarine?"

The eldest son of Gross's eldest daughter is about ten years old. The courage is not small. He pulled the hand of Wei Wei and asked him.

Wei Xiaobei was very caring for the child. He smiled and replied: "No, it is not a submarine. It is a big fish."

"Europe, a big fish? Do we have to ride across the ocean on its back? It's so cool!"

Listening to Xiaobei’s answer, several children were not afraid, but they cheered.

Well, in fact, in many cases, children have more guts than adults, and there are many examples of this.

Wei Xiaobei remembers that there is a sentence that is used here, I don’t know who is fearless!

Relative to the cheers of several children, Gross's big daughter-in-law can be regarded as the worst performer, he actually scared the pants! !

Of course, the first to discover this is Wei Xiaobei, whose nose can easily smell the rare molecules in the air.

But Wei Xiaobei did not say anything. After all, diaper pants are not a glorious thing for everyone, especially adults, it is a shame!

Wei Xiaobei understands this truth, but the children don't understand. There is a minimal, only three-year-old look. The milky voice is pointing at his old lady and laughing: "Peeing your pants!"

Oh, suddenly everyone’s eyes fell on the big girl.

Fortunately, Gross’s eldest daughter was a little ashamed of her husband, but she was still alert to take her husband to a reef.

However, when the granddaughter changed his trousers out, he only saw the old man, Gross, standing on the head of the fish and waving at them: "Hey, hurry, we are going."


Is it going to get into the belly of this giant fish?

Ou, when I think of it, the legs of the big son-in-law are a little weak. If the wife is not dragging him in the past, it is estimated that he will not be willing to take a step forward even if he is killed.

Of course, in any case, the granddaughter was eventually sent to the giant fish by his wife and the old man.

Needless to say, this giant fish is the product formed by the fusion of the diving fish and Leviathan.

After entering the eMule, everyone's performance is different. Gross has a few grandsons and dogs, curious to explore the situation around him, and the granddaughter is holding his wife's hand in a corner. With a bit of horror, I watched my old man and son move around in this terrible environment!

The most headache for Wei Xiaobei is Karina.

This Xiao Nizi seems to have an interest in Wei Xiaobei. When he took Wei Xiaobei, he asked what happened to this eDonkey.

Although Karina's little hand is extremely soft, she does not see the rough skin of a white woman. But Wei Xiaobei doesn't want to provoke any debts anymore. He rushes to sit down in the spotlight and then moves toward the eDonkey. Released the command to fold the space.

I have said before that the electric raft can see the outside world.

The Gross originally looked at the reef area outside, but after the electric raft was covered with blue light, when the blue light dissipated and the external scenery reappeared, Gross and others were surprised to see that the outside was not a reef area. It is the boundless sea.

Seeing the seriousness of Wei Xiaobei’s face, even if Karina’s heart was very curious, she did not dare to talk to Wei Xiaobei.

After all, in the eyes of Karina and others, this giant fish is under the control of Wei Xiaobei. If it is disturbed, what problems have arisen, isn’t the family alone scuttled under the sea?

In that case, it is too embarrassing.

After a few minutes, the eDonkey jumps again.

Of course, this way back is the original way back, it is difficult to ask any big problems.

However, when passing through the sky, there was still a small problem. The landing after the electric folding space jumped and fell into the territory of a group of sea snakes!

Well, this sea snake is actually the dragon in the myths and legends of the Scorpio!

The strength of these sea snakes is not strong, and the longest of them is only more than 20 meters, which is far too far from the eDonkey.

But this also makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

It is said that this country is not a weak country. Although its own military industry is quite backward, there are still a few old aircraft carriers, and many fighters have been imported. In addition, it is a populous country, and the army does not say Quality, at least the number in the world can still rank in the top three.

A powerful country like this, according to the truth, there may be some difficulties in cleaning up monsters, but it is not so much that these sea snakes will come here.

It is necessary to know that the landing after the jump of the eDonkey space is not on the international waterway, but it is not far off.

Like these places, if there are monsters, the neighboring countries should be annihilated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the impact will be great.

There are so many sea snakes here, and even Wei Xiaobei looks at some backs and numbness. The sea is densely packed, like the sea snakes entangled in countless twists, the number is probably more than five or six thousand!

And these sea snakes are extremely aggressive. When they see such a large head of the eDonkey suddenly appear on the sea, they are not scared to escape, but instead they are rushing toward the embarrassment.

Look at the crazy look of these sea snakes, it seems that the eDonkey is their intended meal!

Although the bio-level of eDonkey is only Samsung's horror, it is better than these sea snakes.

When I saw these sea snakes coming up, the two tentacles next to the electric mouth began to stretch. It was not long before the invisible current spread out along the seawater, turning the radius of the electric ridge into a radius of several hundred meters. AC electric field.

In order to save energy, the intensity of this alternating electric field is relatively small, which is not enough for the sea snake to die.

But as long as it rushes into this range, regardless of the size of the body, the action of the sea snake is instantaneously paused, and then the whole body trembles. After about half a minute, these sea snakes that break into the alternating electric field are killed by death, and the body is soft and floating. On the sea, it looks more horrible than when it is alive.

However, these sea snakes seem to be too obsessed with food. Even if they see the same kind of hanging in front, they still rush into the electric field to become the next sea snake to be electrocuted.

In a few minutes, the sea around the eDonkey was full of the bodies of the sea snakes, and even in some places, due to too many bodies, they piled up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wei Xiaobei also used the shredded pork to plunge into the bodies of the sea snakes and collected some substances.


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