The City of Terror

Chapter 1164: , puppet warrior!

Thanks to the 10,000 starting point of the Taoist friends (the brain fragments can not stop)! Here, the poor road sincerely thank you for your support!

Borrowing this platform, the poor road blesses tens of millions of friends in the world, book friends, happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and family happiness, happiness is boundless!


The needle girl feels like she is dragging forward by an airplane.

Fortunately, this needle woman does not have a high demand for breathing. Otherwise, if it is replaced by an ordinary human being, it is completely suffocated at this time.

More than 50 kilometers away, there are many hillsides along the way, and the terrain is rugged.

But at the foot of Wei Xiaobei, the hillside is about ten or twenty meters high. Wei Xiaobei’s toes are slightly lighter. When he drags the needle, he jumps up to tens of meters high. Like a kangaroo with the same human figure, he jumps in the blink of an eye. .

Undoubtedly, for Wei Xiaobei, these terrains are completely flat, even if Wei Xiaobei is willing, then stepping on the air directly, flying faster, but Wei Xiaobei is worried about this way, too Zhang Yang, caused the attention of the strong among those ghosts.

Of course, even on the ground, Wei Xiaobei's speed is still not slow.

Although the needle girl, but the weight of the needle girl for Wei Xiaobei, it is exactly like a piece of dust on the body.

You must know that Wei Xiaobei’s current power attribute has been raised to 110 points!

This power attribute is already very strong.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei punched out, and it is easy to reach the impact of 5,000 tons! If you go all out, tens of thousands of tons or even higher will not be a problem.

When the face of the female face is not very good-looking, when it seems to be in a coma, the explosion in the distance is finally introduced into the ear.


In an instant, Wei Xiaobei’s high-rise body fell on a small hill.

Looking at the hill from the top of the hill, Wei Xiaobei’s vision can clearly see what happened on the battlefield.

It is a military base located on the beach. Because it is located at the seaside, there is also a small military port attached.

At this time, on the sea near the military port, a destroyer and even three minesweepers are slanting their guns on the land. On the sea around the four warships, many of the ghosts follow the waves. Haunted.

Obviously, the venom of these cows did not have much effect on the warships, so they attempted to climb the warships.

However, the seamen on the warships were obviously very vigilant against these cow ghosts. The machine guns mounted near the ship's side continued to sweep toward the sea, and occasionally brought a trace of black in the sea.

Of course, the battle on the sea is just one side of the battlefield.

The real battlefield is centered around the land of the military base.

High-rise walls, machine guns, air defense cannons and other firearms continue to pour out firepower.

Outside the fence, a large number of ghosts desperately rushed toward the wall, with the power of ghosts, the walls used to block human beings, to be honest, the use is not too big.

On a relatively small hillside, stood a group of ghosts, surrounded by a group of young people.

His handsome looks, white lips and red lips, wearing a set of ancient armor in the East, a long knife hanging around his waist, looks cool and incomparable.

From time to time, a word was sent, and then there will be ghosts to mobilize the ghost army that besieged the military base.

That's right, the ghosts that besieged the military base at this time can already be called an army.

Although their discipline is not strict, they are barely able to obey the command.

At the beginning, the artillery fired from the base, and even the firearms on the wall, caused great losses to the intensive ghost army.

After that, these ghosts changed their tactics and spread them to reduce the damage of firearms.

Even some ghosts, even know how to drive a vehicle, not long after, more than a dozen trucks loaded with ghosts and rushed toward the wall.

Of course, these dozens of trucks were too eye-catching. Even if they were concentrated by firepower and did not rush too far, they were directly blasted and turned into a group of fireballs.

In the following battles, the tactics of those ghosts are also relatively variable, and some ghosts lurk toward the city wall by virtue of their physical weakness.

When these ghosts are close to the wall, there will be some guys wearing ancient costumes from Dongpu, probably supposed to be so-called priests.

These priests pulled out the short knife at the waist and stood on the wall for a while, then they threw a few palm-sized puppets outside the wall.

What makes Wei Xiaobei feel a little surprised is that the puppets have a blue-black glow in his eyes.

As the puppets landed, even a group of smoke bursts out. After a while, a group of warriors wearing black armor rushed out of the smoke, and raised the samurai sword toward the ghosts after the blur. Rushed over the past.


At first, those ghosts were not afraid of the warriors, and even they took the initiative to attack these warriors.

But as the samurai swords cut through the bodies of these ghosts, the faces of these ghosts suddenly changed. Next, their imaginary bodies turned out to be solid and turned into two halves by a samurai sword!

Blood light sputtering!

It must be said that due to the negligence of those puppet warriors, the number of ghosts killed in the first time is not too small.

However, these puppet warriors were the first time to kill the ghosts. After that, the ghosts found that the puppet warriors were more rigid, but they quickly split several puppet warriors into pieces.

But those priests saw the loss of the puppet warrior, and the heart was so painful that they even transferred the puppet warrior back to the wall.

Although there is no direct threat to the puppet warriors, those ghosts who can be physically weak will no longer dare to act rashly.

Even if they are close to the wall, they will not easily pass through the wall.

Because they know that once they cross the wall, they may be the terrible puppet warriors waiting for them.

Wei Xiaobei simply started all things and looked at the situation of those puppet warriors.

Name: Puppet Warrior

Race: semi-spiritual creature

Gender: None

Age: 120 years old

Bio Rating: Samsung Elite

Introduction: The puppet warrior is one of the killer scorpions of the Dongpu priests. They use the fine eucalyptus carvings to form the runes, killing and bleeding, soaking the puppets for three years, then placing them in the shrine for worship. The grievances of the dead warriors eventually form a puppet warrior. The longer the gods are worshipped in the shrine, the stronger the puppet warrior

Weakness: positive energy

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: a knife flow, jump 斩, pull the knife 斩.

Special ability: broken evil, puppet, blame

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

Sure enough, there are some doorways!

After Wei Xiaobei saw the property list of this puppet warrior, he could not help but be a little surprised. Although the puppet warrior made a long time, he was able to create a Samsung puppet warrior, which is only one star elite for those creatures. The priest is already very bad.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei also learned from the introduction that in fact, before the appearance of this ghost, these priests are ordinary humans.

The puppet warriors they used to make, that is the real puppets, except for some of the finest workmanship, saved as artifacts, the rest of the puppet warriors became tourism goods, sold to those tourists.

Until the ghosts appeared, these **** officials discovered that the puppet warriors they created had such power!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei can imagine that the status of these priests will skyrocket.

Therefore, this military base has invited these **** officials to help out, and it is also reasonable.

To say that Wei Xiaobei was a little anxious before, but now he rushed to the ground, but he did not panic and looked at the excitement.

There are too many ghosts here, and it is good to consume some of the power of the military base.

But not long after, it was probably that I couldn’t capture the wall, and the ghost party quickly dispatched the big killer!

A large black bull with a diameter of more than 20 meters slowly appeared on the edge of the battlefield. A spider girl appeared extremely humble in front of the black giant bull, and seemed to say something.

Not long after, the black giant sneeze and sneaked out, and after the spider woman flew for dozens of meters, he moved his hoof and made a loud scream, speeding up, but rushing toward the iron gate of the military base!

Although the iron gate of the military base is extremely thick, the door can only rely on the power of machinery. Human beings can't push it at all. But when such a giant bull rushes, the commander in the military base is probably a little scared.

Seeing this scene, most of the firearms on the wall were even shifted in direction, countless bullets, and the shells smashed toward the giant bull.

The fire continued to explode around the giant bull, and the bullet hit the giant bull, and was bounced off by the tough skin.

To be honest, this giant bull is now completely ahead of the firepower of the wall!

Even Wei Xiaobei saw this scene and was a little surprised!

This is not Wei Xiaobei can not do this.

With the strength of Wei Xiaobei, with these firepower, I can do it.

But like the giant cow, even the skin is not damaged, Wei Xiaobei really can't do it.

You know, Wei Xiaobei's skin can resist the frontal bombardment of the shells, but there is a limit to this.

If it is continuously bombarded by such fire for a long time, Wei Xiaobei will also be injured.

But the defensive power of the giant cow is so amazing that it is simply a giant tank. No, even if it is a giant tank, I am afraid it will be hit.

After all, at this time, even the heavy artillery deployed in the base was firing. Although only one round was played, the distance between the giant cow and the iron gate was shortened to the extent that the heavy artillery could not reach, but the giant bull still withstood the bombardment of the heavy artillery!

Even a heavy artillery shell hit the front of the bull's forehead.

A group of fires spread for dozens of meters in an instant, and the giant bull rushed out of the fire. Wei Xiaobei fixed his eyes and looked at it. It was unscathed, even without even the slightest damage between the foreheads!


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