The City of Terror

Chapter 1172: Value

In the twinkling of an eye, it is almost the end of the month. How is this time so fast! ! ! Come on, there are tens of thousands of monthly tickets! Please don't hesitate! Let’s go to the poor road!

You know, although this world tree is now rooted, it is too young. Compared with its mother, the huge world tree, it is not even a flea, it should be regarded as a cell.

Undoubtedly, in front of the green cow, this young world tree is just being touched, that is a big disaster.

However, it is impossible to estimate the position of the green bull.

This young cow is not a fool. This world tree is not only a seedling, but its natural agility, the ability to create a machine is its talent, plus Wei Xiaobei continues to use smart spring water to water, this world tree seems to be somewhat different changed.

As a result, the world around the tree looks a little different from other places.

Even Wei Xiaobei is close to the world tree, and he can feel a refreshing refreshment, and the whole body is naturally comfortable.

In this case, in this green wood blessing, the radius of the world tree around a radius of more than 30 meters should probably be considered a treasure.

I didn't look at this range, even those grasses grew much better than the same kind.

Can't make the Green Bull move, Wei Xiaobei can only let the fireball pay full attention to this place. If there is an accident, then the first move of the fireball is to remove the world tree!

This is one of the benefits of taking control of the space.

However, this ability to use, is not a good thing for the space that has not yet grown up, so it is only the last choice.

The green cow has fallen asleep. Wei Xiaobei patrolled the Aomu Fudi circle and put some animals collected after he boarded the Dongpu. The plants were placed in the blessed land.

These animals are the unique subspecies of Dongpu, such as the Eastern scorpion, the winter sedge, and so on.

The unique subspecies of this kind, put into the green wood, will undoubtedly promote the growth of the blessed land.

Of course, for the time being, Wei Xiaobei can only put some plants or smaller animals into the blessed land for the time being.

After all, the blessed land is too small. If more large animals are put in, it is feared that the plants in the blessed land will be lighted and they will not be able to live.

The green cow is still asleep, it seems to be much more peaceful than in reality.

This is to give Wei Xiaobei some speculation.

Although the green cow is now a four-star biological grade, its property sheet indicates that the green cow is in a weak state.

Why is the green cow in a weak state?

This is imaginable.

Will Mao Qingniu come to reality? Or is it the East China?

To tell the truth, when I thought of this, Wei Xiaobei’s back was inexplicably born with a layer of cold sweat, shaking his head and not thinking about it anymore.

Forget it, like this kind of thing, I am afraid it is not what I can worry about now.

As long as this young cow is honest, don't give himself any moths, Wei Xiaobei would like to thank God, thank you to heaven.

Everything in Aoki's land is well developed. What is missing is the time and the bodies of those ghosts.

Wei Xiaobei left Qingmu Fudi and returned to the hill.

"Adult! Adult, you are finally back!"

Just standing on the top of the hill, Wei Xiaobei heard the voice of the female voice.

It turned out that the woman was awakened, probably did not see Wei Xiaobei, her heart was stunned, and she stayed here. Now that Wei Xiaobei suddenly appeared, she could not help but burst into tears and squatted on the ground.

Nodded to the needle girl, Wei Xiaobei did not say what he did, and the things of Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei is impossible to say now.

This woman seems to be loyal, but Wei Xiaobei feels that she still needs to look at it. After all, from the property list, it is impossible to see how loyal this woman is to herself.

However, Wei Xiaobei does not know that as far as the ghosts are concerned, as long as they are surrendered, there is basically no need to worry about loyalty.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also cautious.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the sea, perhaps before the big cow's big move was too fierce, frightened the warships on the sea, so although they did not be attacked by the green bull, they also ran away.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, the entire military base and the port have disappeared. The destroyers and minesweepers can’t be docked. They can’t replenish oil and ammunition. They can only go to other ports to bump. Luck.

"Let's go over there."

Before Wei Xiaobei, he took out another military base from the mouth of Qingniu.

The gate of the military base was unloaded by the green cow. I can imagine that the current military base may not be too good.

And there, the ghosts of those ghosts may not be less.

Therefore Wei Xiaobei decided to go and see.

"Yes! Adult!"

The needle woman hurriedly got up and walked in front.

I have to say that the value of this woman's face is not low, walking in front, graceful, and some angry, it seems that Wei Xiaobei feels a lot of fun.

This is probably a match between men and women, and it is not too tired to work.

This area is the key agricultural area of ​​Kyushu Island, and you can see the farmland all the way.

But now because of the cowardly haunts, there are people who dare to farm here.

These farmlands are full of weeds, and almost all of these crops are submerged by these weeds.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but shook his head gently. According to this state of affairs, the whole Dongpu would have calmed the ghosts and chaos, I am afraid it will happen!

Although it is now possible to buy food as long as it has money, it can be imported from other countries if it is not good, but the food needed for a whole country is not a decimal!

It is enough to affect the food market of the whole world!

Besides, the countries all over the world are not peaceful, and everyone is not a fool. They are desperately trying to reserve food to prevent accidents. Even if this Dongguo country holds banknotes, it may not be able to buy food!

The green cow came back in the past and it seems that it didn't take long. But Wei Xiaobei took the needle girl and walked over. The speed was not too fast, so it took more than two hours to arrive.

Good guy!

Wei Xiaobei saw a dark fog over the battlefield.

Be aware that the time is now at noon!

But on the battlefield, the visibility is relatively low, almost equivalent to seven o'clock at night, eight o'clock.

Of course, it is easy to see the origin of this black fog with Wei Xiaobei's vision. In a forest, more than 30 heads of about two meters are constantly spewing out the black mist.

this is?

Dark clouds? Wei Xiaobei is not familiar with the ghosts of Dongpu, but at least half of the ghosts, Wei Xiaobei are more familiar.

It is said that this kind of dark cloud is in the legend of Dongpu. It is a monster that is transformed from the influence of the magical spirit of the sixth day.

It is said to be able to spit black fog and turn the day into a dark night. Of course, those black fog are said to have the effect of being distracted and slightly illusory, so that it can be attacked and swallowed by pedestrians.

However, what surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the military base was still in rebellion!

You must know that the iron gate of this military base was removed by the green bull. After the ghosts poured in, you can still hold on to this time, and let Wei Xiaobei look at it!

When Wei Xiaobei looked at it, he found that the military base seemed to be somewhat different from the previous military base. The wall was covered with a faint red light, and even the iron gate was removed. It also shrouded this red light!

With this layer of red light, this military base has become different. Those ghosts seem to be unable to rush in, even the ghosts that can make the body blur!

The bullets continued to shoot from the fence, shooting a head ghost to the ground, and those ghosts were desperately attacking the red light, attempting to break the red light and rush into the military base.

However, when the ghosts came into contact with the red light, they screamed one by one. It seems that the red light is like a huge soldering iron. Whenever a ghost hits the red light, the contact part is blue. The smoke is as burnt as it is.

Of course, even if this is the case, these ghosts are not incapable of dealing with the red light. After the dark clouds that the black clouds smother smother the sky, a considerable part will fall down and disappear with the red light.

After Wei Xiaobei looked at it for a while, he couldn’t help but shook his head. There is no doubt that this military base may have a layer of red light to wrap the military base because of the means of the gods inside, but this layer of red light has become It was very thin, and as the black mist continued to wear, it was dissipating a little bit. Even in some places, the red light has become unstable and some flickered.

According to this situation, the outcome of this military base will be obvious.

When the red light is worn away, the human beings in the military base will only have one end! death!

Wei Xiaobei is now hesitant. He has no good feelings for Dongpu. He can't save this military base. He doesn't care. All he needs is the ghosts.

And now there are a lot of ghost bodies on the battlefield.

However, looking at the refugees in the military base, they were nervous and fearful squatting on the open space of the military base, it looked pitiful.

Wei Xiaobei’s hesitation comes from this.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei sighed and prepared to step into the battlefield. This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei still has some kindness in his heart. He really can't let those refugees die.

Before leaving, Wei Xiaobei turned to the needle girl: "You stay here, it is safer here."

Obviously, letting the needle girl join the battlefield with her own is undoubtedly let her go to death.

The needle woman can now deal with a group of spider females, but the strength of the Samsung elite is too weak on the battlefield of this ghost.

However, the girl does not seem to want Wei Xiaobei to feel that she has no value.

Indeed, for anyone, the value of this thing will intentionally or unintentionally interfere with people's likes and dislikes and so on. To be continued.


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