The City of Terror

Chapter 1187: Give a strong man

Hey, this chapter is the scheduled release before the poor road enters the small black house. The poor road is looking forward to seeing the beautiful ones after the small black house, the vomiting, the support of the friends, the Sanqing bless!

Next, this Takeda Ueno took Uesugi this time, let the two ordinary people fight a lot, the two round-the-fly swords really shocked the soldiers, in short, the coercion and the lure of the two-pronged, consumed several In an hour, the military power was finally collected from the sun god, with a total of more than 600 people.

The methods used by the priests, monks, and priests are different from those of Takeda Ueno. They are trying to show their affinity, and they add some words to make them tempted.

But they worked so hard, they also harvested as many believers as Takeda Ueno.

At this time in front of Wei Xiaobei, these former priests, monks, and priests were actually blushing, and their hearts secretly vowed to recruit more believers tomorrow.

There is a merit award, Wei Xiaobei naturally does not deplore the reward, let Takeda Ueno, Uesugi two people went to the statue before the prayer, and then in the name of the sun god, each gave a two-star horror .

It’s natural for Takeda Ueno to win the prize, and the rest of the priests are also a burst of jolly. They can probably see the strength of these two ordinary people, how to keep their eyes open.

This undoubtedly further activated their enthusiasm for work.

At five o'clock in the morning, the priests got out of bed, and after washing, they took their own people into the square where the refugees lived, and began to show off the three-inch tongue and win the believers.

The next day, the work of the two men of Takeda Ueno was worse than that of other priests.

Wei Xiaobei gave the former religious people one-on-one gifts, each with a two-star terrorist.

For several days in a row, even the most stubborn refugees of the mind were spared by these priests and transformed into the people of the sun god.

Of course, these priests have received a lot of rewards. There are ordinary people, there are healing waters after the world sap is blended with Chinese medicine, and there are a few delicious dishes that are fragrant!

To say that these rewards, what excites them the most is the delicious food.

In their words, it should be the food of the sun god. Otherwise, how can you feel the strength and increase the speed after eating it?

The delicacies given to these priests by Wei Xiaobei are naturally not ordinary foods, but dishes that can add attributes!

But these dishes are not a fairy dish. The added attribute is the upper limit, up to 20 points. If your attribute has exceeded 20 points, then I am sorry, this dish, you can only taste it. It is impossible to add attributes.

These dishes have not been of much use to the core disciples of Weijia Island, but it is a perfect fit for these priests.

The strongest of these priests is only the biological level of a star elite, and its attributes are only 15 points, most of which are attractive.

After all, it is a former religious person. If the charm is low, how can you fool a believer?

As for their other attributes, it is relatively low, and the better is better than the average person. Around 12 o'clock, the poor attributes are not as good as ordinary people.

As a result, these priests have eaten dishes that can add attributes, which is huge in terms of their own feelings.

Take Takeda Ueno, he used to be an officer, but he was a communications officer. His strength was stronger than that of ordinary soldiers. The power attribute was only 11 points.

However, after eating this dish, the power attribute increased by 3 points and reached 14 points. The barbell that could not be moved before was now lifted easily and the muscles were raised a lot.

As for the old man like Ishii, the well-being, it is completely feeling that I am getting younger.

The old man even used the food to seduce a girl in the refugees that night, and enjoyed the feeling of being young.

This is caused by the power of the sun **** in their eyes!

To say that before killing ghosts, they are not without benefits, but there are too few ghosts that can be killed. In addition, many ghosts are killed by shells and bullets, and the benefits are further reduced. .

After all the population of the base was turned into believers, Wei Xiaobei moved the fireball idol to the base square and began a large-scale christening ceremony.

More than 5,000 people gathered in the square under the leadership of Takeda Ueno and others. The center of the square is a high platform of more than ten meters. The statue of the fireball is placed on the high platform.

From the perspective of the believers, above the high platform is a fireball that is slowly burning.

The christening ceremony is carried out step by step.

Whether these believers truly believe in the sun god, or in order to gain benefits, or to follow the flow, they have to kneel on the ground under the leadership of the priests, and recite the prayers sent by the priests.

I have to say that the prayers that the two former priests worked overtime at night were quite good, easy to understand, easy to memorize, and Weiwei Peking University appreciated it. Therefore, the two former priests also received the award from Wei Xiaobei. From the ordinary priest to the sacrifice, there is the qualification to host an altar alone.

Of course, for the moment, there is only one altar, and it is empty talk about what is going on alone.

However, this also made the two former priests and Wu Tian, ​​the two sides of the well equal status, so that the relationship between the two sides suddenly became slightly nervous.

In addition, there is a contradiction between the two former priests.

Quite simply, the prayers that the two have worked together will always have a larger contribution, and they will feel that the other person is immersed in their own light.

The effect of the things that Wei Xiaobei has made, in ancient China, probably should be called the emperor's mind, but let alone, there are some things that Wei Xiaobei didn't pay attention to before, but it was just a matter of course.

The world sap after five times of sparseness has been distributed to the hands of the priests. As the ritual progressed, the priests began to smash a holy water on the head of the believer.

Although the world sap is sparsely five times, for these refugees, the soldiers are still full of vitality, so that they can clearly feel some changes in their bodies.

This magical effect undoubtedly makes them firm or have a belief.

Wei Xiaobei, standing in front of the high image of the gods, looked at the power of faith generated above the heads of the believers to form a very thin and thin line, which continually gathered in the image of the gods, and the heart could not help but be somewhat pleased.

These more than 5,000 believers, even if the faith is not pious, but in the number of people, the power of faith gathered is not comparable to that of several priests.

At the end of the christening ceremony, it is also coming.

This time, Wei Xiaobei can be called a big deal.

Every believer has given a passer-by!

Even for Wei Xiaobei, it is a big deal!

We must know that Wei Xiaobei had specially spent a period of time in the Qingmu Fudi to cultivate a general population, and cultivated a total of 10,000 people!

Up to now, Wei Xiaobei looked at the shredded pork and felt a little vomiting.

Although these ordinary people are only two ordinary biological grades, they also consume a lot of material from the altar of life.

Of course, compared with the two-star elite and the two-star horror, these ordinary people consume less, and each person is only a standard 50 material consumption.

But this can't hold too many people, which consumes more than 500,000 substances.

It is necessary to know that the upper limit of the material reserve of the altar of life is now 800,000. Therefore, the material reserve of the altar of life is almost exhausted.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not unprepared. In the past few days, Wei Xiaobei went to the seaside and spread the seeds of some grain blankets.

In a few days, those grain blankets will quickly grow to their limits, and as long as there are no accidents, Wei Xiaobei can get a lot of material, and by the way, the food problem of the military base can be solved.

Well, anyway, since these believers have been recruited, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to watch them starve to death.

After all, they can generate the power of faith.

In the words of the farmer, the pigs must be fed to gain fat.

If you want to eat fat meat, you will hit the pig grass in the morning and sweep the circle in the evening.

The trough is full of food, the pig laughs, there is no pig food in the trough, and the pig is hungry.

In short, if you want to gain the power of faith, regardless of the meal, here is probably a very difficult thing to do.

In addition, due to the large number of ordinary people, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to put on clothes for every ordinary person. Simply let them wrap a piece of cloth under their armpits, and they can make some bases for material deficiency. contribution.

At the end of the christening ceremony, Wei Xiaobei announced that the great Sun God was about to give the gift to the believers, and the priests immediately called the believers to let a large open space in front of the altar.

After these believers let go of a big circle, a blue light appeared on the open space, causing everyone to exclaim.

Of course, this is just the beginning. Next, as the blue light dissipated, thousands of pectoral men with naked bodies appeared in the open space out of thin air, and they immediately stunned the believers.

At this point, the last doubts in the hearts of these believers disappeared.

For them, it is completely impossible to explain with scientific knowledge.

If this is the effect of technology, then it is too advanced. At least those refugees with higher cultural level do not believe that there will be such technology on the earth.

Of course, some people suspect that it is a three-imaging technology, but if it is a three-imaging technology, how do you explain the fact that these red-fruit men have entered the refugee group to find their own masters?

Yes, after the appearance of these ordinary people, they even entered the crowd and found a believer to act as their master according to the memory that Wei Xiaobei had given them before.

These are living people!

All the believers are stunned.

At this time, another piece of blue light flashed on the open space, and a group of strong red fruit men appeared to be continued.


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