The City of Terror

Chapter 1190: Snow woman

I have been sleeping for eight hours in the afternoon. I am still very sleepy. I don’t know if I can persist for a while.

These ghosts paid more than 600 casualties before they were close to the castle.

Of course, for ghosts, these casualties are nothing, and there is still no feeling between the ghosts. They are all forcibly collected by more powerful ghosts.

For them, as long as they are not killed by themselves, everything is easy to say.

Besides, even if more than a thousand ghosts are killed, what counts, the number of ghosts gathered around the foot of the mountain can be more than 20,000! !

These thousand ghosts are the weakest, and they can't even find a ghost that can smash the body. Otherwise, the casualties will not be so heavy.

To put it bluntly, these ghosts are completely the cannon fodder that the wine swallows the boy to explore the castle defense.

After the remaining four hundred ghosts approached the castle, they were excited to climb up the wall.

But the quality of this wall is really too strong, extremely steep, even without a trace of the gap that can be climbed, bulging!

Unable to climb, these ghosts had to launch a shock toward the gate with the bullets and rain, and eventually fell to the front of the gate.

Although the single-shot rifles are slow to shoot, their accuracy is higher than that of automatic weapons. Especially at such distances, not to mention hundreds of shots, at least 90% of the bullets have found their own goals!

Seeing this wave of attack failure, the wine-swallowing boy's handsome face reveals a faint anger, and it issued a new order.

Soon, a group of spiders ran wildly along the mountain road.

For these spiders, no matter whether the walls are smooth and there are no gaps, they can't stop them from climbing.

Of course, when you rushed along the mountain road, more bullets were shot on the castle. Undoubtedly, the Dongpu people also knew that the wall under their feet wanted to stop these spiders, which was impossible, so they needed to do everything. Maybe cut the number of these spiders!

But for the more flexible arachnids, bullets can kill them without aiming.

As the spider girl continually jumped on the mountain road, the bullet's hit rate dropped to less than 10%.

The most terrible, not long after, these spiders rushed to the front of the wall, a mouth, a white silk thread spit out, and then stick to the wall in the blink of an eye, after which the six spiders of these spiders along the The wall rises up quickly.

At this point, those Dongpu people also became a little confused, and they shouted something.

Soon, a thin layer of frost appeared on the wall and quickly spread to the spiders.

Before and after the three-week time, the walls were covered with ice, and the spiders were frozen in the ice. They didn’t even have the chance to move, they fell, and they all fell to the foot of the mountain and became a piece. Pieces of frozen body fragments.

Ok? Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze locked the wall.

That is the smell of ghosts!

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei can confirm!

I have said before, this ghost is from the gray world, and the gray monster naturally carries a gray atmosphere. The existence of this atmosphere is not determined by its wisdom, strength, and camp distinction.

In fact, even Tu Qingqing, Zhao Guang and so on also carry such a gray atmosphere.

However, Tu Qingqing and Zhao Guang’s gray atmosphere have gradually weakened as time passed by reality. Until now, Wei Xiaobei sometimes ignores this breath inadvertently.

However, this ghostly atmosphere contains a lot of cold.

How can there be ghosts to help these Dongpu people?

It is reasonable to say that ghosts should not eat people?

Don't take the needle girl to talk. The needle girl is completely because the strength of Wei Xiaobei is too strong. If Wei Xiaobei was just an ordinary person, I am afraid it would be killed.

Doesn't eating humans help humans?

This topic really has some interest in Wei Xiaobei.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze gathered on the castle and even sent a weak pig to see it.

In the end, a woman wearing a traditional kimono in the east of the wall saw a chill in the body, causing the granules of white ice to fall around, no more effort, around it. A ring of annular **** piles was piled up on the ground.

This is definitely not human!

Wei Xiaobei has his own judgment on this point.

Although this woman does not seem to have much difference in appearance and appearance from the human woman, in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes, there is a blue-and-white radiance in front of the body. This represents the strength of the woman beyond the ordinary person. Its body temperature is below zero.

How can a normal human woman's body temperature be lower than zero?

Wei Xiaobei quickly found the ghost data in his mind.

In the end, this woman hangs a certain ghost image with Wei Xiaobei's mind.

Snow girl!

It should be a snow woman.

Although Wei Xiaobei did not dare to make a 100% judgment, at least 80% of the judgment.

It is more and more interesting that a snow woman appears in a human castle to help humans fight against ghosts.

In view of the sudden emergence of some incredible reinforcements in the human castle and disrupting their plans, Wei Xiaobei did not immediately take the shot, but watched it.

After all, like the rescue, the charcoal in the snow can be much better than the icing on the cake, and the effects produced afterwards are different.

Undoubtedly, the sudden large-scale icing on the wall caused the spiders to freeze and fall, causing the accident and anger of the boy.

There are probably some familiarities between ghosts.

Feeling the slightly familiar atmosphere, the wine swallowed the boy couldn't help but screamed and screamed: "Snow Girl! Which snow woman is, please come out and see!"

It is true that this wine-sucking boy is really strong. Although it was scared to escape even when the green cow was in the first place, the strength that appeared here was not weak.

As the wine swallowed the child's constant squatting, the ground even had a slight vibration, and after the vibration was transmitted to the mountain, it was enlarged, and the castle on the top of the mountain was shaken.

This is like an earthquake. The sense of standing on the flat is definitely not as strong as that on dozens of buildings. In the 30-story building, just a slight earthquake can cause the desk to fly from side to side. Inside, you will feel how strong the building swings, which is definitely more exciting than jumping songs.

Sudden shocks caused the humans in the castle to be exclaimed.

The roar of the wine-swallowing boy was also clearly sent into the castle.

"Snow girl? What kind of snow girl does that ghost girl say?"

"Is it a snow **** the North Island?"

In a short period of time, everyone's eyes looked at the woman who was constantly falling down the ice.

As a member of the Eastern Ghosts, the popularity of Snow Maiden in ordinary human ears is very high.

So everyone reacted and connected the woman to the snow woman.

As a result, everyone remembered some of the abnormalities of this woman before.

"Beautiful pose, don't you be the snow girl they said?"

As a woman's husband, Tadabe Kojiro, who has a high status in the castle, could not help but ask.

You must know that you are an ordinary white-collar worker, your shoulders can't resist, your hands can't pick, you can occupy a place in this castle, and you are quite respected. It relies entirely on your wife's powerful force!

In the past, the powerful force that the wife showed was called the power. As a person who used to appear only in novels and anime, the importance of the castle is imaginable.

But now, even the heart of Tanabe Kojiro has been shaken.

You must know that the horror of ghosts in people's hearts comes from the direct feelings of everyone.

It can be said that most of the human beings in the castle have painful memories of their loved ones being killed by ghosts!

For the existence of ghosts, the hatred in their hearts is not washed even with the water of the lake!

Swear not to stand up! A series of idioms can be used to describe the hatred between everyone and ghosts, such as not wearing a day, wishing to eat meat and so on.

Now, suddenly, everyone finds that the ecstasy that was respected by everyone in the past is likely to be a ghost. The atmosphere that originally united to deal with the ghosts outside has suddenly changed.

Looking into the woman's eyes has also become complicated.

Even some women who admire this woman, even those who have been rejected and do not know how many times, feel that they have been deceived and their feelings have been hurt.

Or it can be said that the pseudo-faith that was originally formed by the woman was shattered.

To be honest, even the wine-sucking boy at the foot of the mountain did not expect that, because of his anger, after a smashing of the matter, there would be unpredictable changes in the castle.

Of course, if it knows that such a change has occurred, it will immediately go into battle and lead the team to rush.

Unfortunately, it does not know that it is still aching feet in the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, for the wine-swallowing boy, the Snow Maiden actually helps humans to fight against themselves, which is simply an unforgivable thing.

The wine-swallowing boy once also dealt with a lot of snow girls. Although these snow-girls seem to be somewhat ignorant and unreasonable in the eyes of the wine-swallowing boy, they are always a member of the ghost!

And those humans are just ghost foods!

Looking at it from another angle, all the poultry and livestock in the world have been rebellious, but several humans have actually helped these poultry and livestock to rebel against human beings. In that case, these human beings will be seen in their relatives and friends and strangers. For traitors!

Because of these human behaviors, everyone has no meat, no milk, no butter, and so on.

It's that simple. To be continued.


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