The City of Terror

Chapter 1192: , Snow Maiden and Kojiro

When the sun sets, the poor road gets up, first one chapter, after dinner, and then into the small black house.


Of course, there is one of the most important reasons for this, that is, Mingzhe protects!

When the opposing forces occupy the majority of the crowd, you stand up against it and must consider your own safety.

There have been too many things in history to illustrate this point. If you want to reverse things that have become fanatical, you will often run into a **** situation, even if your life is not guaranteed.

In short, when everyone was attacking the Snow Maiden, no one in the castle stood up to defend the Snow Maiden. Even the husband of the Snow Maiden, the Tanabe Kojiro seemed a bit dull, and it seems that he has not returned from this sudden change. Come to God.

"Take her out!"

Toyotomi Fujio, who first guided the public opinion, was so refreshed at the moment that he felt as if he was a general, not far from the wind!

He waved his hand and motioned the other men to come forward and grab the snowy girl who was so drooling.

Of course, there is also the evil intention of Toyotomi Fujino who is not known.

Just grab this snow girl, then what to do after that, still use it?

Maybe you can be the groom tonight! Hahaha!

Toyotomi Fujino laughed for the first time.

The men have lost a lot of ability to identify matters in this frenetic atmosphere, and they have never thought that this snow woman is not a good deal.

Of course, in their view, he is now a party of justice. This woman is a ghost of incomparable sin. He can only lower his head and let himself deal with it at will. How can he resist?

In addition, in the castle, the military strength of a single-shot rifle has added endless courage to them.

Just as these men were preparing to catch the Snow Maiden, the Snow Maiden moved and waved, and then the men who went around found that their legs could not move, and the soles of the feet were frozen on the ground by a thick layer of ice.

At this point, they became a little scared, but the Toyotomi Fujino stood outside, not too scared, and loudly yelled at the Snow Maiden again: "What do you want to do? Do you want to continue your sin? Old We can be honest with you, we can still tolerate you!"

The words of Toyotomi Fujino are undoubtedly with insidious purposes, nothing more than trying to deceive the Snow Maiden himself to give up resistance.

After all, if the snow girl does it, the people in the castle will probably die and hurt. In that case, it is not good for the castle.

Not yet reached the summit, Toyotomi Fujino began to plan for the future, and had to say that this Toyotomi Fujino was considered shameful and brave.

After that shameful disgrace, it became a lot smarter.

Toyotomi Fujino's ambition is expanding step by step, and his thoughts at this time have become how he controls the castle!

Former Toyotomi Hideyoshi, what was it when I started? Slave!

How can you say that you will not be worse than Toyotomi Hideyoshi?

Toyotomi Fujino's idea played very well. As long as the Snow Maiden was taken down, then the homeopathic Kojiro Jiro will be taken down. With these moves, there is no problem in jumping up the castle.

As for the later, slowly, there is always a chance.

Toyotomi Fujino became smart, but the snow girl is not a fool. She saw uncontrollable and greedy from the eyes of the men who surrounded him. She wouldn’t be shackled!

Therefore, the snow woman did not pay attention to the swearing of the Toyotomi Fujino, but turned to look at the Tanabe Kojiro, with a little bit of hope, including the voice of emotion: "Xiaojilang."

The meaning of the words, Tanabe Kojiro is known.

Although the situation has changed drastically, it has only become a small white-collar worker. There is not much overall view of Tanabe Kojiro who has become awkward, even if he doesn’t know what to do, but after listening to the call of the snow girl, it’s in my mind. I remembered those happy times that I used to have with Snow Maiden.

To be honest, that happy time is the beauty that Tanabe Kojiro never thought of.

Before the ghost riots, a small white-collar worker in the district could not be close to such a beautiful woman.

You must know that in the money society of Dongpu, beauty is also a rare resource, and it can also be clearly priced.

In this way, that Tadabe Kojiro finally plucked up his courage, and shouted in a treacherous way: "Everyone has something to say, there is something to say, don't do it, there is something to sit down and talk slowly."


A crisp slap in the air came out, and Toyotomi Fujino saw Tanabe Kojiro talking. Suddenly, the new hatred rushed into his heart. When he jumped over, he picked up his arm and slapped it to the face of Kojiro Kojiro. Tadabe Kojiro directly made a turn in the same place, dizzy, almost fell to the ground.

Toyotomi Fujino’s slap in the palm of his hand was a little swollen, which made it easier to play.

"Little Jiro!"

The snow girl saw Tanabe Kojiro being beaten, and suddenly he was anxious to rush, but with a few people stopped, the gun in his hand was aimed at the snow woman.

And that Toyotomi Fujino was not stupid, and even when he took a pistol from his waist, the muzzle was on the head of Tanabe Kojiro: "Don't move! Otherwise I shot his head!"

To say that Toyotomi Fujino is a pistol that everyone should not want.

To know that when dealing with those ghosts, the pistol basically has little use, and its power is far less than that of a single-shot rifle!

But at this time, this pistol played an unexpected role!

When I saw Tanabe Kojiro being held hostage, the snowy woman’s tears were about to emerge.

But she has no way to do this.

After all, the snow woman is known for manipulating low-temperature ice and snow, and the speed is not at all. If I want to save Tanabe Kojiro from Toyotomi Fujino, it is a luxury.

Her snow and ice are fast, and it is impossible to freeze Feng Zi Fujino in such a distance.

Besides, even if it is frozen, the other party is likely to pull the trigger at the last moment.

"Give up resistance, otherwise I will shoot him headshot!"

I don't know if this Toyotomi Fujino used to be too fond of playing cs. If you don't move, use a headshot to threaten people.

However, his actions have achieved the desired effect, and the Snow Maiden did not dare to move again, for fear that the Toyotomi Fujino excitedly triggered the trigger.

Of course, the Snow Maiden is always ready to rescue, after all, this ice and snow ability is still very useful in many times. For example, when the Toyotomi Fujino does not pay attention, freeze the finger on the trigger!

But Toyotomi Fujino, as a small person, used to crawl in the polar organization, and it was not mixed up.

In order to prevent the sudden rise of the snow woman, Toyotomi Fujino dragged Tanabe Kojiro to a farther place.

In this way, the distance from this big, the snow woman wants to freeze the Toyotomi Fujino, it is a little difficult.

"Take off! Take off your clothes first! Otherwise I shot his head! Hahaha!"

At this time, Toyotomi Fujino caught the snow woman's weakness, and after thinking about it, she shouted at the snow girl.

Hearing the voice of Toyotomi Fujino, the snow woman’s face could not help but feel a stiff.

To say that the snow girl is a ghost, but also has the same human feelings, but also has their own shame.

Take off the clothes in front of more than 2,000 people in the castle?

This is absolutely impossible!

But that Tadabe Kojiro was threatened with life, and the Snow Maiden was hesitant.

"Take off!"

"If you don't take off, just hit him!"

After listening to the words of Toyotomi Fujino, those men with great enthusiasm couldn't help but cheer one by one. They had a sense of ecstasy that seemed to be destroying the good.

Seeing that the woman who was once high, the ice and the jade, will make shameful things in front of them, and this feeling is almost going to make them crazy.

Even when two men saw the snow woman hesitating, they rushed to the side of Toyotomi Fujino. The capture of the Kojiro Kojiro was a violent blow, and the Tanabe Kojiro mourned for mercy.

To say that this Tanabe Kojiro said that his family is not very good, but he has not enjoyed such a beating from birth to the present.

This violent attack is almost going to collapse him. He even screamed at the snow girl under the direction of Toyotomi Fujino: "What are you doing! Your man is almost killed, you Still not off!"

In this sentence, the snowy female eyes shed a drop of crystal tears, tears after leaving the eyelids, turned into a snowy gem in the blink of an eye, slamming on the ground.

The natural point of the eye saw the jewel, and could not help but exclaim: "The snow woman sheds tears and becomes a jewel! This legend is true!"

In the legend related to Snow Maiden in Dongpu, in fact, this snow girl is a violent ghost. Whenever there is heavy snow, in the mountains, men can easily encounter these snow girls.

After the snow woman meets a man, she will use her peerless face to confuse the man and deceive the man's kiss. After the man kisses, it will become an ice sculpture, and the snow woman will move back to her cave and be filled with ornamental objects.

In addition, when a man knocks off the icicles under the eaves in the evening, there will be a stunning woman in the evening, which will harm the man.

In short, there are too many legends related to Snow Maiden, and the snow legends in each place are different.

To be honest, if a gem like this is placed before the ghost riots, it will not be worth the price, and each grain can sell at least $100,000.

In fact, even now, as long as you leave the chaotic country of Dongpu, this gem is worth the money.

"Let her cry and take off!"

Toyotomi Fujino has turned a few laps in his mind. There is no doubt, color, he wants, wealth, he wants it, so he came up with such a way, and that the snow girl is in his eyes, this It completely became a golden mountain!

If you think about it, you will know that as long as there is a snow woman in hand, nothing will make her cry a few times, and the constant wealth will come.

However, at this time, the Snow Maiden did not cry.

"Hit! Give me a fight!"


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