The City of Terror

Chapter 1194: , frozen!

I would like to thank Daoyou Tianda’s Bad Guy 2 for the 10,000 starting point. I wish our mother a happy birthday and wish everyone a happy holiday and have fun!


Several people came up with Toyotomi Fujino to carry Tanabe Kojiro down.

But at this moment, the wine swallowed the boy but rushed all the way to the front door, hehe! A loud bang, the long knife in his hand slammed on the door!

The wooden door with the iron sheet was not able to resist the knives of the boy who swallowed the boy. In the blink of an eye, there was a knife mark running through. In the next moment, the knife mark spread continuously.


Another loud noise, the wooden door turned into countless pieces of wood, and the iron fragments spurted out toward the back.

For a moment, this storm of wood and iron fragments swept the castle passage and shot hundreds of humans into horses.

Only when the storm reached the snow woman, a thick ice wall suddenly appeared, blocking the storm.

Of course, even so, the storm has cut off most of the ice wall!


Stepping into the channel of the castle, the eyes of the pair of red-lighted eyes instantly stared at the snow-white snow-covered woman.

"Snow girl! It turned out to be a snow woman, hahaha"

As soon as I saw the snow woman, the greedy eyes of the wine-swallowing boy suddenly appeared uncontrollable greed.

Undoubtedly, this wine-swallowing boy is really in love with the snow woman, so at this time I saw the snow woman, even those who are shooting bullets at themselves have not paid attention to it.

"If you retire, I will not kill you!"

The snow girl seems to have frosty eyes falling on the wine-swallowing boy. For his eyes, the eyes are a bit disgusting, and the lips are lightly opened, telling a word that makes the wine swallow the boy's sudden anger.

"What? Kill me? Just give it a try!"

Although the wine-swallowing boy is somewhat fascinated, it is always a powerful ghost. In the first time, he rushes toward the snow-capped woman. The long knife gently plucks up and slams down from the snow-haired woman.

The momentum of this knife did not stop at all.

Obviously, if the snow girl does not dodge, then this knife will be able to split the snow girl in half!

It can also be seen that although this wine-sucking boy is fascinated by color, but the battle is not a slight tendency to soften!

"Ice storm!"

Just as the wine swallowed the boy and slammed down, the snow girl also moved, and her hands gently swung the boy's mouth, and the mouth whispered.

In an instant, a white mist spurted out of the snow woman's mouth. The next moment, accompanied by the snow woman's hands waving, the white mist turned into a gust of wind rushing toward the wine swallowing boy.

In the place where it passed, there was a thick layer of ice on the ground. The bodies of the horses that were smashed into pieces of horses were frozen in the ice. The temperature of the whole castle dropped rapidly, and the ice and snow faced. Spread out around.

Less than half time, this castle becomes a snow castle!

And the wine swallowed the boy is still in the air, shouting a bad, then the whole body covered with a layer of ice and snow, was frozen into a piece of ice brick!


The ice bricks wrapped in the wine-sucking boy fell to the ground, rolling down, and not broken.

Seeing this scene, the people who trembled and shivered in the cold wind could not help but be dumbfounded.

This snow girl is too powerful, right?

I didn’t see it before!

What awesome ghosts that the wine swallows the boy, even the bombardment bombs are not dead, so they are frozen?

Even from the castle passage to the outer mountain road, the ghosts that entered and shook with the gates turned into crystal clear ice sculptures.

As for more ghosts, they have been scared to turn around and flee, and they dare to step into the castle.

Some people can't help but cheer up at this time. Some people look at the snow girl with fearful eyes. You must know that before, they are not so easy to forget. How do you treat this snow girl?

And Toyotomi Fujino is one of them. He is also scared enough in his heart. This snow woman is very powerful, but it has not been so powerful before.

Well, after this battle, Toyotomi Fujino can clearly see that the mentality of these people in the castle has changed.

Very simple, everyone thought that they would hang up, but now Snow Girl reversed Qiankun and even killed the strongest ghosts. Now everyone calm down and think about it, compared with their own lives and **** seas. Who is more important.

Especially if you follow the snow girl, then the future security will undoubtedly be guaranteed!

In that case, the person who had previously slandered the snow woman would have to turn down the mold.

As long as the Snow Maiden moves slightly, the rest will grab them.

Of course, the biggest culprit in it, Toyotomi Fujino, I am afraid that even a good cemetery may not be able to find it.

No, you can't let the situation go down like this.

Toyotomi Fujino is also a heart-to-heart, and he simply goes out and points to the snow girl again to condemn it: "The beauty pose, you are so powerful, why did you hide it before! Poor window Taro, table Jiro, You are dead very well!"

The two men mentioned in Toyotomi Fujino's mouth are some of the prestigious tops in the castle, but they hang in the previous ghost attack.

He said that the ideas of everyone in the castle were somewhat embarrassed.

Yeah, this snow girl is so powerful, why did she not release such a trick every time a ghost attack? Every time in the castle, I will die and hurt?

Human self-braining ability is quite powerful.

Especially under the guidance of Toyotomi Fujino, it is even more embarrassing, coupled with the identity of the snow woman, etc., everyone in the castle watching the snow girl's eyes is not very good.

"you guys!"

The snow woman did not speak for a long time, just listening to the whispers of everyone.

Undoubtedly, these whispers are not good words.

In the end, the snow woman made a sound, only said two words, the body swayed, and a blood spurted out and fell down.

what's going on?

Everyone saw this scene, and suddenly it was awkward!

Only after seeing Toyotomi Fujino, I liked it from the heart, and God is so blessing myself.

Undoubtedly, with the fall of the Snow Maiden, the fears before Toyotomi Fujino disappeared.

"Look! She is a guilty conscience, and it was revealed by me! You guys will catch the snow girl! Be careful, she will retaliate against us!"

Toyotomi Fujino poured water on the snow woman while letting the snow girl catch it. I also took a few big mouths to help the little man who was really talking. To prevent the boy from saying something that would shake the heart. .

To say that for the move of Toyotomi Fujino, many people in the castle are frowning.

However, things do not hang high, and the allusions in front of the door are also applicable here.

In particular, the people who had previously offended the Snow Maiden were not too few, and these people completely obeyed the words of Toyotomi Fujino.

These people account for more than 40% of the castle! They are united, and the rest of the people are more than 50%. They are not united at all, and they dare to stand up and say fair words.

Especially in the previous battle, many of the high-rises in the castle were taken away by the drunken boy, and no one came out to speak.

The Snow Maiden really did not have the power to resist at this time. The men were originally shocked and trembled, fearing that the Snow Maiden was disguised, and one accidentally became an ice sculpture.

What they can't think of is that after they approached, they found the snow stunned in the past!

The ropes are tied to the snow woman. Of course, these **** people have not forgotten to take the opportunity to get up and down.

This scene made the Toyotomi Fujino look envious. I knew that the snow girl would be in a coma, and she went forward. Where did she get these pickled goods?

Of course, this Toyotomi Fujino did not think that he actually was similar to these few pickled goods.

Just as the situation in the castle changed because the snow stunned, and Toyotomi Fujino looked at his own purpose, suddenly a crack of ice broke out.

However, Toyotomi Fujino and others did not hear the sound at all, but were busy trying to send the snow woman to their bed.

But then, the sound of ice breaking is constantly coming, and it is louder than once.

Finally, someone noticed the sound of the broken ice. When he turned and looked at the place where the sound originated, he couldn’t help but scream with horror: “Crush, broken, broken!”

"What sleeps? Sleeping now!"

Another man turned his head and looked at it. He saw that the ice that had frozen the wine in his mouth was bursting. He could not help but yell: "Ghosts, ghosts are coming out!"


Finally, at this moment, the ice outside the wine-swallowing boy suddenly shattered, and countless pieces of crushed ice, which was sprinkled out like countless bullets.

Undoubtedly, although the snow woman said that the wine swallowed the boy to freeze, but the wine swallowed the boy is not the weak, where may be frozen to death in this way, after a period of strength, this wine swallowed the boy finally from the ice Struggling to get out.

To be honest, just the ice that bursts out and sprinkles can kill most of the people in the castle!

For Wei Xiaobei, it’s worth it.

It is the castle, the love and hate between the snow woman and the human being, the counterattack of the little person, etc., is equivalent to a blockbuster.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei also remembered the purpose of his own coming. It was nothing more than recruiting believers. If he let the wine-swallowing boy destroy most of the people in the castle, his trip would be a small failure.

Therefore, at this time Wei Xiaobei has fallen from the height of the hiding place, like a meteorite, swooping down towards the wine swallowing boy!

Undoubtedly, the wine-swallowing boy can feel the hostility carried by Wei Xiaobei!

Strong enemy!

The wine swallow boy who was supposed to be sprinkled by the whole body of crushed ice had to turn his attention and turned to the top. With both hands holding the knife, he jumped up, like the same cannonball, and the small defender North went to the top.


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