The City of Terror

Chapter 1196: Increased divinity

Today is your birthday, my motherland, I wish you all a happy National Day!


What everyone can't think of is that this time a weak, but crisp enough sound sounded: "I am willing to believe in the great sun god!"

What is this voice?

The eyes of everyone turned to the master of the sound, Snow Maiden!

Suddenly, a stunned, this snow woman wakes up?

Of course, they didn't know that the snow woman was awakened at the moment when the wine-swallowing boy had just struggled out of the ice, but she continued to pretend to be in a coma.

But the snow girl at that time was very shocked.

The man who suddenly appeared was too strong, and even a sword cut off the head of the wine-swallowing boy!

The strength of the wine-swallowing boy is so strong that the snow girl knows.

To be honest, if you don't take advantage of the special terrain of this castle, the snow woman is so bloody, low-proof, slow-moving ghosts, and wants to deal with the wine to swallow the boy, it is a luxury.

The snow girl was originally weaker than the wine-swallowing boy. Coupled with these unfavorable conditions, the results of the two sides’ battles can be imagined.

In fact, the existence of Snow Maiden is more suitable for auxiliary operations than for confronting the enemy.

And when Wei Xiaobei asked the sentence, the snowy woman who was fainting felt the opportunity of her own innocence, and answered the exit without thinking.

The snow woman is awake!

Suddenly, headed by Toyotomi Fujino, who had done or did not do the Snow Maiden before, but offended the snow woman, one by one, some trembling.

No way, who is not afraid of being frozen into ice, change you, you try?

But after that, these men have become more secure in their hearts, what are they afraid of? I have a backing now!

Of course, although they think so, they still have some concerns. After all, they don’t know much about Wei Xiaobei’s temper. They need to know the slap in front of Toyotomi Fujino, and let them feel that Wei Xiaobei is somewhat moody and moody. People, it is hard to say what they will do next.

Wei Xiaobei didn't pay attention to it. The men and the snow maiden entangled, but nodded, then will be willing to believe in the sun god, followed by the people who left, and slightly checked their injuries.

Anyone who has a wound is given a sip or a few holy waters.

Well, as we all know, this is what the so-called holy water is.

Even the snow woman was given two.

This is holy water?

Those who were injured in the body, after being filled with holy water, felt a warmth in the body, and the wound was quickly recovered, and the pain was weakened.

"Okay, let's go."

Wei Xiaobei walked in the front and stepped out of the already opened city gate.

And some ghosts are now looking into the city gate.

Most of the ghosts have been scared.

Not long ago, the breath of the wine-swallowing boy was completely collapsed.

For those ghosts, this is something that can't happen!

It is like the Middle Ages, when some people say that the earth is not as unbelievable as the center of the universe.

But it is incredible, the smell of the wine-swallowing boy is indeed disappearing in their perception.

Could it be said that the wine swallowed the boy and disappeared after entering the castle?

The ghost with a little bit of thought naturally thought of this, and then turned and fled.

Obviously, the wine-swallowing boy was wiped out, and he was afraid of being a strong enemy.

But most of the ghosts' brains are not so good. Although they are a little afraid of the devour of the boys, they can't give up the human breath in the castle. Those humans mean fat food for them.

For ghosts with less intelligence, it is difficult for them to abandon these things.

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei led the team out of the castle, the ghosts suddenly violently screamed, and they made various calls in an attempt to scare these human beings.

The humans who came out behind Wei Xiaobei were indeed scared. I know that even in the castle, when they saw the ghosts, they were a little scared.

Now, the protection of the castle is lost. It is less than a hundred meters away from those ghosts. This kind of environment is really scary.

Even if Wei Xiaobei stood at the forefront, he could not weaken their fears. Even some human beings, after stepping out of the city gate, saw the ghosts that looked at them, and they could not help but shrink back.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but shook his head.

Of course, for this, Wei Xiaobei will not blame them. They are just ordinary human beings. It is not bad to follow them.


At this time, what is more needed is to settle their hearts.

Therefore, even if Wei Xiaobei gently step forward, the mouth is like a spring thunder!

Only this sound, the ghosts that were still stunned by the moment, felt that the human beings who were at the forefront, such as the huge beasts of the same head, the eyes were like swallowing them!

After the interest rate, the first reaction of these ghosts is to turn around and escape!

Thousands of ghosts are in the explosion of Wei Xiaobei, and they are scared to flee!

This scene, I can see that the human beings behind Wei Xiaobei are stunned.

This situation is completely beyond their imagination.

You must know that the guardian Xiaobei killed the wine in one fell swoop. These human beings think that Wei Xiaobei is powerful, but now, watching thousands of ghosts are scared away, this feeling completely makes them dementia.

Because they have been unable to judge how powerful the wine-swallowing boy is.

The wine swallows the boy, and the spiders are only weaker in their hearts than the wine-swallowing boy. As a result, the power of Wei Xiaobei at this time is strong in their hearts.

"Okay, let's go."

Wei Xiaobei saw the ghosts scared away, did not delay the time, and then took the lead to go down the mountain.

In fact, at this time, those who had insisted on staying in the castle also sneaked into the leaving team.

Obviously, the power of Wei Xiaobei gave them a greater sense of security.

Of course, there are always some human beings who are killed and are not willing to leave the castle. For these people, Wei Xiaobei can only say that he is asking for more happiness.

It is conceivable that the guardian Xiaobei will take most of the people away, the defense of the castle will be emptied to the extreme, and the ghosts who are scared away will still come back.

By that time, everyone who stayed in the castle had only one end.

From Da Ming Castle to the military base, the straight-line distance is actually only more than 30 kilometers. However, due to various factors such as ghosts and terrain, it has already passed eight hours before Wei Xiaobei’s return to the military base.

The person who brought back to the military base, Wei Xiaobei handed it over to the priests such as Takeda Ueno to manage, and the snow woman gave it to the girl.

After Wei Xiaobei was fed the potion, the snow woman’s injury was better than half. This time, walking all the way, the snow woman’s injury was almost cured.

Wei Xiaobei is not the beauty of the greedy snow woman. For the current Wei Xiaobei, such things as beauty are not really able to look at the eyes, nothing more than a little bit of good heart and mind in my heart.

Of course, if the snow woman poses a threat to Wei Xiaobei at that time, then Wei Xiaobei’s little kindness will be converted into a boundless murder!

For this kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei is very clear.

After telling the truth of the believers, Wei Xiaobei came to the altar the first time.

At this time, it was less than eight o'clock in the morning, and the number of believers who were worshipping in front of the altar was quite large, much more than before.

It can be seen that Wei Xiaobei only left for about two days, probably because the ordinary people are really good, which has increased the number of honest believers.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei coming, the believers who had finished the prayers went together and bowed to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and then looked at the statue.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that in just two days, the radiance of the outer image of the gods became much brighter in his own eyes.

This means that the divinity in the gods has increased a lot.

Looking at the believers who are still praying sincerely, Wei Xiaobei naturally understands that the increase in the number of honest believers has undoubtedly increased the speed of divine condensation.

When the believers went to collect food, Wei Xiaobei came to the statue and reached out to the statue.

Only in this way can Wei Xiaobei accurately detect the number of divines in the gods.

Well, if we use the original divine measure of the mutant farmer's market to measure it, the fireball's previous divinity is converted, probably only one-fifth of the wire!

This is the result of the continued moisturization of Aoki Fukui after the fireball has divinity.

After that, the fireball splits a part of the image, and the part of the divinity is only one tenth.

But now the number of divines in the idol has reached three tenths!

That is to say, after waiting for two days, the divinity in the idol can be compared with the original fireball.

Wei Xiaobei decided to wait for two days.

From this trip to the famous castle to guide those believers to see, it is completely troublesome to save people and then return them to the military base.

Let’s not say how badly this process will be. Just say that this military base can only accommodate up to 50,000 or 60,000 believers. What should be done when the military base accommodates a full population?

Besides, so many people gather here, even if the food produced by the grain blanket is enough to eat, drink, manure and so on.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei is ready to change. The next time he saves people, he will let them get in the same place. Bringing a statue of the past will solve the problem of collecting beliefs.

In fact, this is also a helpless thing.

Unlike some myths and legends, these believers pray that the power of faith generated by the gods is too far away from the imagery, and the gods cannot collect them.

This distance was originally thirty meters, and now it has risen to fifty meters as the divinity in the idol increases.


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