The City of Terror

Chapter 1202: Is it equivalent to Sanqing Daozu?

No nonsense, update The poor road will go to the meeting first, and the eyes will not open.


After feeling the scent of the release of Wei Xiaobei, the little faces of the eucalyptus spirits immediately appeared a little doubt. They looked up at the fireball in the sky and looked at Wei Xiaobei, some hesitating.

But in the end, they still recognized Wei Xiaobei's identity, perhaps some residuals of the memory of the soul before his death, which made them squat down toward Wei Xiaobei, and said: "You are creating our ancestors!"

The voice is very firm and there is no doubt.

For these eucalyptus spirits, the identity of Wei Xiaobei can be easily identified by using their natural authority.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s breath is exactly the same as that of the fireball.

Obviously, after recognizing the identity of Wei Xiaobei, these eucalyptus spirits completely regarded Wei Xiaobei as a very close existence, and each one curiously gathered up, and the enquiry began.

"The ancestors, why, you are not the same as the **** of heaven?"

"Zu Shen, can you put her down?"

"The ancestors, here are the best eucalyptus honey."

Well, no doubt, these eucalyptus spirits have different personalities, but they have one thing in common, and that is extremely active.

At this time, they are not afraid to defend Xiaobei.

Of course, the reason for this is very simple. They are the darlings of Aoki Fudi. At the end, there are not many ideological concepts of ups and downs. In short, they are more similar to wild children.

Wei Xiaobei put the eucalyptus spirit in his hand on the ground, and saw that it was a little languid, knowing that it should have been injured by all things, and even took out a bottle of syrup to fill her.

I have to say that normal people are just a small syrup. If you change to this eucalyptus, you have to drink a few mouthfuls.

Yushuling is a unique creation creature. After drinking the potion, it quickly returned to normal. Together with other similar species, it was surrounded by Wei Xiaobei.

No soul injury exists.

Wei Xiaobei slightly checked it and couldn't help but marvel at the power of this eucalyptus spirit.

Don't underestimate this!

It should be known that Wei Xiaobei's versatile knowledge is actually obtained through contact with the essence of the target.

For creatures, it is the direct touch of their souls. If you don't pay attention, it will cause great damage to your soul, especially those with lower biological levels.

But this eucalyptus spirit is only a biological level of two-star horror, but it can only be uncomfortable under the common sense of all things. The soul does not have a slight injury, and it does have its own uniqueness.

But then again, these eucalyptus spirits actually belong to a kind of spiritual creature, and they carry a strong yin, and at the same time, they do not know how to control their own atmosphere.

With the growing number of eucalyptus spirits around Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei felt that the yin around him had reached a terrible concentration.

To put it simply, even if a young man with a good blood comes here, I am afraid that it will fall to the ground in a few seconds.

Normal creatures are hard to bear the yin of this concentration. For them, the concentration of yin is undoubtedly below the air of Baidu. If you only need to take a bite, you will die.

There are many reasons for this. The natural corrosive effect of the yin on the flesh, the soul hidden in the flesh absorbs the yin and is inconsistent with the flesh, which leads to the soul getting out of the flesh and so on.

Even Wei Xiaobei felt a little cold at the moment.

"Okay, let's play it yourself."

Probably to see the excitement of the ancestors, these eucalyptus spirits want to play with Wei Xiaobei, um, that is the kind of game they chased before.

Well, this game, Wei Xiaobei is really unacceptable, can only drive these eucalyptus spirits away.

Anyway, Wei Xiaobei is now satisfied with these eucalyptus spirits.

These eucalyptus spirits can be called the best plant magicians, they can easily manipulate the growth of those plants, so that plants can thrive, or quickly flower the results, etc., and even attack the enemy.

Wei Xiaobei only needs to spread these eucalyptus trees to the whole place of Qingmufu, so the plants in Qingmufudi will grow better, which will further promote the growth of Qingmufudi.

However, Wei Xiaobei can not do this now. This eucalyptus forest, Wei Xiaobei is cultivated as the cathode of Qingmu Fudi. Before the cathode has been formed, Wei Xiaobei will not move this eucalyptus forest.

Of course, this process may accelerate after the emergence of Yushuling, and may slow down. The specific process, Wei Xiaobei is not clear.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that this can only be achieved after the fireball has completely sealed the gods.

Let these Eucalyptus spirits play happily now.

After Wei Xiaobei, Qingmu Fudi checked it again.

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei is really worried that there are still eucalyptus-like creatures in the Aomu Fortune. If you miss it, although the problems caused by yourself may not be too great, it is trouble.

However, to make Wei Xiaobei both peace of mind, and somewhat uncomfortable, there is no other creation creature in addition to those eucalyptus spirits.

Some are just the plants, animals, insects that are put in by themselves.

In fact, these plants, animals, and insects may also have mutations in the creation of creatures, but this probability is not large, after all, the green wood has not yet fully formed.

Next, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to stay in Qingmu Fudi and left.

In the next few days, Wei Xiaobei will return to the military base of the Sun God, and the human gatherings ran all over and harvested a lot of divinity.

Most of these divinities were sent to the fireball by Wei Xiaobei, and a few were put into new idols.

Wei Xiaobei is going to set foot on Honshu Island in the next step, so the statue must be prepared first.

However, when considering carrying the priests, Wei Xiaobei was a bit hesitant.

It is said that these priests are still quite good, and they are guaranteed to be loyal, but if they want to bring some of the priests to Honshu Island, the road will be more time-consuming.

The only way to save time is to send them to Aokifu!

However, what Qingmufu said is one of Wei Xiaobei’s most secret secrets. Will it be easy for these Dongpu people to enter, will it cause some trouble?

Wei Xiaobei thought about some time, but eventually decided to send these priests into the green wood.

Big deal, be a basin, circle them and ok.

After choosing this plan, Wei Xiaobei even chose the priest candidates who stayed behind Kyushu Island.

After this crazy development, the number of priests under Wei Xiaobei has reached more than 600, and the priests have more than 3,000 apprentices.

To be honest, the 250,000 followers, with more than 600 priests and more than 3,000 priest apprentices, are really luxurious.

Under normal circumstances, according to most religious practices, it is reasonable to have one priest for every 2,000 people.

This is still the case with a wide range of beliefs. In some smaller religions, it is normal for 5,000 people to have a clergyman.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei decided to take away five hundred regular priests and two thousand priest apprentices.

The remaining priest is Uesugi this time, that is, the friend of Takeda Ueno.

I have said it before, and the priests who stayed behind have both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that you can be promoted immediately.

After Wei Xiaobei selected Uesugi as the priest leader who stayed behind, he will upgrade Uesugi to the sect.

This made Uesugi easily take the first place among the Sun God priests.

But the downside is that you can't follow Wei Xiaobei's side. The disadvantages here are not to be said.

From this moment on, the Uesugi is the first veteran who fell out of the first echelon.

Of course, this kind of thing is hard to say whether it is really correct. For example, if this Uesugi can develop Kyushu Island very well this time and recruit more believers, its future status may not be low.

However, if you want to do this, it will be a bit difficult for the Uesugi.

Not to mention the difficulty of recruiting believers from other military bases and human gathering places, it is said that the population of Kyushu Island is only so small, and its population is relatively small compared to the island of Honshu.

Regardless of the future of Uesugi after this time, at least he is very excited.

If you think about it, you will know that after you stayed behind, your status is almost the same as that of the Kyushu Island.

Therefore, in Wei Xiaobei, "with the help of the sun god" will accompany the priests, priest apprentices and even some devotees to an unknown place, leaving Kyushu Island, when Uesugi went to see him off this time, his face was hung An uncontrollable smile.

Well, to be honest, when Wei Xiaobei saw the smile of Uesugi this time, he couldn't help but sigh. Even a guy like this, even if it is a little capable, if there is a ghost before the outbreak, I am afraid there is no good future.

No eyesight!

The superior has to leave, you smile more cheerfully than anyone else, can the superior have a good opinion of you?

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei does not care about such a thing at all. As long as this Uesugi can maintain the number of believers this time, he will be satisfied with nothing big.

At the time of departure, Wei Xiaobei put the priests into the green wood.

Of course, as Wei Xiaobei had planned before, they were placed in a basin and they were forbidden to climb out of the basin to see something.

Of course, this kind of thing is difficult to restrain. When you turn around, you may have curious guys to climb out. After all, Aokifu is now only 3,000 meters in diameter, and the basins created are relatively small. Stop the behavior of these people.

However, as the owner of Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei was able to adjust some rules of Qingmufudi. The mountain walls around the basin were set to be inaccessible. The upper wall was also set by Wei Xiaobei with corresponding power barriers. In short, those It is impossible for the priest to run out or to peek at the outside.


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