The City of Terror

Chapter 1204: Yamaguchi

Today, the poor road to eat, so uncomfortable, really regret, I knew that I would not eat the two ribs, and the people who licked their mouths could not afford to hurt -

The small building is probably too long for no one. After entering, it is a dusty smell, but the wind that rushed into the small building after Wei Xiaobei will even spread the dust.

Then Wei Xiaobei placed the two women on the sofa in the living room.

It must be said that the tolerance of ghosts is much better than that of ordinary humans.

Wei Xiaobei struggled from the tsunami. The two women were seriously sinned. They were raised by Wei Xiaobei on their hands. As the wind and waves swayed, the taste was not so good.

If you switch to ordinary humans, I am afraid that the lungs will burst and vomit blood.

Wei Xiaobei threw the two women on the sofa and went out to investigate the situation.

Not much effort, the Snow Maiden took the lead to recover.

Although this snow girl looks rather delicate, its biological level is four stars!

The ordinary strength of the four stars is naturally much worse than that of the wine-swallowing boy. Otherwise, the wine-swallowing boy will not break through its frozen seal as easily.

You know, the Snow Maiden has only one such ability, especially how much this trick is.

However, the four-star ordinary creature level also determines how the snow woman's attributes are not too low, so it is reasonable to recover faster than the needle girl.

When the needle girl recovered, Wei Xiaobei also came back after the investigation.

Let the snow girl, the needle girl is somewhat puzzled, Wei Xiaobei's face does not look very good.

Faced with the doubts of the two women, Wei Xiaobei’s rare bitter smile: “We seem to have gone the wrong place, here is Shikoku Island!”

Shikoku Island?

At this point, Wei Xiaobei is basically not mistaken.

The maps found in the town and other things show that this is Shikoku Island.

"Adult, what should we do?"

Probably it took a long time to follow Wei Xiaobei, and now the needle girl has become more active than before.

"What should I do? Take a break and let's go tomorrow."

Recalling the situation obtained from the secret computer of the military base, Wei Xiaobei sighed and made arrangements.

According to various data, Shikoku Island should be the most thorough one in the four islands of Dongpu.

The area of ​​the four islands is only over 18,000 square kilometers. There are many mountains, 80% of which are mountainous and the population is close to 4 million. But now, the residual population will not exceed 20,000. It is said that these residual populations are under the control of ghosts. under.

It can be said that in Shikoku Island, human beings have basically been wiped out by ghosts, and here has become a paradise for ghosts.

Of course, because of this, the ghost density here is much less than the other big islands.

Before Wei Xiaobei went out for a lap, he left the town for ten kilometers at the farthest, and found a few ghosts transformed by livestock. As for other powerful ghosts, they did not see it.

This snow girl, the needle girl is unconditionally obedient to Wei Xiaobei.

The wind and rain have not stopped, and it is not comfortable to go out. After Wei Xiaobei took out some food and shared it with the two women, one person and two ghosts would rest in this small building for a night.

The next morning, Wei Xiaobei got up and looked outside, and the wind and rain had stopped.

After this extremely wide-ranging tsunami, the original gray sky became bright, the blue sky, with a little white clouds, the sun sprinkled its own light and heat, let Wei Xiaobei feel his own The spirit has become full of vigor.

"set off!"

In the following itinerary, Wei Xiaobei chose the route from Shikoku Island to the northeast coast of Shikoku Island, then crossed the ocean and went to Kyushu Island.

From this line arrangement, we can see that Wei Xiaobei wants to play the grasshopper rabbit.

After all, Wei Xiaobei’s current matter is to recruit more believers from Kyushu Island instead of cleaning up ghosts on Shikoku Island.

But Wei Xiaobei doesn't mind when he encounters ghosts, he just kills them.

So, look at the luck and guts of those ghosts.

After the initial stage of departure, it was fine. Some of the nearby ghosts felt the snow girl and the girl's breath, and they evaded themselves.

Although these little ghosts are weak and basically have no wisdom, they are because of this, they retain more beast instinct and can feel the danger more sensitively and avoid danger.

However, as I said before, the Shikoku Island is mountainous and less than a few kilometers away from the town. A few hills appear. This hill is mixed with several mountains occupying 80% of the Shikoku Island.

After Wei Xiaobei and others entered the mountainous area, the trouble began to appear one by one.

Initially, it took a long time to travel on the Huanshan Highway, and a group of ghosts were seen from the woods. Their goals were extremely clear, and they rushed toward Wei Xiaobei.

The appearance of these ghosts looks extremely embarrassing, with raised eyes, green-yellow skin, showing the fangs of the corners of the mouth, and the hands reveal sharp claws!

These things are known to be not good things, but the most peculiar thing about them is that there is only one leg, but running, the speed is amazing, like running horse!

"They are mountain spirits!"

The needle girl exclaimed in the first time. In terms of strength, the needle girl is better than the snow woman, but in terms of knowledge, the needle girl can be much more knowledgeable.

Mountain essence?

Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate. Anyway, looking at the ghosts coming over, I am afraid that it is not the old saying of goodwill, and then it is a thing that is completely lost in a mountain.

The head of the mountain was originally in the forefront, and the mouth was hanging with the drooling water. It looked like a hunger and thirst. It could be seen by all things, even if it was a body, then a head fell. Going out, by the way, I also stumbled a lot of my own behind me.

However, just like this, Wei Xiaobei’s property sheet has emerged from the eyes of Shan Xiaobei.

Name: Mountain essence

Race: Ghost

Gender: Male

Age: 89 years old

Biology level: Samsung ordinary

Introduction: The origins of Shan Jing are different, but one thing is that they are all from the mountains and monsters. Some people are dead in the mountains. The souls are not condensed, the bodies are mixed with the soil, and they are turned into mountain spirits over time. Some of them are the essence of the sun and the moon, forming a soul, the soul of the soul out of the body, combined with other human corpses, turned into a mountain essence, etc.

Weakness: positive energy, flame

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: running, slamming

Special ability: bandit

Evolution point: (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

Wei Xiaobei was the first time to see such a complicated ghost, but these ghosts are collectively called Shan Jing, and even their shapes are similar.

"Be careful with yourself, they will be bandits!"

After Wei Xiaobei warned the two women, they took the lead in the past.

Although the strength of these soils is only common in Samsung, they seem to have a lot.

In addition to this group of more than 50 mountain spirits, Wei Xiaobei can feel the ground not far from the front, and there are also the smell of this mountain on both sides, and the number is still quite a lot!

There is no doubt that this should be a trap.

Having said that, Wei Xiaobei does not know how his own whereabouts leaked.

In addition, my reputation in the ghost is now so bad?

Wei Xiaobei looked at his own property panel and found that it was true that he and the other half of the ghosts were in a state of hatred.

However, Samsung's ordinary ghost body can make Aoki Fudi grow a lot.

The higher the creature's level of this ghost, the greater the benefit to Aoki's blessed land, so Wei Xiaobei is somewhat excited about the appearance of those ghosts.

However, the hateful state of this ghost race also brought trouble.

Take the mountain spirits in front of you, although they saw it for the first time, they would ambush themselves.

"You can protect yourself."

Wei Xiaobei reached out and touched the heads of the two women. Then he jumped up and pulled out the sword of the blazing angel and swung back toward the mountain.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is probably a little itchy, and he rarely touches the top of his head.

There was a saying in the past, the head of a man, the waist of a woman.

The meaning of this sentence is that these two things are not confusing.

Wei Xiaobei once regarded this sentence as a standard.

However, this sentence is not fake, the man's head is essentially representative of dignity, you try, nothing to touch the head of a stranger, see if people can not smoke you.

In those movies, one of the most insulting actions of the punks is that they slap on the opponent's head.

Of course, Lao Tzu beat his son.

And the woman's waist, not to mention, not the most intimate lover, touched, that is to play tricks!

Wei Xiaobei probably looked at the two women's expressions at this time, and they probably didn't understand why the mountain spirits would launch attacks from a distance.

Be aware that bioscale is a very important measurement tool for ghosts.

Ghosts with low biometric levels encounter ghosts with high levels of creatures. Usually, there will only be one result, that is, the ghosts with low biological ranks obey the commands of creatures with high biological ranks.

It is unthinkable for two women to take the initiative to attack the ghosts who are higher than their own creatures.

It’s like a group of little rabbits rushing towards a mountain cat to challenge.

Wei Xiaobei is very fast, much faster than those of the mountain.

Those mountain spirits only saw a human figure that had become a residual image and flew toward him. The next moment, the mountain spirit group set off a storm.

The sacred angel's sword with a layer of faint white inflammation was swept over the surface, and the heads of five or six mountain spirits could be cut off in a flash.

To say that this mountain essence is a change of the body and other things, but they are not even zombies, except for the tough outer skin, the resilience is relatively weak.

Thus, after being cut off by the sword of the blazing angel, these mountain spirits can no longer die, and there is no chance to be resurrected.

Less than a minute, the more than 50 heads of mountain spirits were killed in seven or eighty-eight, and the remaining few mountain spirits have been scared at this time, desperately rushing toward the ground. (To be continued.)

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