The City of Terror

Chapter 1214: , Yagi Daisnake!

The poor road is sad reminder today, the faucet is broken, the total gate can not be closed, can not wait for the property to deal with, he bluntly changed the faucet, directly in this cold weather, was rushed by the raging cold water, the water pressure, Now the water plant is so powerful? The first time I felt this sour and cool taste, it was so irritating, and I got a cold. I felt dizzy and dizzy every day. Fortunately, the code word had little effect.

Wei Xiaobei saw it before. Most of the mermaid's strength is summoning the storm. Once it has left this range and ran to fight with humans, it is killing itself.

The four-star horror creature rank does not mean that there is no need to fear the modern weapons of mankind.

Moreover, this mermaid in the four-star terror, in terms of melee ability, I am afraid it is considered the lowest level.

Even Wei Weibei, in the face of four automatic cannons, will not rush to the front, knowing that the mermaid's defense is worse than Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei did not intend to do much, regardless of the infatuated mermaid, or this wind and rain armored ship, not within the scope of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei is now only planning to take a boat, take a bath in comfort, follow the Ironclad ship to explore some of the state of Honshu, then part ways, find a few human gathering places, and create his own belief in the sun god.

It's such a simple thing.

Therefore, when the sailors tried to make a cage to close the mermaid, Wei Xiaobei had slipped onto the armored ship and took a trip to his kitchen.

I have to say that the food on this armored ship is much stronger than the military base where Wei Xiaobei used to be. There are fresh beef and mutton in the kitchen!

It seems that this ironclad ship should belong to a relatively strong military base.

Otherwise, how can we equip the armored ship with such a food reserve?

When the small north slid into the bathhouse, the armored ship was not far from the coast.

Of course, since the mermaid has been taken down, the commander of the armored ship naturally dismissed the plan to go straight to the beach, but let the armored ship move forward along the coast and prepare to return to the base.

A rare hot bath, the sweat that accumulated during this time was washed clean, Wei Xiaobei found an empty cabin, began to run the pile of real mercury, repair the soul wound.

In the operation of such a pile of real mercury, Wei Xiaobei basically did not pay attention to the outside world, just to leave a trace to prevent someone suddenly broke into the cabin.

Time passed by without knowing it.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei felt a slight shock at his feet and couldn't help but rush to collect the pile. Then he took his attention back from the body.

this is?

what happened?

The next moment, like the entire armored ship, there was a violent shock.

Looks like the armored ship has been violently attacked?

Wei Xiaobei was even able to hear the sound of the main gun on the armored ship.

It should be what happened.

Wei Xiaobei slightly felt his own situation and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he could not directly view the injury on the soul, he could indirectly feel the injury of the soul through other aspects such as running in his mind.

The injury on the soul is already 60% better!

This result makes Wei Xiaobei more satisfied with his healing effect during this time.

This will at least restore your combat power to more than 80% of the peak period!

In other words, even if there is any accident, Wei Xiaobei self-protection should not be too much problem.

When Xiaobei quietly stepped onto the deck, there was a roar of gunfire, and the sound of the bullets and even other strange sounds, such as the same messy symphony, passed into the ears of Wei Xiaobei.

Just looking at the outside, Wei Xiaobei's look is a change.

Is this a ghost and a complete battle with humanity?

What Wei Weibei saw was that the armored ship was stopped at a certain port at this time, and the artillery fire on the armored ship was constantly bombarded in the distant six places.

At the same time, its various short-range defense firepower is constantly pouring around.

From time to time on the sea surface, a large-scale ghost cow emerged from time to time. They were sometimes shot by bullets and pulled out a string of black water. Sometimes they rushed toward the armored ship and slammed the ship's hull.

In fact, this situation is not only happening on the Ironclad ship. In the sea not far away, there are still several warships of different types, and the same kind of artillery fire is poured on the 6th floor. It is also besieged by the ghosts. .

There are frigates, destroyers, minesweepers, and even a very old cruiser.

In the air, dozens of fighters continue to drop bombs, missiles, etc. back and forth toward the ground.

However, the most attractive thing for Wei Beibei is the target of bombardment by these warships!

A giant snake with huge size!

The serpent’s body shape has passed 500 meters, like a moving mountain range.

However, its shape looks strange.

The whole body is covered with a layer of mud, and the back is covered with green moss and even some trees. The abdomen is bright red and constantly flowing out of blood, but it has eight heads and eight tails!

There is a layer of rain clouds above his head.

While seeing this giant snake, Wei Xiaobei’s mind emerged with a name.

Gossip big snake!

Good guy, I just took a boat and actually got involved in such a big scene?

The breath of the gossip snake is really strong. Wei Xiaobei is not able to judge its biological level, but the most ferocious monster in this Dongying mythology should be four stars from the size of the body and even the intensity of the breath. The disaster level is up.

At this time, it is attacking towards the port, and its attack method is also quite special. It is directly hitting with its own head.

Those high-rise buildings were completely vulnerable to the impact of their heads, and they fell down, which was worse than tofu.

The eight heads are the same, all the way to the past, whether it is a bunker with reinforced concrete structure or a solid underground tunnel, all of them are ruined!

The main target of those warships and even fighters is this gossip.

But the defensive power of this gossip snake is too strong, even if the heavy artillery shells fired from the guns and even the bombs dropped on the warplanes, the missiles fall on them, at most, they blow up a piece of dirt, or It was a burst of fire. In addition, even the scales on the gossip snake did not blow up half a piece.

Of course, in this battle between humans and ghosts, there are not only ghosts, but also many other ghosts that follow the gossip snakes, accompanied by attacks toward the port.

Wei Xiaobei slightly recognized it and saw some ghosts that he is familiar with, such as what a spider girl, a needle god, a river boy, etc., and some ghosts that Wei Xiaobei had never seen before.

For example, a bald head is bald, surrounded by a circle, the nose is long and tall, tall, with a pair of wings on the back, the whole body is raised, wearing a sash, but at the foot is a pair of high-toothed rafts, holding a hand in the left hand. The fan, the right hand is a scorpion.

His look is arrogant, and he is unwilling to mix with other ghosts. He just flies in the air, follows the gossip snake, and occasionally waves his hand to shoot some of the bullets that are fired.

The image of this ghost is very special. Wei is worried about bringing the gossip snake, but using everything on this ghost is not hesitant.

As all things fall on the ghost, its property sheet emerges in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Name: Crowd Dog

Race: Dongpu Tengu

Gender: Male

Age: 91 years old

Biology level: four star elite

Introduction: The Crowd Dog is the third-level existence of the Dongpu Tengu family. It is the subordinate of the Big Tengu and the Tengu. It has considerable power and can easily tear humans into pieces. They are usually mutated by the arrogant monks. They live in the mountains, they are extremely arrogant, they do what they want, there is no difference between good and evil, except for their own existence, they will not bow to anyone.

Weakness: positive energy, flame

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: flight, law, Dharma

Special ability: Juli, mind.

Evolution point: (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

In fact, there is no need to look at its property sheet at all. Wei Xiaoguang is seeing the name of this Crow Tengu, and basically has an understanding of it.

The purpose of the Tengu is too famous in Dongpu. In the myths and legends of Dongpu, it is both a terrible existence and a kind of good-spirited meaning.

In some legends, this day the dog is completely a ghost who likes to eat children. In some legends, the Tengu is similar to the old grandfather in the net.

However, this Crowd is almost biased towards the existence of evil.

They are almost the lifelong enemies of those temples, and there are often legends about what temples the Ravens attacked.

Of course, the temple of justice will always repel these evil Ravens.

The biological grade of the four-star elite is not too weak.

No wonder this Raven Dog is so arrogant.

However, these Dongpu Tengu and Huaxia's Tengu are not a type. The Chinese dog does not like to eat the moon, the sun or something. This Dongpu Tengu has no such ability. In myths and legends, it is like to mess around with the people. .

In addition to this Ravens, Wei Xiaobei also saw the moving tree, which is the wood charm in the legend of Dongpu. It is said to be a tree that is parasitic with a strange soul. It is a source of disaster.

There are also bone girls, Hundreds of ghosts and so on.

In short, around the gossip snake, probably a ghost fair can be held.

There are more than thirty or forty kinds of ghosts.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s all-purpose things have also brought trouble. The ghosts that Wei Xiaobei used to pay attention to all things have rushed toward the sea at this time.

The glimpse of all things on the soul level can make them extremely uncomfortable, even with a creepy illusion.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to pay attention to those ghosts.

Those ghosts want to rush over, but it is not easy. The formation of more than a dozen warships on the sea not only rushes to the gossip, but some ghosts that want to rush over are naturally one of the targets. (To be continued.) 8

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