The City of Terror

Chapter 1216: a little shameful

The poor road was originally thin, but now, the order is 38, so you can only subscribe to the cheeky points. Do you still have to worry about your friends and friends? Subscribe to the book for a few! If you are wrong, you will be able to get together.

This neutron bomb is white only for killing organisms, and has a strong penetrating power. Even humans hiding in tanks, bunkers, etc., will be killed by neutron radiation.

The advantage here is that the residual nuclear pollution is low, destroying the other's electronic equipment and so on.

But in any case, this neutron bomb is a kind of nuclear bomb. After all, how to study it, there are few nuclear pollutions that are inevitable, just a lot better than atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs.

Obviously, this time in order to deal with the gossip snake, Sam has actually used more than a dozen neutron bombs, which is really a big deal.

To say that against a giant monster such as the Eight Diagrams Serpent, you can fight against it. I am afraid that there will be only a nuclear bomb in human weapons.

But the fact that more than a dozen neutron bombs have been dropped in one breath is probably quite horrible.

Do not say, under the bombardment of so many neutron bombs, are there still opportunities for human beings who have not yet withdrawn from the military base to survive?

Even Wei Xiaobei didn’t understand this time, why did Sam’s country dare to drop so many neutron bombs here?

However, a little calculation, probably also know the points inside.

One should be to test where the limits of human weapons against monsters are, and this gossip snake is undoubtedly a test.

The second is to kill this gossip snake and create opportunities for the counterattack after the Dongpu country.

After all, this gossip snake is so powerful that there is such a gossip snake. I am afraid that even if Sam’s country dispatches more aircraft carrier fleets, it is impossible to reinforce Dongpu.

As for whether there are any more dark ideas, Wei Xiaobei is not known.

But in any case, the upcoming neutron bomb explosion is quite horrible, and Wei Xiaobei does not dare to guarantee that the evacuation fleet floating on the sea will not be affected.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei quickly informed the priests to let them mobilize their power and inform the people on board to avoid danger as much as possible.

As for letting the evacuation fleet escape far, it is temporarily impossible. After all, the speed of these ships is far too slow compared to the speed at which the missiles fall. Informing those people to avoid danger, at most, let them hide themselves as much as possible. In a safer place, such as under a thick metal deck and so on.

Of course, if the evacuation fleet is within the radius of the neutron bomb, the effect of this evasive method is hard to say.

After all, the neutron radiation released by the neutron bomb is difficult to avoid if it is not hidden behind a thick lead wall.

In addition to Wei Xiaobei, there are not many people who see the meteors in the sky. They are surprised to see that the meteors are dragging long flames, and they are accelerating and falling, and their hearts are inexplicably born with a kind of fear!

Of course, even the gossip snake and a lot of powerful ghosts have discovered the meteors in the sky.

But they seem to underestimate the danger of these meteors, except that some of the dangerously aware Ravens are desperately flying away from the distance, and the rest of the ghosts are watching the meteors and then investing in the military base. Attacked.

As for the gossip snake, I felt the danger of the meteor. It stopped moving forward and circled the huge body to form a huge snake array. Eight heads like hills stood up and turned toward those meteors. Opened his mouth.

The mouth of the gossip snake opened, and Wei Xiaobei could clearly see the fire and lava from his mouth!

I don't know how much magma that the gossip snake swallowed in Kyoto, or that the gossip snake is a magma pool.

In short, it wasn't long before a magma bomb like a hill was ejected from the mouth of the Eight Diagrams Great Serpent. It was like an air defense missile that vacated and flew toward those meteors!

Undoubtedly, in the previous battles against military bases, this gossip snake did not use its own power at all. Now, those neutron bombs that have fallen rapidly have caused the sense of crisis and attention of the gossip snakes. Start to come up with your own cards.

call! Hey!

The whole process seems to be very long, but in fact, time passes quickly, less than half-time, and the fast-moving magma bombs slammed into a meteor from the bottom up.

In an instant, a violent explosion of fire quickly spread out at the point where the two met.


Wei Xiaobei, who has been paying attention to the changes in the sky, could not help but frown. In his feelings, the neutron bomb disappeared in the explosion, but there was no nuclear radiation that he was familiar with.

This also shows that the neutron bomb was completely destroyed by the magma bomb of the Gossip Serpent. It failed to activate the predetermined level and released the massive neutron radiation.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had to marvel at the strength of the gossip snake.

Wei Xiaobei asked himself, if he changed himself, the neutron bomb fell, and he really had no means to completely blast the neutron bomb.

Even if the ink shots hit the neutron bombs, Wei Xiaobei did not have much confidence that the neutron bombs could not break out.

Well, actually, in the people who saw this scene at this time, there are many people who are more surprised than Wei Xiaobei.

This is the case with a group of Sam’s high-level officials sitting in a satellite surveillance center.

The President, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, and the Commander of the Naval Nuclear Submarine Force, etc., gathered together and their eyes were concentrated on the large screen of the Satellite Monitoring Center.

It can be said that this is their first time, the first time witnessing Sam’s nuclear attack against another country!

Although the nuclear attack was a request from the Dongyao government in exile, it did not cover its essence.

The entire nuclear attack process is rather cumbersome. First, the President and the senior executives who are qualified to know the matter, what military tops, what is the upper level of the parliament, the high-level parliamentary deliberation, the President’s access to the Senate, and the approval of the House of Representatives, The nuclear attack command was issued directly through the suitcase, and fifteen short-range ballistic missiles were launched by three nuclear submarines belonging to the Navy. Under the guidance of space satellites, the fifteen short-range ballistic missiles will rush out of the atmosphere in the near-Earth orbit. Flying over 2,500 kilometers, then plunged into the atmosphere and swooped toward the target to complete the final attack.

Well, one thing to note is that for this nuclear attack, the Dongpu exile government handed over 50 tons of gold ownership in the Sam’s treasury.

This is inevitable. Although Sam’s nuclear bombs will be very cool, the nuclear bombs are also very expensive. It’s impossible to do good things for Dongpu without any reason.

Of course, it is hard to say that it is hard to say who gets the benefit.

Dongpu was nuclear-exploded, but if the gossip snakes and even a group of younger brothers can be killed, then the military bases in Dongpu, the human gathering place will be much easier, and may also be able to counter the ghosts and restore human order in some places. .

For Sam, the benefits seem to be even greater.

In addition to being able to gain 50 tons of gold ownership, it is even more able to test the performance of this neutron bomb in actual combat. As for judging the resistance of the gray monster to the nuclear explosion, it is even more unnecessary.

In short, this nuclear attack seems to be a good thing for both parties.

Under the high-resolution satellite real-time monitoring, the missiles that have penetrated into the atmosphere appear on the big screen from beginning to end, which enables many high-level executives to see the missiles clearly.

According to the predetermined calculation, these missiles will hit the target in 5 minutes!

But soon, the changes that appeared on the big screen caused many high-level changes in Sam's country.

"Europe, God! What's wrong with this?"

The white-haired president of the city gave a scream in the first place.

No way, the scene of the sudden explosion of the missile was really shocking.

The speed of the explosion was too fast, and even let them not notice that the magma made them think that the quality of the missile was not enough.

This makes the face of a high-level executive not look good. I want to know that in order to show the strength of the Sam State, the government of the Eastern Shu State is willing to give more gold to Sam, and the top executives of Sam’s country unanimously agree to let the government in exile. The high-ranking officials watched the magnificent mushroom process.

Who would like to know that this mushroom has not been planted and there is a problem.

"Hurry to trace the cause!"

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of the Space Department issued orders to those satellite operators.

In fact, they have not waited for them to issue commands, and those operators are calling the previous video material.

The video material replayed on the big screen is 30 times slower, and it clearly shows what happened to the previous accident.

A huge magma came from the ground and destroyed a missile.

The guy who shot the magma is an important target for the missile to destroy - the gossip snake!

Can destroy a missile, then you can destroy the second, the third

In fact, the same was true. Four monitors were destroyed by magma bombs before the surveillance operators rushed to manipulate the missiles to evade the flying magma. After that, three missiles were destroyed during the maneuvering process. The number has dropped from fifteen to eight!

Fortunately, at this time, the missile has entered the final dive process, even if the magma bombs from the gossip snake did not have the chance to destroy these missiles.

But the gossip snake is not a means of confrontation at this time. Seeing that the missiles are about to fall, the gossip snake has raised a layer of red-hot mask!

The three missiles first hit the reticle. Although the missile's inertia was strong, it hit the hood and swayed, but it did not break the reticle.

However, the three missiles were also scrapped, and the neutron nuclear warheads they carried were not activated! (To be continued.)

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