The City of Terror

Chapter 1218: Flicker, continue to flicker

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For the firing of the neutron bomb, it is naturally impossible to put the tiger back to the mountain. Once the gossip snake stops, it may take another shot to kill it. ★

Of course, seeing the gossip snake escape, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, I can't fight the life and death. It's a good thing for Wei Xiaobei.

Not to mention the extent to which the strength of the gossip snake has reached. It is only said that Wei Xiaobei’s soul injury has not yet recovered. If this is the case, it is impossible to explode his strongest state in the battle, and how can he and the gossip snake Kill.

Of course, the most important point is that if the gossip snake really kills the fleet, Wei Xiaobei’s choice is probably to collect all the priests from the green wood and then sneak out.

If it is not necessary, Wei Xiaobei can not help the Dongpu people to kill this gossip snake.

Now, the gossip snake flees, it looks like it should not appear again in a short time.

Now, the captains of the evacuation fleet have had a vigorous discussion on what to do next.

Some captains want to return to the military base port. For them, going to a strange place is undoubtedly an adventure. In contrast, the military base port, everything, and the gossip snake also left. If you go back, look for it. A new place to live is too strong.

The other part of the captain is determined to leave the port of the military base. Undoubtedly, the gossip snake scared their courage.

Of course, there is another very important reason. Those nuclear weapons exploded near the port. These captains were killed and reluctant to go back. What kind of jokes were made, and the nuclear bombs had just exploded!

Well, one of the most difficult things to reverse in the world is the idea of ​​people.

A group of captains met, and the differences were difficult to calm down. At the end of the day, they even fought each other out loudly.

Wei Xiaobei naturally would not let the fleet go back to the port like this, and immediately ordered the priests.

And these priests took their own ordinary people, together with the honest believers and the shallow believers who just flicked in, they mobilized a riot that took the leadership of the fleet.

In the end, the captains who tried to bring the ship back to the port were all detained. The well-being Daxiong took advantage of his rich experience of ignorance and excellent eloquence, successfully confusing the remaining captains and gaining the leadership of the fleet!

When the fleet was about to leave, the two destroyers were loaded with refugees and left the port. As they approached the fleet, the people in the fleet knew that there were also differences in the military base.

It is also the problem of leaving and leaving.

Unlike the big players in the evacuation fleet, the differences in the base were quickly resolved by themselves.

The captains of the two destroyers were willing to leave, so the destroyers they commanded were carrying away the willingness to leave.

It's that simple.

In the following time, Wei Xiaobei did not appear at all.

As usual, the well-side Daxiong came out. After a flickering, the two destroyers who were supposed to be determined will be fooled into the arms of the sun god.

Of course, there is not much room for choice between the two captains. After leaving the port, where can the destroyer not follow the evacuation of the fleet, where can he go?

From the very beginning, after having this intention, it is not surprising to see a series of temptations such as the magical effect of the sun's holy water and the pies under the Dahon painting.

The direction of the evacuation fleet is directed to the eastern part of Honshu Island.

Choosing the eastern part of Honshu Island, Wei Xiaobei has two considerations.

One is to stay away from the gossip snake. Who knows if the gossip snake will retaliate in this area after recovery?

The second is to stay away from the Samo State. After the information from the well-being Daxiong and the top of the fleet, Wei Xiaobei can easily infer the extent of Sam’s involvement in this area.

It can be said that the military bases in this area, the human gathering place are basically raised by the Sam country!

To be honest, if it wasn't for the gossip snake to attack this military base, it would be impossible for Wei Xiaobei to pull so many people from here.

Wei Xiaobei still does not want to let the Sun God believe in the line of sight of Sam, so it is necessary to stay away from this area.

The last point is that the eastern part of Honshu Island is very close to Kyushu Island, and it is convenient to contact Kyushu Island to facilitate the connection between the Sun God belief regions.

However, for the current evacuation fleet, this is not a short journey.

More than five hundred miles away, it takes about two days.

And because the number of people on the ship is too large and extremely crowded, the two-day journey is not too good.

All this is not the focus of Wei Xiaobei at this time.

In the past two days, Wei Xiaobei hid in a cabin and continued to pile up the real mercury for two consecutive days, finally repairing the soul.

At the moment when the soul was repaired, Wei Xiaobei felt that he had completely restored his control over the body. The numbness of the body from time to time has disappeared, and instead it is a kind of spiritual transparency.

I have to say that the wound caused by the attack of the ghost bird this time brought a lot of trouble to Wei Xiaobei.

But it is precisely because this soul is traumatized that Wei Xiaobei has a certain understanding of the concept of the soul.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei stepped into the understanding of the soul level, then there are some jokes.

But at least, Wei Xiaobei now knows more or less, and it is a small start.

Pushing open the hatch, it is a thick and sweaty smell into the nose. Outside the hatch is the passage, sitting or sitting in the passage, whether it is men, women and children, crowded in this passage.

It can't be washed for several days, people are like cow hair, and the air is not flowing smoothly. This sweaty smell is normal.

To say that there is no plague or something here, it is already open to the eye.

When the door was opened and Wei Xiaobei appeared, these refugees immediately took a respectful look on their faces.

Wei Xiaobei’s current identity is a senior priest under the belief of the Sun God. His status is not high and he is not suitable for covering his identity.

Looking at the expressions of those refugees, Wei Xiaobei knew that the priests did a good job. I am afraid that during these two days of sailing, they further expanded their beliefs and even established their position in the evacuation fleet.

Otherwise, these refugees cannot behave this way.

Even if Wei Xiaobei left the cabin and walked to the passage leading to the deck, the refugees did not dare to rush into the cabin, only to look into the cabin's eyes full of misses.

Indeed, compared to the environment inside the passage, the environment in the cabin is undoubtedly much better, but given the identity of Wei Xiaobei, these refugees can not dare to rush into the room of the priest.

Ascending the deck, Wei Xiaobei happened to meet Daxiong in the well.

Of course, with its current status, the object of flickering is not the refugees, but the seniors such as the captain, the chief officer, and the second officer.

It can be seen that the high-rises of the ships have become extremely convinced by the well-being Daxiong, and the look revealed in the eyes is extremely respectful.

At the well, Daxiong saw Wei Xiaobei on the deck, and then he hit the high-rises. Then he walked over the shelves of the noble priests in front of many believers, but after Wei Xiaobei’s front, the well The side of Daxiong became extremely respectful: "Wu Daren, you are out."

This is to cover up the identity of Wei Xiaobei.

As for some believers around, how to look at the well-being priest is a trivial matter.

"Well, what is the situation now?"

Wei Xiaobei nodded and came to the ship's side to avoid causing too much attention.

"The fleet is not far from the landing site. We have added believers these two days."

After the well, Daxiong followed Wei Weibei and began to report the information generated by Wei Xiaobei's retreat for two days.

After entering the Aomu Fudi, with the well-being Daxiong, Takeda Ueno as a dry priest, the devotees feel that they have enjoyed the travel of the sun gods. Although they have been trapped in the basin, it is impossible to go outside. But they are counted in their hearts.

That place will never be the earth!

It can be said that they are likely to enter the godland of the sun god!

This experience greatly aroused their enthusiasm for the belief of the Sun God, and even became more respectful to Wei Xiaobei.

After hearing the report of Daxiong at the well, Wei Xiaobei nodded and then ordered: "After going to the shore, first build the altar!"

To be honest, in the past two days, if Wei Xiaobei urgently needed to repair the soul, he would have set up an altar on the ship and put on the power of the gods to absorb the faith.

However, in that case, some are not very solemn, and may lose points in the hearts of believers.

After listening to Wei Bei’s instructions, the well side Daxiong hurriedly nodded, and then quit and went to convene the staff to arrange the post-6 business.

Finally, not long after, the scheduled 6th place appeared.

Well, to be precise, this 6th location is not located on the island of Honshu, nor on Kyushu Island, but on a small island between the two major islands of Honshu and Kyushu.

Of course, the size of this small island is not too small, it is more than 100 square kilometers, the terrain is relatively flat, and 89% of the area is plain.

In the era of peace, this small island called Hiroshima was once a well-known land of fish and rice in Dongpu, and it is suitable for the rice, sorghum and other crops to accommodate these escaped refugees.

When the fleet began to climb 6 in a small port on Hiramachi Island, it attracted some ghosts.

But this is always a small island of more than 100 square kilometers. In peacetime, the population is only seven or eight thousand. After the ghosts explode, the number and strength of ghosts appear at a very low level. (To be continued.) 8

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