The City of Terror

Chapter 1221: The benefits of blood sacrifice!

The poor road feels that his face has recently been thicker, hahaha, still 30 yuan are booked! ! Brothers and sisters set up the poor road! ! ——

At that time, not to mention the complete copying of the metal spider, at least Wei Xiaobei wants to integrate the gene of the metal spider into other breeding bio-gene maps, it is much easier.

However, at this time, the priests who executed the priests caused the attention of Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei does not feel that the priests are too cruel. Since they have given them to them, Wei Xiaobei will not intervene as long as it is not too big.

The key issue that caught Wei Xiaobei's attention was that the idols that stood on the square of the gathering suddenly became active.

Because of the existence of divinity, Wei Xiaobei has some spiritual connections with those gods, which is also convenient for Wei Xiaobei to monitor the changes of the gods.

After all, the gods are not worn, indestructible, and if the guts are enough, most ordinary people can damage the statue with tools such as hammers.

Of course, such behavior will be countered by divinity, and ordinary humans cannot afford such a counterattack.

Wei Xiaobei is somewhat worried about the status of the gods.

When the guardian Xiaobei rushed to the square, the execution ceremony of the priest was still in progress.

A middle-aged priest was **** by Wuhua, and the two ordinary people pushed it to the front of the altar. There were more than 20,000 believers gathered in the square. They were so excited to watch this scene, and praised the sun **** in their mouths.

Obviously, the noble identities of the past were suddenly degraded one day, and even their own life and death could not be controlled enough to make these lack of entertainment believers happy.

As a priest ordered, a general with a big knife would cut off the head of the priest, and as the head fell to the ground, Wei Xiaobei could clearly see the priest from the priest. There was a **** red mist on the broken neck.

The **** red mist quickly flew toward the statue, and when it was less than half a time, it was sucked in by the god.

As the blood red mist is drawn into the gods, the divinity in the gods becomes more and more active, but the gods are entwined with a **** red glow.

This is a blood sacrifice!

The so-called blood sacrifice, also known as the red sacrifice, the blood sacrifice, usually refers to the slaughter of cattle and sheep and other animals as sacrifices to worship the gods, or first use these animals to worship, and then slaughter!

In front of this scene, it is a classification in the blood sacrifice. Accurate should be called the Great Red Sacrifice, which refers to slaughtering the living as a sacrifice to sacrifice the gods!

According to historical records, all ethnic groups have used living people to worship the gods, to please the gods, and to pray for peace and prosperity.

Of course, such red festivals are basically older times.

In modern times, only some primitive cannibal tribes can use this method to please the gods.

Immediately, Wei Xiaobei stopped the parsing work of six minds and quietly went to the altar. After coming to the statue, he extended his right hand and attached it to the statue, carefully feeling the change of the divine nature.

At the same time of feeling, Wei Xiaobei’s mind began to analyze the influence of this blood sacrifice on divinity.

After a long while, Wei Xiaobei frowned slightly.

To say that this ancient and **** way of sacrifice is of great benefit to divinity.

Only after the thirty or forty heads were cut down, as the blood red mist continued to flow into the gods, it was only under the water of the beliefs of tens of thousands of believers that it grew to a trace of divinity. At this time, it has grown to five. Silk!

Have to say that this is a horrible growth rate!

At this rate, if you use a hundred people to come to the blood sacrifice, this divinity can grow faster than eight lines! With a thousand blood sacrifices, you can grow eighty!

If you use a 10,000 blood sacrifice! It is eight hundred silk!

You know, when you are worshipping a **** in tens of thousands of believers, it takes a few days to make the divine grow a little!

And if you switch to a blood sacrifice method, this speed has reached hundreds of times, even thousands of times!

Wei Xiaobei also observed that when the **** officials were sacrificed by blood, their strengths were different, and they also had different promoting effects on divine growth.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei only needs to pay for the blood sacrifices of the believers he now has, and at least he can harvest tens of thousands of gods!

Just thinking this way, Wei Xiaobei felt that his heart could not help but burst into ecstasy, and even his ideas expanded. The entire Dongpu country now has more than 20 million humans surviving. If more than two million are sacrificed, How much divinity will it harvest?

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes could not help but burst into a trace of blood.

However, when Wei Xiaobei calmed down, in retrospect, my heart could not help but feel awkward.

Unconsciously, he was actually affected by the **** scent of the gods, and he had such a horrible thought in his mind!

Although those Dongpu people are completely ant-like in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, it is not so simple to give birth to such thoughts.

That's not just thinking about it in my mind, Wei Xiaobei really wants to do it!

If it weren't for the influence of the **** breath, it would be suppressed by Wei Xiaobei's willpower, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

This is not to say that those Dongpu people have been brought to the blood sacrifice, but if Wei Xiaobei is affected by this kind of influence, then there is really no turning back!

I used to say that the benefits of this blood sacrifice are great. It is said that the blood sacrifice is great for the gods, but why are the gods who like the blood sacrifice ceremony in the primitive religions basically have no influence and disappear into the rolling history. Among the long rivers.

The problem here is worth pondering.

However, Wei Xiaobei discovered at least one point. This blood sacrifice can enhance the divine nature very quickly, but its negative effect is to pollute the divine!

Once the blood light invades the divine nature and blends with the divine nature, it will transform the divine tendency toward blood, darkness and so on.

To put it simply, the divinity contained in the idol is the divinity after the fireball is absorbed and transformed. It mainly tends to be flame, positive energy, light and so on.

It’s okay to pollute this now. Wei Xiaobei took some effort to clean it up. The price paid was that the divinity was weakened. Compared to the divinity obtained by the blood sacrifice, he also earned some .

But Wei Xiaobei was not tempted by this advantage. He knew that if this divine nature was further polluted by blood, and if this divinity turned into dark divinity, if he wanted to clean up those blood, his loss would be great. a lot of.

The most terrible thing is that such divinity is completely incompatible with the nature of the fireball. Once it is integrated into the fireball and let the fireball absorb it, Wei Xiaobei suspects that after the fireball is sealed, it will become a **** of evil, such as the **** of the dark sun god. .

Well, if this is the case, Wei Xiaobei estimates that a blood will come out.

Aoki Fudi does not need a dark sun

So next, Wei Xiaobei even prevented the priests from picking up the **** frenzy.

In fact, at this time, the priests have compiled a set of opponents' rosters, in addition to those stubborn priests, there are close to 3,000 opponents.

The priests were originally prepared to send these opponents one by one to the altar to slay them to please the great sun god.

I have to say that from here, Wei Xiaobei discovered a problem that he did not notice.

That is, after the priests' blood sacrifices, the divine nature contained in the gods gave autonomous feedback to these priests, which made the physical qualities of these priests much better than before.

This makes these priests so eager to make a big blood sacrifice!

After spending 6 hours, Wei Xiaobei finally found some of the principles of this feedback mechanism.

In fact, this is the magic of the blood sacrifice.

Originally, it was only a divine god. After the **** entanglement, there was a little bit of the power of the gods, so that under the traction of the blood sacrifice, a little power could be fed back to those priests.

This set of feedback mechanisms is actually the so-called grace system.

The priest offered sacrifices to the gods to receive the blessings and gifts of the gods.

What Wei Weibei gave to the believer a general act is just a kind of deception, a deception by the name of the sun god.

But the feedback system of grace that is activated by the blood sacrifice is the true gift of the gods. Although this is very simple, it is not transferred by Wei Xiaobei, but it is indeed a means of the gods.

Wei Xiaobei, while preventing those priests from carrying out blood sacrifices, has a great interest in this.

You know, this statue is just a divine image, not a real god.

After combining some myths and legends, ghosts and wild history, and so on, Wei Xiaobei probably understood the origin of this feedback system.

In fact, this feedback system is just a set of rules in this world.

It is precisely because of the existence of this feedback system that the obscenity of ancient China can exist.

This obscenity is different from Zhengzheng. The so-called righteousness is to sacrifice to the gods that the country is orthodox, to pray for the peace and prosperity of the country, the wind and the rain, and so on, and to be able to enjoy this righteous **** is a well-known existence, up to God of Heaven, Five Emperors, the Arctic, the Seven Miles, the Nanbeidou, the wind and rain, the next to the Five Sacred Mountains, the Four Towns, the Four Seas, the Four Miles, the land of the city, these are the gods.

The so-called obscenity, which is not officially recognized, usually refers to the behavior of some villagers who are enchanted by the singularity of the altar, the temple, and the incense.

What five gods, many witches and so on are obscene.

These obscenities have been widely found in the ancient Chinese folks, and the common people worship these goblins and ghosts in an attempt to obtain a blessing.

Of course, there are indeed many people who have benefited from it. After all, these goblin ghosts also need incense, they are willing to give more rewards, and they will show their spirits and receive a large number of believers. (To be continued.)

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