The City of Terror

Chapter 1226: The pros and cons of divinity

Hey, a game anchor who likes the poor roads has withdrawn from the Internet because of his heart and mind, so that the poor road is not a taste, but unfortunately, I can’t hear the funny video in the future. I hope he can overcome himself and become stronger and renew. Out of the mountain. ——

The original form of the gene chain is like a three-dimensional network. More than two hundred different genes are repeated to form this large net. When it is deformed, part of the gene connection of this large net will be broken. Connected to other genes to form a new large net form.

The most important thing here is that you can add new genes on the big web, but it won't collapse!

Wei Xiaobei also analyzed it in detail and found that some of his human genes were inexplicable in his genetic map.

Think carefully, that Slime should be close to Huang Kun, absorb some of Huang Kun's dander, and drop the hair, and actually add the human gene contained in it to his own gene chain!

Such gene chain morphology and Slim's powerful gene fusion ability have given Wei Xiaobei great inspiration, not to mention the usefulness of his gene fusion ability. This is the genotype. If you can join yourself In the genetic map of breeding organisms, the benefits are not too small.

However, this slime's gene is too simple, Wei Xiaobei has done all the analysis and sent it to the gene bank for storage. For the time being, Wei Xiaobei has not spent much time on this slime gene.

"Okay, you go back first, and wait for the information collected during this time to be sent to the main villa."

Wei Xiaobei suddenly remembered that he still had some things not finished, and even let Huang Kun leave.

That Huang Kun was a bit stunned and pointed to the ogre he had created.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it, oh, even with the perfunctory praise two sentences.

Huang Kun did not know what happened to Master, but he could only leave with the ogre.

Waiting for Huang Kun to leave, Wei Xiaobei went with the main villa.

Wei Xiaopeng, Wei Xiaoyun, two brothers and sisters are practicing boxing on the open space in front of the villa. When they saw Wei Xiaobei coming over, they couldn’t help but surprise the voice and greeted them.

The boxing frames of the two men fell in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, and Wei Xiaobei actually shook his head. Compared with Wei Xiaobei's several apprentices, the two people's understanding of boxing skills is not bad, but they have never been born or killed. The lack of blood, which makes their boxing grow very slowly.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s request for his younger brother is not as high as that of his apprentice.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei can't want his younger brother to be born and died.

"Not bad."

After Wei Xiaobei gave a few comments, he took his younger brother to the villa.

Listening to the outside movement, the guardian father and mother greeted him. When he saw his son coming back, he was overjoyed.

Wei Xiaoyun, Wei Xiaopeng went to wash it on his own, and Wei Xiaobei chatted with his parents, and he did his best.

Parents' requirements for their children can be regarded as the lowest requirements in the world. They only need children to occasionally talk to themselves and accompany them to eat a meal.

After the night, after dinner, Wei Xiaobei chose the room in the main villa.

After taking a shower, Wei Xiaobei sat on the bed and flashed a layer of blue light on his body and disappeared into the air.

Entering Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei appeared on the side of the fireball and looked at the state of the fireball. At this time, the fireball was still half asleep and half asleep, but there was a reaction to the appearance of Wei Xiaobei.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei's right hand extended, and a flaming pale golden flame appeared on the right hand.

This is the result of Wei Xiaobei’s busy five months in Dongpu, the number of gods of more than 500 lines!

If you look closely, you can see that this flame is made up of hundreds of tiny pieces of fire.

At first, this divinity was put together, but they were scattered separately. But over time, the divine nature merged into each other and became the present state.

This is the natural fusion of divinity.

The divinity of the same attribute has a mutually attractive character within a certain distance.

Moreover, this divinity is the same as a source, and it is easier to integrate with each other.

Wei Xiaobei's left hand touched the divine lightly. The divinity seemed to be joyful for Wei Xiaobei's touch, even jumping on the palm of his hand. A feeling of blood connection was immediately introduced into Wei Xiaobei's heart. Then there are countless devout voices in the heart of Wei Xiaobei.

"Great sun god, your light shines on the world"

I have to say that this feeling is quite novel for Wei Xiaobei.

But Wei Xiaobei still recognizes that these sounds come from those who are worshippers of the sun.

However, these voices interfered with Wei Xiaobei's mind. After a long period of time, Wei Xiaobei was almost immersed in it.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, Wei Xiaobei’s strong will played a role, and Wei Xiaobei was awakened from this messy voice.


Wei Xiaobei spit out a long breath and could not help but have a cold sweat on his back.

Great impact!

When Wei Xiaobei set his mind, he understood it.

This is the impact of faith.

Faith condenses divinity, and divinity is influenced by faith at the same time.

Wei Xiaobei just touched on this divinity and almost fell into it and was influenced by that belief.

If this divine is absorbed, Wei Xiaobei is not able to wake up.

To put it bluntly, this belief is the belief in a certain thing, worship, look up, the power of the faith of many believers condensed in one place, and for a long time it can condense the divinity.

It is also true that the relationship between divinity and faith is complementary, and the divinity contains the wishes, wishes, and beliefs of many believers.

Anyone who absorbs divinity will be affected by these things in divinity.

Of course, the opposite effect is the powerful power of divinity!

It can be said that divinity is the power to gather the faith of all people, so those who have absorbed the divine nature will undoubtedly gather these forces!

Wei Xiaobei sighed, and the choice he chose not to absorb divinity was correct.

At the beginning, the divine nature of the mutated farmer's market was small, and if it was absorbed, there should be no problem, but if it continues on this path.

Wei Xiaobei can only become the sustenance of many beliefs, so that he can not get rid of this bondage, and ultimately be controlled by these beliefs, thus becoming a polymer of many beliefs.

Of course, this kind of situation is only one of them. Wei Xiaobei may also maintain his own beliefs and not be assimilated by many beliefs. However, the probability of such success is only 3% in accordance with Wei Xiaobei's calculation!

In other words, if Wei Xiaobei chooses this road, he needs to risk losing 90% of his own!

This risk is too great and does not meet Wei Xiaobei's creed.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei is not the only way to go.

However, now, things are perfect.

The fireball is equivalent to a detachment of Wei Xiaobei, which absorbs the divine nature and withstands the impact of this belief, thereby gaining the power thus brought about without fearing that he is lost.

Shaking his head, Wei Xiaobei thought of his thoughts and thoughts, and then pressed the group of deities toward the fireball.

When the divine is close to the fireball, it becomes active. In fact, it is not so much that Wei Xiaobei puts the divine power on the fireball. It is better to say that the divine initiative rushes toward the fireball.

In the blink of an eye, the group of divinity did not enter the fireball, and a wave of diffused fire was stirred up above the fireball.

The temperature of this fire is extremely high enough to burn the stone into lava, but for Wei Xiaobei, this temperature is not enough to itch itself.

After the divine integration into the fireball, the volume of the fireball began to expand, and the diameter of the first one meter was rapidly expanded to more than two meters, and the temperature of the surface increased.

But the change is like this, the fireball is still half-sleeping.

Wei Xiaobei knows that this group of divinity is not enough to make the fireball completely awaken.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei looked around in a circle, and the diameter of Aomufudi has grown to seven kilometers!

It can be said that the growth rate of the edge portion is visible to the naked eye.

Every time and every moment, a new yellow mud will emerge on the edge and continue to extend outward.

With the long-term birth, the environment in Aokifudi has become much better than that of the sera.

A large expanse of green grass grows out along the growing edge, mixed with groves.

The world tree has grown to a height of 20 meters and stands in the center of the Aomu Fortune.

Probably an unknown injury, the green cow is still asleep, but he has been covered by the shadow of the canopy that extends from the world tree at this time. From time to time, he screams out of the sky and shakes the ground.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the quagmire and his face became a little joyful.

The six-winged angel was no longer the kind of **** flying at that time, and it was weakened by the mutant creeper. The whole body has become skinny and thin, such as the same hungry body.

If there is no change in position, and there is a large gun in the chest, Wei Xiaobei can't recognize that this is a six-winged angel.

Wei Xiaobei can feel that the atmosphere of the six-winged angel has been weakened to the extreme, and it is almost impossible to probe. I am afraid that it will not last long under the extraction of the mutant creeper.

Before Wei Xiaobei came to the quagmire, his right hand was caught above the big gun.

It should be said that although the six-winged angel has become weak to the extreme, Wei Xiaobei’s arrival has awakened it.

Philip opened his eyes, and the eyes of the six-winged angels filled with hatred fell on Wei Xiaobei.

Six months ago, the Six-winged Angel couldn’t imagine it, and he would end up with this.

"Heterodox! Pray for the Lord's redemption!"

What Wei Weibei never imagined was that it has fallen to the present level. The six-winged angels are not even weak, and even threaten themselves.

It’s no surprise that Wei Xiaobei turned to think about it. This angel was originally a war weapon created. Although the six-winged angels have rich feelings, their brains are like granite, and they are impossible to The enemy surrenders, or speaks weak words. (To be continued.)

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