The City of Terror

Chapter 1229: No leakage

The shoulders hurt so badly that the chapter on poverty is updated to go to the meeting. ——

What is the soul?

Different civilizations, different countries, and even different nationalities have their own opinions.

But the accepted point is that the soul is the invisible object attached to the flesh.

And usually, the soul can leave the body and exist independently.

Of course, as far as the understanding of the soul is concerned, the meaning of the soul in Chinese culture should probably be the most abundant.

The Three Souls and Seven Heroes are the interpretation of the soul in the Chinese culture.

The interpretation of the soul in this ghost bird's memory is also more inclined to the three souls.

However, Wei Xiaobei still only absorbed his memory, and it takes some time to get a grasp of the mystery.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei has an ability to rely on his powerful soul strength.

Soak the soul!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was busy with the old lady in the vegetable garden.

This vegetable garden is considered to be an annex to the villa area. Usually, the vegetables in the villa area are provided through this garden.

Therefore, residents in the villa area, as long as they have time to take care of this vegetable garden, can be regarded as a leisurely rest.

Wei Xiaobei pulled out a few weeds near the vegetables and surprised a grasshopper.

Wei Xiaobei reacted very quickly, and he grabbed the grasshopper in his hand.

Weijiadao originally had no living things like grasshoppers, but since the vegetable seeds were transported from China, they might have brought this kind of creatures.

"Brother, what have you caught?"

Wei Xiaoyun was the sharp-eyed, and saw Wei Xiaobei’s move, and even curiously came together.

To say that when I was young, Wei Xiaoyun was the most savvy Xiaobei, and the relationship between brothers and sisters was excellent.

However, with Wei Xiaobei joining the army, after the military retired from work, the two brothers and sisters spent less time together.

Especially after Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, there were even fewer.

Therefore, every time Wei Xiaobei returns to Weijia Island, Wei Xiaoyun will follow his brother as much as possible.

"It’s just a grasshopper."

Wei Xiaobei is preparing to throw the grasshoppers away. Wei Xiaoyun is a girl. Although the national skills are slightly smaller, there are still some creatures that are afraid of insects. When they see Wei Bei’s move, they are so scared that they rushed out. During the period, a few cabbages were broken, and the mother-in-law smiled.

Wei Xiaobei threw the grasshopper between the weeds. The grasshopper was dead. Wei Xiaobei’s fingertip had a light green spot.

This group of light green light spots is very small, only the size of the tip, almost invisible to the naked eye.

But in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the needle-point light spot can be seen clearly.

There is a tiny grasshopper in this spot, and it looks very confused in the face of Wei Xiaobei, jumping back and forth in the light group.

But in the next moment, a strong wind blew, blowing the leaves back and forth, and the light suddenly burst in the blow of the wind, disappearing without a trace.

That light point is the grasshopper soul that Wei Xiaobei uses to absorb the soul!

This is not Wei Xiaobei's idle boring, sucking the soul of the grasshopper to play.

But Wei Xiaobei’s current ability to breathe souls is still very weak. The only thing that can absorb souls is the little bugs like grasshoppers. Even if it is a bigger one, Wei Xiaobei wants to bring his soul. It is not an easy task to **** it out.

But even so, for Wei Xiaobei, this is also a very useful ability.

Wei Xiaobei can extract the soul of the small insects and study it. Because the soul of the small insects is relatively simple, it is more conducive to research.

With his parents pulled out the grass and stretched his body and mind, Wei Xiaobei returned to the villa and raised his power attribute by 5 points.

Well, what needs to be explained is that with Wei Xiaobei’s current power attribute, he has increased by 5 points and consumed 40,000 evolution points!

You know, Wei Xiaobei went to Dongpu for five months, killing so many ghosts, and the evolutionary point he gained was only 40,000 points!

It can be seen that Wei Xiaobei now wants to improve the difficulty of the property.

After upgrading the power attribute, Wei Xiaobei's evolutionary point still has 41,600 points.

Wei Xiaobei reviewed the property panel.

Strength 115, Agility 100, Constitution 110, Intelligence 120, Perception 100, Charisma 90.

This is the property of Wei Xiaobei.

After a little understanding of the soul, Wei Xiaobei probably understood the relationship between the soul and the body, and this attribute is actually the result of mutual influence between the body and the soul.

Among them, the most influential are strength, agility, and physique. These three attributes mainly play a greater role in the body, and the most influential are the three attributes of intelligence, perception, and charm.

For example, if the soul is changed to a physical body, the attributes that can be retained to a large extent are probably intelligence, perception, and charm.

Of course, the degree of retention of these three attributes is naturally different. For example, intelligence is the least reserved, because intelligence has the shallowest relationship with the soul in the three attributes, while the highest is perception and the charm is in the middle.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei feels that he should improve the charm attribute, so that he can also test Wei Xiaobei's judgment on the soul.

After getting the attention, Wei Xiaobei's attention is concentrated on the charm attribute.

In the blink of an eye, the charm attribute began to rise slowly, and the evolution point began to consume rapidly.

The little half will work hard, the evolution point has already consumed 40,000 points, leaving only 1600 points!

When the charm attribute was raised to 100 points, Wei Xiaobei felt a spirit, and his body began to change drastically at this moment.

First, the pores that are densely covered on the skin are suddenly tightened, and the needle tip that is visible from the naked eye becomes smaller and almost invisible to the naked eye.

Next, Wei Xiaobei can feel that some organs in his body have also changed.

Simply put, it is changing in a more powerful direction!

This change is not much pain, which is the first time Wei Xiaobei raised the property to 100 points, not so painful.

For a long time, this change ended, Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes.

The first time, Wei Xiaobei looked at his skin.

Bright as jade!

This is Wei Xiaobei's first impression of his skin!

The skin is extremely smooth, and it feels like touching a soft nephrite.

The pores have shrunk a lot, and even the hair on them has fallen.

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of, and then Wei Xiaobei looked inside and examined the organs in his body.

In the past, organs were soaked in true mercury for a long time, so that these internal organs were layered silver white from the inside to the outside.

But now, the surface of these internal organs is still silvery white, and the bone marrow in the bones reveals a hint of gold. This golden color makes the blood produced by the bone marrow gradually bring this kind of gold.

Wei Xiaobei explored the body all over again and gently spit out a breath.

Judging from his current situation, there are some points that are similar to those described in some ancient Chinese Taoist books.

The ancients practiced the Tao, paying attention to the valley, no leakage, and closing the air.

After a certain degree of monasticism, the person who cultivated the Tao can retreat and fast, and luck collects the aura of the heavens and the earth to nourish itself. This is the valley.

If you are repaired to Dacheng, you will become a leak-free body!

To put it bluntly, this leak-free body is the pores of the whole body, and the essence of the body will not leak.

To put it simply, people usually breathe through pores and other parts, and when they take a hot bath, they will have large pores and quick gas leakage. If the hot bath is washed for a long time, then it will be deflated. I am weak, want to sleep, and so on.

Cupping, ants on trees, moxibustion, etc. are all mobilizing the body to cure the disease.

It’s just that the principle is different.

For example, the cupping is actually taking the summer heat in the human body, and the disease is pulled out, while the ants are on the tree to drive out the cold in the body. As for moxibustion, the method of using the moxibustion moxibustion points to warm the meridians, dispel the cold, and reach the spleen and promote blood circulation. , the effect of swelling and pain relief.

But these methods will shed some of the essence of the body.

If you have achieved a leak-free body, then you will not be sick, your life will not be vented, and hundreds of longevity will not be a problem.

Therefore, this leak-free body is also called the body of the true fairy.

However, Wei Xiaobei feels that this leakless body seems to be more powerful than that described in ancient books.

My own control of the flesh has improved a lot, as long as my mind is moving, even the sweat can be completely locked!

Even the blood in a certain part of the body can be reversed.

To put it simply, I have this body now. If I am injured, Wei Xiaobei can make the wounds do not flow out of blood! And you can stimulate your body and force your recovery speed!

For Wei Xiaobei, this will undoubtedly greatly enhance his ability to continue to fight.

In terms of all the changes, Wei Xiaobei feels that after the charm attribute is raised to 100 points, several of his own attributes seem to have a benign influence on each other, making his body stronger.

Take the power attribute, Wei Weibei's current strength can achieve the previous one hundred and twenty percent effect even if it does not break out.

The speed has also increased, the brain has been better, and the sensitivity to the outside world has become more acute.

Even Wei Xiaobei can control the charm of his own excitement, and the last street does not have to worry about being stared at by a group of women as before.

Wei Xiaobei thinks, this is probably the benefit of all the attributes have reached more than 100 points, and it seems that the level of life has improved.

In addition to these, Wei Xiaobei found that his soul strength has also increased by 5 points.

The only thing that makes Wei Xiaobei regret is that his biological level has not improved, or four-star horror.

Wei Xiaobei faint can also feel that he is far from breaking the four-star horror, and it is not far from the four-star disaster.

But the four-star disaster is not so easy to reach.

How to break through to the final pass? This problem, Wei Xiaobei has been thinking about a lot of time, but also got some guesses. (To be continued.)

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