The City of Terror

Chapter 1232: Opportunistic

Yesterday, the day before yesterday, the rainy night, today’s sun-drenched days, yesterday’s poor road wearing military coat code words, today’s poor road is wearing a light-coded word, and now the climate change is too fast, right? ——

The two brothers sat in front of the case, and Zhao Yun reviewed the official documents while asking about the current situation of Wei Xiaobei.

After a few words of communication, Wei Xiaobei saw that Zhao Yun had some internal injuries.

Zhao Yun also knows that Wei Xiaobei’s medical skills are so powerful that he has no resignation.

As Zhao Yun untied his armor, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but **** a cold air. Zhao Yun's chest suddenly appeared a deep-cut wound, and the blue water vapor rose, which made the wound silk heal without any way. Some yellow-red liquids come.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yun’s injury is probably left when he is dealing with the Xihai Dragon King.

Wei Xiaobei helped Zhao Yun to heal the injury and asked him.

Although Yan Yan said some of the situation at the time, but Yan Yan's temper is lazy, speaking relatively simple, no doubt there are many cases.

Zhao Yunsheng is rigorous, and it is naturally more detailed.

To put it simply, when the Xihai Dragon King came to find trouble with phlegm, the sound was too loud, and the result was discovered by Zhao Yun.

When Zhao Yun passed, Yan Yan had been beaten down, and after the bonfire was taken by the Xihai Dragon King, he was taken away by a group of shrimps and crabs.

Just when the Dragon King of the West Sea wanted to poison his hand, Zhao Yun shot and wounded the Xihai Dragon King!

However, the Xihai Dragon King was really powerful, but he also injured and gave Zhao Yun a paw. He almost broke Zhao Yun.

However, the Xihai Dragon King always used to be pampered. After being pierced by the dragon tail, Zhao Yun was desperately trying to escape.

To be honest, if the Xihai Dragon King did not escape, and fight for it, he might have killed Yan Yan.

Of course, in that case, Zhao Yun can make it even worse!

In any case, Zhao Yun and the enemies of the Xihai Dragon King are considered to be settled.

I don’t know when the West Sea Dragon King came to take revenge.

Of course, according to the heart of the West Sea Dragon King, after Wei Xiaobei speculated, it was decided that the Xihai Dragon King would not come over until he had raised the wound.

It is necessary to know that Zhao Yun’s Snake and Snake is not so good. The shot fell on the dragon's tail of the Xihai Dragon King, at least the dragon's ridge was broken, and the Xihai Dragon King suffered a bit.

Well, even if the West Sea Dragon King is capable of resilience, I am afraid that within three months, it is impossible to come to revenge.

This is to let Wei Xiaobei breathe a sigh of relief, after all, this Xihai Dragon King is not a good thing, plus the four sea dragon king with the same gas, once encountered something, it is likely to kill the door.

Now, at least three months of buffer time.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei faces the threat of the door of the Four Seas Dragon King, and his heart is still somewhat emboldened.

Even if the Four Seas Dragon King really killed, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t ask Green Bull to shoot!

How to say, this green cow can also be a town.

Clean up the wounds in front of Zhao Yun’s chest and sprinkle some world sap.

The enormous vitality contained in the world sap began to take effect, and the strength of the West Sea Dragon King attached to the wound was a little bit squandered.

As the power of the Dragon King of the West Sea was ruined, Zhao Yun’s own resilience was quickly upgraded under the influence of the world’s sap. It didn’t take long for the wound to be left with a knife.

According to this situation, up to two hours, Zhao Yun will be able to recover as ever.

Wei Xiaobei came over this time. In addition to looking at Zhao Yun and Yan Yan, there is also a purpose. I want to see if my Aoki Fudi can serve as a gray world and a smuggling tool between reality!

It is difficult to know that a powerful gray world exists and wants to enter reality.

Just as at the beginning, Zhao Yun sent Zhao Guang into reality, but consumed a rare baby!

But if you can let the existence of the gray world enter the Qingmu blessed land, and wait for Xiaobei to return to reality, then release it, will you avoid the restriction between the gray world and reality?

If this plan is feasible, Wei Xiaobei can even let Zhao Yunjun enter the reality as much as possible!

The benefits of this, I think how big it is to think about it.

Later, Wei Xiaobei said this to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun is extremely interested in this. Although it is still quite good near the Tiewei Mountain, the monster body of Tiewei Mountain provides weapons materials, and the Great Plains provides food, but it is not a safe place here.

Who knows that the West Sea Dragon King was cut off this time, when will he retaliate.

If this is feasible, then Zhao Yunjun will undoubtedly have a reliable and safe back road!

Since Zhao Yun is willing to cooperate, then the next thing will be easier.

Wei Xiaobei’s right hand shot on Zhao Yun’s shoulder, and then a blue light shrouded Zhao Yun. The next moment, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun disappeared into the big account.

When the two reappeared, they were already in the green wood.

"This is the green wood made by the second brother?"

Zhao Yun looked around in a circle and couldn't help but sigh.

Although this area is still small, but Zhao Yun can feel the rich aura filled with green wood.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei's face is not very good-looking, pale, full of power, and crumbling.

Zhao Yun blinked and saw that he was shocked. He hurriedly stepped forward and gave Wei Xiaobei a support: "Second brother, are you okay?"

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smile: "Big brother, I have some mistakes."

It turned out that Wei Xiaobei underestimated the difficulty of sending Zhao Yun into Qingmu Fudi. It can be said that Zhao Yun was sent to Qingmu Fudi, and Wei Xiaobei almost exhausted the coma.

To say that the Six-winged Angel was sent to Aoki Fudi, Wei Xiaobei was not so hard.

Wei Xiaobei looked at Zhao Yun's gaze and could not help but be a little weird.

Sending Zhao Yun to come, Wei Xiaobei's energy can probably send three or four six-winged angels into Aoki.

Zhao Yun is powerful, but he should not consume so much.

Being stared by Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun felt a little weird. After asking about it, after learning about Wei Xiaobei’s doubts, Zhao Yun could not help but patted his head and took a token from his waist. He smiled bitterly: “Two brothers The doubts are probably from this thing."

this is?

Wei Xiaobei took the token and saw it. This thing Wei Xiaobei saw it. It is said that Zhao Yunjun used the identity certificate and even the simple tiger character. The token is divided into two types, one is like an ID card.

For example, Wei Xiaobei’s righteous rider’s token is a token. It is surrounded by a circle of flowers. There are two running white horses in the middle, indicating that Wei Xiaobei’s righteousness is riding.

Of course, this is only used by middle and low-ranking officers. If it is above the title general, there will be a gold seal.

At the beginning, Guan Yunchang hanged his mark and said goodbye to Cao Mengde. The seal that was hanged was this gold seal. It can represent the status of the official position and can also be used to sign the documentary military order.

In addition to this identity card, there is also a tactical token, and different tokens can be adjusted.

And Zhao Yun took this token as a troop token, which is engraved with a tiger!

Wei Xiaobei didn't know much about the waist card and the tiger character. He simply threw a universal object on the token.

Name: General Hu Wei Token (Getting Started Treasure)

Introduction: This is the toll of Zhao Yunjun. This token can be used to mobilize a thousand soldiers from Zhao Yunjun! A thousand soldiers have the effect of accompanying movies.

Effect one: accompanying the film, the main will be, the sergeant will follow.

Going along with the movie?

After Wei Xiaobei read the attributes of this Huwei General Token, he suddenly understood most of the time!

The most critical issue here is that this is a shadow-by-picture effect.

The so-called accompanying movie, Wei Xiaobei has seen it, and it is said that the Lord will appear anywhere, and all the soldiers can be summoned in the past!

But can it be effective in Aoki Fudi?

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei really does not believe it.

In any case, this Aomu blessed land is created by itself. It is an independent space. Even if the six-winged angel wants to run away, it must break the fireball. This token can also recruit people from the outside. A little bit is not possible.

You can wait until Zhao Yun takes the token back and takes it in his hand. Wei Xiaobei immediately believes.

An unknown force emerged from the token, and then it was like a wind vane rushing into the sky of the green wood, disappearing into the void.

Not long after, a soldier began to appear around Zhao Yun.

Although they entered the blue wood blessed land and saw the strange environment around them, they were a little surprised, but they still abide by the military regulations. After seeing Zhao Yun, they even marched toward Zhao Yun.

When the power on the token disappeared, the number of soldiers and military officers who appeared in the Aomu Fudi reached more than two hundred!

This is also amazing. This impossible fact makes Wei Xiaobei quite stunned.

The space that I control is completely unable to shield the power of the token!

However, at this moment, the token on Zhao Yun’s hand also sent out a crisp and broken sound. Then it was like a quicksand, and it turned into countless particles. It slipped down from Zhao Yun’s hands and piled up on the ground like sand.

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "It seems that the second brother's Aoki Fudi still has some restrictions on this token. One thousand sergeants only recruited two hundred, and here, the token can only be used once."

At this time, all my answers were solved.

It is this token that makes Wei Xiaobei almost exhausted his energy and stunned the past.

Obviously, bringing this token into Qingmufudi is equivalent to Wei Xiaobei bringing more than two hundred soldiers into the Aomu Fortune.

At the same time, these soldiers, let Wei Xiaobei consume far more energy than the same number of humans, and even higher.

But in this case, if you want to transfer Zhao Yunjun to reality through Aoki Fudi, then it will take a lot of time.

A Zhao Yun’s consumption of Wei Xiaobei is probably equal to two hundred soldiers.

That is to say, Wei Xiaobei can only bring the 400 soldiers to the Aomu Fudi at the most, and if there are mixed military officers, the number will be less. (To be continued.)

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