The City of Terror

Chapter 1244: Tiandao

Hahaha, before the update, there are still 6 different orders! Only 6 are booked! After this chapter is updated, it will drop 3 copies, but it is estimated that there will be a historic breakthrough soon. Love you! ! ! !啵啵啵啵——

The guy who is working **** the bed is not a wolf demon or who? ! !

Although it has been turned into a human form at this time, and changed a face, the insidiousness of the wolf demon is completely absent, but who else can not be sensed by Wei Xiaobei?

Besides, the man kneeling in the corner is shaking, but it should be the owner of this villa.

However, after all, the owner of the villa, Wei Xiaobei looks familiar.

Look at it again, oh, isn't that the great sacrifice of the five gods?

How did this wolf demon run to his own family?

I have to say that this wolf demon is really a slap in the face, even the women of the men must be hard, even more terrible is that this is still on the way to escape!

Of course, this wolf demon may think that he has already smashed Wei Xiaobei and went to enjoy the time.

At this time, I found this wolf demon. Wei Xiaobei naturally wouldn’t be soft because of the other side’s busy hands, and her legs were smashed. Wei Xiaobei rushed toward the main bedroom, and the big gun instantly broke the glass. The gun head went straight to the wolf demon who worked hard!

The wolf demon was very happy at this time. When it came to the villa under his first trumpeter, he almost fainted.

This great sacrifice is not something, even the best woman is hidden here! I dare not offer it to myself!

Therefore, the big sacrifice that had just taken off the clothes was directly slap by the wolf demon to the corner.

If it is not the wolf demon who still needs this big sacrifice to find more women, I am afraid that the killer will be directly.

The great sacrifice was broken by the wolf demon, and it was naturally scared and shivering.

When the wolf demon is cheerful, he feels that the back is cool, as if the feeling of acupuncture appears, the wolf demon naturally knows that the big thing is not good, then picks up, and at the same time grabs the two women underneath and throws it backwards. .

To say that this wolf demon is looking for a devil's trick, but it is very skillful to use.

Wei Xiaobei saw two women flying towards themselves, not to mention the pity and jealousy, but they did not want to kill innocent people. The big guns then picked them up and they flew them out.

The two women were scared to scream again and again, but after they landed, they found that they had not suffered any harm.

However, the wolf demon at this time has broken the window from the other window.

Wei Xiaobei strode up, and the right hand shot was thrown out!

I have to say that the wolf demon is some means. When I see a big gun, even if I shoot myself, my body shrinks and I can avoid the big gun. Then my hands are caught on the big gun, and I turn my head to the Weiwei. North smiled: "What if you don't have weapons?!"

Indeed, the wolf demon was seen in the previous battle. This powerful human being who did not know where to drill from it was all on top of this big gun. His fists did not show any extraordinary skill.

Now that I have caught the other’s big gun, how can the other person be able to do it myself?

Thinking of this, the wolf demon still wants to turn over and kill, although the wolf demon is not through the gun, but it can also be seen that this big gun is a rare baby, sharp and incomparable enough to make the other party taboo.

What the wolf demon can't think of is that after the other party lost the weapon, instead of panicking, it showed a meaningful smile toward himself.

What does this mean?

Even if the wolf demon is insidious, this time I could not understand the smile of Wei Xiaobei.

But the next moment, the wolf demon will understand.

On the big gun caught by it, suddenly there was a silver-blue light, and in a flash, the hands of the wolf demon were poured into the body!

Numbness, severe pain! In a flash, the wolf was attacked, and the whole body of the wolf demon was caught in a stiff state!

Although the wolf demon was suddenly attacked, he tried his best to run the demon in the body, trying to dispel the true mercury that invaded the body, and achieved great results.

But this time, Wei Xiaobei has already rushed to the wolf demon!

"Tieshan depends!"

Wei Xiaobei burst into a burst, and the wolf demon was deaf, and his mind was churning.


After the moment, Wei Xiaobei’s left shoulder hit the wolf’s chest, and a huge force suddenly exploded. The wolf demon only felt a pain in the chest, and then a warm current ran straight up the lungs. Zhangkou was A stream of blood spouted.

At the same time, the body of the wolf demon immediately flew backwards under this giant force.

But Wei Xiaobei immediately chased it, and with both hands extended, he took the shoulder of the wolf demon.

The half-half wolf demon looked at Wei Xiaobei’s smiling face, and he didn’t know how he fell into the other hand.

However, this is no longer important.

Wei Xiaobei's hands are like a pair of iron tongs, locking the shoulders of the wolf demon, even if the wolf demon struggles and does not help.


The next moment, the wolf demon felt a light body, and then followed Wei Xiaobei to fly up, then turned around, turning it to see what was dazzling.

Eventually, a loud bang, the wolf demon was swept down by the air from Wei Xiaobei, and the top of the head directly hit the concrete floor. In an instant, the cement cracked a hole, and the cement block spattered around like a bullet.

The body of the wolf demon was filled into the cement by Wei Xiaobei!

Under this circumstance, the wolf demon completely lost the power of resistance.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not leave the plan of the wolf demon. He grabbed the other's head with both hands and violently twisted it, and suddenly twisted the other's head.

The wolf demon's broken neck, suddenly sprayed like a fountain!

This scene, let those women who shrink their heads and hide behind the window to see the situation can not help but scream.

If the wolf demon is still in the form of a wolf, it is twisted off the neck, but fortunately, it is bloody.

But at this time, the wolf demon is still a handsome man. Although he did some abominable things to those women, he saw Wei Xiaobei twist his head, and the women immediately gave Wei Xiaobei a hit. Devil's label.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know about it, of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

Kill the Wolf Demon and gain an evolution of 6000 points!

Hu, Wei Xiaobei Shun handed the wolf demon body into Qingmufudi, and then gently rubbed his legs on the ground, it was like a big bird, and rushed toward the third floor of the villa.

Seeing that Wei Xiaobei came straight, the women were shocked and regressed.

However, after Wei Xiaobei rushed into the master bedroom, he did not pay attention to the women, and directly arrested the big sacrifice.

This big sacrifice is not a good thing. After Wei Xiaobei worried that he had left, this guy used his own strength from the wolf demon to make a mistake.

As for his body, he was directly thrown into the Aomu Fudi.

Anyway, the loss of these bodies into Aoki Fudi can promote growth, which is a good thing anyway.

After solving the problem of Wutong God, Wei Xiaobei left the small county. As for the woman who was plundered to the altar by the big priest, Wei Xiaobei directly called the police and let the police station in the small county go. Handled.

After leaving the small county, Wei Xiaobei did not take long to go to a river.

Compared to monsters on land, there are fewer monsters in the water.

Therefore, the current rivers are in short supply.

The riverboat on Wei Xiaobei can only reach Shuijiang City, which is 80 kilometers away from Cuihu City, but it can also save some troubles from Wei Xiaobei.

If Wei Xiaobei runs directly, it will definitely be much faster than the river.

But Wei Xiaobei needs to deal with some things, and he can only choose to take the boat.

After Wei Xiaobei stayed in the cabin, he went straight into Qingmufu.

At this time, in the Aomu Fudi, a horse and two wild boars were carefully peeking at the green cow lying under the tree of the world.

This is the monster that was thrown into the Aomu Fudi by Wei Xiaobei.

Relative to reality, this is a period of growth during the Aoki Fudi is full of rich aura.

The three-headed monsters were originally dying. After lying in the green wood for a while, the injury turned out to be seven or eighty-eight.

But they feel that this strange place is too dangerous.

Do not say anything else, just the cows lying under the big tree to sleep, they radiate a horrible atmosphere that they are afraid to approach.

However, the golden spring water is delicious, let them drink a good time.

Not long after, there was an inexplicable group of sows here.

Of course, the two pig demons said that their body is a wild boar, but they have long since lost their own kind, and they are not willing to take care of the sows.

When Wei Xiaobei came in and showed his body shape in front of the horse demon and the pig demon, the first reaction of the three monsters was to launch an attack against Wei Xiaobei.

In the Aomu Fudi, the attack on Xiaowei North is like asking for trouble!

Wei Xiaobei just reached out and gently pressed down. The three monsters felt that their bodies were pressed down by a giant mountain, and they couldn’t move at all. Even they could feel the suppression of the whole world.

For such a change, the three-headed monster can be regarded as scared and quickly fluttering.

The former Wei Xiaobei was a bit more powerful in their eyes. But now, the other party can actually mobilize the heavens to suppress himself. Didn’t you see that there is a cloud of lightning flashing in the sky?

"Da Xian, forgive! Daxian is forgiving!"

Without hesitation, the two pig demons began to beg for mercy, but the horse demon was still slightly biting, and wanted to harden it, but after a moment, a thunder fell and turned it black.

After this, the horse demon had to lower his proud head and admit to Wei Xiaobei.

Three heads of monsters surrender, Wei Xiaobei is just laughing and laughing.

If you switch to the six-winged angels, Wei Xiaobei can't master such ability.

But now, Aoki Fudi has grown to a diameter of six kilometers. Although the fireball has not yet been sealed, it is half-sleeping and half-awake, but Wei Xiaobei can also use some things in Aokifu.

In the words of the pig demon, this is heaven!

Of course, this heaven is just the heaven in the Aomu Fudi, and it has not yet been fully formed. If you encounter a more powerful guy, you may not be able to hold the other. (To be continued.)

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