The City of Terror

Chapter 1254: Reality, the gray world!

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Only four-dimensional and half-biological creatures such as Wei Xiaobei can see the changes in space.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has adjusted his own state, and the real mercury in the systemic meridians is slowly running. The whole body is slowly boiling, and his eyes are fixed on the small building without any slight movement!

Finally, in the sound of broken glass, a small crack in the black space cracked in the small building!

The crack in the black space grew very quickly. At first, only the length of the chopsticks was long, but after the counting time, the whole small building was built, forming a crack about 20 meters long and about 56 meters wide.

At this time, the space in which the small building is located has become stable.

Not long after, a little blue light appeared in the black crack, which was like a match thrown into the gasoline, and the blue light was lit up in the crack.

When it was light to the extreme, even Wei Weibei could not look directly at his eyes and had to close his eyes.

However, when Xiaobei reopened his eyes, he saw that the blue light had dissipated and the crack was green.

Wei Xiaobei looked carefully and found that it was the plant in the Grey Lake University!

The space channel is formed!

Wei Xiaobei suddenly tightened his body, but after that, Wei Xiaobei relaxed.

The reason is very simple. Through this space channel, Wei Xiaobei did not feel the breath of the giant pen or the giant dish.

To put it simply, it should be the time when the space channel was formed. The giant pen fairy did not find the spatial fluctuations here.

But it is normal to think about it.

The giant pens, although the discs can create a strange space attack such as ink painting, but they may not be able to feel the spatial fluctuations.

If you switch to someone else, you may have to look through the space channel at this time.

But Wei Xiaobei seems very cautious, just recruiting a few people waiting in the vicinity.

These ordinary people passed through the space channel and reached the gray world.

Nothing happens.

After confirming this point, Wei Xiaobei sighed a little, then fell from the air and passed straight through the space passage.

Compared to the past, by entering the gray world through drinking, the feeling of entering the gray world through the space channel is different.

It is like a moment from the sunny summer into the cold winter.

Compared with the small building, the Cuihu University in the gray world is more fragrant, even the light is much darker.

Of course, most of this is due to the environment of the gray world itself.

The Pu people have moved in several directions and are moving around. They will be used as Wei Jianbei's sharp soldiers to explore the situation around the space channel, so that Wei Xiaobei can prepare in advance.

Probably a lot of pens in the past, Dian Xian invaded the reality, making the number of pens and fairy tales of this gray world Cuihu University reduced a lot.

After the Pu people left the space channel more than three hundred meters, they only encountered the first pen.

The pens that can invade the reality, the dish fairy, the strength is much weaker than the one left in the gray world.

The Pu people had just met the pen fairy who was about three meters long and was cursed.

Wei Xiaobei was quite amazed to discover that when this popular person was cursed by the pen, a strange and mysterious and familiar power was spreading rapidly along the spiritual connection between himself and the general.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei even cut off the spiritual connection with the ordinary people.

But even if Wei Xiaobei cuts off the connection of the mind very quickly, it is inevitably contaminated by the mysterious curse of the mysterious power.


The effect of this cursed force soon appeared. When Wei Xiaobei walked on the thorny forest path, he was thrown to the ground by a vine and hit the trunk of a big tree. Above.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei’s cursing power was not much, and because Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has reached a high level, the curse’s power dissipated after the attack.

The slightest force of the curse on the stain did not even make the seven-seven jade card play a role.

This made Wei Xiaobei's understanding of the curse's power a little more.

But then again, if it is the immortal release of the curse directly to Wei Xiaobei, the situation may be somewhat different. Although Wei Xiaobei said that there are seven Siyu women's waist guards, they can resist the curse of the pen fairy, but this seven The power contained in the Siyu female waist card is limited.

Once the power in the seven-seven women's waistband is consumed, Wei Xiaobei has no way to resist the curse, and if this curse is in the middle, it is basically difficult for Wei Xiaobei to get rid of this curse.

Compared with Wei Xiaobei's good fortune, the poor ordinary people are considered to be bad for eight generations. Because the distance is not too far, only two hundred meters, Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel the state of this ordinary person.

I don't know if there was some problem in the cultivation of this popular person or the bad luck caused by the curse. It was such a rare phenomenon that the general people had a genetic collapse after being cursed.

This probably should be regarded as the biggest bad luck encountered in breeding biology.

In just five or six seconds, the ordinary person melted into a black water on the ground.

After the generals melted, the pen fairy seemed to have noticed something, and it drifted toward Wei Xiaobei along the road that the ordinary people stepped on in the forest.

Wei Xiaobei has not fought against the strange spirit of the pen fairy for a long time, but he did not cringe at all. Instead, he greeted the penis.

This is the confidence of Wei Xiaobei.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei had no good way to deal with pens in addition to the seven-seven jade women's waist cards. Therefore, when encountering pens, they can basically hide and hide, can flash and flash, never with Such a strange spirit is facing the battle.

But now, Wei Xiaobei has plenty of conviction, as long as it is not a giant pen fairy, the giant disc is such a polar body, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is not a big problem to take a pen.

Obviously, the penis's inductive power is not high. When Wei Xiaobei and the other party are only more than 30 meters away, the fairy still has not found Wei Xiaobei.

However, when there was no plant blocking between Xiaobei and Penxian, the **** finally found Wei Xiaobei.

But it was too late, Wei Xiaobei, like a leopard lurking in the grass, suddenly accelerated and rushed out, and the left-handed ink squirt instantly ran through the pen fairy seven times!

It should be said that the ink-and-blood rifle originally had the effect of breaking the evil thoughts. It has some killing effects on these strange spirits, and the true mercury and lightning covered on the tip of the ink guns gave the pen a fatal blow!

After seven consecutive runs, the soul of the pen fairy was defeated in an instant.

In the next moment, the pen fairy suddenly collapsed, turning into countless green spots to dissipate in the air, and a crystal clear pearl has been picked by Wei Xiaobei's gun tip and is included in the storage ring.

Wei Xiaobei is very satisfied with this raid.

To say that such a strange spirit, such as the penis, its combat power is not too high, although it can immunize most of the physical damage, but its action is slow, the direct lethality to the enemy is very low.

To be honest, if it is not the power of its strange curse, its combat power will probably be only one star elite, or even lower.

But it is the power of its strange curse. Even if it is a strong existence like Wei Xiaobei, he has to be cautious when he encounters the pen fairy and the dish fairy.

Well, what needs to be explained is that there seems to be a mysterious connection between these pens and discs. It may be telepathy or another means. In short, after Wei Xiaobei killed the pen fairy The pens that the ordinary people who have gone out to explore around have suddenly increased!

A large number of pens, discs from the grass, canopy and even some buildings, flew over to the place where the pen was killed.

Yes, I used to describe the pen sacred, the dish of these strange spirits used to float, the speed of their movement in the air is not fast, probably only five or six kilometers per hour, this speed is about the same as human walk, that is It is easy to smash these pens as long as ordinary humans run fast.

But now, I don't know which of their nerves have been poked, and the speed of coming has suddenly increased, from 5 to 6 kilometers per hour to more than 15 kilometers per hour.

This speed is almost equal to the normal speed of human riding a bicycle.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei used flying to describe their speed.

Did not say, the Wei people sent by Wei Xiaobei to search around are quickly killed or controlled.

This is also a helpless thing. Those pens, discs, when they see the ordinary people, will curse the ordinary people in the first time, forcing Wei Xiaobei to cut off the spiritual connection, and then these ordinary people are either genetically destroyed and died. Either they are controlled by these pens, discs, and none of them can survive.

Less than five minutes before and after, with Wei Xiaobei as the center, there were thousands of pens and cents in the radius of 500 meters.

And these pens, discs, only a small part of it comes from the outside, more is in this range.

They are as if they were attached to something. Wei Xiaobei didn't find them at all, but now they seem to smell the **** flies and fly out.

Wei Xiaobei did not wait for more pens, and the discs appeared. It is not so good to know that these guys' curses are. Once they are cursed, luck will continue to deteriorate.

For Wei Xiaobei, facing a powerful enemy is not afraid, but in the face of this strange curse, Wei Xiaobei said that he is not afraid, that is a lie.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time, and then he swayed the falling soul clock on his right hand.

one two Three.

With the inconspicuous bells of the falling soul clock, the pens that are flying toward Wei Xiaobei, the discs are like a porcelain bottle that has been hit hard, and there are countless cracks in the body. The next moment, it will burst into countless green spots, dissipating in the air. (To be continued.)

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