The City of Terror

Chapter 1279: Fifteen bursts!

I slept with my son and slept for a little while. I almost overslept, but I remembered things in my heart and woke up.

"Is this the mission area?"

"It should be, report it upwards."

After a brief exchange between the crew on several helicopters, they reported to the rear.

The notice they received was that several helicopters were as close as possible to the waves, paying attention to safety.

What does this mean?

Even the oldest crew members feel a bit incomprehensible to the boss's orders.

They were the first to encounter such a vague order.

But the order is issued and will be executed.

The helicopter began to look back at the waves, but then there is no wind here, but there will be such high waves on the sea, but the crew will have some drums in their hearts.

Nothing will happen?

Just when they were worried, suddenly, the huge waves under a helicopter suddenly separated, and a hand like a giant mountain stretched out and grabbed the helicopter.

"h-o139 Attention! You are in danger below!"

Warnings from other helicopters were transmitted to the helicopter at the first time, but it was impossible for the helicopter to climb as fast as a fighter.

So after the moment, the helicopter was caught by the giant hand and was squeezed into a pile of scrap iron in a blink of an eye!

"We were attacked! We were attacked!"

The Coast Guard’s communication channel suddenly sounded a mixture of help and gunshots.

The heavy machine guns carried on several helicopters opened fire at the giant hand and climbed at the same time.

"I command! Hold on to that giant hand! The anti-enforcement army is engaged!"

At this time, the Chief of the Coast Guard, who was instructed by the President, gave an incredible order to the Coast Guard, which was directly attached to him.

Drag the giant hand?

Well, in fact, there is no need to order at all. The helicopters have to fight hard under the constant slap of the giant hand. At the height of three whites and meters, the helicopter has no chance to climb and escape.

One of the helicopters attempted to forcibly climb and flee, but was even slap in the palm of the hand.

Therefore, the remaining helicopters had to sneak in the slap of the giant hand in a limited space.

"The neutron ballistic missile has been shot!"

"The strategic bomber squad has been dispatched!"

"The ballistic missile submarine has been completed!"

One piece of information quickly returned to the conference room.

The fifteen neutron ballistic missiles used in the first wave of attacks have all broken through the atmosphere. They will return to the atmosphere in five minutes and move to the giants for the final dive!

In order to kill the Longbo people in one fell swoop, Sam’s country is now a big capital, shooting fifteen neutron bombs at a time, and its impact points will completely cover the sea where the giants may dodge.

At the same time, a full team of three strategic bombers will be dispatched, and they will arrive in the combat zone before the neutron bomb hit the giant, waiting for orders.

In addition, a ballistic missile submarine within a thousand nautical miles has already surfaced, and if necessary, it will shoot 18 nuclear bombs that it carries!

In short, if necessary, Sam will drop fifty nuclear bombs to the people of Longbo!

at all costs! Kill the giant!

Of course, in addition to this, a considerable number of 6-base missile units are also ready, but their mission is the last valve. Once the Longbo people board the coast, these 6-base missiles will also be fired.

Obviously, it is impossible for those helicopters to survive for too long under the giants of the Longbo people.

Less than two minutes before and after, several helicopters were photographed as pieces.

However, the people of Longbo have rarely emerged from the sea at this time. It seems that they have been suffocating for a long time on the seabed and need to breathe fresh air.

With the noise of the waves, the huge body of the Longbo people slowly exposed the sea.


The people of Longbo extended a lazy waist to the sun that was about to disappear into the sea.

Wei Xiaobei can see that the Longbo people's chest injury has recovered more than half of the time. At least the hole has disappeared. A horrible giant python is on its chest, and its broken hand has reached the wrist.

It seems that the people of Longbo are probably eating a lot of things on the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, the head of the Longbo people was lifted up, and there were more than a dozen small sparkling spots in the sky.

Undoubtedly it is the neutron bomb that returns to the atmosphere and begins to enter the subduction stage!

For such a scene, Wei Xiaobei is relatively familiar. At first glance, I know that the Sam State must have shot a nuclear bomb! Where are you willing to stay nearby, like a swordfish in the sea, and squatting towards the distance.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei has left some breeding creatures to test the lethality of nuclear bombs.

Such as the proliferation of chlorella, white mist shrimp, mutated aquatic creepers and so on.

On the other hand, the people of Longbo looked at the neutron bomb that was diving, and became angry. The giant hand violently patted the sea, and a row of huge waves immediately rose to the sky.

But this did not have any use. On the contrary, because the people of Longbo provoked an angry provocation against the neutron, they lost their last time of separation.

In just 20 seconds, the first neutron bomb fell within ten meters of the people of Longbo!

To say such a huge goal for the people of Longbo, the neutron bombs have actually fallen, which should not be.

But when the missiles are fired, it is hard to say that each one can accurately hit the target.

In any case, the neutron bomb had not yet collided with the sea surface and exploded.

The violent nuclear reaction caused the temperature of the impact point to rise rapidly, and the endless wave of light radiance first bloomed, and numerous neutron streams began to rampage.

In a thousandth of a second, the temperature of the impact point has increased to hundreds of thousands of degrees.

In such a close distance, it can be said that the people of Longbo are equivalent to directly hitting a bullet.

The painful screams came out, and the people of Longbo did not hesitate, and the body sank.

However, compared with the attempt of the Longbo people to break away, the neutron bombs that followed were like a fireworks exploding around the people of Longbo.

Simply describe the power of these neutron bombs, that is, the sea water has been cut off more than 100 meters or even deeper!

There, a small sun constantly appears, making it impossible for the naked eye to look straight.

A hurricane was generated and a wave of waves was set around.

It is a map of the end of the world.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei's breeding creatures in that area basically hang up in the first place. Only one aquatic mutant creeper seems to have a little life.

However, Wei Xiaobei has no time to pay attention to it. His eyes are fixed on the central area where the neutron bombs continue to explode.

At this time, the sea area has been filled with countless rich water vapors, even if Wei Xiaobei can not see through these radioactive water vapors.

What happened to the people of Longbo?

Because the distance is too far, Wei Xiaobei can't see the relevant battle description from the property panel, so he can't know the status of the people of Longbo.

But it is conceivable that the explosion of fifteen neutron bombs, the Longbo people are not dead now, I am afraid it will not be too good.

In fact, at this time, the anxious people are not only Wei Xiaobei, but also in the conference room, relying on satellites to monitor the tops of the Sam State in this sea area.

How about the effect of throwing fifteen neutron bombs?

No one knows that the entire sea is filled with endless light and even high-temperature gas. Even the most advanced satellites can't see what is inside.

Then you can only wait.

However, at this time, the three strategic bombers have been paralyzed in the surrounding waters. Once the giants are determined not to die, the three strategic bombing opportunities will drop the six hydrogen bombs they carry.

It is important to know that the power of this hydrogen bomb can be dozens of times more powerful than the neutron bomb. Once dropped, the entire sea area will be contaminated by massive radioactive elements.

Therefore, it is best to not lose.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also began to cultivate a large number of creatures.

Based on the octopus gene, supplemented by the Tauren gene that can withstand high radiation, Wei Xiaobei quickly developed hundreds of new octopus.

Of course, these octopuses have many flaws, and even some have just developed a genetic collapse.

But in this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate at all, and cultivated a batch of octopus, and then let them move toward the sea of ​​the Longbo people.

Wei Xiaobei needs to get the situation of the Longbo people as soon as possible to prevent new accidents.

However, most of the octopus has just entered the sea and is killed by the intense radiation left in the sea.

Only a handful of octopuses have survived, but these octopuses are also half dead because of the high temperatures of the sea. It is difficult to go further.

This made Wei Xiaobei have to use more other genes to cultivate more creatures, in order to screen out an octopus that can survive in the sea on a quantitative basis.

It can be said that in just two hours, the number of new varieties cultivated by Wei Xiaobei has passed all the previous breeding organisms.

On the basis of the variety of 20,000, finally an octopus can barely move in the sea.

This cultivated octopus can withstand more than 80 degrees of water temperature and can withstand a considerable degree of radiation, but it has no other special ability, the only skill is swimming, and the swimming speed is very slow.

After shaping the octopus, Wei Xiaobei cultivated tens of thousands of octopuses and dispersed them into the waters still covered by high-temperature steam.

Of course, these octopuses are not completely able to withstand all the dangers here. In the vicinity of the bullet points of some neutron bombs, the massive radiation makes the octopus that can be broken in and can no longer resist and eventually die.

But in any case, under the efforts of the octopus, Wei Xiaobei finally found the people of Longbo. (To be continued.) 8

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