The City of Terror

Chapter 1281: Pangu blood? ! !

Huh, this chapter is finally settled, and did not live up to everyone's expectations!

Wei Xiaobei feels a little embarrassed. This fairy thing is put together with scientific things. It really can't be explained. It seems that it is not a system thing at all.

For a while, after a slap in the face, Wei Xiaobei only calmed down the green cow, the baby.

After calming down, Wei Xiaobei began cooking.

This is also a helpless thing. After Qing Lan’s curiosity disappears, his stomach is hungry. Wei Xiaobei naturally cannot delay Master’s meal.

After a busy period, the belly of the green cow is filled.

There seems to be some problems with the people of Longbo.

The ground began to vibrate.

Aoki Fudi is naturally without the earthquake.

The only reason is on the people of Longbo.

The people of Longbo seem to be waking up, and their bodies are shaking slightly, causing the ground to vibrate and the carbon blocks on the body are falling.

Wei Xiaobei can feel the blood of the people of Longbo is starting to boil. At the same time, there is a kind of aura that is visible to the naked eye in the earth, and these auras seem to encounter a black hole, even toward the dragon. The people of the Bo gathered together.

What is this?

To be honest, in such a situation, Wei Xiaobei was the first to encounter, even if Wei Xiaobei wanted to control those auras, there was no way.

"Sure enough, it is a dragon bird!"

The green cow was full of food at this time. When he saw this scene, he laughed, just as it was not related to himself.

"Master, what is this?"

At this time, Wei Xiaobei can only ask the green cow.

"This is going to involve an ancient secret. You can know the Pangu?"

At this time, Qingniu looked quite proud, and it was probably not long before he revealed his knowledge in Wei Xiaobei.

"Know, Pangu is open."

As a Chinese, if the name Pangu does not know, is it a good idea to claim to be a Chinese?

It can be said that each civilization has its own myths and legends, and has its own creation god.

The creation **** of the Nordic civilization is called Yumir. It is a giant. After being killed by the gods, the skull turns into the sky, the brain becomes a cloud, the body becomes the earth, the blood turns into the ocean, the bones become the mountains, and the hair Become a tree and so on.

The creation **** of Greek civilization is called Kaos, but it is a huge chaos. He gave birth to a series of initial gods, such as the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the night and so on.

The creation **** of Egyptian civilization is called La, and the sun is his eye.

The **** of heavenly civilization is called Brahma. It is said that when he wakes up, everything recovers. After he falls asleep, everything in the world disappears.

There are many more creation gods like this, and the creation **** of China is Pangu!

Its only mythical record is the story of Pangu Kaitian.

It is said that when the heavens and the earth are not divided, it is a chaotic group, and the Pangu giant is born in this chaos.

One day, he woke up and felt that nothing could be seen. When he was angry, he grabbed a big axe and opened the chaos.

The light things in chaos rise to the sky, and the heavy things sink into the earth.

Because of fear of the closure of the heavens and the earth, Pangu used his body to constantly stand on the heavens and the earth, and finally one day he fell down and turned into the world.

It can also be seen that the creation myths of many civilizations in the world are similar.

Either a giant, or a group of chaos, etc., and then turned into everything in the world.

However, the ancient secrets told by Qingniu are not about studying this creation myth, but about having some relationship with this Longbo country.

The green cow whispered for a long time, and Wei Xiaobei summed it up, only one point.

That is the people of Longbo, who have a trace of ancient blood!

To say that this dish has been turned into everything in the world. So, should human beings also have Pangu blood?

When Wei Xiaobei raised this question, Qingniu couldn't help but smile and shook his head, denying Wei Xiaobei's thought.

It's very simple, it's like an egg. When it's fresh, it's an egg. It's cooked, it's cooked eggs, not raw eggs.

After this ancient era became the world, its blood was not able to spread to all things in the world.

Only the people of Longboguo retain a trace of ancient blood, a true Pangu blood.

Of course, as for how the ancient blood was preserved, what happened in the end, even the blue cow did not know.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood it. It is no wonder that the people of Longbo will grow so huge and bloody!

It actually has Pangu bloodline!

How big is Pangu? Can open the world! Compared with Pangu, the body of the Longbo people is already small and does not know how many.

Of course, Qingniu and Wei Xiaobei said so hard, the people of Longbo became more energetic, and the charcoal blocks on their bodies have been dropped, revealing the flesh and blood of the inside, and under the aura of those auras. These flesh and blood are growing rapidly.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei can be seen.

This Longbo people can let the earth of Aomufu land give birth to the aura to nourish themselves, probably because of this ancient blood.

Obviously, this is a kind of plunder!

Wei Xiaobei can feel the constant weakness of Aoki Fudi, and even stop growing on the edge of its growing growth!

How to do?

Wei Xiaobei took out the large ink gun from the storage ring and prepared to go up and give the Longbo people a slap.

Anyway, this guy has not yet recovered, and the injury has not recovered.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s move, the Qingniu gave Wei Xiaobei a pull: “Don’t worry.”

Don't worry?

Wei Xiaobei feels that he is about to burn his eyebrows at this time.

But the green cow smiled at this moment, but said a word that made Wei Xiaobei stunned.

"What is urgent, wait for it to recover, you must know that this ancient bloodline is a godsend for your real promotion to a small world!"

What? A godsend opportunity?

To tell the truth, Qingniu said this, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be happy: "Master, you will not think that this Longbo people is Pangu? Open a world?"

The green cow couldn't help but sneer: "You don't believe?"

Seeing the seriousness of Qingniu’s face, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to speak more.

In other words, although the green cow is generally lazy in general, but its words, the credibility is still very high.

Wei Xiaobei thought of this, couldn't help but turn his head and look at the people of Longbo, let alone, according to what Qingniu said, if the people of Longbo really contain a trace of ancient blood, it is really possible to open up the world. .

After all, Aoki Fukuchi is not even a real micro-world, it is just a relatively active space.

Of course, this may also give Aoki Fudi a bad play. In that case, Wei Xiaobei can't cry even crying.

However, it is too difficult to promote this Aoki Fukushima to become a micro-small world.

The sun can also be replaced by a fireball, but the moon, huh, huh, Wei Xiaobei have killed so many ghosts and ghosts, and put their bodies into the green wood, so far they have not formed a complete yin, let alone form The moon should be there.

As for the other things, Wei Xiaobei failed to find a way to form!

In other words, even if the sun is formed, it is too cloudy, and this green wood blessed land is also a miniature world that is incomplete!

Now, an opportunity to promote itself to a micro-small world is put in front of yourself. Are you grasping or giving up?

This thought is just a circle in my mind, Wei Xiaobei made a decision!

Take this opportunity!

never give up!

What a joke, how rare is the opportunity like this.

I want to wait for the next opportunity, and I don't know when I need to go.

Well, since Master Qingniu said that everything is fine, Wei Xiaobei can only listen to him and wait.

Before, Wei Xiaobei still felt that the people of Longbo had recovered too quickly, but now Wei Xiaobei feels that the people of Longbo have recovered too slowly.

According to the current speed, the people of Longbo are waking up, I am afraid it will take more than ten years!

Although this decade is a decade in Aoki's blessed land, it is only a month in reality.

However, Wei Xiaobei is unlikely to delay the reality for a month in Qingmu Fudi.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei asked Master Qingniu to help look after the Aomu Fudi, and then left the Qingmu Fudi, quietly into the reality.

Just arrived at the reality, Wei Xiaobei saw what a group of divers are searching for.

Well, Wei Xiaobei feels that these divers are really playing for life.

You know, although you only use neutron bombs, the flow of seawater can quickly weaken the amount of radiation, but here is the point of bombing of neutron bombs, where the radiation can not disappear so quickly.

Therefore, dare to dive in this area, it is necessary to withstand more than normal amount of nuclear radiation!

It can be said that after these divers wait, it will take a few months, and there will be a series of radiation diseases on their bodies, even turning into cancer.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is just a few words in his heart. These divers probably know this too, so others are willing to die by themselves, and Wei Xiaobei can't control it.

Besides, the most important issue for Wei Xiaobei is to leave silently and not to be discovered!

Wei Xiaobei can also think that at this time, Sam’s sudden disappearance of the people of Longbo is probably anxious. If he exposes himself, he will not find a big trouble for himself.

Fortunately, the radiation residue in this area is relatively large, so many sophisticated exploration instruments have been strongly interfered. Wei Xiaobei climbed out of the sea and sneaked out of the sea for a hundred nautical miles before he got up and walked until after leaving for thousands of nautical miles. Only then did it surface and speed up the pace of progress. (To be continued.)

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