The City of Terror

Chapter 1291: Zhao Guang breakthrough!

Huh, first take a shower, I feel too uncomfortable, shoulders, waist pain, probably a lot of hot baths -

Simply put, Wei Xiaobei stood on the side of the pot. Even if he closed his breath, he could feel the odor from the pot drilling into his pores.

Although only a trace of odor was drilled, Wei Xiaobei closed the pores of the whole body, but the smell did not stop, even eroded inwardly against the skin!

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei felt that his control of the body had declined.

Good hegemonic anesthetic!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei has never seen such a strange anesthetic.

This kind of anesthetic does not say that it has been eaten. This is how to hold your breath, close your pores, and stand by, for a maximum of several minutes, Wei Xiaobei may be put down!

Fortunately, the dragon's soft armor seems to have some restraint effect on this anesthetic, so that the anesthetic breath can not quickly invade Wei Xiaobei's body.

Therefore, after concentrating the juice, Wei Xiaobei bottled them into the storage ring at the fastest speed.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei felt a numbness in his body.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei also took the thousand dragon scorpion needles into the storage ring.

The last thing is that Wei Xiaobei took out the pearl that was condensed when the giant pen fairy died.

This pearl can no longer be described in such a unit.

The size of the human head, like a huge pearl, looks crystal clear, but in Wei Xiaobei's eyes, this spiritual bead contains a huge amount of soul energy and yin!

Wei Xiaobei predicts that if he swallows this pearl, he will fear that his soul will be completely out of the flesh.

Of course, the yin in it, I am afraid it will bring a lot of trouble to myself, so Wei Xiaobei is ready to enter the green wood blessing, and then absorb this pearl.

Among the green woods, even if there is a lot of yin contained in this spiritual pearl, Wei Xiaobei can use the Qingmu Fudi to extract the yin.

However, the trouble now is that this Lingzhu is too big, and Wei Xiaobei’s mouth can’t swallow this thing.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei still flashed a blue light all over the roof.

When Wei Xiaobei reappeared, he had already entered the Qingmu Fudi.

At this point, the body of the Longbo people seems to have recovered a lot. The carbon blocks in the body have been dropped, revealing the bright yellow muscles, blood vessels, etc., and the skin in some places has recovered, but The broken arm has not fully recovered.

It even heard a snoring sound like thunder.

The green cow sitting next to the Longbo people felt the entry of Wei Xiaobei, but raised his eyes and then closed it, like an old monk who was meditation.

Wei Xiaobei also felt the communication between the green bull and the people of the Longbo.

This kind of communication is complicated in Wei Bei’s feelings.

An inexplicable breath in the green cow continued to flow into the body of the Longbo with the aura of Aoki Fut, and the intensity of the breath became much greater when the inexplicable breath turned to the blue cow.

Wei Xiaobei speculated that Qingniu was suppressing the awakening of the Longbo people at this time, and was still stealing the blood of the Longbo people to restore themselves.

From the first time I saw Qingniu, Wei Xiaobei knew that this blue cow was heavily wounded. Otherwise, with its strength, it should not be just the strength of the four-star disaster.

In any case, the practice of Qingniu is a good thing for Wei Xiaobei.

Otherwise, wait until the Longbo people suddenly wake up, Wei Xiaobei can not have too many ways to curb the Longbo people who could not kill them even the nuclear bomb!

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to disturb the green cow. He only communicated with the fireball. After seeing that he was still half-sleeping and half-awake, he turned his attention to the giant pearl of the fairy.

How to swallow this giant pen fairy Lingzhu, before entering the Qingmu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei thought of a good way.

The left hand holds the size of the head of the soul, and Wei Xiaobei's right hand stretches out the sharp dragon's chopper from the storage ring!

After this, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, and the dragon chopper knife turned in the right hand, and even cut a knife to his abdomen.

The dragon's knives are sharp and sharp, and Wei Xiaobei's skin can withstand the bombardment of small caliber shells at a close distance, but it can't resist the sharpness of this dragon knives.

In a twinkling of an eye, the dragon knives cut a long knife in the Weibei north abdomen.

This dragon 虵 刀 knife is indeed sharp to the extreme of the world, a knife goes down, the knife edge appears, but there is no more blood on the knife edge, until Wei Xiaobei will open the knife edge, a piece of Lingzhu into the abdominal cavity, then The blood is leached above the knife edge.

Of course, this is also Wei Xiaobei's control of his body has reached an astonishing degree that ordinary people can't reach. Otherwise, even if the dragon's chopper is sharp and sharp, this knife will flow out some blood.

Anyway, I opened my stomach with a knife and rudely inserted the head of the man’s head. Even Wei Weibei, who has suffered numerous pains, is also suffering from a big drop of forehead. The sweat came.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei's movements are very fast. After inserting the Lingzhu into the abdominal cavity, he will use both hands to force the belly on both sides of the knife edge and forcefully join together.

Wei Xiaobei's resilience is very powerful. Any joints that come into contact with each other will soon stick together. Then a row of pork is drilled from the edge of the knife and entangled with each other, so that the knife edge is formed very quickly. A row of sarcomas.

In this way, when Wei Xiaobei releases the knife edge, the wound in the abdomen is completely stuck together. As long as it is not a severe impact, it is difficult to crack again.

As for the complete recovery of the wound, it takes about ten minutes.

After all, the skin that enters the abdomen has several layers of flesh film, and it will be slower to recover than a simple trauma.

However, as the Lingzhu was inserted into the abdominal cavity by Wei Xiaobei himself, the soul energy and yin contained in the Lingzhu were glued to it with the body fluid, and began to be released a little.

Feel the thrill of the soul energy when it is integrated into your body, and the pain of the smoldering smoldering of your body. Wei Xiaobei’s face shows a satisfied smile.

To be honest, before, Wei Xiaobei was worried that he would absorb too fast and blow himself up.

Now it seems that as long as you control the amount of body fluids that come into contact with Lingzhu, then this Lingzhu will not release a huge amount of soul energy and yin at once.

The yin is released a little bit, and Wei Xiaobei can also quickly excrete it.

Therefore, not long after, Wei Xiaobei was a cloud of yin in the body, so that in the air outside the body, the snow began to condense out of the film, drifting out with the wind, and glanced at it, thinking that a snow woman appeared.

But in this way, the idea that Wei Xiaobei wants to let the yin be absorbed by Qingmufu is lost.

Wei Xiaobei can now be wasted on this without so much time.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s affairs were mostly solved.

Some of the previous gains have been transformed into their own strengths, or are being transformed.

After Wei Xiaobei went to the blue cow who was sitting next to the Longbo people, he left the Aomu Fudi and reappeared on the roof.

Wei Xiaobei just stood firm on the top of the building, and felt a strong breath in the building not far away. After a blink of an eye, he quickly climbed.

Less than ten minutes before and after, this powerful atmosphere climbed to the point, and then disappeared.

This breath is still a lot worse than Wei Xiaobei, but Wei Xiaobei can feel the familiarity of this breath.

This is the breath of Zhao Guang!

Did he break through?

Wei Xiaobei has a 90% grasp to determine this.

However, seeing is believing, the ear is imaginary, and Wei Xiaobei’s legs are a little bit, and the lightly fluttering across the female wall of the roof falls to the ground.

In fact, the people who can feel this breath are not too few. Many core disciples ran out of the building with amazement and some people peeped out of the window to check the situation.

The building next to the Weijiadao office building is the accommodation building of Weijiadao. Whether it is Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and other pro-disciples or the core disciples of Weijia Island, they live in it.

When Weibei fell to the ground, Zhao Guangzheng stepped out of the gate of the accommodation building, carrying a silver gun on his hand. After seeing Wei Xiaobei, his face was filled with joy: "Thank you for the second uncle, Xiaoxiao breakthrough. Now! Xiaoyan needs to consolidate now!"

Looking at the faint breath of Zhao Guang’s body, Wei Xiaobei knew that, like his own judgment, Zhao Guang broke through from the four stars to the four-star elite!

And after breaking through to the four-star elite, it has also rushed a lot. In short, its current strength should be above the middle of the four-star elite.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and waved his hand: "Go, don't delay."

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei also knows that whenever this breakthrough is made, it is the best time to stabilize and improve one's own strength.

As long as it is stable, with the insights of the breakthrough, you can pull your strength up again for a small quarter!

This situation is normal.

In particular, the state of such a thick and thin hair like Zhao Guang can often improve a lot.

On the other hand, some guys who are barely able to break through, if they are not good enough, they may not be able to stop at the state of strength after the breakthrough, and even go back to it.

Zhao Guang went to Wei Xiaobei with a gun and did not continue to talk. He ran towards the outside and made a whistle in his mouth. The sound of a high horse was heard from outside the town. Zhao Guangchong was not waiting. Out of the town, a whole sea blue horse is like a blue light appearing in front of Zhao Guang.

At this time, Zhao Guang didn't even have a half-point, and his legs were on the ground, and they skyrocketed. The sea-blue horse immediately leaped and Zhao Guang was on his body.

Before and after the ten-minute time, Zhao Guang would not even know how to take the horse. (To be continued.)

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