The City of Terror

Chapter 1317: Tian Congyunjian is at hand!

The eyes are dry and uncomfortable, and I can’t open it. It seems that I have to go to bed early, and everyone will go to bed and sleep well.

Therefore, seeing the gossip snake wants to destroy the Tian Congyun sword, Wei Xiaobei is still dare to slow down, and straightly shoots the big ink gun in his hand toward the gossip snake!


The ink-and-blood gun was turned into a silver light at this time, and the tail of the gossip snake was hit in a blink of an eye, and then it was firmly nailed to the ground.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is impossible for the ink gun to completely limit the tail of the gossip snake.

However, it is enough to be able to protect the Tian Congyun sword.

With this blow, the snakehead of the gossip snake immediately opened, and Wei Xiaobei, who was rushing to the rush, was sprayed out of a lava flame.

Of course, this lava flame wants to hit Wei Xiaobei, and the difficulty is still a bit large.

Wei Xiaobei recalled the large guns of ink and ink, and blocked some of the Mars from the lava flames. Then he stopped at hundreds of meters above the sky and locked his eyes on the dying gossip. .

If the gossip snake insists on destroying the sky cloud sword, Wei Xiaobei can't stop it anyway.

But now Wei Xiaobei used the means of Wei Wei to save Zhao, and the target was locked on another injured gossip snake, so that the intact gossip snake had some rodents.

Wei Xiaobei’s attitude is very clear. If the gossip snake wants to destroy the sky cloud sword, then don’t blame Wei Xiaobei for being polite and kill his partner!

After all, the dying gossip snake, although the vitality is very tenacious, but Wei Xiaobei means that it is not impossible to kill.

Wei Xiaobei believes that the gossip snake should be able to understand what it means.

Indeed, the gossip snake who wanted to destroy the Tianyun Yunjian understood the meaning of Wei Xiaobei, erected nine heads, and after a while in Wei Xiaobei, the gossip snake became hesitant.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not stop, converting the ink and squirt into a large bow of ink, and arranging three arrows at hand, aiming at the dying gossip.

In the end, the gossip snake retreated, leaving the sky cloud sword, blocking his body in front of his partner, and urging the other party to leave.

From the two gossip snakes began to evacuate the battlefield, and even the giant snakes followed, and Wei Xiaobei grabbed the big bow and did not tremble.

This also makes the gossip snake want to move something carefully and think that there is no chance of success.

Any snake or warrior who dares to approach the sky and cloud swords is dead under the arrow.

After the group of giant snakes that followed the gossip snake disappeared into the field of vision, the warriors who had been fighting for a battle suddenly cheered.

Wei Xiaobei landed on the ground, reaching out and grabbing the past.

"Hero! Slow!"

At this time, a little dry voice sounded and wanted to stop Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei didn't pay attention to the voice. He reached out and grabbed Tian Congyun's sword in his hand before he turned his head and looked at it.

The master of the voice turned out to be the old priest who stood on the wall and deceived the big snake.

Look at the appearance of wrinkles, probably should be in the age of seventy or eighty.

However, Wei Xiaobei knows that in this gray world, it is the most unreliable thing to look at the appearance to judge the age of other creatures.

It is like the warriors. If you only look at the appearance, you will only be at least thirty years old and less than forty years old. But Wei Xiaobei knows that there are hundreds of years old who have the youngest warriors.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei has caught the Tian Congyun sword in his hand, and the old priest’s eyes flashed in the eye, apparently very unhappy.

But what he said at this time is warmth: "This hero, you are coming to the rescue, now the battlefield is dirty, please ask the hero to take a break with me."

Now that Tian Congyunjian is at hand, the ink-bow bow on the left hand is almost excited to jump out of his hand. The biggest idea of ​​Wei Xiaobei at this time is to find a place where no one is disturbing to see what is going on, not to mention the day. Cong Yunjian is also extremely unfair in his own hands, and he has even introduced a burst of radiant breath into his right hand, trying to get out.

Besides, look at the samurai, the look of the priest, if you are not worried about not being able to beat yourself, I am afraid I will rush to grab it.

Under such circumstances, how could Wei Xiaobei go to the city to rest.

Although Wei Xiaobei has always been very confident, he ran to the other side's site, unless he was caught in the door!

"No, no help."

Wei Xiaobei huh, a smile, it seems that the real power is not a general, turn around and leave.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei wanting to leave, the old priest was suddenly anxious. If this guy left, the artifact Tian Congyun could not be found.

"Heroes stay! It is the treasure of the city, it is the guardianship given by the great **** of the sun. If the ordinary people take it, they will suffer from the natural disaster! I want to come to the hero with this sample of high-quality people, and will not greedy the city to the treasure, if it is a hero Willing to return, the city is willing to exchange for the baby!"

This old priest is not typical of the old man. In this sentence, it is soft and hard. If you change someone, you may be stunned by his words, and then hesitate, and you may be tempted by the other party. I have to ask for it.

"Forget it, this sword has a relationship with me, just put it here for a while."

Where is Wei Xiaobei and the old **** official honing what, with a slap in the legs, throwing a sentence, rushing to the sky, disappeared in the fog and disappeared.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei leaving, the old priest almost had to bite the teeth.

He did not anger for the death of Wei Jian in the hands of Wei Xiaobei, but watched the Tian Cong Yun Jian take the man away, his heart was very angry.

Originally, I didn’t know how to live or die, or I was dead in the heart of the old priest. On this day, the Congyun sword fell down. The old priest thought it was his own. I didn’t expect the man to eat hard, but he took it with him. Baby left.

But the old priest is also helpless at this time. As far as strength is concerned, he understands how he can not be more powerful than Wei Xiaobei.

Even with a group of priests, warriors, I am afraid I will not leave the other party.

In this way, we can only feedback this matter.

With a sigh, the old priest commanded the warriors to clean the battlefield, and they returned to the city.

What the old priests could not think of was that they did not wait for him to return to the city, and the warriors screamed again.

When he turned around, he found that the man had returned.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei's return is not to talk to the old **** official, but just not far away, he remembered so many snakes in front of the city, the body of the warrior, if not collected, is it not wasted?

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei turned back.

Seeing the man with blue light on his hands, touching the giant snake, the body of the warrior, and the body that was touched by him, would disappear in a blue light without a trace.

This scene shows that the warriors are a bit dumbfounded.

What exactly is going on?

Some warriors did not defend Xiaobei’s move, and they pulled out the samurai sword and wanted to cut it down.

How can Wei Xiaobei be afraid of this? He will crush his throat directly and throw it into the green wood.

Wei Xiaobei’s move to raise his hand and kill him is really scary.

Although these warriors are not the kind of timid and fearful generations, but after a big war, they killed the warriors on their own side, and the number of priests exceeded thousands. They survived and survived, so they were killed by a man and remembered. Some grievances.

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei started to kill more than a dozen warriors, the remaining warriors did not dare to approach Wei Xiaobei. They could only honestly retreat to the side, watching Wei Xiaobei’s giant snake, the samurai body changing. No.

After turning the battlefield in front of the city pool, Wei Xiaobei, who had harvested a large number of corpses, rose into the sky and disappeared into the fog.

This scene made the warriors look a little dejected, completely ignoring the excitement and cheers of the gossip snake.

Not to mention the low morale of the city, Wei Xiaobei took the body and chose the direction that did not coincide with the departure line of the Eight Diagrams Serpent, and left in a hurry.

This area of ​​the Great Plains is very wide, and Wei Xiaobei is still within the Great Plains when he reaches the ground in the fog for hundreds of kilometers.

Some ghosts wandering on this great plain, such as some ghosts like birds, and some ghosts like the cockroaches see Wei Xiaobei falling, and they are surrounded by Wei Xiaobei.

The strength of these ghosts is only two stars, and Wei Xiaobei even released all the objects to see their property sheets, and directly released the momentum of convergence.

Once these ghosts were subjected to Wei Xiaobei's momentum, they dared to surround them. They didn't even dare to stay in the same place. They turned and fled.

In the eyes of these ghosts, Wei Xiaobei, who released the momentum, is probably about the same as the gossip snake.

After driving the ghosts around, Wei Xiaobei only carefully played the Tian Congyun sword.

It should be said that the shape of the Congyun sword is no different from that of the Dongpu sword. The one-meter-three blade is the standard Dongsong samurai sword, but its body has been constantly emitting golden light.

Wei Xiaobei felt the tremor of the big ink gun, but found that the ink big gun actually wanted to swallow the sky cloud sword!

Wei Xiaobei discovered that no matter what it is, as long as its quality reaches Lingbao, there will be some spirituality more or less.

The spirit of this large-scale ink gun is superior to other spiritual treasures, and it can even convey more clear information when excited and excited.

Swallowing the sky cloud sword?

Yes, Wei Xiaobei thought about it at this time. This ink rifle had the ability to devour other treasures to evolve.

However, after the last evolution, the difficulty of this ink-and-blood gun to evolve has become much greater. It has not evolved for such a long time, so that Wei Xiaobei almost forgot about this matter. (To be continued.)

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