The City of Terror

Chapter 1334: Busy business

Yesterday, the mutton in the refrigerator was a bit stinky. The poor road was reluctant to throw it away. It was boiled and cooked. It became a permanent champion today and finally became a champion. ??

Of course, Wei Xiaobei has an advantage, that is, he controls a world anyway, even if the world is small, it is as small as a small island on the map!

In this way, Wei Xiaobei has a certain degree of understanding of the rules of Aoki Fudi.

Just like this light and heat rule, Wei Xiaobei has mastered this light and heat rule by sinking his mind into the sun.

Although Wei Xiaobei does not understand how this light and heat rule works, he can use it.

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei felt that he should first thoroughly understand the rules of light and heat in Aokifudi, and then study the differences between the rules of the world's light and heat!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei also has to thank the seven singers, if not for them to teach a series of space knowledge to themselves, I am afraid that I do not even know how to start this research.

However, running this state on the sea is not suitable for Wei Xiaobei to do research work.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei finally decided to return to Weijia Island first, and then search for a safer place for research.

The mood to go home is urgent, but the road to go home is long and tortuous.

When Wei Xiaobei crossed a strait next to Jiuzhou Island in Dongpu, he was accidentally caught by a sea police vessel patrolling the strait.

At that time, due to the large wind and waves, Wei Xiaobei advanced in the sea, and could not avoid the waves that were constantly being photographed. When those waves hit the Wei Xiaobei, they would rush higher.

This is more conspicuous in the sea.

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei rushed from the sea police vessel not far away, he was attacked by the other side.

A series of machine gun bullets swept toward Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei knows that this sea police vessel probably thought that he was a ghost. After all, the things that happened next to Dongpu had spread all over the world.

However, running happily on the sea, suddenly attacked, making Wei Xiaobei's heart somewhat uncomfortable.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei sank to the surface of the sea in the first time, then swam to the side of the sea police boat, opened a hole in the sea police boat in a fist, and then floated for several kilometers before the float Going forward to the sea.

I didn’t mention Weibei’s move forward. I only said that when the sea police boat was attacked by Wei Xiaobei, the people on the ship felt that the hull was slightly shocked. They did not take it as a matter of course. Shaking caused by the waves.

But after more than ten minutes, the people on board were dumbfounded, and the bottom of the boat broke a hole in the size of a bowl! The sea has been poured into a lot, so that the deck of the ship is less than twenty centimeters from the sea level!

The sea police boat hurried back and tried to call the rescue.

However, the Marine Police finally failed to return to the dock and sank to the bottom of the sea less than 500 meters from the terminal.

After this incident occurred, before the marine police boat of a peninsula sailed out, it was necessary to inspect the bottom of the ship more than ten times to avoid the recurrence of the incident.

But when they salvage the sea police boat, after checking it, the hole at the bottom of the ship was actually shot by human fists!

This thing makes them feel like they are hitting the evil.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to the confusion and fear he caused to those guys.

After running for a long time on the sea, Wei Xiaobei is not far from Resnia.

In this position, you can already see a lot of passing ships.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei had to sneak into the sea repeatedly to avoid being caught and causing some minor troubles.

When Xiaobei boarded the north coast of Weijia Island, Tu Qingqing had already waited on the shore.

Wei Xiaobei immediately set his sights on the belly of Tu Qingqing.

But let Wei Xiaobei slightly regret that it is almost two years, Tu Qingqing's lower abdomen looks only slightly raised, compared with the human pregnant woman can stand at this time, it is a world of difference.

"You're back?"

The tone and expression of Tu Qingqing's speech is still so cold, but the smile in his eyes is that this tone can't be concealed.

"Come back, stay with you during this time."

Wei Xiaobei's heart is also a little excited. To be honest, if you change to any man, it will be a few months to go out. It is not very good for any party, let alone Tu Qingqing is still a pregnant woman.

Carefully, I will paint the Qingqing and return to the villa area. I happened to meet Wei Xiaobei, and his old lady came back from the vegetable garden with a vegetable basket.

Wei Laojiao saw his son come back, just smiled and said that it would be a good time to return. The defending mother is not the same. First, she will go to the living room sand to sit down, turn on the TV, and choose Tu Qingqing. After the favorite TV series, Wei Xiaobei went directly to the kitchen.

Of course, this is not to let Wei Xiaobei cook. Since Tu Qingqing has a joy, Wei Wei has completely taken over the kitchen. Anything that is painted by Qing Qingqing needs her to handle it, even if Wei Xiaobei does not.

Wei Xiaobei also knew that his mother was eager for the grandson and therefore did not interfere with the matter.

The key point is that when the kitchen door was closed, Wei Xiaobei was trained by the mother for half an hour. If it wasn’t for the meal, Wei’s mother considered Tu Qingqing, I am afraid that this training will be possible in the early morning. .

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to look for excuses to evade, only to listen honestly while helping to pick vegetables.

Until Wei's mother drove Wei Xiaobei out of the kitchen, Wei Xiaobei was relieved, holding a plate of pre-dinner snacks that the mother had just made, sitting on the side of Tu Qingqing: "Would you like to eat?"

"Eat, you feed me."

Tu Qingqing saw that the old guardian was not there, but he became active. His face was red and he said something that made Wei Xiaobei feel a little heart.

"it is good."

Wei Xiaobei used a toothpick to insert a small snack, and while feeding his wife, he said about his experience after going out.

To say that in Weijiadao and even in the whole reality, Wei Xiaobei feels that he can discuss the problem with himself on a horizontal line.

Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, these apprentices, well, Wei Xiaobei is a master, plus the different strengths of the realm, it is more difficult to discuss these issues.

At this time, Tu Qingqing was very qualified as a listener. After he was finished, he also put forward some suggestions and opinions.

Wei Xiaobei feels that the nine-tailed fox fairy is as smart as himself, at least Tu Qingqing is like this.

Through discussions with Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei has realized some ways to study this light and heat rule.

In the next few days, Wei Xiaobei simply threw away all things, concentrated on accompanying his wife to watch TV, go shopping, go to school as volunteers and so on.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s doubts are that Wei Xiaobei originally thought that Tu Qingqing’s pregnancy had not been born for so long, and it would cause the mother’s doubts. In such a few days, my mom seems to have nothing to do with this kind of thing. feel.

Of course, since there is no doubt about the mother, Wei Xiaobei will not go to the mouth to trouble himself.

After a few days with Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei only put down his son and daughter, and sat down in the office to start dealing with official duties.

Well, in fact, this office is Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei heartache wife, will take over the official residence of Weijia Island during this time, which is to relieve Tu Qingqing some burden.

However, the problem is that as the island owner, Wei Xiaobei did not even have his own office, which is a bit funny.

Of course, there is probably no island owner like Weibei in the world. As the owner of an island, there is no three months to stay on the island for one year. It is no wonder that after the construction of the office building in Weijia Island, Zhu Xinyi Did not arrange an office for Wei Xiaobei.

The chores on Weijia Island are not too many. Most of the problems have been solved by the following departments. The ones that can be sent to the island's wife's office are things that cannot be solved by the following departments, or have no right to solve them.

Wei Xiaobei read all the documents, and there are three most important documents in Wei Xiaobei's view.

For example, the Institute of Biology has proposed a project to study biomechanics. When applying for a billion-dollar research fund, it is naturally impossible for the finance department to approve the money. This requires the approval of senior officials such as Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing. .

In addition, the expansion of the dock was also reported.

According to the data, due to the geographical location of Weijia Island and the fact that the monsters invaded the reality, most countries banned the launch of civil aircraft, making the shipping industry flourish, making Weijia Island a more important route.

As a result, a large number of swarming ships have made the current dock of Weijia Island overwhelmed and urgently needed to be expanded.

Another thing is that Zhu Xinyi reported that there is a proposal for deep cooperation between Weijia Island and Huaxia Military in the gray world.

Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei signed his opinion on the document.

Well, this is probably the word that Wei Xiaobei wrote the most after taking over the official home of Weijia Island.

The big island of more than 20,000 people, even if there are fewer things, will accumulate in front of Wei Xiaobei.

In the midst of busy official duties, Wei Xiaobei considered whether to transfer one of Zhu Xinyi or Huang Kun back.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei suspects that he will not spend much time studying the rules of light and heat!

Afterwards, Tian Yuwen was transferred back. After all, Tian Yuwen used to be a gang to help the lord. He still has certain abilities in management, and at most some things that cannot be decided, so Tu Qingqing decided.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not want to deal with official duties or to inspect all the departments on the island, and even called Zhu Xinyi.

This is the first time that Wei Xiaobei has called this female apprentice after returning to Weijia Island.

This is not what Wei Xiaobei fears, it is completely too busy.

The voice from the phone was very sweet and pleasing, with a bit of excitement.

Obviously, Zhu Xinyi was very happy with the call from Wei Xiaobei, but could not return to Weijia Island now. (To be continued.) 8

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