The City of Terror

Chapter 1340: , light and heat....... boiling

I don't want to go to the buns shop to eat buns any more. When I opened the store, I tasted very well. But now, I eat it once in a poor way. I always feel that the shop's steamed buns are not right. Well, now I remember that the buns shop has no name.

The water temperature on Baidu makes the sinking aquarium body quickly soften and lose strength.

The aquarium that jumped out of the sea always fell back into the sea.

The boiled sea water quickly boils the body of the shrimps and crabs into red, and it didn't take long for the smell of seafood soup to float on the sea.

Wei Xiaobei just stood in the air of more than 40 meters, and the following three thousand shrimps and crabs will be boiled into a huge pot of seafood soup.

This is probably one of the important weaknesses of the aquarium.

As aquarium, they are too sensitive to water temperature.

If you switch to a strong whale or more, it is good, even if it is boiling water, it will probably last for a while.

But these weak shrimps and crabs will be hard to resist the damage of boiling water.

In fact, the soldiers on the island found this when they were defending the aquarium.

The bullets hit the monsters directly, and even if they were broken, it was difficult to kill them.

But if you use a flamethrower, it's easy to burn these monsters.

There are only too few fire emitters on the island, otherwise it would be impossible for these aquariums to capture the island.

The following became a seafood soup, Wei Xiaobei brow wrinkled, humanoid shrimp and crab will be cooked to death, giving him a feeling is not good, and his understanding of the rules of light and heat is not enough, need to strengthen.

To be honest, these aquariums did not think that they would emit such intense heat and heat, and thus they were boiled to death.

If they are wary in the future, it will be more difficult.

Thinking about things in the heart, Wei Xiaobei's legs are slowly walking in the air, the light and heat continue to strengthen, and the height is lowered.

As long as the distance is not too far, within a radius of one hundred meters from Wei Xiaobei, under the strong pressure of Wei Xiaobei, the sea water will soon boil.

Where Wei Xiaobei passes, the sea water is boiling, the white fog rises, and the shrimp and crab will be cooked!

However, it is wonderful to expect those shrimps and crabs to be cooked in the same place.

Wei Xiaobei only walked less than a quarter of the circle around the island. The shrimps and crabs will know that there is a horrible guy who can radiate a strong light and heat like the sun. The most terrible thing is to let the sea water boil!

Therefore, after the news spread, those shrimps and crabs would not have to pay attention to the command of the island before the whale handsome, and did not wait for Xiaobei to kill, they sank into the water and escaped.

So when it comes to the back, the aquarium, which is still fighting on the island, is sadly reminded.

Without the endless reinforcements, these shrimps and crabs will certainly have more strength than ordinary humans, but they will die if they continue to shoot in modern guns, and they will not be added after they die.

Wei Xiaobei also feels somewhat boring.

Your own rules of light and heat are really not very strong, unless you are directly rushing into the sea, otherwise it takes some time to squirt the sea below in the tens of meters.

Even if this time is short, those shrimps and crabs will have enough time to escape.

After all, Wei Xiaobei now even pushes the rules of light and heat to the extreme, and the light and heat emitted by him can only boil more than ten meters deep, involving more than 3,000 square meters.

Even so, the soldiers stationed on the island looked at it.

In their eyes, a person who could fly in the sky suddenly burst into a myriad of light and heat, and suddenly the sea water boiled. Eventually, those horrible monsters suffered heavy casualties and eventually fled.

“Is this Gusmi?” Gusmi is the sun **** in the legend of the Great Reef. As a sea god, when the big reef country is still in a relatively backward era, their fishermen must go before the sea. Pray to the sun god, the sea god, for the sanctuary of the god.

"It must be a great Gusmi!"

Immediately, many soldiers rushed out of the bunker, kneeling on the beach, regardless of the monster body around them, squatting toward Wei Xiaobei in the air, and whispering in his mouth, in an attempt to seek the protection of the god.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei saw that the shrimps and crabs would all escape, and did not continue to wander, but the light and heat, and turned to the battle of the tortoise and the three giant whales.

At this time, the battle between the tortoise and the three giant whales is about to come to an end.

The tortoise monster demon king licked his skin thick and thick, chasing a giant whale desperately attacking. After the collision, he opened his mouth and bite on the other side, tearing down a piece of flesh and blood. As for the other two giant whales, they were desperately blocking.璇 turtle demon king.

Like this kind of battle between the aquariums, they are not very useful for their ability to manipulate the wind and waves.

Everyone will play this trick, but the level is high.

Besides, the ability of the aquarium to resist wind and waves is unmatched by other creatures.

Therefore, for them, manipulating the wind and waves to attack the opponent is not as simple and convenient as direct melee.

The whale that was stared at by the tortoise demon king, today is a **** mold of eight lifetimes.

At this time, it was hit by the turtle and the demon king, and the wounds were not bad. In vitro, it was bitten by more than ten large holes in the tortoise.

In this case, the whale is already dying, and even the collision of the tortoise and the demon king is hard to dodge.

Of course, the Turtle King is not completely harmless.

Under the desperate collision of the two giant whales, the rock covered by the tortoise demon king was crushed a lot, and the neck was accidentally bitten by a giant whale, but nothing more, more injuries were gone. .

This is also an inevitable thing.

The tortoise demon king was originally the biological level of the four-star elite, higher than the four-star ordinary of the whale, and its defense is top-notch among the aquarium, plus the body size is more than four times larger than the whale, this is It is like a heavy tank colliding with a truck. The truck is not too small, but it is a lot worse for the tank.

Just when the tortoise demon king bit the dead whale, Wei Xiaobei also killed, and the whole body was once again blooming, and he rushed toward a giant whale.

The blazing light instantly cooled the wrath of the whale.

what is this?

The whales didn't know what it was like to rush to this group. In the twinkling of an eye, Wei Xiaobei smashed the demon barrier outside his body and stuck it on the other side.

"Burn! Hot!"

Wei Xiaobei is now equated with a tiny sun that releases light and heat. When it is attached to the giant whale, the giant whale feels that his piece of meat has been cooked. Under the influence of severe pain, he is desperately The sea bottom rushed.

But before he rushed to the bottom of the sea, the light and heat emitted by Wei Xiaobei burned it into half cooked fish.

Starting from the back, the small part of the body turned into a fragrant fish, how not to die.

Seeing the end of his two companions, the last whale was scared at this time, turned and fled.

However, the turtle demon king even chased it up.

For the tortoise demon king, all the guys in the East China Sea Dragon Palace can't let go!

Wei Xiaobei saw that he was going to keep up with it, but he was very tired after two consecutive heats.

This is also a helpless thing.

Although Wei Xiaobei has been able to control some of the rules of light and heat in reality, the rules of light and heat are, after all, derived from the green woods, which are different from the rules of light and heat in reality, thus emitting the same light and heat. Wei Xiaobei needs to consume More energy can be done.

Before desperately urging the radiant heat, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was somewhat prostration.

Taking a break for a while, Wei Xiaobei looked around the sea and finally landed on the highest mountain of the island, sitting cross-legged.

At the bottom of the sea, Wei Xiaobei will not go now. Who knows that the shrimps and crabs will not find reinforcements. If they adjust their bodies on the seabed, they will be attacked by those guys.

If you come to a few whales, even a stronger guy, Wei Xiaobei is a little troublesome.

Therefore, it is much better to adjust the interest rate on the island. At least those shrimps and crabs, the giant whales on the island, the strength will be weakened, and they have time to react.

Wei Xiaobei sat on the mountain to adjust the interest rate, and the soldiers looked a little dumbfounded.

In any case, what happened in the past few days completely overturned their worldview.

It must be said that after a long period of development, the Great Reef State has now entered the global economic system. No matter all aspects have begun to gradually integrate with modernization, the education that the nationals receive from childhood is also scientific.

Of course, they will also accept some knowledge of their ancestors, but they are more of a knowledge of the ancestors' knowledge.

But now, they feel that they have witnessed the myth.

The mighty presence of the sun **** Poseidon sits at the peak of the island.

Of course, none of these soldiers dared to climb up to get close to the gods.

Under the whisper of the officers, the soldiers began to repair the bunker, carry the body, and prepare for the next possible battle.

However, at this time, the morale of the soldiers has recovered.

For them, now it’s like having a backing, the horrible monsters are still terrible, but in their opinion, now there is the one sitting on the mountain, those monsters are afraid to come over, even if they It was also very tired at this time, but the pace became brisk.

Of course, the morale of the soldiers below, Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention.

What he noticed at this time is that some of the mistakes that he had made when he was urging the heat rule, by modifying these mistakes, his understanding of the rules of light and heat is deeper.

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes, he could feel that he was closer to the four-star disaster.

At this time, there is a thin film between the four-star disaster, as if it can be opened at any time.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knows that this is just his own illusion.

There is still a small distance from the four-star disaster. If you can understand the rules of light and heat, the emitted light and heat can radiate to a radius of 500 meters, and if the core temperature does not decrease, then you can almost break through. There are bottlenecks! (To be continued.).


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