The City of Terror

Chapter 1345: Turtle

At the end of the year, Christmas, New Year's Day, New Year's Eve, the Spring Festival is coming, the poor road is not very good, I am worried that I will forget it, so I wish you all the friends in advance, the young and old sisters find love in Christmas, the holiday is happy, New Year's Day receives more bonuses, buys tickets, New Year's Eve is a happy New Year, and the whole family is well-being.

Wherever they go, whether it is humans, animals such as cats and dogs, they are killed by a single blow, and even some monsters are eating the bodies on the spot!

If Guoduo Island is not the capital of the Great Reef State, and the military power is the strongest, I am afraid that it will be a wave, and Guodu Island will fall.

But even so, when two dragons appeared on the sea, the morale on Guodu Island almost collapsed!

It should be noted that although the Great Reef State is an island country with indigenous people as the main body, due to the long-term tributary relationship with China, the Chinese in the Great Reef countries and even the Chinese indigenous mixed blood are not rare, which makes some myths and legends of China There are quite a few markets in the reef country.

Therefore, when the two dragons appeared, the first time someone recognized that it was a dragon!

Chinese sea god!

Of course, those who are sharp-eyed do not seem to understand the difference between the dragon and the real dragon, but in any case, Xiaolong is also very strong.

A flood in Zhangkou rushed to the island of Guodu, and drowned many soldiers hiding in the tunnel.

They even did not fear the Haiphong cannons placed near the port. Even if they were hit by the side of the shell, the smooth and sleek scales could directly eject the shells.

In short, if these monsters don’t know what to do and take the initiative to retreat, Guodu Island will not be guaranteed.

On the island of the Great Reef, the soldiers and the people cheered for victory. But the presidents of the country and so on did not dare to be a little slow. When they were wondering, the ambassadors of the Huaxia country stationed in the country even visited them and shared them. A group of satellite signals.

That's right, after the transformation of this group of satellite signals, the scene presented is the battle between the tortoise and the East Sea Dragon Palace.

One is a giant tortoise that is like an island, and the other is a three-dimensional dragon. It is hard to see the number of shrimps and crabs.

In this scene, I saw that the top of the big reef country was stunned.

At this time, they are not fools. I also understand that if the giant tortoise is defeated, I am afraid that the big reef will not be able to withstand the next wave of monster attacks!

So they began to pray for the gods, hoping that the giant tortoise can defeat those monsters.

As for more things, they can't imagine it.

For those high-level executives, the scene that happened at the time on the sea simply saw their golden eyes!

To say monsters, they have seen a lot.

China's mountains and seas, myths and legends, even monsters in ancient history, the ancient army of Sam State, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc., all kinds of magical monsters in Europe.

But like this, between the gestures, it will stir up huge waves. Like the natural disasters, these high-level executives will see it for the first time!

They predicted in their minds what would happen if these monsters rushed to the shoreline of their country?

The consequences could be disastrous!

I am afraid that it will take a few hours, everything on the coastline will be overwhelmed by the waves!

For most countries, their economically developed regions are basically located on the coastline.

This is not to be questioned.

The development of the marine shipping industry and the low freight rate make the development speed of coastal cities naturally higher than those of inland cities!

At least three high-level officials made plans for the launch of nuclear weapons after an urgent discussion!

The strategic bombers took off quickly, and the nuclear submarines quickly rose to the position where missiles could be launched. Even a strong country informed neighboring countries of the possibility of launching land-based nuclear bombs.

For a moment, the whole world was stirred up.

Nuclear bombs are ready to launch nuclear bombs, and countries without nuclear bombs are bursting with horror.

They are worried about being smashed and pond fish, but they don't know where the nuclear bombs might fall.

From this moment on, almost all the upper levels of the country have settled in underground nuclear-protection buildings.

No way, the nuclear bomb is really hard to say.

Who knows, when you launch a nuclear bomb, will you take the opportunity to change the coordinates, aim the nuclear bomb at my capital, and take the opportunity to fight a nuclear war?

Of course, everyone knows that the probability of such a thing is about one in ten thousand, but even the possibility of one in 100,000, it has put many countries in a state of defense.

It can be said that the next moment, the whole world may be saved, but it may also be destroyed!

At this point, the three dragons seemed to feel a little bit wrong.

As a dragon, their sensitivity to danger is not much lower than that of real dragons.

At this time they can feel a threat like a thunderstorm is brewing!

Of course, this is not a real thunder, but the nuclear bombs of several countries have set this area as the target of attack.

"One hundred and twenty-five, I feel a little bit wrong?"

A dragon could not help but say to another dragon around him. Of course, this one hundred and twenty-five should be the ranking of his great-grandson in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

"Yes, I feel it too."

I heard this and screamed.

The three dragons couldn’t help but look at each other.

Before saying that these three dragons have some intrigues because of their desire for power, now, with the advent of threats, they feel that they should take this monster as soon as possible.

Staying here, I always feel that something is not quite right, there is a feeling that it is going to be a big disaster!

As the minds of the three dragons changed, the power of the giant waves that smashed to the tortoise monsters suddenly increased several times!

The tortoise demon king was almost thrown into the sea by the huge waves, and the surrounding waves were shattered by this continuous wave!

Wei Xiaobei was caught off guard and immediately crushed on the turtle's back.


These guys suddenly hit the chicken blood?

The sudden surge of power has made Wei Xiaobei somewhat puzzled.

However, under the slamming of the huge waves, the tortoise and the demon king, who had not been moving, had moved for the first time.


The skull of the tortoise demon king took a huge wave and erected it high. In the violent storm, the mouth screamed out of the raging horn.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat amazed is that when the turtle demon king erected his head high, the sky suddenly clouded.

Of course, these dark clouds are not gathered by the scorpion tortoise, but not the three dragons.

Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that the lightning above the black clouds is like a python.


Inexplicably, there is such a term in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Thanks for the many on the web!

Wei Xiaobei silently read in his heart.

If it weren't for those, Wei Xiaobei would not be able to guess what the dark cloud brought.

However, to say this, is this turtle demon king going to break through?

Wei Xiaobei, who was kneeling on the ground, tried to lift his head and look at the demon king.

At this time, a translucent golden turtle emerged from the top of the tortoise's demon king!

One meter in size, compared with the tortoiseshell demon king, it looks a bit cute.

Oh, that's not a turtle!

It should be the soul of the tortoiseshell demon king!

Wei Xiaobei compared it with the tortoise demon king, and immediately discovered this.

"It has been robbed!"


Obviously, the three dragons were much more familiar with Wei Xiaobei. When they saw the dark clouds with thunder, they suddenly smashed and slammed their mouths into a torrential rain. This is full of momentum.


The three dragons, who were headed, were arrested at this time, and immediately ordered to retreat.

Wei Xiaobei was able to see it. The three dragons were especially afraid of this robbery. They were probably worried that this robbery would accidentally hit his head.

Of course, what is going on, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear.

When I saw the dragon and turned and took the shrimps and crabs to escape, the turtle demon king became excited at this time, and the four limbs violently stroked, and suddenly chased up to the escaped dragon.

What is this?

The speed at which Wei Xiaobei saw the turtle demon king at this time was probably more than several times the previous speed.

Of course, the three dragons are working at the same time, and the huge waves that are rolled up will carry those shrimps and crabs, but they will be faster than the turtles.

But in a short time, it is a dream to get rid of the scorpion demon king!

It’s awkward!

Just then, a thunder over the dark clouds fell.

However, Wei Weibei feels a little strange. After the thunder fell, it seems that some people can't judge the target. They stayed on the sky for a while. After that, they turned into hundreds of thousands of electric snakes and fell down!

How is this going?

Look at the position of the electric snake falling apart, a considerable part of it went to the escaped dragon side, only less than 10,000 electric snakes fell toward the turtle demon king.

Is the robbery really attracted to the Donghai Dragon Palace?

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei can imagine that the three dragons at this time, the dog's mind probably has.

After the lightning was turned into an electric snake, the speed of falling was extremely fast.

Wei Xiaobei originally wanted to see the sadness of the Donghai Dragon Palace, but what he never imagined was that after the head of the tortoise demon king had suffered the bombardment of most electric snakes, there were more than a dozen. The electric snake bypassed the head of the tortoise demon king and fell towards himself.

For such things, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to contact, the mind is moving, a layer of light and heat is generated immediately, in an attempt to block the electric snake.


The electric snake instantly penetrated the light and heat that was emitted, and immediately fell on the back of Wei Xiaobei.


This is the first reaction of Wei Xiaobei, and the second reaction is hemp!

The next moment in the whole body was numb.

However, this electric sensation quickly disappeared from Wei Xiaobei.

A stock of real mercury emerged, and the electric snake that was still beating on Wei Xiaobei was swallowed up.

But Wei Xiaobei was kneeling on the turtle's back at this time, his eyes were closed and seemed to be enjoying.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not really enjoying this time.

It is the feeling that the electric snake brings to himself when he breaks the light.

Well, at this time, anything that will allow you to deepen your understanding of the rules of light and heat can make Wei Xiaobei immerse yourself. To be continued ^

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