The City of Terror

Chapter 1355: Misunderstanding, grief and anger

This chapter is scheduled to be released, and the poor road may be right in bed at this time.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know the name of the island, but when you look at the island, you know that this is an island belonging to the big reef country, and the situation on this island is not very good.

Obviously, these shrimps and crabs will not know their leader or the big backer.

They also followed the orders of the dragon when they left, preparing to completely capture the island, washing the human body on the island, waiting for the dragon to come back to enjoy.

Well, in a nutshell, eating people will not have any moral problems for the dragons and even these shrimps and crabs, just like humans eating pigs, cattle and sheep.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei can see the blood red glow of the shrimps and crabs that are desperately rushing to the island.

That is the killing they have committed.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is also very strange. Why do these monsters appear such a blood red glow after killing, and humans kill those creatures and even monsters, then there will be no such blood red glow?

At this point, Wei Xiaobei was able to see this phenomenon very early, and he was pondering in his mind.

But I have not found the exact answer.

But now it seems that this should be related to Wei Xiaobei as a human being.

Any monster or creature that has been killed in human races will have such a phenomenon.

Wei Xiaobei even suspected that the strong people in other races might be able to see such a phenomenon. Of course, what they saw should be the killing of the members of their own race.

The shrimps and crabs that besieged the island will not be much. There are only a few thousand in the area, and even no whales, sharks and other powerful leaders!

But there is no military defense facility such as a bunker on the island. The island is about one square kilometer in area. The main anti-monsters are fishermen and a small number of soldiers.

And their weapons are a bottle similar to a gasoline cocktail. When the shrimps and crabs will rush to the island, they will soon be smashed by these bottles and then wrapped in a burning fire.

This makes it difficult for those shrimps and crabs to break through the defense at one time. When they are burned by the fire, they have to flee back to the sea and wait until the flames are extinguished before they continue to land on the shore.

Of course, this is also no whale handsome, shark will be such a powerful head.

If there is a whale handsome here, then it only needs to drive a huge wave to the island, and those human beings have no ability to resist at all.

But even so, those humans don't have many bottles, and most humans have things like harpoon in their hands, ready to fight with the monsters.

Well, if the situation goes on like this, these humans probably have no chance of escape.

Although the previous bottles will cause a lot of casualties to these shrimps and crabs, at least one hundred shrimp soldiers will become corpses, but the remaining shrimps and crabs will be able to easily kill hundreds of humans on the island without the threat of bottles!

Those harpoons may occasionally penetrate the shell of the shrimp, but it is absolutely impossible to harm those crabs.

However, Wei Xiaobei came and the problem was solved.

Enjoy the heat.

After a thought, Wei Xiaobei suddenly formed a layer of light and heat, and then spread out to the surrounding!

"Burn! Hot!"


The shrimps and crabs that just rushed back to the sea and extinguished the flames of the body will once again feel the hotness of the previous ones, and they could not help but exclaim.

They also thought that those humans threw the bottles on the sea.

Well, the oil and water in the bottles can burn on the sea, but they can't burn in the sea.

Based on this knowledge, many shrimps and crabs will once again penetrate into the sea.

However, there are also shrimp and crabs that will find Wei Xiaobei, who emits light and heat all over the body.

But whether it's the discovery of Wei Xiaobei or the drilling into the sea, it doesn't matter.

For a moment, with Wei Xiaobei as the center, the space within the radius of 300 meters is covered by light and heat!

The sea water starts to boil!

The gas is boiled from the surface of the sea, and the position of the gas is quickly moved down until it is more than 100 meters away from the sea level.

But the seawater above this location has boiled up.

The shrimps and crabs that are exposed to the sea will be reddened in the first time, roasted into aroma of seawater prawns, big crabs, and the shrimps and crabs that have been drilled into the sea will also become fragrant.

A large number of fish, shrimps and crabs next to the island floated towards the sea and they were also cooked.

Even some of the shrimps and crabs that have just boarded the island will be covered by this piece of light, and the water in the body will quickly evaporate and soon become a blackened body.

Only a dozen shrimps and crabs close to humans will be spared.

After all, Wei Xiaobei still controlled the range of light and heat. Otherwise, if those people were cooked in one breath, Wei Xiaobei estimated that he could not eat meat in the next month.

For those human beings, this scene is undoubtedly a miracle.

I thought I was going to be killed and eaten by those horrible monsters. But what I didn’t think was that suddenly a golden light appeared on the sea. In a flash, the sea boiled up and the horrible monsters Kill!

Even these humans can see that the sand on the beach is rapidly reddening and sticking together to form a dark red magma!

What a terrible power!

As for the more than a dozen shrimp and crabs that survived the disaster, they will be completely dumbfounded at this time. In the blink of an eye, their peers will be destroyed, leaving only their own.

Very good, the light and heat disappeared, Wei Xiaobei nodded with satisfaction, turned and left.

As for the more than a dozen shrimps and crabs, although their strength is far more than humans, after the light and heat dissipated, they were surrounded by the bottles that humans had thrown away for the first time.


The gasoline flowing out of the broken bottle, the diesel mixture was quickly ignited and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This is the Achilles heel of the shrimps and crabs.

They are far superior to humans, but they are afraid of fire, high temperatures, and in front of these things, they are not much stronger than ordinary shrimp and crabs.

Although this small experiment only killed thousands of shrimps and crabs, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel his strength.

If the seawater is not boiling, it will naturally block the penetration of light and heat. Wei Xiaobei can boil the seawater within 300 meters below the sea surface!

Of course, even so, the light and heat involved in the sea surface is also reduced by a few meters of hard evaporation!

Therefore, after Wei Xiaobei dispelled the light and heat, after turning and leaving, the surrounding sea water suddenly rushed into the sea surface where the collapse was reduced, but it formed a huge swirly wonder.

Judging his own position, Wei Xiaobei found himself not far from the big reef country Guodu Island.

Ok? That big island looks like Guodu Island?

Like the previous islands, the island is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of shrimp and crabs, and even Wei Xiaobei has seen more than 30 head whales, sharks and so on.

Undoubtedly, at least half of the strength of the East China Sea Dragon Palace intrusion into reality is here.

And this island should be the island of Guodu.

If it is not Guodu Island, there is no possibility that so many shrimps and crabs will gather here.

However, the state of the island is not as good as the island before.

What Wei Weibei can see at this time is that most of Guodu Island has been occupied by shrimps and crabs, and there are scenes of sadness after being flooded everywhere.

As for the origin of these flooding marks, it is naturally the masterpiece of those whales and sharks.

From time to time, you can see those whales handsome, sharks will drive huge waves to the island of Guodu.

With these huge waves rushing to Guodu Island, under the cover of these huge waves, those shrimps and crabs will be in front of modern firearms, and the casualty rate will be reduced a lot.

However, when the shrimps and crabs will gather in a certain place, a projectile will be fired on the island, and these shrimps and crabs will be bombarded.

To be honest, if it weren't for these cannons, I am afraid that Guodu Island had already fallen.

At the port of Guodu Island, you can see the stern of the bow that is high and raised, and a large number of ships are destroyed and sunk in the port.

Of course, this may be the last loss.

Humans are still sticking!

In dozens of skyscrapers in the center of Guodu Island, a large number of soldiers and people gathered, and modern firearms almost armed the teeth here.

Of course, even so, they are the last struggle.

Every time a huge wave surges over Guodu Island, the shrimps and crabs will take the opportunity to launch an attack on the center of Guodu Island. They can shuttle freely through the huge waves, making it difficult for human weapons to hit them.

After all, after the bullets are injected into the sea, the kinetic energy they carry will decay rapidly. Even if they hit these shrimps and crabs, it will be difficult to harm them.

It is often at this time that human beings can only use a series of powerful weapons such as cannons, rocket launchers, etc. to bombard huge waves. Only in this way can they kill the shrimps and crabs hidden in the huge waves.

But the powerful ammunition of artillery shells, rocket launchers, and so on, is not much left.

When these ammunitions are exhausted, the shrimps and crabs will be able to easily break through the human defense line and kill them!

On the roof of the Capitol of the Great Reef, a group of unfamiliar human beings are under the protection of a group of soldiers to see the movements of those monsters.

They are high-level reef countries or ambassadors of other countries.

However, Wei Xiaobei saw an acquaintance inside.

Um, it’s the apprentice of Wei Xiaobei, the Prince of Malas.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat curious, how did this kid come here?

Let Wei Xiaobei be curious about the grief and regret of the Prince of Malas.

Well, he feels that he should read more books from China.

The son of a thousand gold does not sit down! The gentleman does not stand on the side of the wall!

How did you forget this? )


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