The City of Terror

Chapter 1357: , Wanjun fell!

It’s too cold, today’s sleet, go out for a while, cold and poor, and say good friction produces heat?

It’s just that the hand is exposed. Which one of the bystanders dare not say a word? Don't lift your thumb?

Similarly, these whale handsome sharks who are good at manipulating huge waves will also understand that this invisible light and heat wants to be so finely controlled compared to tangible water. How strong is this strength?

Of course, Wei Xiaobei played for a while, and felt that he would never do it again in the future.

Too tired.

It will be more than a few times more than the previous light and heat!

Of course, as a result, the effect is obvious.

Many whale handsome sharks will take the same action at the moment of catching up with the light. When the legs are soft, they will lie on the sea. Even if they are burnt by light, the whole body is extremely painful. Dare to move half a point.

Well, the most unfortunate ones are the giant whale sharks that will be prototyped early. Even if they want to surrender, they can't go down with their legs, so they can only be burned to death by the heat.

In the twinkling of an eye, the whale handsome shark will surrender in half, and most of them will be burned to death, and those shrimps and crabs will escape at least 30%, burned to 30%, and the remaining 30% will be caught on Guodu Island.

Of course, compared to the whale handsome shark, you can still barely lick, and those who have been burned to death will not be able to surrender even if they want to surrender.

Almost, Wei Xiaobei feels that if he disperses himself, he will probably be in a coma once.

And at this time, if you are unconscious, hehe, what happens is imaginable.

Therefore, there is no hesitation, even if there are many shrimps and crabs that have already escaped, the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei's body is also quickly dissipated.

The little sun disappeared, and there was a human being there? ! !

When those whale handsome sharks who surrendered will see Wei Xiaobei, they can't help but be stupid.

To be honest, they thought that the little sun had disappeared, and it should be a three-legged gold!

Well, don't think that these whale handsome sharks will know nothing, like some conventional knowledge, they are still clear.

For example, the sun is actually three-legged gold.

How could it be a human?

Well, even if it is a human being, those whale handsome sharks will not dare to move at half point, so don't mention anything else.

After Wei Xiaobei’s incompetent strong coming, these whale handsome sharks will choose to surrender and they will not be able to continue to resist.

Looking at the guys who surrendered, Wei Xiaobei really didn't know what to say.

You know, Wei Xiaobei has received a lot of surrender, but so many, it is the first time.

"See King Jinwu!"

It’s just that everyone doesn’t say that the environment is quiet, and when it comes out a little bit, the patrol night fork is savvy, the black lacquered body squats on the sea, after climbing a few steps toward Wei Xiaobei, immediately He screamed in a humble voice.

This patrol night fork is more flexible than other whale handsome sharks. In its view, this human being looks like a human being, but it can radiate endless heat and light. It is said that his old man is not Jinwu, who believes what?

Of course, even if it is not Jinwu, its strength is similar to Jinwu?

Besides, even if the misunderstanding is misunderstood, the status of the three-legged Jinwu is not low, and the king probably should not be angry.

I heard this call from the sea, and the rest of the surrenders would think so much, and immediately followed.

To say that the brain is savvy, this patrol night fork is the first in the aquarium here, but on the sound, huh, any whale handsome is ten times stronger than it!

When those whale handsome sharks will go down together with Wei Xiaobei, and the mouth will say that they will meet the King of Jinwu, the sound will be louder than the ten thousand tons of giant steamer.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, the title of the King of Jinwu always sounds weird. He seems to see the scene of the group of demon worshippers in the Journey to the West.

My heart is so cold.

Of course, even if this is the case, some scenes still have to be said. Since these aquariums have returned to themselves, Wei Xiaobei does not mind that he has a group of hands down. This is the sea after all. With such a group of people, many things are convenient. A lot of.

"Cough, you can call the adults in the future. You must first gather the soldiers and go to the east to wait for the order."

Wei Xiaobei ordered, those who patrolled the night fork, whale handsome sharks could not help but burst into a dark heart, although I don’t know what will happen, but at least now they can judge that their own life should be saved.

Otherwise, it will not let these guys go to gather the soldiers and wait for orders.

Right, will the soldiers be? This does not mean that the more soldiers will be gathered, the higher the status of the adults in the future?

After experiencing these things, these whale handsome sharks seem to have become more active.

After a sigh of relief, these whale handsome sharks will rush to Guodu Island in the first place.

Wei Xiaobei certainly knows what these whale handsome sharks will be in their hearts.

It is said that the place where the shrimps and crabs will be the most at this time is the island of this country.

After more than three and a half, there are more than 200,000 shrimp and crabs. For these whale handsome sharks, it is also a great credit.

However, for the people on the island, this seems too horrible.

Stepping on the top of the parliament building, Tamaras is watching the scene before.

Suddenly a small sun appeared, and it took only a long time before and after the monsters to escape, and even some of the monsters surrendered.

This made the people on the island of Guodu unable to cheer for a burst of time.

Especially after the glare of the glare faded, after a human being, the cheers became higher.

Of course, even with the eyes of Malas, there is no way to see what humans look like in the world.

Moreover, at this time, the steaming water vapor on the sea is diffused, and even the most advanced military telescope cannot be seen clearly.

But not long after, the huge monsters once again rushed toward the island, scaring the people on the island, the soldiers were stupid.

What is going on?

How come the monsters come to attack the island again?

Seeing those people stand up, monsters as high as seven or eight meters or even more than ten meters on the giant waves on the island of Guodu, the human mood on Guodu Island can be described as falling from heaven to hell!

Of course, the ordinary people and soldiers occupy a position that is not too good. It is difficult to see those who are rushing over the distance, the whales in the human form, the sharks, but the big reefs that occupy the roofs of the buildings. The top officials are clearly visible.

Well, this falls from heaven to hell, and most of them refer to them.

What is going on here! ? ?

The psychology of the top of the Great Reef countries is a dog!

This kind of psychological change has almost caused a few high-level seniors to directly treat heart disease.

What can be born next is to make them feel awkward.

With the screams of those huge monsters, the monsters that had been violently attacked in the center of Guodu Island turned away, and they retreated as the tides, and they evacuated very quickly. They left Guodu Island not long after. After drilling into the ocean, the waves on the feet, followed by the huge monsters, did not run long.

What is going on? Well, at this time, the human heart on Guodu Island suddenly went from **** to heaven.

Well, at this time, several high-level reef countries can't really bear such a huge psychological change. When they fall together, they directly lead their heart disease and suddenly fall down. They are shocked that their followers have called doctors.

Shrimp soldiers and crabs will be evacuated as much as possible, and Wei Xiaobei has no plans to continue to stay.

He didn't want to be too high-profile, and then he took out the satellite phone and called the Prince of Maras, and the next part was handed over to the apprentice.

The sun is gone, the monsters are gone, and the humans on the island of Guodu feel like they have seen a fantasy movie.

However, they will need to clean up their bodies and rebuild their homes, but in any case, it seems that the disaster has passed.

After receiving the call from Master, the heart of Mataras must be certain.

It turned out that the sun that swept the monster on the sea before was Master!

To be honest, Tamaras is now more and more admired by Master.

Such power is no longer what humans can do.

As a result, Tamaras is more emboldened with the follow-up procedures of the major reef countries.

You must know that when the Guodu Island of this big reef country was once again surrounded by monsters, the top officials of the big reef countries did not directly insult the Malas, but the dissatisfaction in the tone and even the reception errors abound.

This is to make Tamaras’s heart burst into a big fire.

Now, it is time to calculate the account.

On the face of the step of Maras, he walked to the meeting of the chairman of the Great Reef National Assembly. He smiled and said: "I don't know when Mr. Speaker will hand over the islands of Newsh Island and Toromon Island to my master?"

"What? You have failed to fulfill the agreement and want the island? Is it too ridiculous? I said in the name of the Grand Reef Council that the agreement signed with Weijia Island was invalidated, and we will ask for the liquidated damages in the agreement."

What makes Step Malas a bit stunned is that the somewhat white-haired speaker did not agree to fulfill the follow-up part of the agreement. Instead, he said that the agreement was abolished and the liquidated damages were also requested.

Well, stepping Malas feels a little dumbfounded, but after that, I understand it.

The speaker of the speaker probably regarded the retreat of those monsters as the will of heaven. To put it bluntly, the luck of the great reef country was saved, but it was not saved by Weijia Island, and the agreement was abolished.

Of course, this does not rule out that the Speaker of the Speaker wants to rely on it!

After all, this agreement is a privately signed agreement and has not been made public.

Well, I can think of the mind of Tamaras. If this agreement is made public, even if the big reef country is saved, I am afraid that the position of the speaker is not fixed. (To be continued.) 8

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