The City of Terror

Chapter 1366: Sea monster eggs

I feel that time passes quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, another year has passed. The feeling of the poor road is hard to say. I would like to thank the book friends for their 20,000 starting point rewards. Thanks to the book friends for calling me Xiao Wan’s 10,000 starting currency! Thank you for your support and enthusiastic subscription! thank you all! ——

Looking at the ship that was entering the port, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

In accordance with this trend, I am afraid that these ships are hard to say that they can still come to Weijia Island.

Leaving the port, Wei Xiaobei turned to the eastern reef area.

Here, Wei Xiaobei stocks a lot of sea monster cubs. You must know that the turtles and demon kings used to closely monitor this area. Although they will fall into asleep from time to time, their waves standing outside the reef area are It is easy to stop those sea monsters.

I don’t know if the turtles and demon kings have passed through the reincarnation, and it’s been a long time. I don’t know if these sea monsters have problems or escape.

When Weibei arrived at the reef area, his legs were on a beach, and when he fell toward a reef, a long, tentacles with tentacles broke through the sea from the reef, like a flexible snake. Wei Xiaobei was rolled over.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his finger and slammed it on the touch of the hand, and the tentacle instantly became in the air, and the next moment he shrank back.

This made Wei Xiaobei's brow wrinkled, and it has been so long, the wildness of these sea monsters seems to have not weakened.

Of course, if you want to come, these sea monsters are also descendants of the giant beasts in the sea. Their wildness is buried deep in the blood. Although the guardian Xiaobei let Huang Kun have nothing to do, he will come and adjust these sea monsters, but then Huang Kun is busy, and I am afraid I will forget most of this.

The eyes swept through the sea, and Wei Xiaobei roughly looked at the situation of these sea monsters.

Speaking of it, these sea monsters are not bad. In just a few years, the largest sea monster has grown to a length of forty meters, a body of more than sixty meters, and the smallest wrist length. Twenty-five meters, the whole body is forty meters.

According to this growth trend, I am afraid that it will not take long before these sea monsters can grow into adulthood and grow to a length of more than 100 meters!

Moreover, the current Wei Xiaobei can easily feel that these sea monsters are full of hostility towards themselves!

How is this going?

This makes Wei Xiaobei slightly confused.

At this moment, the tortoise and the demon king hanging on the neck actually woke up, the limbs stretched in the air a few times, the head looked down the sea, the sound is crisp and tender: "So many Western sea monsters? Is the food prepared for the king?"

Hearing the words of the tortoise demon king, Wei Xiaobei could not help but smile: "These are not the foods for you."

Speaking of this, Wei Xiaobei simply said that this sea monster cub was once again.

Who wants to know, wait for Wei Xiaobei to finish, then the turtle demon king can not help but laugh: "This Western sea monster can pass hatred through the blood, you want to control them is impossible, it is better to let the king eat Full stomach, recover soon."

That's it!

Wei Xiaobei heard the turtle demon king say this, but he understood it.

I have forgotten myself.

These powerful existences of blood and inheritance are capable of inheriting a lot of knowledge through blood.

Such as phoenix, real dragon, etc., and it is not surprising that this sea monster inherits a little hatred.

In this way, it is true that the words of the turtle demon king, these are the food prepared for it.

Since these little sea monsters have their own hatred in the blood, Wei Xiaobei does not dare to care.

To know that this is Weijiadao, it is your own nest. If you let these sea monsters run out, when you are not there, you can really cause big trouble.

You know, if these sea monsters are adult, they are at least four stars of ordinary creatures!

Although they don't have the ability to drive huge waves like Whales, they can also cause violent damage to most ships!

Then let the turtles and demon kings eat a meal with great pain.

Wei Xiaobei took the turtle demon king from his neck and then threw it into the distant sea.

This pure white jade-like demon king, falling in the sea, began to grow bigger in an instant.

But when it was more than ten meters long, several sea monsters' tentacles stretched out from the sea, and in a flash they entangled the tortoise monster king.

There is no doubt that a sea monster cub will treat the turtle demon king as a food for delivery!

And with this sea monster cub wrapped around the tortoise monster demon king, surrounded by sea water, more sea monster cubs reach the tentacles of the turtle demon king!

It seems that the food in this area is not rich, so many sea monsters have come to **** food.

This sudden situation, it is to make Wei Xiaobei laugh a little.

This turtle demon king originally vowed to eat these little sea monsters, but did not expect to be entangled by the sea monsters after a short time.

Obviously, the Turtle Demon King did not expect this before.

Can be entangled in these foods, and some of them actually make the turtles demon kings lose face.

"Up! Up! Up!"

Under the entanglement of dozens of tentacles, the tortoise demon king blasted three times, and the body accelerated again and again, so that the tentacles of the sea monsters could not be entangled.

Before and after the twenty-second time, the body of the turtle demon king is so small from the previous fingernail, and quickly grows to a diameter of more than 50 meters!

Although the body is still getting bigger quickly, the turtle demon king can't wait to open his mouth and bite off a tentacle. Then he raises his neck, like a hen eating a cockroach, swallowing the biting tentacle. .

"Not enough! This is not enough!"

The tortoise monster demon king appeared a little crazy at this time, his mouth continued to open, bite down, until all the tentacles close to him were swallowed and swallowed before stopping.

Of course, this stop is not to start with those sea monsters.

The waves in the reef area became larger in a blink of an eye, and the water in the entire reef area soon became a fountain, constantly rushing out of the sea from the bottom of the sea, and slammed the head of the sea monsters hiding in the cracks of the reefs and the caves in the seabed. Out of the sea!

I have to say that these sea monsters have no resistance at all in front of the scorpion demon king.

At this time, the tortoise demon king swam rapidly on the sea. When these sea monsters were pushed out of the sea by the sea water fountain, they would be bitten by the turtle demon king, and the mouth would be wide to the extreme, swallowing it!

Well, at this time, the tortoise monster demon king has grown to the limit, and it is only a hundred meters long, but it can swallow a sea monster cub with a body length of more than fifty or sixty meters. This scene seems to be Some are shocking.

In fact, the number of sea monsters in this reef area is not much.

Sea monsters are extremely greedy monsters. When they are hungry, even the same kind will be placed on the recipe.

Therefore, in this reef area, the killing between the sea monsters has never stopped.

Coupled with the sea monsters that may have escaped, the remaining sea monsters in the reef area are only a hundred years old.

Of course, even if there are only a hundred sea monsters, they are stacked together, which is considered a meat mountain.

But the food of this turtle demon king, Wei Xiaobei seems to have never seen the bottom.

A 100-meter-long turtle will swallow hundreds of sea monsters with a body length of at least 40 meters.

After eating the last sea monster cub, the turtle demon king is not over, the body suddenly shrinks to a diameter of more than one meter, then sneaked into the sea, what to look for in the cracks of the reef?

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was attracted by the turtle demon king.

I saw that the head of the tortoise demon king constantly plunged into the gaps of the major reefs, and occasionally the gap that could not be penetrated was gently planed with the front paws. The originally hard reef was like a tofu. , revealing a bigger gap.

"what are you doing?"

Wei Xiaobei saw that there was a grape-like thing in the entrance to the tortoise, and he could not help but ask.

"Do you want to eat too?"

The tortoise demon king heard the voice of Wei Xiaobei, and even as he got out of the sea, his body was more than a meter long, and there was a long bunch of grape-like things on his mouth, which he handed over to Wei Xiaobei.

"this is?"

Wei Xiaobei glanced at it, some stunned, this thing, I have seen it, okay, this is actually a sea monster egg!

When I killed the mother sea monster at the beginning, I took a lot of this stuff, and later placed it in the reef area, only to cultivate so many small sea monsters.

Are these sea monsters not yet mature?

How can you produce so many sea monster eggs?

This is to make Wei Xiaobei feel quite weird, and then asked the turtle demon king.

The turtle demon king suddenly smiled: "When the race is on the verge of extinction, don't say this sea monster, even if I am a turtle, the size of the head can lay eggs."

I heard that the turtle demon king said this, Wei Xiaobei understood it, but he confused the reality with the gray monster.

Species such as tortoises and sea monsters should not be viewed with a realistic eye.

Well, the most prominent thing in this regard is probably the Luhan family.

It is said that when the number of races is scarce, even the little deer who has just landed for less than three days can be pregnant!

What a ferocious ability to multiply!

Of course, Wei Xiaobei took this sea monster egg for a while, but still saw that this sea monster egg is somewhat different from the sea monster egg that he had previously obtained.

The biggest difference here is that the life of this sea monster egg is relatively rare. In simple terms, it is only one-sixth of the vitality contained in the sea monster eggs that I have previously obtained!

This also shows that even if these sea monster eggs hatch small sea monsters, they are much weaker than their parents, and even take longer to become adult!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei transferred dozens of ordinary people, let them help the turtle demon king to collect the sea monster eggs in the reef.

After more than an hour of busy work, the entire reef area was completely combed, and the sea monsters hiding in the cracks of the reef were caught in a net and piled up on the reef like a hill.

Most of the sea monster eggs, Wei Xiaobei gave the turtle to the demon king, which is the compensation of the other party, and the small half, about 3,000 sea monster eggs were collected by Wei Xiaobei in the storage ring. (To be continued.)

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