The City of Terror

Chapter 1368: Refiner theory

It’s so cold today, is this the legendary winter? Both hands are frozen, who can warm the armpits to warm the hands of the poor road?

Name: Long Yao Soft Armor (Premium)

Introduction: Long Yao soft armor is Wei Xiaobei with dragon suede, real dragon dragon scales, real dragon dragon skin, with dragon fire tripod, light and heat rules made of different treasures. It has a variety of magical effects such as flame defense, light and heat radiation, triple immune attack, and sharp resistance.

Effect 1: Flame defense, wearing a dragon's soft armor, able to withstand the high temperature damage of 16,000 Baidu.

Effect 2: Photothermal radiation, wearing a dragon's soft armor, can form a photothermal radiation effect with a radius of ten meters.

Effect 3: Triple immune slamming, wearing a dragon's soft armor, can immunize any heavy hit 80% damage.

Effect 4: The sharp object resists, wearing a dragon's soft armor, can resist any sharp weapon 70% damage effect.

Effect 5: Damage repair, Long Yao soft armor can gradually repair itself after being hit hard

After reading the property sheet of Long Yao soft armor, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh.

Only the quality of the superiors?

This really makes Wei Xiaobei slightly disappointing. In his opinion, the dragon scorpion skin, the real dragon dragon scales leather and the dragon fire dings carefully refine, how can you refine a soft piece of perfect fairy goods? come on?

Of course, it is still very good to say that the effect of this soft armor is still very good.

What flame defense, light and heat radiation, etc.

These effects are concentrated on a soft armor, and when you wear it alone, your combat power will be greatly increased!

What does it mean to resist the fire damage of 1600 Baidu?

That is to wear this dragon scorpion soft armor into any real volcano, will not be hurt!

Not to mention, the formation of a radius of 10 meters of light and heat radiation effect, within a certain range of strength, which means melee invincible!

Of course, the most disappointing thing about Wei Xiaobei is that this soft armor is not very useful to him.

Flame defense, light and heat radiation, these two will not say, it is useless to Wei Xiaobei.

The effect of triple-hit immunization has been weakened. It is not as good as a single dragon skin, and the sharp weapon damage is probably from dragon scales and dragon skin, but it is not so good.

Forget it, this soft armor, you can only give away the situation.

After Wei Xiaobei took Long Yao’s soft armor to the storage ring, he took out his shot of the ink.

Before the big ink gun was absorbed, he swallowed the sky and cloud sword, and I don’t know how it is now.

You must know that the big ink gun is not in hand, and Wei Xiaobei’s strength will almost be weakened by more than 30%!

This makes Wei Xiaobei feel a little uncomfortable.

The large ink gun was taken out, and the Tian Congyun sword that had been sucked on the gun head had disappeared without a trace, but the ink gun was like an ordinary big gun, which was rusty and seemingly inconspicuous. Even the sharpness of the gun head disappeared.

Undoubtedly, the big ink gun at this time is in the process of evolution.

However, in this regard, Wei Xiaobei feels quite satisfied, which is at least much better than a small iron bar when it was evolved.

At least, this large ink gun can still be used.

Of course, it turned into a big bow, and the gloves and even other abilities were temporarily disappeared. It was just a big gun, an extremely strong ordinary big gun.

I don't know how long it takes for the ink gun to evolve. Wei Xiaobei touched the gun body and then re-invested it in the storage ring.

The turtle demon king has not returned yet, and Wei Xiaobei has to continue to refine the dragon's soft armor.

After having previous experience, Wei Xiaobei refining these dragons and soft armor is a lot easier.

The failure rate has dropped to a very low level.

The only problem is that Wei Xiaobei has no dragon scales on his hands and can only be replaced by scales and suede.

To say that the dragon's scales, the skin is also a good material for the refiner. In the past, Wei Xiaobei didn't even want to use it, and he could use the scales to serve as a refiner material.

However, the scales of the scales are always worse than the dragon scales, and the dragon skins are a lot worse. Therefore, the dragons and soft armor that were subsequently refined are inferior in terms of attributes, and even some effects have changed.

For example, the flame defense effect becomes a wind-splitting wave. To put it bluntly, after wearing this dragon's soft armor, it is possible to give birth to a wave of spray at the foot, so as to sprint on the sea, and when encountering the sea breeze, The sea breeze flies and can reduce the impact and damage of violent storms on yourself.

Of course, this rider seems to be worse than the flame defense, but in fact, this effect is quite strong.

With such an effect, it is possible to resist the ability of Xiaobei to walk freely.

In addition, the radius of the photothermal radiation is shortened to eight meters, the impact is not too big, eight meters and ten meters for the master, that is, the half-step gap.

The effect of triple-immunity slamming is not reduced, perhaps because of the incorporation of the dragon's skin.

The sharp object against this effect is weakened to 50%! The previous dragon's soft armor was 70% effective, which weakened nearly 25 percent.

The last damage fix, I can't see any change, but Wei Xiaobei can feel that this effect should be weaker.

But in any case, the current Long Yao soft armor is also quite powerful, not to mention its accompanying effects, but the defensive effect brought by itself is also quite powerful.

Wei Xiaobei tried it, and he needed 30% of his strength to poke a hole in it with a symbiotic big gun.

Be aware that even if the weapon pokes a hole in the soft armor, it will be affected by the soft armor effect when it hurts the host.

Basically, it can be said that even if it is an ordinary person, wearing this dragon's soft armor, the added defense, can harden the Samsung horror monster.

If it is those core disciples, I am afraid that the effect will be better.

Of course, its limbs and head are unprotected, so if ordinary people wear this dragon's soft armor, I am afraid that the death will not be too slow.

After continuously refining more than 30 pieces of dragon's soft armor, Wei Xiaobei suddenly stopped and sat down.

My own refining skills seem to be bursting?

Wei Xiaobei called the property panel in his mind at this time, and then tried to focus on the refining skills and tried to put the evolution point into action.

Sure enough, the evolutionary point is consumed.

You should know that most of Wei Xiaobei's skills are able to directly use the evolutionary point to enhance the realm.

However, some of these skills are not free to use evolutionary points to improve, some need to complete tasks, and some need to accumulate experience.

Such as sewing, refining, fishing, etc.

And this refiner is the kind of skill that needs to accumulate experience and have opportunities for improvement.

Of course, even if the experience is full, you need to invest in evolutionary points to be able to improve.

Other skills, from the pure fire to the peak, need a thousand evolution points, but this refining skills, Wei Xiaobei consumed a full three thousand evolution points, only to promote it to the peak.

Refining skills (to the top)!

After the color of the refining skill is converted from dark blue to light blue, the skill promotion is over.

The skill of the refiner has been upgraded to a level. Some knowledge of refining tools has emerged in Wei Xiaobei’s mind. Some of these refining tools are taught by the past, but Wei Xiaobei is difficult to understand, and the other part is New knowledge is generated out of thin air.

After the knowledge of these refiners appeared, Wei Xiaobei slightly focused on it and felt that he was quickly understanding the knowledge of these refiners.

This understanding process is fast, but there is too much knowledge of these refiners, which makes the whole process slower.

When Xiaobei reopened his eyes, the sky looked extremely dark, probably already in the early hours of the morning.

That's it!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei understood the knowledge of these refiners, and then they understood it.

For Mao himself, it was not so good to use the dragon's soft armor, the dragon scales, and so on.

The reasons for this are varied.

But the most important point is that Wei Xiaobei's refining skills are so low that it is difficult to wave out the characteristics of the materials!

Well, there is still a problem. Even if Wei Xiaobei’s skills in refining have been promoted to the top, if the materials of high quality are used, the quality of the refining products can only be maintained in the quality range of their materials. Inside.

If you want to make these refining things better than the quality of the materials, this refining skill requires at least an unfathomable state.

Of course, in the realm of the peak, if you use ordinary materials to refine things, the situation is different. It is very easy to refine the baby above the material quality.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei is testing.

A piece of gravel that has been pulled down from the reef by Wei Xiaobei, whose main component is calcium carbonate, and the rest is seawater, organic debris, etc., and the quality is inferior.

Well, this is probably the lowest quality thing that Wei Xiaobei has seen in things.

To be honest, in theory, the lowest quality should be ordinary.

However, Wei Xiaobei has never seen the general quality of the entry, even the dirty water in the gutter is the general quality of entry.

Just like this piece of ordinary quality reef fragments, Wei Xiaobei was inserted into the Dragon Fire Ding, directly using the dragon fire to supplement the light and heat rules.

However, because its quality is too inferior, Wei Xiaobei can only engrave a flame rune in it.

It took less than two minutes before and after, and the Dragon Fire Ding exit opened. A gray-white ball that did not add any runes fell out and was caught by Wei Xiaobei.

Everything is familiar!

Wei Xiaobei directly opened the door to see the beads.

Name: Flame Beads (Second Fine)

Introduction: Flame beads are made by Wei Xiaobei with reef fragments as materials, supplemented by dragon fire, and light and heat rules.

Effect 1: The flame, when it meets the water, can continue to release the flame until it disappears completely.

Effect 2: Explosion, when encountering a severe impact, the flame is released as soon as possible, forming an explosion effect

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei did not think that a piece of ordinary reef debris, even refining a second-class quality flame beads. (To be continued.) 8

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