The City of Terror

Chapter 1374: ,leech

Hahahaha, finally New Year’s Day, I don’t know if everyone’s New Year’s Day is a happy one?

But some doctors are somewhat unwilling, of course, this is mainly related to their lack of knowledge of Wei Xiaobei. ??

"This gentleman, now the patient is in an endangered state, can not be treated indiscriminately."

Well, although the doctor’s words made Wei Xiaobei somewhat unhappy, Wei Xiaobei also knew that they were worried about Huang Kun’s accident.

"Nothing, good heart, take people away."

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have so much time to discuss the treatment problems with these doctors. With a big hand, Zhu Xinyi and others pulled two people and pulled the doctor out of the ward.

After the big deal, let them see the effect and apologize again.

Wei Xiaobei exhaled the argument outside and lifted Huang Kun's body. In a moment, he took off all the clothes with blood stains on his body.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and spewed pork, and then formed several groups of meat.

For the cultivation of leeches, Wei Xiaobei does not have to worry about it.

It didn't take long for the meat to break open, and a pile of seemingly disgusting leeches were drilled out of the meat.

After these otters were placed on Huang Kun by Wei Xiaobei, the first mouth was sucked on the wound in front of Huang Kun's chest.

The sounds of their blood are fused together, like the wind and the gravel, but there is some infiltration in this ward.

Not long after, a strip of leeches sucked the belly and then fell off the bed.

These otters are not saved.

After they were filled with poisonous blood, their lives came to an end.

After a while, the ground on both sides of the bed was filled with bulging corpses, and the blackness on the wounds of Huang Kun became much lighter.

At this time, under the drive of Wei Xiaobei, the remaining otters will target Huang Kun's limbs and even the whole body.

Before and after the ten-minute time, Huang Kun's body became a color, a piece of black lacquer, and the dense water scorpion desperately sucked out the blood containing toxin from Huang Kun.

In a few minutes, Huang Kun’s physically strong body has shrunk a lot.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei dripped the dispensed medicine into Huangkun's mouth and forced him to swallow it.

As the toxins in the body continue to decrease, the resilience of Huang Kun's suppression is also stimulated by the syrup, and blood is continuously produced to make up for the loss.

This one-in-one, at most ten minutes, the black gray on the skin of Huang Kun completely disappeared, and the wound on the chest also gave birth to granulation with the visible degree of the naked eye, entangled and healed.

Seeing that the toxins in Huang Kun have gone more than ninety-nine, Wei Xiaobei will leave the remaining water from the body of Huang Kun.

"Okay, come in."

Wei Xiaobei screamed, and the closed door opened immediately. Zhu Xinyi and others even the doctors and nurses swarmed in.

But after that, the screams of horror broke out in the ward.


Ok, this is the reaction of the nurses after seeing the body of the leeches.

No way, after the otters were full of venom, a root lay on the ground, and the meat rolled like a small crispy intestine, plus a horrible, dense, seemingly scary.

People with intensive phobias will probably faint directly.

The most terrible thing is that there are a lot of people coming in, and they have slammed a lot of scorpions.

The clear elasticity and cracking sound at the foot, looking down at the bow, even the most courageous nurse, probably can not stand.

However, those doctors are okay. Although their faces are white, they are not screaming, and their attention is focused on Huang Kun.

This time, the time to wait outside is only less than 20 minutes. Is this injury number just fine?

The doctors were shocked to see Huang Kun return to normal skin and wounds that are about to heal completely.

You must know that before this, Huang Kun was only one step away from death.

If you use the operating procedures of a general hospital, the notice of critical illness should be issued three or four times.

But now, actually!

The impact of such things on them is unimaginable.

"It's noisy!"

Just then, a sound that was a little bit dying was sounded.

Huang Kun finally woke up.

Seeing that Huang Kun was awakened, the doctors immediately returned to God and prepared to push Huang Kun to the examination room for a comprehensive inspection.

Can Huang Kun refuse to live and die, insist on eating enough to eat.

Although Huang Kun is still very weak, his strength is not something that these doctors and nurses can handle.

Wei Xiaobei knows that Huang Kun’s current state is nothing but weak, but the toxins in the body are absolutely completely removed.

This extreme hunger comes from the urgent need for his ability to recover.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not stop Huang Kun.

After a gorging, Huang Kunshu comfortably let the doctors and nurses carry themselves to the examination room.

Use Wei, check it, after all, let the doctor rest assured.

The doctors in this joint special force hospital are all military doctors who have been transferred from various places. They are extremely serious in their work. If they do not respect them, the latter relationship will not be good.

When Huang Kun checked back, Wei Xiaobei even asked about it.

Huang Kun saw that Master did not blame himself, and the stone in his heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he said his own experience in 151.

It turned out that when Huang Kun was killed in the Xiongnu camp, it was okay at first. Those ordinary Xiongnu cavalry were not Huang Kun’s opponents at all.

Huang Kun was completely crushing the other side and killed a moment.

After waiting for a group of Xiongnu nobility troops to be killed, Huang Kun could not hold on, and had to start the fantasy will, transforming a fighter and strengthening the attack.

But in the end, Huang Kun was wounded by a general of the Huns with a knife, and finally had to flee.

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei nodded. Although the Huns’ knives were poisonous, the biological level was probably in the four-star elite. Otherwise, the average biological level of Huang Kun’s four stars plus the many of his own Treasures are impossible to defeat.

"Okay, take a rest, don't smash in the future."

Wei Xiaobei mentioned Huang Kun a few words. If Huang Kun did not rush to chase into the other side of the camp, he would not be besieged by the other side, and eventually ended up like that.

Huang Kun has also learned the lesson this time. I am afraid that I will not be so arrogant in the future, but it is a good result.

Leaving the ward, Wei Xiaobei will be Zhu Xinyi, Zhao Guang and even Cheng Dalong, Yang's sister, Zhang Tiantian, etc., after asking about their situation, they will then prepare the soft dragon armor and the humeral arch. Waiting for the weapon equipment to be sent out.

With the dragon soft armor, even the weakest melee in the melee, when it is killed with the monster, the security can be greatly guaranteed.

The sacral arch is the free time of Wei Xiaobei after refining the dragon's soft armor.

Although it is much worse than the ink bow, it is much stronger than the big bow they made.

Fighting against those monsters is not enough.

With the use of modern firearms, ordinary soldiers are still okay, and the more strength they go up, the worse the practicality.

On the contrary, it is more suitable for long-range cold weapons such as bows and arrows.

I received a gift from Wei Xiaobei, and these apprentices smiled one by one.

Even Zhao Guang, his face showed a smile.

To know that Zhao Guang is the second son of Zhao Yun, inheriting the martial arts of his father, bow carbine!

Wei has never seen Zhao Guang archery, but he can also guess that his archery is not weak.

"Okay, you are familiar with these weapons and equipment, I will deal with some things first."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and patted his hands and said that Zhu Xinyi and others were focused.

"Master, are you going to avenge the second brother?"

Yang Feifei is young, but his guts are not small, and he even asked him about Wei Xiaobei.


This is also revenge, Wei Xiaobei nodded, suddenly caused the excitement of a disciple.

Zhu Xinyi, Zhao Guang, a few better, Cheng Dalong and Yang’s sisters are about to hug Wei Xiaobei’s thighs, and they are eager to follow.

As for Zhang Tiantian, although she did not say anything, her face also showed the look she wanted to go.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and directly rejected their thoughts.

According to Huang Kun, there are at least tens of thousands of cavalry among the camps of the Xiongnu cavalry, including the Xiongnu nobles. In Wei Xiaobei’s speculation, the worst of the Xiongnu nobles is also the Samsung elite. strength.

The Xiongnu general who defeated Huang Kun is the strength of the four-star elite. As for whether there is a stronger existence, Wei Xiaobei does not know.

Cheng Dalong and Yang’s sisters have just broken through to Samsung’s ordinary, and are they going to die?

As for Zhang Tiantian, he worshipped Qing Qing as a teacher and enlightened some Qingqiu magic. Now the strength is probably two-star horror, and it is even more difficult to follow.

If there is any accident, and do not say that my heart hurts, then said that Tu Qingqing can not spare himself.

The most headache for Wei Xiaobei is that Huang Kun actually has to follow his revenge.

In the end, under the prayers of the disciples, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was soft, and they were brought with them.

Of course, before the exit, Wei Xiaobei also set the rules for them, then it is to obey, not to attack without authorization, otherwise, go back directly.

The Xiongnu Camp is not too far away from Cuihu City. It is located in Minglan City, which is more than a thousand kilometers north of Cuihu City.

More than a thousand kilometers, Wei Xiaobei can run high, like Cheng Dalong, these apprentices will not work.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei simply used the eDonkey again, and for a moment, everyone arrived in Minglan City.

At this time, Minglan City has become a battlefield. A large number of bunkers have been built along the outskirts of Minglan City. From time to time, gunfire can be heard.

The embarrassing point of the eDonkey was in the suburbs of Minglan City. It suddenly appeared, but it shocked a group of soldiers who were patrolling nearby.

Fortunately, Zhu Xinyi took the documents of the special joint force and avoided a misunderstanding.

After contacting the local garrison, the other side sent a small team of soldiers as a guide. (To be continued.) 8

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