The City of Terror

Chapter 1389: Flying

This chapter is scheduled to be released, and the poor road is probably squatting in the code of the **** house, no need to worry about -

This is a more powerful ability to go further behind!

To put it simply, if Zhu Xinyi can control a four-star disaster, its strength is equivalent to a four-star disaster.

What would it be like to control two heads and three heads and four stars?

Horror is the ultimate!

Of course, with Zhu Xinyi's four-star ordinary biological level, I want to charm four stars, in theory, it is possible to succeed, but it needs to fail many times.

In fact, even if it is a four-star horror, Zhu Xinyi wants to control the charm, and the difficulty is quite large.

Take the captured Xiongnu nobility army, the Samsung’s terrorist power of the Xiongnu nobility army, Zhu Xinyi charm is very easy to control, basically one can get one in five minutes.

But the twelve four-star ordinary Xiongnu aristocratic army, Zhu Xinyi takes five hours to be able to control one!

And three of them suddenly woke up in the process of charm control, and died from their heart!

Not to mention that these Xiongnu aristocracy will not be willing to be controlled by the arrogant decision, only that Zhu Xinyi has been able to control this ability for five hours in a row, and the consumption is so great that she can fall to the ground and fall asleep. After the day, it is still in a state of weakness.

This is probably a limitation of this ability.

If you don't pay a bit, this ability is too horrible.

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei returned, Zhu Xinyi also controlled only five four-star ordinary Xiongnu nobles.

Wei Xiaobei was still more painful to his apprentice, and he personally shot and seized a four-star ordinary Xiongnu aristocratic army. His semi-god character suddenly exploded and concentrated on him.

Affected by Wei Xiaobei's imposing manner, this originally seemingly arrogant Huns aristocratic army will instantly appear fear, fear and even depression.

This is not counting, Wei Xiaobei, next punch and punch slowly on the other side, playing the other side of the mouth spit blood, until the blood can not spit out, looks dying, ready to hang up, Wei Xiao In the north, this Xiongnu nobility army will be handed over to Zhu Xinyi for its charm control.

To say that the creature has reached the state of residual blood, and then to control the charm, such things, Zhu Xinyi has not tried.

But the four-star ordinary Xiongnu noble army will be different.

It’s just impossible to quickly control its charm by simply hitting it to death and death.

They are the aristocrats of the Xiongnu, born in terms of willpower is much stronger than the ordinary Xiongnu cavalry.

Otherwise, there will be no sudden situation in which the two Huns’ aristocracy will die from their hearts and minds.

However, Wei Xiaobei's means are different, directly suppressing each other with his own momentum, letting the other party's emotional confusion collapse, and then suppressing * until the **** state is dead.

The double destruction of the spirit and the * made this four-star ordinary strength of the Huns aristocratic army to reduce the resistance to the freezing point!

This makes Zhu Xinyi very easy, just a little more than ten minutes, it will control its charm.

Of course, the downside of this approach is that even if you fill the potion and want to get it back, it will take quite a while.

But for Zhu Xinyi, this is enough. As long as the service is first accepted, it will not matter if it is slowly recovered. This is always more than a waste of time, and it is difficult to succeed.

Zhu Xinyi took a rest for a while and restored her spirit. At this time, Wei Xiaobei had already prepared another Xiongnu nobility army, and she waited for her to control her charm.

In such a busy life, time passes quickly.

After Zhu Xinyi controlled the last two four-star elites, things were almost busy.

The rest of the ordinary Xiongnu cavalry, Zhu Xinyi can slowly control the charm.

You must know that Zhu Xinyi has a captain control ability.

After controlling two four-star elites, nine four-stars, and more than thirty Samsung horrors, the number of people who can still control them is not much.

Especially before Zhu Xinyi had been enchanted and controlled more than 500 Xiongnu cavalry.

Now, it is the limit to enchant and control the 1,500-hundred Hungarian cavalry.

But this scale makes Wei Xiaobei very surprised.

It can be said that with the control of Zhu Xinyi now, if all of them are restored, they can be equipped with a four-star horror.

Of course, the probability of losing is high.

But in any case, it’s just Zhu Xinyi, and now it’s able to suppress one side!

It is very easy for two thousand Xiongnu cavalry to cooperate with many Xiongnu aristocrats to control a large area and not to let the gray monsters mess.

At this time, Zhu Xinyi will scatter the potions for the Xiongnu nobility army controlled by the charms, and then disperse them.

This is also one of the limitations of this ability.

Any creature that is controlled by Zhu Xinyi's charm, as long as it appears, will consume the spirit of Zhu Xinyi. Therefore, in addition to fighting, Zhu Xinyi rarely makes these creatures appear.

As for where these creatures go, Wei Xiaobei does not know, but definitely will not enter the gray world.

"Master, you are good."

Probably conquered a lot of powerful creatures, Zhu Xinyi's mood is very good, holding Wei Xiaobei's left arm and shaking.

"Cough, heart, pay attention to the image."

Although the softness of the arm contact is very comfortable, Wei Xiaobei, under the eyes of this public, can't really pull his face to get in touch with Zhu Xinyi.


Zhu Xinyi did not continue to entangle, but snorted and turned and took Zhao Guang away.

Hey, Wei Xiaobei sighed softly. He naturally knew that Zhu Xinyi left Zhao Guang to leave to protect his face.

That is why the teacher and the teacher are not very nice.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei left the remaining 12 white horses to Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, Zhao Guang and others before leaving.

Looking at the situation in China now, even the ancient army of Daqin, Datang, Yuejiajun, etc. have appeared, and the creatures that enter the reality from the gray world may be further increased, even more powerful.

Don't look at the strength of Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and others. It is the top ten in China. But if you encounter a very powerful monster, it will be very dangerous to fight.

With these 12 white horses from the side, do not say anything else, in case of danger, at least escape has a chance.

Twelve white horses are united and riding a dragon horse. Even if there is a four-star horror, it is very difficult to leave them.

After leaving Bai Mayi, Wei Xiaobei felt that there was not much concern.

After the phone informed Xu Feiyang, a military transport plane landed on the airstrip soon.

Of course, with this period of time, the repair of professional engineers, the airstrip is no longer the unreasonable grass on the original, but the airport built with special steel plates and cement.

Needless to say, there is not much problem with the airport used to land the fighters.

In order to express his gratitude to Wei Xiaobei, Xu Feiyang and a head of the team came to the airport to see him off.

It is necessary to know that in order to ensure the safety of this Xiongnu battalion, the Chinese military has separately deployed an armored regiment to station nearby.

The transport plane landed in an air force airport three hours later, and Wei Xiaobei then boarded a fighter filled with oil.

In order to meet the needs of Wei Xiaobei, the Chinese military separately transferred this two-seat fighter originally used for teaching.

"Mr. Wei, are you ready? In order to hurry, we need to enter the supersonic flight state."

After the fighters rushed into the blue sky, the pilot cautiously asked.

To be honest, for this pilot, it was the first time to receive such a transfer.

It should be known that if the fighter plane is flying at supersonic speed, the physical burden on ordinary human beings is very heavy, and even fatal damage may be caused.

Wei Xiaobei knew that the pilot probably thought of himself as an ordinary person and couldn't help but smile: "Nothing, fly at the fastest speed."

The pilot probably also saw Wei Xiaobei's strong figure, so he did not continue to say more, and even accelerated the flight speed.

Not long after, with a fierce blast, a whirlwind cloud appeared in front of the fighter, and then the huge inertia pressed the pilot tightly on the backrest.

Until the pilot was slightly relieved, after seeing the situation in the back seat, he could not help but be surprised.

The Mr. Wei did not seem to feel a little uncomfortable, and even had a leisurely look at the white clouds that swiftly passed outside.

This Mr. Wei’s physique is also too good, right?

Of course, the pilot strictly abide by the orders of his superiors and did not disturb Wei Bei.

It didn't take long for the fighter to fly out of the coastline and advance towards the deep sea.

This flight was arranged by Xu Feiyang to help Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei means to hurry to get to the waters near the Khmer State.

What he did not expect was that the fighter finally landed on an aircraft carrier surrounded by a destroyer.

Although Wei Xiaobei said that he had captured an aircraft carrier fleet of Sam, but for the first time in a peaceful environment, watching the aircraft carrier fleet of his country, the feeling is completely different.

These huge sea iron behemoths, slowly advancing on the sea, will inevitably produce a violent shock.

It’s too spectacular.

Although the carrier of Huaxia is not as many as Sam, there are also as many as nine.

The problem is, for this matter, even the aircraft carrier is sent out? This is too warm, right?

Ok, actually the problem is that Wei Xiaobei thinks more about himself.

Waiting for the plane, the receptionist came over, Wei Xiaobei asked, only to know that this aircraft carrier fleet is not specifically to pick him up, people are performing tasks, their fighters are also using this offshore platform to add fuel.

After Wei Xiaobei knew it, he couldn’t help but rejoice. Fortunately, he did not say it. Otherwise, it would be too shameful.

From the direction of the aircraft carrier fleet, Wei Xiaobei can almost see it, it is to go to the country of the claws. (To be continued.)

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