The City of Terror

Chapter 1407: Violent vitality

This chapter is released regularly, going to sleep on a poor road, too sleepy, not sleeping at night -

But for a gossip snake that has already begun to get drunk, escape is a very extravagant thing.


A string of fireballs ejected from several giant mouths of the gossip snake, and fell to the ground in a flash.

Although the accuracy of the fireball shot by the gossip snake has dropped dramatically at this time, few ghosts are directly hit by the fireball, but a large number of fireballs are lying on the ground, and the fires are still unable to escape the hit by the fire. fate.

After a series of screams, the bodies burnt into coke began to sink slowly on the red and soft magma floor.

The spirit of the gossip snake at this time is somewhat unclear. After the fireball is ejected, the roots are not taken care of. The ghosts that escaped are life or death, and they are crushed from the hill.

Then a deep groove appeared, and there were still some ghosts that had not escaped, but they also became corpses at this time.

The gossip of the gossip, which was rampant everywhere, slowed down, and its head began to hang down, but its subconscious still kept the idea of ​​returning to a huge volcano, and after running a slanting slant, The gossip snake eventually returned to the huge volcano.

But at this time, the sun **** bow in Wei Xiaobei's hand has been opened, and three dragon scorpion arrows soaked in the dragon's anesthetic liquid are placed on the bowstring.

The drink is still a little less, not enough to make the gossip snake completely drunk.

This made Wei Xiaobei slightly disappointed.

But then again, the current gossip snake probably lost more than 50% of the combat power, but it is enough.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei no longer hesitated, the bowstring suddenly pulled half, and then gently loosened, the three dragons and arrows broke out of the string, and in a flash they turned into three windings of lightning, containing light and heat. The streamer rushed toward the gossip.

I have to say that the gossip snake is a four-star monster with a high level of alertness. Even if it is already drunk, when the dragon arrow is out of the string, the huge body is still self-contained. Quickly became a snake array, the heads were raised and swarmed around.

In exchange for other enemies, the defense system of the gossip snake should be able to cope with it.

However, in the face of Dragon Ball, which was shot by Wei Xiaobei, such defense is not enough.

Hey, three times in a row, the three heads of the gossip snake were instantly shot by the dragon's arrow. After a moment, the light and heat contained in the dragon's arrow, the thunder and lightning exploded, and the brains of the three heads were stirred. Have to smash!

Although the three heads were not smashed and smashed in the explosion of the dragon's arrow, they remained intact, but as the brain inside was destroyed, the three heads still fell.

At the same time, the dragon's anesthetic fluid began to spread rapidly through the body fluid circulation in the gossip snake body.

For the gossip snake, the three heads were hit hard at the same time, which is enough to make them angry.

The drunken gossip of the gossip snake screamed, and the remaining four heads were immediately aimed at Wei Xiaobei in the distance, but it was a little shaken.

This is also a very helpless thing for the gossip snake, the weakness is the wine, and after swallowing more than 30,000 kilograms of alcohol, no one of its heads can maintain enough waking.

Coupled with the rapid spread of the dragon's anesthetic fluid, the gossip snake feels very uncomfortable. Even if a string of fireballs is ejected, it is also slanting and slanting.

At the same time, the body of the Eight Diagrams Serpent did not form a snake array, but began to swim toward the huge volcano.

Defeat the enemy and kill your life!

Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of soft-hearted guy. When he saw that the gossip snake wanted to escape to the huge volcano, he knew that the gossip snake wanted to use the power of the volcano to rule out the wine.

Indeed, if the gossip snake escaped to the huge volcano, Wei Xiaobei’s plan to leave it was completely reimbursed.

And although the wine has a miraculous effect on the gossip snake, but the best wine can not help the magma lavage!

Another three dragons and arrows tied the bowstring, this time Wei Xiaobei pulled the bowstring to three-quarters of the degree, only to let go!

A much larger force is poured into the dragon's arrow, making the speed of the dragon arrow fast to the extreme!

Although the gossip snake made a dodge move against the dragon arrow that was shot, even spurting out the fireball to stop the advancement of the dragon arrow, and even attempted to defeat the dragon arrow!

However, the dragon arrow is still accurately injected into the head of the gossip snake!

After the gossip snake was drunk and the combat power fell by more than half, the gap between the two sides had a cliff-like ups and downs.

It can be said that the previous gossip snake can still barely defend Wei Xiaobei, but by this time, with its drunkenness, the combat power is declining, and as its head continues to be hit hard, the gossip snake is not enough to resist Wei Xiaobei. s attack!

Masters have a trick, winning and losing moments!

This sentence can also be used in the battle between Wei Xiaobei and the Eight Diagrams Serpent.

The gossip snake that can only rely on its own flesh to fight, compared with Wei Xiaobei, who holds the sun **** bow, is actually weaker than ever!

As the three dragons and arrows blew open in the head of the gossip snake, the gossip snake had only two heads intact at this time.

The strength of the gossip snake is also linked to the skull. The less the number of intact heads, the more powerful the strength will fall.

At this time, this gossip snake finally issued a cry of help!


Suddenly, among the huge volcanoes, a gossip snake rushed out with magma.

This is the gossip snake that was almost killed under the shackles of Jian Jian.

Compared to the horror of the eight heads that had been degraded, the gossip snake now looks better.

Near the well-headed head, eight snake necks stand tall, and the tiny snake heads on them have begun to take shape.

Undoubtedly, in the huge volcano for so long, the strength of this gossip snake is recovering a little.

If you wait until your head is long, then its strength will be fully restored.

But at this time, its strength will only recover a small half, and there is still a long distance from the full recovery!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei saw this gossip snake rushing out of the huge volcano, not only did not fear, but it was a surprise on his face.

Undoubtedly, if Wei Xiaobei enters the huge volcano to find the whereabouts of this gossip snake, it is still a dangerous thing.

Who knows what is under the volcano?

Besides, it is the site of others, Wei Xiaobei enters, it is difficult to say what will happen.

Therefore, this gossip snake rushed out of the volcano, which really made Wei Xiaobei happy.

Didn't say, the dragon's arrow hits a branch and shoots in a flash!

The gossip snake just rushed out of the crater and didn't figure out what was going on. He felt that the only intact head had a pain in his eyes. After that, there was a burst of explosion inside the skull, which caused the skull to be completely lost. The function.

To be honest, only the addition of light and heat, the lightning effect of the dragon arrow can cause such a heavy blow.

If you change to an ordinary alloy arrow, even if you shoot your eyes, it is difficult to consistently enter.

You must know that the light of the gossip is more than fifteen meters in diameter and its thickness will not be less than twelve meters! Its eye strength is approximately the same as that of alloy steel.

The ordinary alloy arrow wants to penetrate the 12-meter alloy steel plate, and I am afraid that only the sun **** bow can be realized with the bow string. Only the sharp arrow to the extreme can achieve the effect of entering the brain. , thus completely releasing light and heat, lightning.

Moreover, the light and heat released by it will affect the recovery speed of the head of the Eight Diagrams Serpent.

It can be said that after such an arrow, this gossip snake wants to recover this head, it will take at least a month.

As the only intact head was hit hard, the strength of this gossip snake suddenly dropped a lot.

It should be known that before the other eight heads grow well, their strength has been at the lowest level of weakness. Now, in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the brilliance of the body quickly fades from golden yellow to red.

This means that the strength of this gossip snake has fallen below the four-star disaster, and it has weakened to four-star horror!


Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate and softly, and once again took a dragon arrow, and shot at the gossip snake.

However, the dragon's arrow that had previously been soaked with the dragon's anesthetic fluid has been used up. The dragon's arrow that was shot this time has not been soaked.

But at this time, it is not necessary to continue to anesthetize these two gossip snakes.

In the blink of an eye, Long Yao’s arrow shot the last head of the drunken gossip snake. As the explosion sounded, the huge body of the gossip snake pushed the Jinshan down jade column down.

The gravel splashed and the whole scene was like a directional blast.

The gossip snake is extremely strong. Even if the nine heads are exploding, the vitality of the gossip is still very strong. It can be said that if you let it lie on the ground for up to a month, it will be able to jump. .

If such an injury is placed on Wei Xiaobei, I am afraid that it will be directly killed.

Of course, even so, this gossip snake completely lost its resistance.

Next, Wei Xiaobei did not waste the dragon arrow, but turned the sun **** bow into a big gun, carrying the sun-gun gun and rushing toward the remaining gossip snake.

In the face of the rushing Wei Xiaobei, this gossip snake did not stop the resistance, but raised the heads that had not yet fully matured, and sprayed a hot magma to Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, before the skull has matured, it cannot eject a fireball like a raindrop.

In the face of these unexploded magma, Wei Xiaobei did not retreat in the slightest, and rushed into the magma at one end, and then went up against the current, very fast. (To be continued.)

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