The City of Terror

Chapter 1415: Fast speed

Starting today, I began to reserve food for the New Year. Suddenly I felt like a diligent little squirrel, and moved the pine cones that fell under the tree to my nest. ——

Wei Xiaobei sorted out the space in the storage ring. Those ghosts with low strength and two-star range were directly thrown away. Anyway, these ghost bodies have relatively low effects on Aoki Fudi, and there is nothing to be pity.

But the rest of the storage ring can't be littered.

Even if the former two-star ghost body was thrown away, there is not much space in the storage ring.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was not wasted, his left hand extended, and the shredded pork, let the life altar begin to absorb the power contained in the ghost bodies to supplement the matter.

But even so, when the material of the life altar is filled, there are more than 5,000 ghost bodies on the ground.

The most important thing is that there are still several layers above. Wei Xiaobei will definitely kill more ghosts. If these ghosts don't give up, then the ghosts and corpses will not give up?

It’s completely meaningless for Weiwei Xiaobei to venture into this place.

The only way left is to open a space channel here and send these ghost bodies directly into Aoki!

But is it safe to open a space channel here?

For this, Wei Xiaobei can't guarantee it.

You know, although Wei Xiaobei has not yet felt that there is any strong presence that is peeking at himself, but he has been killing it for so long, it is difficult to say that those gods will not notice themselves.

do not care! dry!

After Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, he felt that he was too far-sighted and did not think about it. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to determine the spatial coordinates of his own.

To say, in a micro-world like Gao Tianyuan, it is much easier to determine the spatial coordinates than the gray world and even the reality.

After all, micro-worlds like this often have imperfect rules. Under such circumstances, the interference when you want to determine your own spatial coordinates will be much less, and it will become easier.

After determining the spatial coordinates of his own, Wei Xiaobei even hit a punch in the air!


There was a loud noise in the air, but the crack in the space did not appear.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei slightly frowned.

It is reasonable to say that such a miniature world is easily cracked in space.

Just as the original Longbo people were struggling with Wei Xiaobei when they were trapped in Qingmufu, they made a lot of space cracks in Qingmufu.

From this point of view, this high Tianyuan is much stronger than Aoki.

However, it is normal to think about it.

This Gaotianyuan is said to be the place where the eight million gods lived in Dongying. So many gods lived here and developed for so long. If even the green wood is not comparable, it is really a shame.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Xiaobei then grabbed the sun stun gun in his hand and made a stroke in the air. Suddenly, a space crack appeared.

Wei Xiaobei rushed to the space crack before a footstep, then turned the sun rifle into a glove, put it on his hand, and reached out to grasp the edge of the space crack in the healing, and then strove to slowly pull it open!

Not long after, the aura of Aoki Fudi was poured into the cracks in the space to stabilize it.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s hands were like electricity, and he continued to explore. A ghostly body was constantly grabbed by him, and he lost his way to the space channel that had been expanded to several meters in diameter!

Very fast!

These ghost bodies are like a stream of light, constantly drilling into the space channel, and a dull crash.

Obviously, at the other end of the space passage, the ghost bodies quickly piled up into a hill, and the ghost bodies that followed would collide, and naturally there would be sound.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei mentioned his own speed to the extreme. Without a little effort, he began to breathe out.

Opening a space channel requires a lot of power. Ultra-high speed throws those ghost bodies into the space channel, which requires several times under normal conditions and even more than ten times the power.

Two of the one plus, Wei Xiaobei has just recovered the physical strength, the spirit quickly consumed.

However, such consumption is worthwhile.

The ghost body on the ground has disappeared, and after the ghost body in the storage ring was also thrown into the Aomu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei immediately withdrew the aura of the space channel, and Gao Tianyuan’s own space healing power immediately occurred. effect.

The space channel is like a punctuated balloon that quickly shrinks at a speed that is invisible to the human eye and disappears into the air.

Ten minutes before and after, more than 5,000 ghost bodies were thrown into the green wood blessing, you can imagine how fast Wei Xiaobei was at that time.

To know that the body is spread over a range of one hundred square kilometers, the ghost body farthest from Wei Xiaobei is about five kilometers!

I have to say that this scene also makes those ghosts who quietly return to the battlefield peek feel the back of the cold.

High-speed sports like this, if used in previous battles, the casualties of these ghosts will probably increase by ten times!

It can be said that this scene also completely crushed the thoughts of those ghosts who want to turn over.

But they don't know that high-speed operation like this, less than ten minutes, Wei Xiaobei is already exhausted.

If they are bold enough to test Wei Xiaobei, there may be some small surprises.

Of course, if they really launch an attack against Wei Xiaobei, then Wei Xiaobei’s self-protection is still no problem, just a little bit of awkwardness.

In this way, in the absence of any interference, Wei Xiaobei sat down on the **** ground and slowly recovered.

Time passes by, and when Wei Xiaobei stands up again, the ghosts who peek at the side know that they have no chance.

Looking at Wei Xiaobei at this time, the whole body is full of energy and looks completely different from before. This also makes those ghosts scream and scream, and regret it.

They understood it at this time. The previous Wei Xiaobei was completely bluffing, and it was actually an empty shell.

But now, huh, idiots go to the killing god.

Especially when I saw Wei Xiaobei mentioning the big gun, all the ghosts felt nervous and turned and fled.

Wei Wei’s roots did not pay attention to these **** ghosts. The number of these ghosts was too small. There were only a few hundred. He felt that if he went after these ghosts, it would be a waste of effort and not worth the candle.

With a big gun, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the edge of the land, then leaped high and shot a gun.

A sharp burst of air came from the air, and even though there was a void, Wei Xiaobei disappeared and disappeared.


Looking at the ghosts constantly surrounded by the direction, Wei Xiaobei snorted, he knew that these ghosts have no possibility of communication, and their purpose is not the case.

These ghosts took the initiative to get together, but they saved a lot of effort!

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei has only one word to say: "kill!"

The big guns swayed, and in the blink of an eye, the ghosts surrounded by them were stabbed down by dozens of them. At the same time, a dazzling light and heat bloomed on Wei Xiaobei, such as the same golden day, sprinkling light on the earth.

Another big carnage of red fruit!

For Wei Xiaobei, the constant fight against the war has made his combat experience more and more rich.

You must know that if you have a lot of combat skills and auxiliary skills, you will not be able to fully play it out, or even affect your own combat power!

When the combat experience is accumulated to a certain extent, you can make the various skills that you have to play it out reasonably, and achieve the effect of one plus one and two more!

To say that Wei Xiaobei’s combat experience has been relatively rich in the past.

However, Wei Xiaobei still affects the combat effectiveness due to skill reasons, and sometimes relies on some skills too much, resulting in a waste of combat power.

We must know that Wei Xiaobei has six minds, but in the fierce battle, even six minds may not have enough time to consider these issues.

In these fierce battles, things such as the ability to use, etc., often require Wei Xiaobei to consider the choice in a very short time, but the time is too short, it is difficult to consider the choice.

This requires intuition!

The so-called intuition here is not an intuitive attribute, but an unconscious random choice!

If you choose the right one, then Wei Xiaobei’s combat power will be able to play out. If you choose the wrong one, it may affect Wei Xiaobei’s battle results and so on!

In short, in many previous battles, Wei Xiaobei had made mistakes.

However, these mistakes are not large, even if they appear, it is not enough to affect the changes in the war situation.

Now, as those ghosts continue to use their lives to defend the battle experience of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei has also learned a lot from this series of battles, making him not so many mistakes, even released. Skills are better, more accurate, and more lethal!

Similar to the previous land, the ghost power here is almost the level of Samsung's horror, but the four stars are ordinary, and the number of four-star elites is more!

For Wei Xiaobei, the pressure during the battle has become bigger, but those ghosts still can't stop Wei Xiaobei's attack!

Even the ghosts of the four-star elite, as long as they are discovered by Wei Xiaobei, then a shot will be stabbed!

The only trouble is that those high-level ghosts are hidden in the ordinary ghost group, which is difficult to find by Wei Xiaobei.

When Wei Xiaobei releases the light and heat, those high-order ghosts will also be killed, and when Wei Beiyi turns and leaves, they will launch a rapid attack.

The ghost that makes Wei Xiaobei's headache the most is the ghosts of buildings like ghost temples.

To be honest, most of these building ghosts are not strong.

Take the Ghost Temple, its four stars are ordinary, but its combat power is weak.

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