The City of Terror

Chapter 1426: Invade Aoki Fudi!

Today is finally New Year's Eve. I wish you all the best friends, friends, brothers and sisters, Happy New Year's Eve, Happy New Year, and the Year of the Rooster! ——

The face of a **** is repeatedly smashed by a human being, thrown on the ground and trampled. I can imagine how terrible the country is, how strong it is, how strong the anger is.

Therefore, in the first time, the country often did not care about the injury on his chest, and the right hand giant sword smashed out.

This time, the giant sword was not so simple, and a green radiance took off from the sword. In a blink of an eye, it crossed the distance of kilometer and fell toward Wei Xiaobei.

As a party to escape, Wei Xiaobei naturally pays attention to the actions of the country. When he sees the other side’s giant sword, he changes his direction and squats out.

But what Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that the green radiance was not used to directly attack oneself. Once it hit the ground, it turned into a circle of green light and spread around.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei’s heart was not good, and his legs went to high altitude.

Well, probably that the wood **** country often has a big life and never thought that Wei Xiaobei could actually step on the air and go up.

After all, for humans, things like flying are simply impossible to achieve, especially in Gaotianyuan.

The wood **** never imagined that the air at the foot of Wei Xiaobei could be solidified, thus achieving the emptiness!

But even so, Wei Xiaobei is also extremely thrilling. The green light that bursts in the blink of an eye is the innumerable vines spreading out, chasing Wei Xiaobei, the speed is not as good as Wei Xiao. North running speed.

At the most critical juncture, a vine even caught up with Wei Xiaobei and entangled his heel!

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei had long predicted this situation. The light and heat rules suddenly triggered, and a circle of light and heat spread out. The vines that were wrapped up were instantly defeated and burned to ashes, which made Wei Xiaobei escape. .

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is no longer reserved, and the power suddenly erupts, like a streamer moving through the air quickly.

After the wood **** hit a miss, it is impossible to do the same thing. Just like this, the distance between the two sides has been extended to more than 1,300 meters, and the wood **** can only catch up after Wei Xiaobei. She.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have more ideas. He rushed all the way. When he rushed to the front of the space passage, he did not hesitate and slammed into the space channel.

It is said that the speed of the wood **** chasing the back is not slow, it is probably very angry, and its shape is turned into a green light. After Wei Xiaobei drilled into the space passage, the two interest time chased the space channel. .

However, in the face of this space channel, the country often hesitated.

To be honest, after entering Gaotianyuan, the country often seldom left Gaotianyuan.

In front of this space channel, no one knows where to go, which makes the country often have a lot of jealousy.

Switching to any one person will not rush into a space channel pointing to unknown. Who knows what traps are behind the space channel?

The problem is that when the country often succumbs to the retreat, he screams, and an arrow bursts out. An arrow shoots out of the space channel, and the country that is in the midst of it is in a hurry.

This arrow was extremely poisonous and directly hit the door. Then it exploded, and instantly the face of the country’s long-life life was blown up, the nose was blown up, and even the eyes were blown up.

Under such a raid, the anger of the country’s long-suffering heart can no longer be tolerated. At this time, let alone a space passage, even if it is a real trap, the country often has to rush into it. It is.

To say that this space channel is actually not suitable for the size of the country's long-life, it only has a diameter of more than two meters, and the country often has a height of more than 30 meters, and the shoulders also have a width of ten meters.

However, the country under the wrath often cares about this, and when both hands are stretched out, it is pulled over the entrance of the space channel, and then its muscles rise, the whole body flashes green, and it is continuously injected into the space channel, making this space channel The beginning was expanded a little.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who had returned to Aokifu, did not stop. He shot an arrow from time to time, but it was the second most important position in China’s chest.

If a few arrows hit the head and other key points, I am afraid that the country will not enter the space channel.

Any existence, if the key is continuously hurt, I am afraid that it will not risk to enter an unknown place.

However, if Wei Xiaobei is like this, it will attack some minor parts in a row, which will make you hurt but it is difficult to be seriously injured. Undoubtedly, the anger of the country’s long-term life will be more vigorous.

At this time, the country often did not take care of the arrows that Xiaobei shot.

After all, Wei Xiaobei found that the unique sharp effect of the dragon's arrow is not too strong for the damage of the country. The anesthetic effect of the concentrated anesthetic juice does not seem to have an effect on the country.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei did not waste the dragon arrow, but simply replaced it with an alloy arrow.

This alloy arrow refining is extremely simple, so it has tens of thousands of reserves in Wei Xiaobei's storage ring. How to use Wei Xiaobei can not be used up in a short time.

After the alloy arrow is shot by the sun **** bow, it naturally has a tearing explosion effect. It is shot in the country and the effect is actually not much weaker than the dragon arrow.

After all, the country’s often fate is recovery, not defense.

Of course, as Wei Xiaobei thought, the anger of the country’s long-awaited life has been almost rushed to the sky. At this time, it is desperately pulling the space channel and squeezing its body into the space channel.

Anyway, after the arrow was shot on the body, whether it was a big hole, or the body was so bloody, it was a trivial matter for the gods who have many special abilities.

We must know that when the country is often furious and angry, its resilience is even more horrible. The alloy arrow has just blasted a large hole in its chest. The numerous holes around the cave have produced countless shredded pork, and they are rushing toward the middle. In the meantime, the hole disappeared and the chest was restored!

This recovery speed has reached a level that Wei Xiaobei must look up!

It is important to know that the alloy arrow after the tearing effect of the sun **** bow can form a tearing residual effect after the explosion, making it difficult for the enemy's wounds to recover!

However, the country often ignores this effect completely.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

However, Wei Xiaobei can also see that every time the arrow hits the country, his breath will drop slightly.

Undoubtedly, the arrow is not completely harmless to the country. If you shoot thousands of arrows, I am afraid that the resilience of the country will not keep up.

However, at this time, the country often fails to give the opportunity to defend Xiaobei to shoot thousands of arrows!

Soon, the violent and incomparable country often squeezed most of the body into the space channel, and explored his head and arms into the green wood.

"Kid! Death!"

The country often looked at Wei Xiaobei, who was not far from him. He couldn’t help but laugh, and the right sword of the right hand fell toward Wei Xiaobei.

Being in the green wood and blessing land, no more than that high heaven, Wei Xiaobei's attack on the country's long-awaited life is not so obvious.

It is said that at this time, the country often has a small body and a small body stuck outside the space channel. The attack is quite inflexible. If Wei Xiaobei wants to start, he can leave half of his body in the green wood.

But this kind of result is not what Wei Xiaobei wants. What Wei Xiaobei wants is to leave all the country’s life!

Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei saw the country’s great life, the giant sword fell, and his figure suddenly disappeared. When it appeared, it was already on the back of the country’s long-life, wearing the hands of the sun. Suddenly caught in the armor of the country's long-life.


After Wei Xiaobei made a sudden burst of drink, the country often felt that his body was dragged by what he was, completely ignoring the fact that his body size was larger than the space channel, and he was dragged into the whole before and after the time. Opposite the space channel.

What is going on?

The country often did not notice Wei Xiaobei on his back. It has been stunned by Aomu Fudi.

Ok, actually, it was stunned by the smallness of Aoki Fukuda.

Although Gao Tianyuan is a miniature world attached to the gray world, it is the site of the Dongshen gods that has been in operation for thousands of years. The terrain is much larger than the green wood.

It can be said that the space volume of Gao Tianyuan is hundreds of thousands of times larger than that of Qingmufu.

At the same time, Aoki Futse has naturally produced a rule-pressing effect on foreign aliens such as the country’s long-life, and it is hard to suppress the country that has entered the country.

As a result, the country that used to be Gao Tianyuan had a long life and was dragged into the Aomu Fudi.

Just as the same elephant was placed in an iron cage for standing only, even if you want to kneel down, it is impossible to turn over.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Therefore, the country often screamed and screamed, and the whole body glowed green. The area of ​​the trees in the previous circle once again spread out in all directions, and the radius was covered in a hundred meters.

Obviously, Qingmu Fudi’s suppression of the country’s constant life is not as powerful as that of the great darkness.

Facing the proliferation of the tree field, Wei Xiaobei had to pull away. For him, the threat in this tree field is not too small.

After the expansion of the tree field, even the suppression of the country’s long-lasting life by Aoki Fukuda was pushed out.

In this way, the country often feels a little more comfortable.

"Go to hell!"

Finally, I stood up straight in the Aomu Fudi. The country often wants to make a quick decision, killing Wei Xiaobei, and then returning to Gao Tianyuan.

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