The City of Terror

Chapter 1432: The evolutionary point of terror!

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Wei Xiaobei turned to the human gathering place and looked at it.

The speed of development of human gathering places is not slow. Now it has developed from a small village towards the direction of towns. It is slightly more, and its population has reached 5,000!

That is to say, a quarter of the population of Weijia Island has now moved into Qingmufu.

On the outskirts of this fast-growing small town, the fields that spread out in a circle seem so comfortable.

Wei Xiaobei is optimistic about the prospect of human beings entering the development of Qingmufu.

A large number of people moved into Qingmu Fudi, which not only added a bit of popularity to Qingmufu, but also eased the population density pressure on Weijiadao.

To say that it is destroying the ecology of the green wood, Wei Xiaobei does not think so.

In Aofu Fudi, the total area of ​​the earth has reached more than 5,600 square kilometers. More than 5,000 humans have been so far, because the forests cut down by the open fields, the pioneering grasslands, etc. are added together, but more than 50 square meters. Kilometers.

Even if it is increased tenfold, it will be more than 500 square kilometers.

According to the current growth rate of Aoki Fudi, the space occupied by human beings will be a slap in the future.

What's more, the aura of Aomufu is very rich, and the growth rate of all things is amazing. As long as it is not inserted into too many humans in the Qingmufu area, Aomufu can fully bear the influence of human development.

Well, compared with these influences, the speed of human growth in the Aomu Fudi has caused Wei Xiaobei’s attention.

A group of humans who first entered the Aomu Fudi, including the Weifuweimu, evolved their bodies in a direction beyond ordinary humans. Their strength and even their physical strength have increased a lot, even some young and strong. It also produces some special abilities that slightly manipulate natural forces.

Of course, this special ability is still very weak and not extensive. However, at this rate, over the past few years, the human beings who have moved to Aoki Fudi are likely to become powerful and superhuman.

Of course, this kind of situation should be normal. As I said before, after the Aomu blessed land was opened up, some rules that were born within it have a magical evolutionary effect on living things.

In addition, the moon has grown a lot, and it has become more like a moon. The banyan tree on it is extremely lush, but the eucalyptus spirit is sleeping in the banyan tree. As for when to wake up, Wei Xiao North is not very clear.

After patrolling the Aomu Fudi for a few laps, Wei Xiaobei chose to sit cross-legged at the highest point of the Central Mountain Range and began to clean up the harvest after he entered the Gaotianyuan.

In addition to those ghost bodies and the often bound God of the country, Wei Xiaobei also gained a huge evolution point!

After fighting with the country, Wei Xiaobei felt that his strength was not strong enough.

By virtue of divine power and regular blessing, these gods are no less powerful than themselves in terms of strength, plus the horrible resilience.

To be honest, if the battlefield is not set up in Aoki Fudi, the final consumption will be Wei Xiaobei.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to keep those evolution points behind.

In the mind, the property panel emerged, and Wei Xiaobei’s attention fell on it.

Evolution point: 2926300

Have to say that this is a horrible value!

Nearly three million evolution points, before Wei Xiaobei entered Gao Tianyuan, was a harvest that was completely unthinkable.

Do not say anything else, just the evolution point of these two hundred and nine hundred thousand, Wei Xiaobei entered Gao Tianyuan this is not white.

Since there are so many evolution points, Wei Xiaobei does not hesitate, and then concentrates on the agile attributes.

To say that Wei Xiaobei's current attributes, agility, perception, and charm are the lowest.

Especially agile, Wei Xiaobei feels a little bit behind in the battle with the country.

The speed advantage of oneself is not an advantage in front of this god. If it is not in the green wood, Wei Xiaobei can be teleported at random, I am afraid that it has been blocked by the country for many times.

As Wei Xiaobei's attention focused on agile attributes, agile attributes began to improve rapidly.

Wei Xiaobei's agility attribute is 100 points, and for every 0.01 increase, it will consume 80 evolution points.

So when the agile property is raised to 120 points, it consumes 160,000 evolution points, and the total number of evolution points drops to 2,766,300 points.

However, when the agile attribute was raised to 120 points, Wei Xiaobei felt that there were countless warm currents in his body and began to flow rapidly in the body. Wherever he went, a special thrill of the stock emerged, almost letting Wei Xiaobei have some Can't hold it.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to continue to improve the agile attributes.

Time passes by.

Waiting for this state to dissipate, Wei Xiaobei has come back to God, and there is an illusion of faintness. It seems that as long as he is willing, he can break through the space barrier of Aomufu, and enter the boundless void to swim freely.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that this is just an illusion. His speed is indeed a lot faster because of the improvement of agile attributes, but this does not mean that he can swim in the void outside the Aomu Fortune.

Wei Xiaobei does not know what the void between these worlds is and has not touched, but every time he approaches the space barrier, he can feel the hidden danger of terror in the void!

If you rush into the void, Wei Xiaobei guesses that it is about the same as those astronauts who don’t wear spacesuits.

Of course, after the agile attribute has been raised to 120 points, Wei Xiaobei's benefits are not only the speed, but also the flexibility, reaction, hand-eye coordination and so on.

However, these improvements need to be removed from Aoki Fukushima before they can be tested.

Among the Aomu Fudi, Wei Xiaobei couldn't test it at all, and he didn't say that it might bring some damage to Qingmu Fudi when testing. The speed of this one, Wei Xiaobei thought, and his legs have not yet opened. The body can appear in any corner, even if it is to suppress this teleportation, Aoki Fudi's various additions to Wei Xiaobei, Wei Weibei can not really test his own limit speed.

Slightly rested for a while, alleviating the sense of fatigue that the previous pleasures brought to the spirit, Wei Xiaobei only focused on the perceptual attributes.

The perceptual attribute is also 100 points, which is also the attribute that Wei Xiaobei must upgrade now.

It is necessary to say that the heavenly sensory, intuitionistic reproduction and other hidden abilities obtained by the promotion of the perceptual attribute are not so good when encountering the gods.

The country is often a god, surpassing the scope of ordinary creatures, which in many cases can shield Wei Xiaobei's heavenly sensory and intuitive reproduction.

This makes it difficult for Wei Xiaobei to sense the next move of the opponent, which is one of the main reasons for the passiveness of Wei Xiaobei.

Did not say, more than ten minutes, Wei Xiaobei once again consumed 160,000 evolution points, raising the perceived attribute to 120 points.

After raising the perceptual attribute to 120 points, the numerous warm currents that appear in Wei Xiaobei's body need not be said much, but also give him the feeling that he does not want to leave.

However, after Xiaobei was separated from this state, even if the previous pleasures of the past were dispersed from his mind, the somewhat blurred eyes became firm.

Although there is no change on the surface of these attributes, Wei Xiaobei knows that the hidden ability has been greatly strengthened.

Just like now, Wei Xiaobei feels that his will is very firm, not to mention the thrill of this area, even if hundreds of beautiful women are lying in front of themselves, they can be indifferent.

This shows that his temperament and abilities have been greatly enhanced.

Well, after feeling this, Wei Xiaobei still worried that he would become a piece of wood emotionally, but after thinking about Tu Qingqing in his mind, the stone of the heart fell and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of enhancement is only to make Wei Xiaobei have a strong immune effect on temptations such as illusion and so on. It is not to turn Wei Xiaobei into a stone.

The last one!

Charm attribute!

After the consumption of 160,000 evolution points, the charm attribute also increased from 100 points to 120 points.

The equal guardian Xiaobei just broke free from the warmth of the previous warmth, opened his eyes and could not help but be shocked.

Centered on the center of the mountain, surrounded by a variety of insects and even small animals.

These insects, small animals, saw Xiaobei open their eyes, and suddenly there was a commotion, but they quickly fell.

Wei Xiaobei saw a slight meditation for a moment, and checked the property panel, and finally understood it.

This is actually the effect of the charm attribute increased to 120 points.

In short, after the charm attribute has been raised to 120 points, Wei Xiaobei's ability to relate to the charm attribute has been greatly enhanced!

For example, the hidden ability of the deadly attraction obtained in the past can easily obtain the good feelings of other opposite **** creatures. Even homosexual creatures have a good chance to produce good feelings. For creatures with lower willpower properties, the ability to recruit and rebel may be produced. !

But now the fatal attraction, although Wei Xiaobei can not see its introduction, but after seeing these insects, the behavior of small animals, they will understand.

I can now say that I am a biological goodwill ambassador, or a friend of biology!

Under the effect of lethality attracting this ability, all creatures without wisdom will have a very strong feeling for themselves! And a great chance to recruit and rebel!

To put it bluntly, these insects and small animals have now become subordinates of Wei Xiaobei, or they have already identified Wei Xiaobei as their master.

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