The City of Terror

Chapter 1441: Dragon species?

Not much to say, the poor road first entered the small black house code word, adjusted the state back, this time passed the Spring Festival, too tired, there are many things in reality, making people dizzy every day -

In other words, the probability of entering the gray world is one thousandth, and one person in a thousand people enters the gray world.

But now, this chance has instantly increased to one in fifty!

In the city of millions of people, there will be 20,000 people entering the gray world, with more than 7 billion people in the world. According to incomplete statistics, about 150 million people have entered the gray world.

Well, one thing to note is that for most humans, entering the gray world is basically a life of nine deaths.

Many human beings have no chance to struggle in the chaotic reality. In the gray world where there are more monsters and more dangerous horror, the degree of danger can be imagined.

Although many humans have entered the gray world, they have been fortunate to get help from the seniors of the gray world, but the death rate on the first day is still as high as 30%!

In other words, there are 45 million people in this billion-five million people who hang up on the first day.

This is a very cruel survival battle!

People with poor luck will be eliminated in the first time. Humans with good luck but poor ability will probably live for a few more days. Only those who have good luck and good ability will continue to survive in the gray world. Kill monsters and seize the constant opportunity!

If you only look at this point, it is still a good thing.

After all, according to this trend, when the space barrier between reality and the gray world is completely broken, ordinary humans have almost no chance of survival.

But the problem is that the 150 million people who entered the gray world are only events that occurred within these three months.

It can be said that the number of humans entering the gray world is increasing!

Wei Xiaobei slightly speculated, and suddenly found that at this speed, it would not be more than twelve years, all human beings will be sent into the gray world!

According to the reality that human beings are accelerating the number of deaths, this time may be advanced to five years.

In short, no matter whether such a trend is a desperate situation for human beings or a chance to kill a **** road, the big changes in reality are imminent.

After understanding this point, Wei Xiaobei could not help but praise the move he had made his parents enter Qingmufu.

He does not want his parents to enter the gray world to go to the adventure, to know that even if Weijiadao enters the gray world, Wei Xiaobei does not dare to say that he can absolutely guarantee the safety of his parents.

After all, there are too many uncontrollable accidents in the gray world.

But then again, according to the number of people entering the gray world, even if it hangs a lot in the first few days, as long as you can persist in the gray world for a few days and kill a few monsters, the next time will be too much.

After all, as the number of spectators in the gray world continues to increase, monsters in most places have been combed several times and become safer.

Next, Wei Xiaobei pondered for a while and thought about his next arrangement.

As Aoki Fudi is the basic disk of Wei Xiaobei, one of the retreats in the future, then the next arrangement of Wei Xiaobei should be based on the growth of Qingmu Fudi.

Then according to the distance, the claw country entered the eyes of Wei Xiaobei.

Those indigenous gods have already occupied 90% of the country of the claws, and their fringes have even penetrated into several neighboring countries nearby, which has caused some panic in those neighboring countries.

It is conceivable that the indigenous gods who occupy so many sites, how many blood sacrifices they can hold every day, and their strength will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Wei Xiaobei is worried that if they are allowed to develop again, they may be truly ecstasy.

By then, there will be some tails that can't be lost.

Besides, even if it is the current indigenous gods, if they can kill them, their bodies will be thrown into the green wood, and they will be able to grow a lot.

However, before the departure, Wei Xiaobei still has some things to deal with, such as telephone contact with Zhu Xinyi and so on.

We must know that Wei Xiaobei’s past, once the indigenous gods were cleaned up, there will be a huge power vacuum in the country.

Simply put, if you can inform the Huaxia Parliament, then the benefits of the Huaxia Congress are self-evident.

Regardless of the extent to which Wei Xiaobei’s strength has been upgraded, Huaxia is always his own country. Such a thing that can bring great benefits to the motherland like this, Wei Xiaobei will not refuse.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei and Zhu Xinyi to make a phone call, let them tell Xu Feiyang, his next move.

Not long after, the phone that made a flight was called.

"Brother, brother, can you bring me when you are old?"

The first sentence of Xu Feiyang was panting, probably after hearing the heartbeat of Zhu Xinyi, the mood was too excited.

After a period of exchanges between the two sides, Wei Xiaobei knew that a Chinese fleet had been parked in the claws for three months.

So very good!

In this case, Wei Xiaobei can save a lot of time, without waiting, go directly to the claw tile.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is also a little excited about going to the claws.

Entering Gao Tianyuan's harvest made Wei Xiaobei's strength soar to one.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei feels that he must be careful when he walks. If he is careless, it may cause some big troubles.

The abnormalities brought about by such a surge in strength always need to be honed before they can be eliminated.

And the indigenous gods who are entrenched in the claws just hone themselves to get used to the forces beyond their control.

Besides, Weijiadao said that it is also its own site. Stepping on a few pits on the concrete floor, Wei Xiaobei will have a heartache, not to mention a accidental collapse of a small building.

Yes, when Wei Xiaobei returned to the villa area, the nose was a little itchy, and the strength of the body was not controlled. As a result, a sneeze hit out and a small villa opposite the room collapsed.

Fortunately, there is no living in the villa, otherwise it is a tragedy.

This situation makes Wei Xiaobei feel that he should leave Weijia Island as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will not say anything here. When he sleeps, he can't hold back. The snoring that comes out can make the villa become a tiankeng!

However, before leaving Weijia Island, Wei Xiaobei went to see the side of the tortoise demon king.

When I came to the beach, Wei Xiaobei’s mouth picked up and blew a sound that the human ear could not hear.

This kind of sound can be regarded as a sonic wave, and only a large creature such as an elephant or a whale can be heard.

Wei Xiaobei is using this infrasound wave to contact the monster tortoise in the sea.

Time passes by, the waves are constantly slap on the reef, and the sun is slowly falling into the sea.

Suddenly, a wave of waves raged in the distant sea, and then a white giant turtle with a body length of more than 100 meters slowly floated out of the sea, erecting a head from Wei Xiaobei, and a low scream .

That's right, this is the scorpion demon king.

As the tortoise demon king keeps approaching, Wei Xiaobei also sees its current appearance.

It is said that the current scorpion demon king has changed a bit before.

Its huge head became more and more similar to the faucet, and even two small rounded horns appeared on the top of the head, some beards appeared on the mouth, and the lines on the back shell formed a staggered vertical and horizontal Golden runes.

Between the movements, Wei Xiaobei can see the vitality between the heavens and the earth constantly gathering and blending into the back shell.

Above the top of the head, a small rain cloud followed, and the drizzle continued to fall, and the tangled thunder and lightning inside it occasionally appeared, making Wei Xiaobei feel a little threat.

This is not the weather that the scorpion demon king can match.

Wei Xiaobei did not stay on the reef. Then he gently rubbed his legs and his body leaped. Then it was like a breeze. He flew quickly. After a while, he fell on the head of the tortoise.

"Long time no see, how is it now?"

Wei Xiaobei sat down cross-legged and patted the deck of the head of the tortoise, and asked softly.

"Not bad, it's about to break through, it just feels bad."

The turtle demon king said in a low voice. Obviously, the demon king did not care about Wei Xiaobei sitting on his head.

For most monsters with huge size, as long as the relationship is acceptable, sitting on top of their heads is not a big deal.

"Can I have a look?"

As the closest ally of the Turtles and Demon Kings, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was more respectful of each other before he looked at the other party's status.

After all, like the ability of all things to understand this kind of soul exploration, it is used almost as a search function between humans.

"Yes, I am looking for you to see."

To say such a thing, most of them are not willing to have such a presence as the demon king.

But obviously, the tortoise demon king wants to know what is missing in order to break through to the real dragon!

You know, for any wise aquarium, evolution into a dragon species is what they want throughout their lives.

Otherwise, there will be no story of the squid jumping dragon gate.

Since the Turtles and the Demon Kings have no objections, Wei Xiaobei will naturally not be polite, and even if he starts the scorpion to the demon king!

Name: 璇龟妖王

Introduction: It is the king of the tortoise family. It is said to be the descendant of the dragon tortoise. It has a trace of true dragon blood, which is endless and violent. After absorbing a large number of dragon tortoises, it is evolving toward the dragon species.

Race: Yalong

Gender: Male

Age: 590 years old

Biology level: 4 star horror

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: swimming, gliding

Special skills: storm, hurricane, real dragon blood, huge waves, stable like Taishan, demon, vertical weather, weather control, Dragon Ball (not yet formed), size

Evolution point: (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None

Sure enough, compared with the last time, the current scorpion demon king light has a big change in the property sheet.

Its biological level has been promoted from a four-star elite to a four-star horror.

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