The City of Terror

Chapter 1451: In one fell swoop!

Thank God, thank you Dao Sanqing, the Buddha of Heaven, the weather has finally cleared, the sun is shining, the warmth is warm, comfortable, is it going to go to sleep first? Ok, the poor road is still strong, and the words will be finished first.

Although these indigenous gods are not true gods, they still enjoy a considerable degree of rule bonus in the land of God!

This makes their strengths much higher than before, and several indigenous gods join hands, even if Wei Xiaobei does not dare to resist hard.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei turned the big gun into a glove, and then the whole body shone and quickly expanded.

The law is heaven and earth!

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei grew from an ordinary person to a height of 17 meters, and turned into a giant.

Obviously, after using the magical powers of several times, Wei Xiaobei's understanding of this magical power has deepened, and the effect of the Fa-rectification has also improved a little.

I remember that when Wei Xiaobei used the Fa-rectification for the first time, his body size was only up to 15 meters.

It is now quite good to be able to grow to 17 meters.

To say that, when Wei Xiaobei showed his law and the body quickly expanded, he was shocked by the indigenous gods.

Indigenous gods probably know something. It is said that a thousand years ago, a monster from China swept across the claws, and more than a dozen indigenous gods fell to their hands.

The most horrible trick is to enlarge his body, just like a mountain. This trick alone easily defeats the resistance of many indigenous gods.

When you think about it, you know that the addition of these indigenous gods in combat is often dependent on their huge body. If there are no enemies in this respect, then their defeat is normal.

The problem is that the change of Wei Xiaobei is over.

A giant of seventeen meters tall?

Suddenly, the indigenous gods laughed.

In their view, Wei Xiaobei's changes are a bit too ridiculous.

If Wei Xiaobei can become like them, seven or eighty or even hundreds of meters tall giants, perhaps they will be afraid.

But now, the giant that Wei Xiaobei has become, in front of the indigenous gods, still looks like a little bit.

If you think about it, you will know that in the face of the indigenous gods who measure their strength in terms of size, it is conceivable how much shock such a figure will have.

Of course, even so, the indigenous gods did not dare to relax too much, still staring at Wei Xiaobei.

After the implementation of the magical law, the changes that Wei Xiaobei showed were not only the increase in size.


Wei Xiaobei jumped up, and as the same tiger rushed toward the indigenous gods.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei rushing, the indigenous gods once again joined forces.

But this time it is different from before.

The indigenous gods probably also felt that Wei Xiaobei was a little different, so the shots were more rapid. In a flash, the air around Wei Xiaobei’s body became a mire, and countless gravels gathered from all directions, like bullets hitting Wei Xiaobei. In addition, there is a crack in the ground, and a strand of magma rushes straight out.

For a moment, above the northern island, as the end of the day has come.

Two other indigenous gods also turned their weapons into two giant beasts and rushed to Wei Xiaobei.

The size of the body increased to seventeen meters, and the strength of Wei Xiaobei suddenly more than doubled. After the outbreak of power in the body, it completely turned into a raptor, and it was shocked, and even the solidified air suddenly shattered. Hardly against the numerous gravel that could instantly scrape the steel, the two giant beasts were returned to the state of the weapon.

Of course, after the monster has returned to the state of the weapon, it is already half-folded and broken, and it can no longer be used again.

But this is not the end.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei easily break through many attacks, those indigenous gods are scattered, for fear of being stared by Wei Xiaobei.

But in front of Wei Xiaobei at this time, after the attack, if he wants to escape, he is somewhat infatuated.

"Want to run?"

Wei Xiaobei has already rushed to the old indigenous **** in the blink of an eye. A mountain is leaning against the chest of the old indigenous god.

A giant force was poured into the chest in an instant, and the old indigenous gods opened their mouths with a pale golden blood.

And before the old indigenous gods have broken away, the hands with the sun gloves have caught one of their fingers and suddenly they are energetic.

Of course, the state of the two sides at this time looks a bit strange. A villain grabbed a giant's finger and suddenly fell to the ground.


A loud noise, the old indigenous gods nearly 100 meters tall on the ground, suddenly let the ground appear a circle of radiation cracks.


Under the hands of Wei Xiaobei, the old indigenous gods have no chance to resist.

Falling, smashing, topping, stepping through a series of blows, a wave of power surges into the old indigenous gods through the contact of both sides, causing the power of the old indigenous gods to fluctuate, wherever they pass, no matter the bones The internal organs have collapsed.

Before and after the ten-minute time, the old indigenous gods fell into a state of sudden death, completely losing the power of resistance!


In the end, Wei Xiaobei broke into the chest of the old indigenous gods and then grabbed a group of divine humanity from within.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the indigenous gods were timid, and even gave up and continued to attack Wei Xiaobei, and chose to turn and flee.

It must be said that these indigenous gods made a wrong choice.

If they rely on the power of the gods on the ground, they will steadily and steadily fight, not to mention that Wei Xiaobei will repel, at least to live for a while.

But now, as several indigenous gods turned and fled in several directions, Wei Xiaobei had no pressure at all.


It must be said that the power tide and the sun boxing can enable Wei Xiaobei to exert the power of a national skill on these indigenous gods.

There is no doubt that combat skills are extremely important when the strength is relatively close or at the time of suppression.

In particular, the pair of sun gloves can make Wei Xiaobei ignore the enemy's body advantage and treat each other as a humanoid creature of the same size!

This point makes Wei Xiaobei's national skills can exert the greatest lethality.

The indigenous gods who escaped were chased by Wei Xiaobei from behind, and then they were put down to the ground by a series of blows to dig out the divinity!

When the deity of the last indigenous **** was dug up by Wei Xiaobei, all the onlookers looked silly.

To be honest, before this, whether it was the soldiers of the Huaxia Fleet, the officers, or the high-level leaders of the Khmer State of the war, and even the high-level members of the Huaxia Parliament, they did not think that Wei Xiaobei could single out those indigenous gods. .

They think that Wei Xiaobei is most likely to drag those indigenous gods, and then the Huaxia Fleet destroys the altars of the indigenous gods and so on. Finally, it is impossible to launch a cruise missile carrying a nuclear bomb and completely destroy the Blue Cotton Island!

In order to prevent the forces of those indigenous gods from expanding further, China does not mind using nuclear bombs.

You know, when the Huaxia Fleet left China, it carried a few special metal boxes, and these special metal boxes were filled with a miniature nuclear warhead!

Whenever necessary, the Huaxia Fleet is ready to launch these nuclear warheads on various types of missiles, even for direct gunfire.

Of course, this matter did not tell Wei Xiaobei.

But now, seeing those indigenous gods in front of Wei Xiaobei, it is like a stupid horned cow being thrown to the ground by a hyena, killing one by one!

This scene, the visual impact on them is a bit big.

In any case, the powers that the indigenous gods used to show have some irresistible feelings, but now they are being smashed by Wei Xiaobei and can only slowly wriggle.

This man can actually do this step!

Just for a while, it was the soldiers in the Huaxia fleet. Many officers of the officers began to worship Weibei and became his fans.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not know that he had more fans. His attention at this time was placed on the turtle.

With the destruction of the indigenous gods, the gods of the earth did not have the control of the indigenous gods, and the suppression of the demon kings became much weaker.

At that time, the tortoise and the demon king were so excited that they smothered the bodies of the indigenous gods and greedily swallowed a piece of meat.

eat! eat! Eat more!

Undoubtedly, there is a thought in the mind of the tortoise demon king.

The greed of thought from the depths of the blood prompted the turtle to swallow more meat.

With the constant devouring of the scorpion demon king, Wei Xiaobei can also feel the true dragon blood of the scorpion turtle demon king is constantly strengthening.

The bodies of these indigenous gods are really effective for the tortoiseshell demon king!

However, it is difficult to kill the seven indigenous gods in a short period of time.

After all, the scorpion demon king is not able to open his mouth to the extreme like a python, and can swallow the body in one bite.

After Wei Xiaobei looked at it for a while, he felt a little bored, and then he glanced at the northern island with his eyes.

Soon, the temple at the center of the northern island was printed in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei.

In Wei Xiaobei's field of vision, there are countless thin lines spreading over the temple, which are connected to the red mask that hangs over the Blue Cotton Island.

Where should it be the control center of the godland on this earth?

To tell the truth, Wei Xiaobei has a bit of interest in the godland on this land. After all, those indigenous gods who can resist in front of themselves for so long in the land of the gods are very powerful.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei immediately turned and walked toward the temple.

However, without taking a few steps, Wei Xiaobei’s body began to shrink rapidly.

This is a sign that the magical law begins to dissipate on its own.

Less than five times before and after, Wei Xiaobei returned to normal normal body type.

However, let Wei Xiaobei slightly frowning is that after recovering the normal body shape, Wei Xiaobei feels that the power tide in the body is somewhat unstable.

This made Wei Xiaobei have to slow down the pace of advancement, so that he can regain control of the tide.

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