The City of Terror

Chapter 1453: a new army that is speechless

I am ready to work hard today! The channel can no longer fall! ! ! ! ! ! Fecal hair painted wall! ! ! ——

Subsequently, more than a dozen landing crafts left the fleet and rushed toward the Blue Cotton Island.

When the landing ship rushed to the beach ten meters away, it had to be stranded, but as the front door opened and fell, the last distance was flattened after lying on the beach.

This is the landing mode that is used by landing craft.

First, speed up the beach, even if it is stranded, it can use the drop-type gate to build a bridge between the landing craft and the beach to supply the landing troops.

When it was replaced by the Huaxia Army, it was supposed to be a charge, and then a large number of soldiers accompanied the tanks. The armored vehicles passed through the gates and rushed to the beach to build a beachhead position.

But now, more than a dozen landing crafts have been successfully rushed to the beach, and the gates have been set up. As a result, the soldiers are not willing to rush to the beach. After the swearing of the officers, they are careful and stepping on the door.

Seeing this scene, the officers of the Chinese fleet who were watching the telescope here could not help but shake their heads one by one.

Too bad!

If you change to a soldier of the Chinese army, this kind of thing on the battlefield is simply unthinkable.

You must know that the Chinese military does not say anything else, in terms of the will to fight, the world is the crown!

Of course, the soldiers who are like the turtles crawling slowly to the beach are not the soldiers of the Chinese army.

They are the new army of the claws.

The formation of the new army of the entire claw country, the Huaxia fleet were involved.

The soldiers who led the team were the temporary soldiers of the Huaxia Fleet.

However, these new troops were only a group of farmers, white-collar workers, dock workers, fishermen and even students a month ago. Although China’s training method is very effective, it is impossible to expect these new recruits to face the existence of horror. When you are on the island of a monster, go forward.

Besides, the folk customs of the Claw States have always been bullying and fearing hard, encountering the benefits of a swarm of bees, and encountering dangerous birds and beasts.

This is true of the folk customs. These new recruits are now in this way, and naturally there is no need to explain them.

To be honest, if you can, the Chinese soldiers who led the team would not want to use the pistol to perform battlefield discipline, and shoot a few of the most feared guys.

But the Chinese soldiers who are familiar with these guys are really afraid to carry out battlefield discipline.

Not to mention that he is only temporarily leading the team, not at the crisis, there is no law enforcement power to say, just say that if you really shoot a few, I am afraid that this group of new soldiers will immediately fall to the lowest point, and may have black guns behind them. may.

Even Wei Xiaobei saw this scene and could not help but shook his head.

It seems that the future of this claw country is not a little hope, and must be annexed by China!

With these soldiers, want to defend this country? Oh, let Huaxia do a better job.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to watch the excitement at this time, his legs were a little bit, and the whole body was violently violent, like a stream of high jumps, and then fell towards the Blue Cotton Island.

I have to say that although the new recruits have lower morale and less guts, they have a good eyesight, and they have seen Wei Xiaobei who has fallen toward the Blue Cotton Island.

Well, after they saw Wei Xiaobei enter the hinterland of the Blue Cotton Island, they suddenly became full of morale, and they started to speed up.

This scene is to make those Chinese soldiers who lead the team look dumbfounded.

They are aware of the psychological activities of these guys.

It’s nothing more than seeing Wei Xiaobei go in. I feel that this big man can go in. Then naturally there will be no danger. The big guys don’t hurry to follow in, grab the credit, and grab the benefits?

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei had previously seen some of the giants in the northern islands fighting the giants of the indigenous gods.

It can be said that Wei Xiaobei has now climbed to the top in their hearts!

In their view, Wei Xiaobei is omnipotent, and even more powerful monsters will be killed by it!

Not to mention the Chinese soldiers who led the team desperately to gather the new recruits, and urged them to build a beachhead position, only to say that Wei Xiaobei several landings fell at the foot of the central mountain range of the Blue Cotton Island.

With the arrival of Wei Xiaobei, the ant colonies that had just returned to the underground nest began to flock.

Wei Xiaobei is staring at the air in front of her eyes. It seems to be blasphemy. After five or six minutes, Wei Xiaobei’s right hand wearing a sun glove is a punch. This punch contains not only 20,000. The multi-ton force is even more mixed with a wave of power!

A punch in the air, a loud bang exploded!

Like a nuclear bomb explosion, a strong blast of shock suddenly spread, and the group of ants that gathered around it rushed to the ground.

Of course, for those ants, this shock wave can certainly fly them, but their size is too small, in terms of damage, it is much smaller than other animals.

This punch hit, and there was a fist-sized black hole in the air!

Of course, this is not the end. Wei Xiaobei also explored the left hand at this time, grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands, and suddenly made a force!

The black void was surrounded by a space crack that spread out in a circle!

Oh, as the sound of broken glass continued to spread, the black void quickly expanded into a space passage entrance of about half a meter in diameter under the force of Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, this space channel is the gateway to Aoki.

After opening the space channel many times, Wei Xiaobei now has a deeper understanding of the opening of the space channel, plus the space channel entrance is not large, so it does not consume much time.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei is not too tired.

After all, regardless of the size of the space channel, the most basic consumption is enough to make Wei Xiaobei sweat.

As the Aura in Aoki's blessed land fills the space channel and stabilizes it, the surrounding ant colonies begin to rush into the space channel.

These ants, who swallowed the indigenous gods, did not intend to discard them, nor did they use the altar of life to turn them into material reserves.

And this blue cotton island is always returned to the claws of the country, so Wei Xiaobei simply let the ant colony into the green wood.

If you need it next time, you can also open the space channel and release the ants.

The ant colony formed a black flood that constantly poured into the space channel.

Not long after, a strip of white and fat obese worms appeared on the ground for the first time under the handling of countless ants.


When Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on those queens, he could not help but be a little surprised.

In the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, these queens have condensed a layer of extremely thin divine light!

This is something he did not think of.

It is said that these queens are creatures cultivated by the altar of life. They do not have their own independent consciousness and will only follow the will of Wei Xiaobei.

The cultivation of creatures like this will actually condense the light of divinity, which is simply an incredible thing.

This is as incredible as a robot can actually become pregnant.

But these queens do indeed condense the light of divinity.

Any creature that condenses the light of divinity means that its body is being born with divinity!

Well, Wei Xiaobei is the first time he has seen the process of birth in the living body.

You know, even in the green woods, the sun, the moon, and even the mutated ivy, the divinity they possess is not self-generated, but external.

Even the sun gods of Dongpu, the original divinity was also taken from the body of the mutant farmer's market, and then proliferated by absorbing the power of faith.

In other words, the essence of this divine birth, Wei Xiaobei is indeed the first time I saw it.

These changes in the queens have led to the infinite interest of Wei Xiaobei.

Undoubtedly, if we can conduct an in-depth study of the process of solidifying the deity of the queen, then Wei Xiaobei's understanding of the divine nature will be deeper.

Well, this point, for now, does not seem to be of any use.

However, Wei Xiaobei was able to extend and see that increasing his understanding of the divine nature would also enhance the understanding of the essence of the gods, and eventually add a thick weight to Wei Xiaobei in the battle.

Of course, at this time, the time is relatively tight. Wei Xiaobei has no time to study this. He can only watch the queens enter the space channel under the guards of the soldiers and workers.

The number of ant colonies is very large, but it does not reach the limit of post-emergence reproduction. Most of the ants entering the space channel carry more or less white ant eggs.

And the belly of those queens is inflated, and it is necessary to reserve a lot of nutrients in this ant colony.

In this way, the number of ant colonies can be up to five times on the current basis when necessary!

Undoubtedly this is an extremely large number.

It is estimated that the number of ants can reach 10 billion!

In reality, this number of cultivating ants is a natural disaster!

Finally, the last small ant climbed into the space channel.

After the aura of Aoki's blessings was withdrawn, the space channel quickly shrank, and after being turned into a needle tip size, it disappeared without a trace.

It was not until this time that the military songs of the Zinhua New Army marched in the distance: "This is the country of Wandao, the beautiful blue sea, the red island, the black girl, you remember me."

Hearing this military song, Wei Xiaobei could not help but look at his face.

I have to say that the singer who wrote the word was not killed on the spot, and it was lucky.

But after so many years, the army of the Kuwa State is familiar with this seemingly weird military song. Even if these new claws sang this military song, they would not feel blushing. Excited.

Of course, those Chinese soldiers who led the team had almost the same face as Wei Xiaobei.

As the soldiers of the Huaxia Kingdom, seriousness is one of the principles they have followed in combat.

You can listen to the military songs of these new claws, and there is no serious atmosphere.

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