The City of Terror

Chapter 1455: , the sequela of energy deprivation

No nonsense, the poor road goes to the code word -

But Weijia Island is different.

In view of the series of cooperation between China and Weijiadao before, the two sides can be said to be closely related.

The benefits of Weijia Island will also be related to Huaxia.

Of course, the most important point is that Wei Xiaobei’s strength is strong enough!

In the view of the high-level Chinese parliament, this kind of thing, Wei Xiaobei can be done alone.

Of course, Li Zhaoxing’s words are all about Wei Bei’s own intentions. If he is willing to go, the Huaxia Parliament will inform the Chinese Embassy in the Eagle State to conduct follow-up consultations with the Eagle Government.

If you don't want to go, feel free.

Obviously, there is also an argument within the Chinese Parliament.

Undoubtedly, in the view of the Huaxia Parliament, although Wei Xiaobei created the Weijia Island, it is actually the first strongest in China!

In many cases, the Chinese Parliament is in need of Wei Xiaobei, the first strong player.

Just take a covenant with the ancient army before, if it is not Wei Xiaobei, then the follow-up will be so simple?

To put it simply, the Chinese Parliament is hard to bear the consequences of Wei Xiaobei’s accident!

This is not difficult to explain.

In the current world of chaotic invasion and chaos, if any country can have such a strong person as Wei Xiaobei, then when dealing with many things, it will have an unspeakable atmosphere!

In this respect, Wei Xiaobei is almost equivalent to a nuclear warhead in peacetime.

At least when communicating with other countries, Hua Xia’s wei Xiaobei is a Chinese, and the tangible and intangible benefits it has gained are inexplicable.

But one problem is that Wei Xiaobei is not the strongest of the Chinese Parliament to be bound and commanded.

As a result, the opinions of the Huaxia Parliament are not difficult to explain.

Let Wei Xiaobei decide for himself to express as much as possible the goodwill of the Chinese Parliament to Wei Xiaobei.

After listening to Li Zhaoxing’s retelling, Wei Xiaobei nodded and said: “I need to retreat for a week. You ask, if the Eagle State can support ten days, I can go and see.”

After dropping this sentence, Wei Xiaobei even let the turtle demon king shrink the size.

After the turtle demon king narrowed his body shape, he turned into a palm-sized size, and was caught by Wei Xiaobei in his hand, and then returned to the plantation.

For now, Wei Xiaobei's research in all aspects cannot be placed on Weijia Island. It is too big and too careless, which may have a great impact on Weijia Island.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei usually enters Aoki Fudi to conduct a series of studies.

Returning to Qingmu Fudi, the Qingmu Fudi, seen by Wei Xiaobei, has expanded a lot.

In terms of diameter, Aoki Fudi has increased by 25,000 kilometers compared to Wei Xiaobei’s last entry!

In other words, in less than a month, the diameter of Aomufudi has increased from 75 kilometers to 100 kilometers!

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s high-level ghost body that was thrown into Aomufudi and the country’s long-life life have played a rapid role in the growth of Qingmufudi!

Wei Xiaobei's figure disappeared into the entrance of the space channel, but it appeared in the mud pool when it appeared again.

Now the quagmire has naturally expanded some areas, and the country is often covered with a layer of variegated vines.

Well, even Wei Xiaobei has to admit that the country’s life is always bitter.

During this period of time, the body that the country often succumbs to, the giant wood, has shrunk by more than 30%.

The mutated creeper extracts the power of the country from time to time.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised is that the current variant of the creeper has changed a little before.

The pale golden juice flowing inside the vine is more intense, which means that the variant creeper accelerates the transformation of the divine nature of the country.

The most striking change is that a layer of black and white two-color smoke is looming over the branches and leaves, which exudes a cursing atmosphere that makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat disgusted.

Well, is this a change in the extraction of giant discs?

Wei Xiaobei fixed his eyes and saw that the giant dish fairy shrouded by the mutant creeper vine had completely lost his life.

Its originally sleek body is covered with dense cracks.

From this point of view, the giant dish fairy is indeed finished.

But those mutant creepers seem to be unwilling to let go of the giant discs, and the dense spikes are still stuck in their cracks, and there is a tendency to drain their last residual force.

According to this trend, it will take a few days for the body of this giant dish to become a powder into the quagmire, disappearing without a trace.

The same is true of the end of the country’s long-awaited life.

However, the death of the giant dish fairy, but it is slightly regrettable Wei Xiaobei.

With the death of the giant disc singer, the effect of the sun stun gun is not a source of supplement.

The power of this ink, and thus its strange effect, Wei Xiaobei is more to study it, not the combat tricks.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not be frustrated because the power of ink and wash has no source of supplement.

It should be known that Wei Xiaobei's research on the power of ink and wash has entered the formal. In the following research, even if the power of ink and wash is completely consumed, the impact on research will not be too great.

The scorpion tortoise, which was caught by Wei Xiaobei in his hand, looked at the mutant creeper at the moment, and even after being scared for a while, the two forefoot clung to Wei Xiaobei’s thumb.

Obviously, the tortoise demon king saw the terrible things of these mutant creepers, for fear of accidentally falling down.

In the Aomu Fudi circle, I went to the human gathering place to see the old lady and wife, as well as the younger brother and sister, Wei Xiaobei returned to the world tree.

In general, there is no big problem with Aoki Fortune.

The only problem is that many people in the gathering place complain that the items that are carried in from the reality are decaying very fast here.

For example, the iron plough made of stainless steel is better at first. It is coated with a layer of chrome on its surface. It will not rust when used frequently. However, in recent times, these iron ploughs are rusting faster than everyone else. Imagine.

Basically, one iron plow will be scrapped in a week!

In fact, the phenomenon of iron plows is applicable to all kinds of real-life creations containing metals.

Choppers, fruit knives and other knives, wire beds, various parts in the computer, air conditioners, refrigerators, etc.

Well, probably everything that modern technology makes, it contains more or less metal.

These metals, even if they have anti-corrosion, anti-oxidation and other characteristics, will quickly rust and decay a little.

The best way to explain this is probably the women's jewelry.

These jewellery pieces are made of gold and platinum, but they are also rusted. They are worn on the hands and become rusty in a few days. After the rust changes, the pieces of platinum continue to fall.

In less than ten days, these pieces of jewelry will be completely transformed into a pile of small pieces of no value.

For this phenomenon, after Wei Xiaobei slightly communicated with the sun, he understood what was going on in the end, and then named it power deprivation!

To put it simply, the foreign objects that enter the Aomufu Land, as long as they are dead, will be extracted by the rules of Aomufudi, transformed into aura, and promote the growth of Qingmufu.

This is most evident in the ghost bodies.

A large number of ghost corpses make Aura continue to grow, and Aoki Fudi also grows rapidly.

And the metals that are brought in from reality, and so on, including but not limited to plastics, wood, etc., also apply to this rule.

From a microscopic point of view, there is energy inside any object.

As the temperature of the metal rises, the metal molecules inside it oscillate and the temperature decreases, and the degree of oscillation of the metal molecules decreases. This temperature is linked to the vibration intensity of the internal molecules.

When the temperature drops to absolute zero or a certain degree, the oscillation of the internal metal molecules will stop completely!

The state of metal is completely powdered, and its physical properties such as hardness, toughness, and the like will change dramatically.

In Aomufudi, the energy in the metal is continuously extracted. When the energy is extracted, the metal is equivalent to being at an absolute zero, so that it is completely powdered.

This is the rust phenomenon shown in the green wood blessed land.

Of course, because Aoki Fudi is different from the actual rules, the completely powdered metal will not feel at a very low temperature.

In addition, even those such as plastics, wood, etc., are nothing more than slower energy extraction.

But as Aoki's blessings continue to grow, this speed will increase!

In other words, after a certain period of time, all things brought in from reality will be completely powdered and disappeared!

Therefore, from this moment on, humans who have migrated to Aomufudi need to adapt to the environment without the use of real objects.

Of course, if you use the ore produced in Aomufu, you will not be affected by energy deprivation.

The problem is that if you want to make a home appliance such as a computer or the like in Aoki Fortune, it is as difficult as a car in the White Age!

Well, this problem, Wei Xiaobei must be solved.

Not to mention other people, it is said that Wei Xiaobei’s wife is painted green, but now it is a TV fan. If there is no TV available in the future, the problem will be big.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei is not without a solution.

Since the real-life items will be deprived of energy and destroyed in the Greenwood Fortune, then the Institute of Biology, which was established in Weijiadao before Wei Xiaobei, has shown its far-sighted vision!

First of all, it is almost impossible to establish a modern industrialization system from scratch in the Evergreen Fortune, even if it has technical support in reality.

Well, Wei Xiaobei will not be willing to be polluted by the factory.

The series of products researched by the Institute of Biology is different.

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