The City of Terror

Chapter 1473: Collision between iron and blood

From the beginning of 2017 to the present, for two consecutive months, the book streaking, and also invited friends, book friends, brothers and sisters to support the book, the poor road is here to thank! ——

To tell the truth, the reason why Wei Xiaobei brought Tian Yuwen and others to here is nothing more than to let Tian Yuwen and others adapt to the war and adapt to it.

After all, Tian Yuwen and others have also entered the gray world, but since most of the time is busy with government affairs, there is not much experience in actual combat or experience.

Therefore, if they can hone more here, it will be of great benefit to their future development.

To be honest, a master like this is rare in this world.

After patrolling the line of defense, Wei Xiaobei will accompany several seniors on the defense line and sit down to drink tea or something. It is also a feeling of exchange and preparation for the next possible outbreak of fighting.

These senior generals are all Zhong Lang, the rank of generals above the generals, on the biological level, and now the strength of the four-star elite.

In the long hours of combat training, their combat skills are extremely high, often able to fight against a higher level of their enemies without defeat, and even easy to kill the enemy.

Therefore, on the true level, their strength should be more than four-star horror.

However, the iron stone monster on the iron fence seems to see that the human defense line is too leisurely. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei just soaked the tea, and several people sat together to pick up the cup and drink two. The generals are waiting to admire this. Tea, I heard the sound of the bronze gongs on the arrow floor.

The sound of the cymbal sounded, and there was a bit of awkward scenery.

However, I heard the sound of the police, Wei Xiaobei and others naturally could not sit still, and then went to the arrow building, looking towards the distant Tiewei Mountain.

The view above the arrow tower is extremely wide, and even the eyes of ordinary soldiers can see every move in the direction of Tiewei Mountain.

In the distance, the clouds on the Tiewei Mountain are like the muddy water that has been stirred up, and it flows back and forth.

"Ride the dude, it should be the monster to be dispatched."

A Zhonglang will be called out.

"The order is going on! The whole army is on guard!"

After Wei Xiaobei’s order, the commanding soldiers dispersed and rushed to the defense line. Those senior generals had to leave at this time to lead their own army.

In the blink of an eye, the entire line of defense will move.

The soldiers who were resting were dressed in armor, put on weapons, gathered into a square, and entered the line of defense.

In the rear of the giant clams, the catapults are tightening the beasts and putting them into the smashing arrows and boulders.

Less than twenty interest time before and after, the entire line of defense is like a slumbering hedgehog woke up, and the whole body's spikes bloom!

At this time, the first iron monster rushed out of the cloud, it was a stone rabbit, but it was much more gut than the average rabbit. After rushing out of the cloud, it was not thinking, jumping to the line of defense. Come.

Behind him, antelopes, deer, pheasants, wild boars, tigers, lions, bears, a series of iron stone monsters rushed out of the clouds, chasing behind the stone rabbit.

The line of defense is about fifteen kilometers from Tiewei Mountain.

The speed of those iron monsters is not fast. It takes a while to get to the line of defense.

Therefore, the soldiers on the defense line are not too nervous, but it looks relaxed.

Seeing the comrades around him, the look of Tian Yuwen and others who first joined the war also relaxed a lot.

Of course, even if this is the case, as the iron stone monsters continue to approach the line of defense like the tide, the ground begins to fluctuate up and down, Tian Yuwen is fine, his face is slightly normal, but his hands secretly grasp the weapon.

And Xiao Baizhen, Li Zhaoxing, Zhang Tiantian, a few girls will not work.

Although they have also entered the gray world, killing monsters, and practicing many times, it is called the level of female.

But the problem is that such a grand war scene, they are still seeing for the first time, which invisibly gives them a lot of pressure.

Therefore, the three women's faces are not very good-looking, some are white, especially Zhang sweet, they are so nervous that they bite their lips and don't even know if they bite the skin.

Upon seeing it, Zhao Tong, who was in charge of leading them, stood up and smiled. "Don't worry, these monsters have been there many times, and every time we are killed by our tails and fleeing back."

After a pause, Zhao Tong saw that his opening solution was not effective. He even took the lead in singing a big wind song: "The wind is rising and the clouds are flying, and Weijia is returning to his hometown, and the warriors are guarding the Quartet?"

Suddenly, the sergeants of the surrounding singers followed and sang like the tides.

Not long after, the defense line rang a neat wind song, magnificent and majestic.

The situation of the three women has become a lot better, and together they sang a heroic song.

In any case, they are not the kind of gentle lady who doesn't have a door in the boudoir. The hand is also a **** female, so it didn't take long for their look to return to normal, but it became a little excited.

Finally, the flood formed by the iron monsters is less than five kilometers from the line of defense.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei immediately ordered: "Command the giant catapult to be divided into five batches, continuous attack!"

With the command of Wei Xiaobei, the first to open fire was a giant catapult with a body size of more than 30 meters.

These giant catapults are made of stone materials, heavy and extremely maneuverable, but after being placed on this line of defense, they are the most reliable heavy blows!

Whirring whirring

A series of broken sounds are like magnifying the sound of tearing the cloth ten times. A round stone bullet with a diameter of more than five meters flies out from the bomber of the catapult, and in a flash, the flame is produced through the body. A piece of fire meteor fell toward the distant iron monster that was running wild.

It should be said that the accuracy of the shooting of this catapult is very poor. It is difficult to target a specific target attack, and only a certain amount of advantage can be used to cover a certain area!

In the first wave, more than a dozen stone bullets that turned into fire meteors rushed to the ground after a few kilometers.


Afterwards, the continuous sound of the impact, the sound of the explosion mixed together, almost the soldiers' ears on the defense line are about to be shocked.

Those stone bombs are not simply to round the stone into a round shape, and the master will inscribe some runes on it, so that the stone bombs are more aggressive!

Wei Xiaobei is at the height of the house, and it is easy to see the results of those stone bombs.

Any stone monster that is hit by the front of the stone bullet, even the iron tiger, the existence of the iron bear, will be instantly broken into pieces!

The big explosion caused by the impact of the stone bomb can clear the stone monster within a radius of 20 meters!

To be honest, even the iron elephant, the four-star terrorist creature like the shovel, will be hit hard by the stone bomb.

If you are hit by ten stone bullets in a row, I am afraid that even the iron elephant will hate Jiuquan.

Of course, with the scattering rate of stone bombs, if you want to hit a target with ten stone bullets in succession, I am afraid that even if the guns come, it will not be possible.

There are a total of 50 giant catapults on the line. The first wave is ten stone bombs. After the fall, in addition to the hundreds of iron monsters being blown into pieces, ten large ones are left on the ground. pit,

As a glimpse of the stone bombs flew out, the constantly moving iron monsters flooded from time to time, leaving some blanks in the flood.

When the iron monsters sneaked into the defense line less than four kilometers away, under the command of Wei Xiaobei, the giant python began to launch.

There are two hundred giant pythons!

But the accuracy of these giants can be much stronger than the giant catapult.

This wave of giant arrow shots, all the stone monsters blocking the giant arrow forward, the body is instantly penetrated! The iron wings behind the giant arrow are like the sword will be pulled up on the wound of the stone monster, pulling out a new wound!

Most of the iron stone monsters with a size of only three or four meters are pulled, and the body is basically cut to the point where they are connected together. After that, they exercise again and the body is almost dropped.

These iron monsters are not zombies. Although they are made of iron, they also have the same Achilles heel as ordinary creatures.

Whether it is the heart or somewhere else, as long as it hits and hurts, it will have a great impact on them, even death!

And those giant smashing arrows usually can run through more than ten ironstone monsters at one time.

This shows how devastating the killing power of these giant arrowheads.

The only problem is that only the first time, the iron monsters gathered in groups, the density can make these giant arrows play a continuous lethal force, until the iron monsters rushed to the front line to spread out, the giant arrow can only select the target For those powerful giant stone monsters, carry out a single shot.

With the further approach of the monster group, the ordinary trebuchets arranged at the rear have also started. Their bullets are filled with fist-sized stones. Each time they start, they can throw hundreds of stones out.

When more than 500 ordinary trebuchets were thrown at the same time, the stones that were thrown out were as dense as raindrops and fell toward those iron monsters.


A series of crashes sounded.

This time, the scene seems to be more spectacular than the giant slinger.

For a moment, a dusty fog rises three kilometers in front of the line of defense. I don’t know how many iron and stone monsters have lost their lives under this stone rain, but the number of stone monsters that have been washed out from the dust has been reduced by more than two-thirds. This makes the torrent of the formation of the stone monsters a little sparse.

It must be said that this ** long-range attack greatly weakened the number of these iron monsters.

But Wei Xiaobei, who was standing on the arrow tower to check the battle situation, became serious at this time.

The sergeants on the line of defense are busy fighting, and it is impossible to see the overall changes in the battlefield.

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