The City of Terror

Chapter 1475: Five stars ordinary! ! !

Really pills, the poor road today put the kettle on the fire to boil water, and then went to the code word, the result of forgetting the time, the kettle handles are all, Fak, how to explain the poor road to the Lord? ——

However, this also shows that this overlord will be controlled by the red stone tower.

If the merits of the back are still effective, then the red stone tower will not be able to control the tyrant, even if it is a corpse!

As a result, the secret of this tyrant is somewhat unknown and mysterious.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei said his own guess and the scorpion demon king. After all, at this time, Wei Xiaobei also wanted to use the power of the scorpion to attack this horrible tyrant. Naturally, it is impossible to conceal the red stone tower. Things.

Well, before Wei Xiaobei did not say this, the tortoise demon king was admired, revered, and awe, and he could hear Wei Bei’s saying, but his eyes showed a greedy look, with a low The voice snorted: "Get rid of it! The son of Zulong is not to be defiled!"

"I still want to think about how to block this tyrant."

Wei Xiaobei saw the thought of the tortoise and the demon king, and could not help but smile.

Undoubtedly, the idea of ​​this turtle demon king is to take this hegemony and devour the blood of the dragon or other things in his body.

If you think about it, you will know that the biggest wish of the scorpion demon king now is to break through the evolution into a real dragon, thus getting rid of the ordinary aquarium!

Now, this hegemony is slowly crawling in the distance to the naked eye.

Of course, if this tyrant is still alive, the scorpion demon king probably does not dare to give birth to such thoughts, but now the tyrant is not only dead, but the body seems to be controlled by what the evil spirits are.

Whether it is for selfishness or for maintaining the majesty of the hegemony, the Turtle King needs to kill one with the other.

If you win, it is normal to get some loot.

If you can get the blood of the tyrants, the future of the scorpion demon king is not just a real dragon!

Retreat 10,000 steps, at least the real dragon can't run away!

"No problem! You can see my means!"

At this time, even if Wei Xiaobei stopped the turtle demon king, this turtle demon king probably will not stop.

The little white turtle hanging on the neck of Wei Xiaobei tried to slam the limbs, and then he broke free of the silk thread, and then shot at a distant tyrant.

However, after leaving Wei Xiaobei's neck, the small white turtle's volume quickly expanded, flying less than a kilometer distance, just crossed the line of defense, the size of the small white turtle suddenly expanded to a diameter of 100 meters.

Later, due to the rapid expansion of the volume and weight, the white turtle quickly approached the ground and finally fell to the ground, shaking the ground and shaking it several times.

At this time, the tortoise demon king has recovered his true body, and he stretched out his neck toward the head and screamed.

Well, the head is probably already dead, so there is no reaction to the roar of the tortoise monster king, just stepping into the head and constantly approaching the line of defense!

Wei Xiaobei is somewhat curious. Although the turtle demon king has recovered a lot after shrinking, but its total return has not fully recovered, it is only about 100 meters, and wants to be more than 800 The big chunks of rice fight, it seems to be a bit self-effacing.

Indeed, I can see it when I imagine it.

At this time, the gap between the tortoise and the Naha is like a three-four-year-old child challenging an adult is ridiculous.

However, Wei Xiaobei always has some hopes for the turtle demon king.

After all, the Turtle Demon King has always been very stable, and it is not the kind of unrecognizable character.

The turtle demon king walks on land more quickly than the hegemony, but it is much slower than the upstream movement on the sea. Therefore, the tortoise demon king has four limbs to support the ground, even under the body. The fountains of the stocks rushed out, and the spring waters of these spurts were extremely strong. In the blink of an eye, the heavy body of the scorpion demon king was supported, and then the scorpion demon king speeded up, as the same head ran fast. The calf rushed toward the Naha.

Near, near!

With the help of spring water, the speed of the tortoise monster is not as fast as lightning, but it can be said that it is as fast as running.

Therefore, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

Finally, at the time of five or six hundred meters from Naha, the spring water under the turtle demon king suddenly skyrocketed, and suddenly the turtle demon king flew up!


When the tortoise demon king fell to the hegemony, he even brought out a sharp whistling sound in the air!

At this time, Naha seems to be a little bit responsive. The huge head is slowly rising, looking at the fallen scorpion demon king with a dull gaze. I don’t know if I’m watching the scorpion demon king, or thinking about it. what.

But the coming will come.

The body of the tortoiseshell demon king slammed into the top of the tyrant!

There was a loud bang, and Wei Xiaobei, who was more than ten kilometers away from here, felt that the loud noise came, and his ears were temporarily deaf.

As for the stone monsters and the soldiers who just got up from the earthquake, the vibrations that were once again transmitted from the ground were shaken to the ground!

However, these situations are trivial.

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was now staring at the distant turtle and the demon king and the tyrant, and lost the opportunity to throw a million things in the Naha!

Although through the introduction of the Turtle Demon King, Wei Xiaobei has already understood some situations under the hegemony, but if he wants to know more details, or wants to find the weakness of this hegemony, then everything must be used.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei’s move also took a considerable risk.

Although all things are known to have removed most of the negative effects after the perceived attribute has been raised to 120 points, it is not easy to attract the attention of the other party.

But the opposite is the son of Zulong, but it is not an ordinary haunted house. Besides, it is now controlled by the red stone tower. It is hard to say that one of the things that I know is lost, and what kind of unexpected changes will occur.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei still used everything in Naha.

Name: Baxia

Introduction: The tyrant is the sixth son of Zulong, who is good at carrying the three mountains and five sacred mountains, and is eager to make waves. After being conquered by the big scorpion, he manages the flood. The meritorious stone monument stands on the back of the back and falls on the Tiewei Mountain. The body transformation is the third day of the throne. Under the arrogant witch control

Weakness: light heat

Race: Zulong

Gender: Male

Age: 5121 years old

Biology level: five stars ordinary (death decay)

Attribute: (omitted)

Skills: Knowing the language

Special skills: shifting mountains and controlling water, Zulong blood, carrying a boundary.

Evolution point: x (cannot accumulate evolution points)

Holder: None


When Wei Xiaobei read the property sheet under this tyrant, the first time swearing blurted out.

Wei Xiaobei really couldn’t help it.

Recently, my luck is so "good", I will encounter a five-star ordinary monster here!

To be honest, before this, Wei Xiaobei thought that the other side is also the biological level of the four-star disaster, and at most it is much more powerful than himself.

After all, the span of any biological level is not small, there may be a world of difference between the most existential and the weakest existence, the combat strength and so on.

But this hegemony will be five-star ordinary!

This is what Wei Xiaobei never imagined.

It’s really a fool!

Undoubtedly, this is the first five-star monster that Wei Xiaobei encountered!

Fortunately, the other party has died, in a state of death and weakness, and it is a dead body.

But even if it is a corpse, it is also a five-star ordinary creature level, which really makes people feel that they want to beat people.

If this hegemon is still alive, I am afraid that its strength will be even stronger!

Just when Wei Xiaobei’s heart was not only the mother-in-law, the tortoise and the demon king who had collided with the top of the head seemed to be a bowling ball and flew out.

To be honest, this time, Wei Xiaobei feels pain for the tortoiseshell demon king!

However, the place where the tortoise demon king was shot down is not good, but it is the most central part of the defense. If you let the tortoise demon king go down like this, it’s just the shock wave, I’m afraid it will open a big in the middle of the line of defense. The hole is coming.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed up, and put on the sun gloves in his hands. When he was close to the falling turtle, the whole body muscles suddenly tightened, then reached up and tried to put it.璇 turtle demon king hold!

It should be known that the power of Wei Xiaobei has exceeded the control value of 50,000 tons.

Even if a 10,000-ton ship fell, Wei Xiaobei wanted to catch up without much problems.

The only problem that can arise is that when the turtle demon king falls, the impact can be more than the 10,000-ton wheel.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei just greeted him. In the next moment, Wei Xiaobei felt an unparalleled force to press down. The air that had solidified under his feet began to crack and collapse. Xiaobei’s body followed and fell down!

not good!

Wei Xiaobei knows that if he falls down like this, his only end is to be crushed by the turtle demon king!

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei's body strength broke out, his muscles suddenly burst, and his whole body strength suddenly increased again.

After this, Wei Xiaobei was only able to hold the fallen turtle demon king at a distance of less than ten meters from the ground!

At this time, whether it was Wei Xiaobei or the soldiers below, there was a cold sweat.

If it wasn’t for Wei Xiaobei’s all-out efforts, there would be a huge pit here, even hundreds of soldiers around!

Throwing the tortoise monster to the ground, Wei Xiaobei could not help but hate and said: "You are not bragging to see you? Why is it bombed back?"

This is not to be irritated by Xiaobei, and the singer and the demon king said before the big words, but the danger is out of trouble, how to prevent Wei Xiaobei from being annoyed.

The tortoise demon king is somewhat shy, and he is somewhat underestimated. He is not a child of Zulong, even after death, it is so powerful.

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