The City of Terror

Chapter 1480: Red stone tower!

This chapter is scheduled to be released, so at this time the poor road is probably in a dream -

Perhaps it was the ground vibration caused by the continuous impact, which caused the iron monster to wake up from sleep in advance and began to struggle.

Walk you!

It’s all on this ridge. It’s impossible for Wei Xiaobei to put down the iron stone monster, and take advantage of the frequency of the iron stone monster’s struggle, and the iron stone monster will be taken out.

This time, the golden Buddha light that was born on the courtyard wall became more and more intense. Even the walls of the courtyard were covered up, and the original shape of the courtyard wall could not be seen. Even if Wei Xiaobei looked at the past, he could only see it. The golden Buddha light.




The iron stone monster made a sharp whistling sound, and after a moment, it slammed on the golden Buddha light and made a loud noise like a landslide.

This time, the golden Buddha light could no longer support it. Under the bombardment of Juli, it suddenly shattered from the impact point. It was like glass. There were countless cracks. When the time was less than half, it was broken and turned into a golden light spot. It disappeared without a trace.

Losing the protection of the golden Buddha light, the stone monster slammed into the wall of the courtyard, and then made a loud noise again, which made a huge gap in the wall!

Even after the iron stone monster opened the gap, he slammed into the Datianlong Temple and squatted on a drum tower!

The Drum Tower could have no golden Buddha light protection, and it was broken from the moment, pushing Jinshan down the jade column and directly collapsed.

Until then, the iron stone monster broke the drum tower, but also the body was broken, and finally hit the king's temple, the Temple of Heaven crashed into a small half.

As the stone monster thrown by Wei Xiaobei broke through the wall, the red stone tower hidden in Tallinn seemed to be anxious. Wei Xiaobei saw a red light from the direction of Tallinn through the gap in the wall. Rise, then turn to the side of your own!

The evil contained in the red light is extremely rich, and people can see more eyes and dizziness!

Even if Wei Xiaobei saw it, I felt a little dizzy in my mind.

The witch really has some doorways!

However, what happened next was to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat unpredictable.

Soon after the red light rose and turned, the thick Buddha light over the big Tianlong Temple seemed to find the target in a flash, pouring down like a waterfall, and the red light was washed away in a blink of an eye.

But this is not the end. The Buddha light that has poured down continues to fall. Wei Xiaobei only heard a screaming female voice, and the Buddha light drowned the Tallinn in the temple!

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei did not expect it.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, since the witch has sneaked into the Datianlong Temple and occupied the nest, the Buddha of the Great Tianlong Temple seems to have no influence on it.

But now, when the red light moves, it actually ignites the Buddha light of the Great Tianlong Temple, as if Mars fell into the petrol can, and for a moment, the Buddha light broke the hand of the red stone tower!

Before and after this, what happened in the end, Wei Xiaobei will have some thoughts for a while.

But just after the fall of the Buddha light, less than three time, Wei Xiaobei saw the golden light like the river, and suddenly a red light rose again, struggling out from the Buddha light!

The witch was not killed under such a rich Buddha light.

Wei Xiaobei immediately looked at it!

The red light tower is wrapped in the red light tower, which is spinning fast, taking the opportunity to drill a passage in the Buddha light!

Good guy!

Actually, I still know how the rotation can speed up the sprint?

Regardless of the words, the Buddha and the red light are the enemy of life and death! Therefore, when the red stone tower is desperately rotating and wants to get out of the body, the surrounding Buddha light is constantly consuming the red light of its bodyguard, and even some Buddha light has invaded the red light, making many parts of the red stone tower begin to be Buddha light kills.

Wei Xiaobei sneered at the red stone tower, whether it is the true body of the witch, or the witch hiding in the red stone tower, Wei Xiaobei can not let it escape!

The enemy's disease is going to kill its life, but Wei Xiaobei's principle of acting in the square!

Then what looks at the enemy is pitiful, so that the other party's things are not likely to appear in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Well, even if there is such a thing, it is Wei Xiaobei who wants to study each other, take it down, shut it up, and study it slowly, instead of letting the tiger return to the mountains!

Both hands were caught on a sleeping stone monster, and a light drink, Wei Xiaobei lifted it up, but his eyes never left the red stone pagoda struggling to escape in the Buddha light.

Wei Xiaobei, who raised the iron monster, did not rush to throw the iron stone monster out.

He knows that if the timing is wrong, it may defeat the Buddha light and help the red stone tower to get out.

Such an enemy, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to do.

However, when waiting for this, Wei Xiaobei was not wasted. The hands of the stone monsters were constantly pouring a lot of thunder and lightning into the stone monsters!

This made the iron monster almost mad, and the body trembled, but it was already stimulated to wake up.

Although the Iron Monster does not have much wisdom, the nature of the Beast is still there.

Undoubtedly, the filling of thunder and lightning is so mad that the iron stone monster is suffering, but the power from Wei Xiaobei has suppressed it and dare not have a little resistance!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei could not allow a little accident to appear, so he released his power early.

Feeling Wei Xiaobei's power at such a close distance, it really made the iron monster feel terrified.

If the body of this stone monster is not composed of iron and stone, it is probably incontinence.

The red stone tower's energy at this time is completely used to fight against the Buddha's light and to get away from it. Naturally, it is impossible to pay attention to Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that the red stone tower is indeed a bit powerful. The Buddha in the Great Tianlong Temple accumulated thousands of years of madness, and it was not able to cause too much damage to this red stone tower!

This may be one of the specific reasons why it can easily sneak into the Big Dragon Temple.

But in any case, the Buddha light was originally to restrain the existence of these evil spirits, so the red light shrouded in the red stone tower quickly shrank under the glory of the Buddha.

To this end, the red stone tower speeds up the rotation, which makes it speed up a lot.

The Buddha Light, which has been falling continuously, seems to be somewhat angry at this time. There are bursts of chanting sounds over the temple. It’s like countless great virtues sitting around, holding the seals, and even occasionally there are wooden fish hits. The sound came out.

Awesome chanting!

Wei Xiaobei was not guarded, and his heart suddenly became peaceful. The murder of the red stone tower was diluted a lot, and even the thought of wanting to enter the temple was born.

Fortunately, just as Wei Xiaobei’s footsteps moved, the temptation and self-motivation immediately started, and Wei Xiaobei was awakened from the chanting.

When I saw Wei Xiaobei, I saw it, and unconsciously, I walked a hundred meters away from the Big Dragon Temple!

This big Tianlong Temple is really scary!

This is still a bit of power that has been leaked out invisibly after it has been sealed!

It is conceivable that if the many effects of this big Tianlong Temple were not sealed, it was pointed out that Wei Xiaobei had already sat in the temple at this time, put on his robes, and hit a wooden fish.

This scene that comes to mind is that Wei Xiaobei can't help but have a cold sweat on his back.

Fortunately, this power is mainly used to deal with the red stone tower.

With the influence of these forces, the red stone tower that has already rushed to the vicinity of the Daxiong Hall is a lot harder, and even the top of the spire is swept away by the Buddha.

It can be said that with the sound of the singer of the great sorghum, the sound of the wooden fish, the red light shrouded around the red stone tower was weakened to the extreme, tightly attached to the red stone tower, and can no longer expand half a point.

The speed of the red stone tower has become slower, as if it is struggling in the quagmire. Every step forward, it is very difficult, like the squid that rushes to the waterfall, and it will be backed up by the Buddha light from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei could not help but suspect that the red stone tower could not rush out of the Big Dragon Temple.

Well, if there is no accident in this situation, it is probably like this.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei felt that the iron-clad mountain under his feet suddenly shook.

How is this going?

We must know that this iron-clad mountain is extremely incomparable, but it is not something that can be shaken by the general earthquake.

But its vibration really did.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei thought of a problem.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei even put the iron monster down, but he was somewhat worried that the other side would escape, and he would kneel on the other's head with a few punches.

The iron monster should probably be a gorilla, and his head was smashed by Wei Xiaobei, and there was no accidental coma.

Next, Wei Xiaobei quickly cultivated more than a dozen weak pigs. After the epidermis of these weak pigs was dry, after swallowing the fragments of meat and meat, they flew their wings and flew down the mountain.

These weak pigs are now several times faster than usual.

Of course, flying at a speed like the weak pig will greatly deplete the strength of its body and thus reduce its useful life.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei can not care about the long service life of these weak pigs. What he needs is to quickly find the reason for the vibration of the Tiewei Mountain, to avoid the accident that caused the red stone tower to escape!

On this Tiewei Mountain, from the bottom up, the speed can't be faster, but from the top to the bottom, the speed will be much faster.

What's more, the weak pigs are going down the mountain in a flying mode, and the speed is a bit faster.

So it didn't take long for Wei Xiaobei to see the cause of the earthquake through the weak pigs.

It is the head!

At that time, the head of the tyrant slammed his eyes and was struggling to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain!

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