The City of Terror

Chapter 1496: Leading party

Thank you for your concern, the poor road posted a plaster, the teeth actually do not hurt the problem is that this plaster was originally used to paste the shoulder inflammation -


I don't know where the little boy has a strong interest. Huang Kun uses the fantasy will every day for as many as three hundred times.

It is impossible to say that Huang Kun’s spiritual attributes are likely to support such many fantasies, but whenever Huang Kun uses fantasy will more than five times, when the energy is exhausted, Yan Yan will point his finger at the first shot, and a red light falls on the yellow. On Kun, the next moment Huang Kun will feel a warm stream in the body, and he will be like a chicken blood, and become energetic.

In this way, Yan Yan squeezed Huang Kun again and again, so that Huang Kun is now producing fantasy phobia.

For Huang Kun, the most unbearable thing for him this month is that every time he uses his fantasy will, he will be ruined by sputum, and most of them will scare themselves.

Whether it is an airplane, a cannon, a missile or a warship, or even some useless machinery, it will eventually be played by a smoldering fireworks.

Of course, after a month or so, Huang Kun is probably numb now. He even suspects that even if there is a hydrogen bomb exploding in front of his own eyes, he will not blink his eyes.

Because even if he is half-dead, he can save himself!

After all, for a real dragon like Yan Yan, a guy like Huang Kun, as long as he doesn't die, it is not difficult to save.

Really not, give Huang Kun a little dragon blood, it will be ok.

Well, of course, this is in the case of Huang Kun’s extreme danger.

In a month, Huang Kun was basically given a dragon's blood every day.

Although Yan Yan voluntarily poured his own dragon blood into Huang Kun's body, Huang Kun will not be killed because of this. On the contrary, Huang Kun will have a real dragon blood, which will speed up the recovery. Until now, Huang Kun’s body The true dragon blood is also said to be strong.

However, the general sensation of magma in the fire dragon blood cannot be eliminated.

Therefore, when Huang Kun is about to hang up every time he is bombed, he will desperately look at Yan Yan’s fiddling on himself and come to the conclusion that he is about to hang up. Then Yan Yan will force from his fingers. A drop of dragon blood is dropped into the mouth of Huang Kun.

Such as swallowing magma!

And it is swallowed every day!

If you switch to someone who is extremely excited about looking for excitement, I am afraid I will not be able to stand it.

To be honest, if you can, Huang Kun wants to commit suicide.

But even if you can't commit suicide, then Yan Yan is staring.

Therefore, at this time, Wei Xiaobei appeared, and Huang Kun seemed to have encountered the Goddess of Mercy that saved the suffering. When he rushed on, he hugged Wei Xiaobei's calf, for fear that Master suddenly disappeared.

For Huang Kun’s move, Wei Xiaobei is crying and laughing. He also knows that Huang Kun is here, I am afraid there is no good life, but it is a must.

Only in this way can we completely solve the hidden dangers in Huang Kun.

And now Wei Xiaobei's gaze swept past Huang Kun, and suddenly nodded with satisfaction.

Compared with the time when he sent him over, the current Huang Kun has greatly improved his spiritual attributes, and his soul strength has also improved a lot.

In this way, the problems brought about by the fantasy will will be resolved, and it is not necessary to worry about when Huang Kun suddenly exploded.

Next, Wei Xiaobei asked about the meaning of Yan Yan. According to the idea of ​​Wei Xiaobei, he simply asked Yan Yan to join Qingmu Fudi.

However, Yan Yan shook his head and refused Wei Xiaobei’s proposal.

It is not willing to go to other worlds, its hatred has not been reported yet, but now the strength is not enough.

When the phlegm is completely adult, it will kill the Xihai Dragon Palace!

Seeing Yan Yan refused, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to persuade.

He also knows that although Yan Yan is young, it is not so easy to shake.

And with the current strength of phlegm, even if it enters Aoki Fudi, it is probably impossible to break through the bottleneck and improve its strength like Zhao Yun.

After all, this problem is also directly linked to the volume of Aoki Fudi.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not worried. Yan Yan will encounter too much danger here. In any case, with the strength of Yan Yan, as long as it is willing, escape is no problem.

Therefore, after saying goodbye to Yan Yan, Wei Xiaobei returned to the reality with Huang Kun, who was overjoyed.

After waiting for Xiaobei to return to reality, Li Zhaoxing, who was glaring at his eyebrows, seemed to be waiting here for a lot of time. When he saw Wei Xiaobei, he greeted him.

"You can be considered back. If you don't come back, I am ready to enter the gray world to find you."

Li Zhaoxing Zhang mouth complained, it seems that Wei Xiaobei did not come back in time, causing much trouble.

Well, it actually seems to be the same.

The reason is very simple. I remember that before Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, he originally planned to go to Yingguo to help him deal with things like Arthur and so on.

As a result, after Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, he encountered a big riot in the Tiewei Mountain monster, and then it was a tyrant and so on, which made the time delay for a full month!

After receiving the reply from China, the eagle government, which is struggling to persist, is naturally overjoyed. The publicity of the reinforcements is coming soon. It seems that King Arthur and the disaster brought by the dragon will be swept away.

Undoubtedly, such propaganda has greatly encouraged the morale of the British soldiers and civilians.

After all, in today's world, China was originally the world's number one power, and the monsters that invaded China were much more than the Eagles, but the chaos of China was greatly suppressed.

Therefore, the people of the Eagle Kingdom still have great hopes for the reinforcements to be sent by China.

The problem is that after Wei Xiaobei entered the gray world, various things were delayed.

The eagle government is also waiting for the moon, waiting for the moon, etc. After a week passed, the reinforcements did not come. This made the eagle government somewhat worried. Then, after an inquiry, it was known that the aid troops sent by Huaxia had problems, and the main force of the reinforcements entered the gray world. Something is wrong.

Of course, this is only the official answer of the Huaxia Parliament to the inquiry, but in fact it is also true, but the Chinese Parliament is not likely to know where Wei Xiaobei went.

As a result, the Eagle State government arrested and rushed to send special envoys to China to urge the reinforcements. As a result, the special envoy was savvy and ran directly to Weijiadao.

In the latter half of the month, Li Zhaoxing, who was temporarily responsible for the general manager’s home, had a tail behind him.

The handsome, tall-eyed Yinghua mixed-race man will follow Li Zhaoxing every day and ask when Wei Xiaobei will return.

Initially, Li Zhaoxing had an indifferent attitude towards multiple followers behind him.

Anyway, it is straightforward to ignore it.

For a long time, Li Zhaoxing could not eat any more.

The most crucial problem is that Li Yuxing is beautiful and single, and the special envoy is also a tall and handsome British army. For a long time, there are rumors and rumors on Weijia Island.

Probably what happened to Li Zhaoxing and the special envoy of the special envoy.

Well, although Li Zhaoxing does not exclude the time to find a handsome boyfriend, the problem is that the identity of the special envoy and himself is not appropriate.

One is the temporary general manager of Weijiadao, and the other is the special envoy of the Eagle State Government. On this point, it is a little difficult for the two sides to make any sparks.

Besides, even if the special envoy is responsible for his responsibilities, he may not have the feeling of picking up a girl here.

Fortunately, Li Zhaoxing said that it is also the highest sergeant of Weijiadao. Those rumors are not dare to appear in front of her. Only after Li Yuxing knows these gossips, he always feels that others are looking at his own eyes and feels behind him. The follower is a bit confusing.

However, Mr. Special Envoy did not make any moves beyond the regularity. This made Li Zhaoxing unable to find a chance even if he wanted to make a disaster, but his heart was extremely unhappy.

After listening to Li Zhaoxing’s complaints, Wei Xiaobei could not help but laugh.

To say that Wei Xiaobei first had a little miss on Li Zhaoxing, but now, with the continuous growth of strength and the broadening of the horizon, Wei Xiaobei’s demand for such things, to be honest, has weakened a lot.

Now think about it, Li Zhaoxing's age is not too small, if you can find a good person, it is not bad.

Just as Wei Xiaobei tried to inquire, Li Zhaoxing was a little angry. He went straight to the special envoy, and then he slammed the door and left the two men in the office a bit stunned.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat aware of it. I am afraid that Li Zhaoxing might have some thoughts about himself.

The problem is that even if there is an idea, Wei Xiaobei can't make it grow.

Li Zhaoxing is the apprentice of his wife. If his wife knows this, hehe is troubled.

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not put too much thought on Li Zhaoxing's thoughts on himself, but took his attention back and looked at the special envoy standing in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were a bit strange.

This special envoy is not an ordinary human!

In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, the envoy was covered in a layer of blood red brilliance.

But the blood red brilliance does not have much killing power, mixed with some gray atmosphere and **** breath.

Judging by the breath of the other party, it should be Samsung's ordinary strength.

This is what Wei Xiaobei did not think of. The Eagle State Government even sent a gray world practitioner to act as a special envoy!

"Please sit down, sorry, some rude."

Wei Xiaobei is also not allowed to stand still. After looking at both eyes, he will reach out and ask the other person to sit down.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Zhaoxing sent two cups of tea and sent it in, but it was still slightly inconspicuous, and Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a bitter smile.

"Here, I need to apologize to Miss Li as a personal person, and this time brought a lot of trouble to her."

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